
Petro-Moz Petro-Moz operates through two-way interaction between community members. Petro-Moz engages in collaborations and the sharing of information.

It is an environment consisting of people who can share ideas for the purpose of career networking. It involves people conversing and working together to solve problems, meet goals, share opinions, and ideas concerning Mozambique's energy sector. The social engagement’s purpose is to motivate and compel members to contribute and engage positively to the energy community.





Seja o primeiro a receber as novidades e deixe-nos enviar-lhe um email quando Petro-Moz publica notícias e promoções. O seu endereço de email não será utilizado para qualquer outro propósito, e pode cancelar a subscrição a qualquer momento.


Outra Empresa de comunicação e notícias em Maputo

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