😬 I almost cancelled this shoot...indefinitely.
Jennifer Williams so graciously invited me to come and do a bo***ir photoshoot with her...10 years after our last one. The only issue was, I’d very recently put on 30 pounds. Stress, increased responsibilities and an over-packed schedule had me unable to make going to the gym a priority and honestly, the body I’ve been living in isnt one I recognize. It’s not something that bothers me on an every day basis, but it *is* something that comes to you’re attention when you’re wearing next to nothing and have a camera pointing at your ass. haha While I was in the process of thinking of how I could get out of it, a little voice popped into my head saying “This isnt very BLE of you, Jayna!” Damn...who would have thought having a podcast about living boldly was something I’d take *so* seriously?! I knew I had to walk it like I talk it....show up sexy, even if I’m not feeling sexy. Believe it and I’ll be it....so I slathered myself in self tanner and decided to trust the process...and my fabulous photographer. (Did you see the last shot??) Thank you to Jennifer for making me feel like an absolute goddess for the day. “Waiting to lose a few” is sooooOOooo 5 years ago, ladies! It’s a waste of time, honestly. So here’s me, giving myself the grace I give everyone else and living boldly (over 40!)...here’s hoping you feel inspired to do the same.
Sending an extra special thank you to ***ir 🧡🔥 I’ll love you forever, woman!
If you’re curious to know what it’s like to do a bo***ir shoot, check out episode 102 of Big Lash Energy ...available wherever you listen to podcasts!