Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会 有一分热, 发一分光,就令萤火一般,也可以在黑暗里发一点光, 不必等候炬火🔥 必须敢于正视,这才可望敢想、敢说、敢做、敢当💪🏻 【仁、义、礼、智、信、恕、忠、孝、悌】 欢迎加入加影民生体育会 💗

Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih 孤儿院近日收容了多位0至3岁的孤儿👶 面临着奶粉等基本物资的短缺而寻求本会出手相助。本会热心会员Mr. Ng Kah Wei得知这一情况后,义不容辞地伸出了援手,承诺每三个月捐赠一批奶...

Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih 孤儿院近日收容了多位0至3岁的孤儿👶 面临着奶粉等基本物资的短缺而寻求本会出手相助。本会热心会员Mr. Ng Kah Wei得知这一情况后,义不容辞地伸出了援手,承诺每三个月捐赠一批奶粉🥛

Mr. Ng Kah Wei 的善行不仅让孤儿院的孩子们得到温饱,更让我们看到社区中点滴关怀的力量。Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会谨代表全体成员对您的无私奉献深表敬意,并在此衷心㊗️愿您身体健康、事事顺心、万事如意💕

The Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih orphanage has recently taken in several orphans aged 0 to 3 and is facing a shortage of essential supplies like baby formula 🍼
They reached out to our association for help. Our dedicated member, Mr. Ng Kah Wei generously offered his support and pledged to donate a batch of baby formula every three months 🥛providing nutrition and care for these young lives 👶❤️

Mr. Ng Kah Wei’s act of kindness not only helps feed the orphans but also shows the power of compassion in our community 🤝
On behalf of all members, Min Sen Sports Association Kajang sincerely thanks you for your selfless contribution 🙏 Wishes you good health, success and happiness in all you do 🎉🌟



【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Alliance - #纯手工咸蛋黄莲蓉月饼】

大家好!中秋将至,共度温馨佳节 🥮 民生为大家介绍民生理事成员Alex Tee 太太手工制作的纯正月饼,独特的咸蛋黄内陷让您回味无穷。
精美礼盒4️⃣ 粒装仅需RM34
传统工艺,美味呈现 🤤
订购请联系 : Jenny Yong 0122661684
Alex Tee 0162170665

Hello everyone! As Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, enjoy the heartwarming occasion with handmade authentic mooncakes 🥮 by Alex Tee's wife. Experience the unique salted egg yolk filling that will leave you longing for more. A beautifully crafted box of 4️⃣ mooncakes is only RM34. Traditional craftsmanship, delightful flavor.
Please contact: Jenny Yong 012-266-1684 Alex Tee at 016-217-0665

#中秋快乐 #团团圆圆

【加影民生体育会讣告 Obituary Notice Min Sen Sports Association Kajang】怀着沉痛之情,宣告本会成员李玉明先生辞世。我们共同为他祈祷,向悲伤的家人表达最深切的慰问。会员们可以在星期二晚上七点半...

【加影民生体育会讣告 Obituary Notice Min Sen Sports Association Kajang】


With deep sorrow, we announce the passing of our member Mr. Lee Yoke Mein. Let us unite in prayer for him and extend heartfelt condolences to the grieving family.
Members are invited to join us on Tuesday at 7:30PM for the memorial service🌹

治丧处 Memorial Venue:
No 270, Kg Sg Chua, 43000 Kajang, Selangor

出殡仪式将于星期三上午九点开始 The funeral procession will begin at 9AM on Wednesday, 4th September

【八月二十七日Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会理事成员参加出席張萧洪公法主聖君“加影顺南宫”筹募建庙基金晚宴 🌟 Committee members attended the fundrai...

【八月二十七日Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会理事成员参加出席張萧洪公法主聖君“加影顺南宫”筹募建庙基金晚宴 🌟 Committee members attended the fundraising dinner for the temple construction fund at Shun Nan Temple Kajang on August 27th 🎉】

感谢这一年来大家的努力与支持,让我们的社区更加团结和谐 ❤️

We are grateful for everyone’s support and dedication throughout the year. Together, we make our community stronger and more united 💪

#顺南宫 #加影 #民生

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会 wishes everyone a Happy 67th Merdeka Day 🎉🇲🇾Let us celebrate our nation's inde...

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会 wishes everyone a Happy 67th Merdeka Day 🎉🇲🇾

Let us celebrate our nation's independence and unity, and look forward to a more prosperous and harmonious future together💪✨ #民生 #国庆快乐

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Alliance -  #纯手工咸蛋黄莲蓉月饼】    大家好!中秋将至,共度温馨佳节 🥮 民生为大家介绍民生理事成员Alex Tee 太太手工制作的纯正月饼,独特的咸蛋黄内陷让您回味无穷。精美礼盒4️⃣ ...

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Alliance - #纯手工咸蛋黄莲蓉月饼】

大家好!中秋将至,共度温馨佳节 🥮 民生为大家介绍民生理事成员Alex Tee 太太手工制作的纯正月饼,独特的咸蛋黄内陷让您回味无穷。
精美礼盒4️⃣ 粒装仅需RM34
传统工艺,美味呈现 🤤
订购请联系 : Jenny Yong 0122661684
Alex Tee 0162170665

Hello everyone! As Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, enjoy the heartwarming occasion with handmade authentic mooncakes 🥮 by Alex Tee's wife. Experience the unique salted egg yolk filling that will leave you longing for more. A beautifully crafted box of 4️⃣ mooncakes is only RM34. Traditional craftsmanship, delightful flavor.
Please contact: Jenny Yong 012-266-1684 Alex Tee at 016-217-0665

#中秋快乐 #团团圆圆

【加影民生体育会讣告 Obituary Notice Min Sen Sports Association Kajang】怀着沉痛之情,宣告本团成员李子清先生的父亲李福友老先生辞世。我们共同为他祈祷,向悲伤的家人表达最深切的慰问。会员们可以...

【加影民生体育会讣告 Obituary Notice Min Sen Sports Association Kajang】



With deep sorrow, we announce the passing of Mr. 李福友, father of our member Mr. Lee Chee Chin. Let us unite in prayer for him and extend heartfelt condolences to the grieving family. Members are invited to join us on Monday at 7:30PM for memorial service🌹

治丧处 Memorial Venue: No.369, Kampung Baru Sungai Chua, 43000, Kajang, Selangor.

出殡仪式将于星期二上午七点半开始 The funeral procession will begin at 7.30AM on Tuesday, 20th August 2024.


【加影华侨学校产业受托会8月16日“汇报与表扬”晚宴 Chinese Property Entrusted Association Kajang’s Report and Recognition Banquet】

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会理事团于八月十六号出席了加影华侨学校产业受托会主办的“汇报与表扬”晚宴 🎉

晚宴上,各华团领袖济济一堂,积极交流,共同探讨如何进一步推动社区发展。感恩这一年大家的支持与付出,让我们的社区更加紧密团结 🤝

🌟 Min Sen Sports Association Kajang committee members attended the "Report and Recognition" banquet on August 16th, hosted by the Chinese Property Entrusted Association Kajang. Leaders from various Chinese associations gathered and engaged in meaningful discussions on advancing community development.

We are thankful for everyone's dedication, making our community even stronger and more united ❤️

#丹斯里拿督曾贵秋 感谢您对社会的卓越贡献💕


【 添隆社联谊会2024年庆第九届孟兰胜会 The 2024 Thein Loong Sher Ulu Langat, Selangor 9th Annual Menglan Shenghui Festival Celebration 】

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会理事团于八月十三号出席了由加影区添隆社联谊会主办的第九届孟兰胜会 🎉
今年的活动充满了热闹与温馨,感恩这一年大家的支持和付出,让我们的社区更加紧密 🤝

🌟 Min Sen Sports Association Kajang committee members attended the 9th Annual Menglan Shenghui Festival on August 13th, hosted by Kajang Thein Loong Sher Association. We are thankful for everyone's dedication, making our community even stronger and closer together ❤️

#加影 #民生
David Cheong

【 Kajang Shen Sze She Yar Temple加影师爷宮 2024年庆祝仙四师爷千秋宝诞暨本宫成立127周年纪念平安晚宴 The 127th Anniversary Celebration Banquet of Sin S...

【 Kajang Shen Sze She Yar Temple加影师爷宮 2024年庆祝仙四师爷千秋宝诞暨本宫成立127周年纪念平安晚宴 The 127th Anniversary Celebration Banquet of Sin Sze Si Ya’s Birthday at Kajang Shen Sze She Yak Temple 】

加影民生体育会理事团共同出席了加影师爷宫庆祝仙四师爷千秋宝诞暨成立127周年纪念平安晚宴。感恩这一年里大家的努力与支持让我们的社区更加团结和谐 ❤️

🌟 Min Sen Sports Association Kajang committee members joined the celebration of Kajang Shen Sze She Yak Temple’s 127th Anniversary and Sin Sze Si Ya’s Birthday 🎉

We are grateful for everyone’s support and dedication throughout the year. Together, we make our community stronger and more united 💪

#加影 #民生
Wayne Ong Chun Wei

【民生商盟 / MinSen Business Alliance Piing Onn Trading 平安香烛神料店】  🎉 活动日期:8月10-12日(3天)🕰 时间:11:30AM - 1:00AM📍 地点:Kajang Prima J...

【民生商盟 / MinSen Business Alliance Piing Onn Trading 平安香烛神料店】

🎉 活动日期:8月10-12日(3天)
🕰 时间:11:30AM - 1:00AM
📍 地点:Kajang Prima Jalan Semenyih Fun Fair

我们诚挚邀请您光临五虎美食市集WOOHOO FOOD FAIR #平安香烛神料 现场提供丰富的美食和供品,让您尽情选购:
🍍 黄梨(金凤凰)
🍍 黄梨Juice
💗 山竹
💗 炸Cempedak
❤️ 粽子
🍓 水果杯


👑 五虎将快闪市集
🗓 日期:8月10/11/12日
⏰ 时间:5PM~11PM
📍 地点:Kajang Prima Mr D.I.Y对面空地


#脆皮豆腐 #烧麻薯 #铁板烤肉 #韩式炸鸡 #钵钵鸡 #热狗王 #煎饼果子 #蚝煎 #啦啦煎 #泡芙 #芝士蛋糕 #提那米苏 #冰粉 #水果冰沙 #薄饼 #冰糖葫芦 #炸小吃 #泰式煎饼 #锅贴 #泰国奶茶 #麻辣香锅 #麻辣烫 #串烧和牛 #烧羊排 #奶茶 #水果茶

本月3️⃣号加影民生体育会理事团出席武来岸顺英馆六壬仙师坛在石哪督路多元化大礼堂举办的千秋宝诞暨筹募建庙基金晚宴 🎊众多善信前来祈福,共同缅怀六壬仙师的伟大精神,并支持建庙基金的筹募。衷心感谢大家的积极参与和支持 ✨On the 3rd A...

本月3️⃣号加影民生体育会理事团出席武来岸顺英馆六壬仙师坛在石哪督路多元化大礼堂举办的千秋宝诞暨筹募建庙基金晚宴 🎊
众多善信前来祈福,共同缅怀六壬仙师的伟大精神,并支持建庙基金的筹募。衷心感谢大家的积极参与和支持 ✨

On the 3rd August, the Min Sen Sports Association Kajang committee attended the Qianqiu Festival and Temple Fundraising Dinner hosted by the Broga Taoist Temple's Liuren Xianshi. Many devotees came to pray 🙏, commemorate the great spirit of Liuren Xianshi, and support the temple fundraising. We sincerely thank everyone for their active participation and support ❤️

【📣  #第五次孤儿院交通费用移交 Notice - Fifth Orphanage Transportation Expenses Handover】 Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih #民生公益    本月三号我们...

【📣 #第五次孤儿院交通费用移交 Notice - Fifth Orphanage Transportation Expenses Handover】 Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih

本月三号我们完成了第五次孤儿院学校交通费用的支票移交,金额为马币870。感谢大家的慷慨捐助和持续支持 💗 您的爱心帮助孩子们顺利上学,健康成长 🫶🏻

您的支持为孩子们的未来奠定了坚实的基础。我们感激您的无私奉献和热情关怀,感谢您与我们共同创造美好的未来 ❤️🥰

On August 3rd, we completed the fifth handover of school transportation funds for the orphanage children RM 870. We are deeply grateful for your generous donations and continuous support 💗 Your kindness helps these children attend school and grow healthily 🫶🏻

Your support lays a solid foundation for their future. We appreciate your selfless dedication and warm care, and thank you for joining us in creating a brighter future 💞

加影民生体育会理事团昨日在蕉来皇冠城参加了关帝圣君千秋宝诞 & 创立3️⃣3️⃣周年平安晚宴。众多善信前来祈福,共同缅怀关帝圣君的伟大精神。感谢积极参与和支持 🎊✨The Min Sen Sports Association Kajang ...

加影民生体育会理事团昨日在蕉来皇冠城参加了关帝圣君千秋宝诞 & 创立3️⃣3️⃣周年平安晚宴。众多善信前来祈福,共同缅怀关帝圣君的伟大精神。感谢积极参与和支持 🎊✨

The Min Sen Sports Association Kajang committee attended the Guan Di Sheng Jun Birthday Celebration yesterday at Cheras Mahkota Kuan Tei Temple. Many devotees came to pray and honor the great spirit of Guan Di Sheng Jun. Thanks for active participation and support 💗🎈

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会理事团于7月27日(星期六)晚在加影六壬仙师庙隆重庆祝六壬仙师四十七周年千秋宝诞。众多善信将汇聚一堂,共同祈福,弘扬六壬仙师崇高精神 感谢大家的支持 🎊✨On...

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会理事团于7月27日(星期六)晚在加影六壬仙师庙隆重庆祝六壬仙师四十七周年千秋宝诞。众多善信将汇聚一堂,共同祈福,弘扬六壬仙师崇高精神 感谢大家的支持 🎊✨

On Saturday, July 27, the Min Sen Committee Members grandly celebrate the 47th anniversary of Liu Ren Xian Shi's Qian Qiu Bao. Many devoted followers gathered to pray for blessings and promote the noble spirit of Liu Ren Xian Shi. Thanks all for your participation and support 🌟🎈

加影民生体育会理事团7月27日(星期六)在安邦淡江关帝庙庆祝了关圣帝君宝诞。众多善心人士齐聚一堂,共同祈福,弘扬关圣帝君的精神🙏🏻🎉  感谢大家的参与与支持 👏🏻🌟On Saturday, July 27, the Min Sen Spor...

众多善心人士齐聚一堂,共同祈福,弘扬关圣帝君的精神🙏🏻🎉 感谢大家的参与与支持 👏🏻🌟

On Saturday, July 27, the Min Sen Sports Association Kajang celebrated the birthday of Guan Sheng Di Jun at the Ampang Tam Kong Guan Di Temple 🎊
Many kind-hearted individuals gathered to pray for blessings and promote the spirit of Guan Sheng Di Jun 🌟🎉

Thank you all for your participation and support ✨

【民生商盟/ Business Alliance MZ33 Cafe】

【民生商盟/ Business Alliance MZ33 Cafe】

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance - Piing Onn Trading 平安香烛神料店  平安香烛神料店盛大开业啦  Piing Onn Trading ritual supplies and ince...

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance - Piing Onn Trading 平安香烛神料店

Piing Onn Trading ritual supplies and incense Store is now grandly open 🎉🎉

We warmly welcome the support of our community😊🌸

Venue : PlING ONN TRADING (WAZE) 37, Jalan Seri Baiduri 1, Taman Seri Baiduri,
43500 Semenyih, Selangor.
(Bdr Tek KK Mart) 同排

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance - In Bloom Bag & Baby Shop】   #限时3天  #评论区有料到 谢谢妈咪带小宝贝过来吃吃喝喝 ❤️🎁😘亲爱的Kajang和Semenyih的妈咪...

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance - In Bloom Bag & Baby Shop】

#限时3天 #评论区有料到 谢谢妈咪带小宝贝过来吃吃喝喝 ❤️🎁😘

👶 想让宝宝尝试最新鲜、最健康的食品吗?In Bloom特别为您准备了宝宝食品免费试吃活动,快来参加吧!

🍲 在这里,您和宝宝可以品尝到各种优质的有机婴儿食品,保证安全健康,适合宝宝的成长需要。让宝宝体验美味与营养兼备的食品!
💖 我们的Baby Food 不仅口味多样,而且营养丰富,特别适合宝宝的成长需求。活动现场还可以为您解答所有关于婴儿食品的问题,确保每一口都是安心之选。这次机会不容错过!
📅 活动日期:2024年 7月 25/26/27日
📍 地点:In Bloom Bag & Baby Shop
地址:G-5,Hillpark Residence,Jalan 1/11,Bandar Teknologi, 43500 Semenyih,Kajang。
⏰ 时间:11am - 8pm
快带上宝宝一起来参加吧!马上联系我们预约名额,享受这个特别的亲子时光。更多详情请拨打我们的热线:019-3567 443。
有写表格的妈咪都可以赢取小礼物哦 🎁
RSVP here https://forms.gle/JqF8hvkSM7TQehVm6

【 失踪女童已安全找回 The missing girl has been safely found 】感谢社会各界人士的热心帮助与支持,特别感谢马来西亚警方的辛勤努力。我们深感欣慰并对所有帮助过女童的人表示诚挚的感谢 🌹We are de...

【 失踪女童已安全找回 The missing girl has been safely found 】

感谢社会各界人士的热心帮助与支持,特别感谢马来西亚警方的辛勤努力。我们深感欣慰并对所有帮助过女童的人表示诚挚的感谢 🌹

We are deeply grateful for the warm help and support from all sectors of society, especially the hard work of the Malaysian police. We are relieved and extend our sincere thanks to everyone who helped the girl 💗


⚠️紧急寻人 全民参与❗️Urgent Missing Person Alert ❗️Everyone Please Help⚠️7月20日大约8.30pm左右,在Eco Galleria的Bon Odori活动上,一名6岁女童廖家慧和家人...

⚠️紧急寻人 全民参与❗️Urgent Missing Person Alert ❗️Everyone Please Help⚠️

7月20日大约8.30pm左右,在Eco Galleria的Bon Odori活动上,一名6岁女童廖家慧和家人走散凶。不见时身穿粉色衣服,衣服上印有Mickey Mouse图案



On July 20th, around 8:30 pm, a 6-year-old girl named Jia Hui got separated from her family at the Bon Odori event at Eco Galleria. She was last seen wearing a pink shirt with a Mickey Mouse print.

If you see this girl, please contact her parents immediately at 016-9540623

Friends who attended Bon Odori, please check your dashcams or phone photos, as they might contain images of the missing girl!

【加影民生体育会理事成员出席参加锡米山白衣娘娘观音诞 Min Sen Sports Association Kajang Committee Members Attended Baiyi Liang Liang GuanYin Dan Ce...

【加影民生体育会理事成员出席参加锡米山白衣娘娘观音诞 Min Sen Sports Association Kajang Committee Members Attended Baiyi Liang Liang GuanYin Dan Celebration 🌟】

加影民生体育会理事成员昨日参与了在锡米山举行的白衣娘娘观音诞庆典。感谢大家的支持和付出 🙏 期待更多社区活动的开展 😊

Min Sen Sports Association Kajang 加影民生体育会 committee members actively participated in the BaiYi Liang Liang Guanyin Dan celebration. Thanks to everyone for their support and dedication 🙌 Looking forward to more community events 🌈

【民生联盟/MinSen’s Alliance 好時節 Good Timing Food Village】  確定現在找工難?那是因為你沒有找對公司🔥Mahkota Cheras 最大型美食城正在招聘《GoodTiming 好时节美食城》:...

【民生联盟/MinSen’s Alliance 好時節 Good Timing Food Village】


Mahkota Cheras 最大型美食城正在招聘《GoodTiming 好时节美食城》:

1. 經理 Manager【RM4000++】
- 住宿、車油、電話、醫藥補貼、員工餐、年終假期、有薪病假和公共假期、年終獎金,EPF,SOSCO,EIS

2. 主管 Supervisor【RM3000++】
- 住宿、醫藥補貼、員工餐、年終假期、有薪病假和公共假期、年終獎金,EPF,SOSCO,EIS

好時節招聘 Account & Marketing Admin:
- 月薪:RM1800-2200++
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聯繫我們瞭解詳情:📞 010-2593277


【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance : COSON Pastry Grand Opening隆重开业🎉🥐    Date/日期: Starting from July 19, 2024 / 7月19日开始L...

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance : COSON Pastry Grand Opening隆重开业🎉🥐

Date/日期: Starting from July 19, 2024 / 7月19日开始

Location/地点: 25-2, Jalan Simfoni 1, 43000 Balakong, Selangor

Contact/联系: 019-4435931

🎉 July Special: Enjoy 10% Off Storewide 🎉

Come celebrate with us and indulge in our delicious croissants 🤤
欢迎光临,与我们一起庆祝,尽情享受美味的可颂吧 💗

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance :MZ33 Cafe 】  📢 我们正在招聘 We’re Hiring 📢招聘职位 Hiring Position🌟🍽️ 服务员 Waiter or Waitress🍵 ...

【民生商盟 / MinSen’s Business Alliance :MZ33 Cafe 】

📢 我们正在招聘 We’re Hiring 📢

招聘职位 Hiring Position🌟
🍽️ 服务员 Waiter or Waitress
🍵 冲茶头手 Tea Barista
🧼 洗碗工 Dishes Washer

本地人优先 Locals preferred
外坡员工包住宿 Accommodation included


【加影民生体育会讣告 Obituary Notice Min Sen Sports Association Kajang】怀着沉痛之情,宣告本团理事成员刘启强先生的父亲刘新云老先生辞世。我们共同为他祈祷,向悲伤的家人表达最深切的慰问。会员们...

【加影民生体育会讣告 Obituary Notice Min Sen Sports Association Kajang】


With deep sorrow, we announce the passing of Mr. Liew Sin Yoon, father of our committee member Mr. Liew Hee Keong. Let us unite in prayer for him and extend heartfelt condolences to the grieving family.
Members are invited to join us on Tuesday at 7:30PM for the memorial service🌹

治丧处 Memorial Venue: NO 45, JALAN 6, TMN MAJU 2, JALAN SEMENYIH 43000 KAJANG, SELANGOR.

出殡仪式将于星期三上午九点开始 The funeral procession will begin at 9AM on Wednesday, 17th July 2024.

【锡米山白衣娘娘观音诞即将到来 The Celebration of Bai Yi Liang Liang Guan Yin Dan is coming soon 🎉 】亲爱的善信们,我们诚挚邀请您前来参加我们的庆祝活动,共同礼拜观音菩萨,...

【锡米山白衣娘娘观音诞即将到来 The Celebration of Bai Yi Liang Liang Guan Yin Dan is coming soon 🎉 】

Dear devotees, we sincerely invite you to join our celebration, worship Guan Yin Bodhisattva, light auspicious lamps, offer flowers, and pray for blessings and peace for yourself and your family.

活动详情 Event details:
📅 日期 Date:20/07/2024(星期六晚上Saturday evening)膜拜,点灯 Worship and lighting lamps
📅 日期 Date:21/07/2024(星期日下午1点Sunday afternoon at 1:00 PM)享用简单美味的佳肴 Enjoy a simple and delicious meal

📍 地点 Location:锡米山白衣娘娘庙 No. 418A Jalan 15 Kampung Sungai Chua, 43000 Kajang Selangor

期待您的到来,共同欢庆这美好的日子 不见不散哦 We look forward to your presence to celebrate this wonderful day together. Don't miss it 🙏✨

Happy Awal Muharram 🎈愿你和家人幸福安康,充满祝福与欢乐💗Wishing you and your family health, happiness, and abundant blessings  🙌

Happy Awal Muharram 🎈


Wishing you and your family health, happiness, and abundant blessings 🙌

【📣  #第四次孤儿院交通费用移交 Notice - Fourth Orphanage Transportation Expenses Handover】 Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih #民生公益    本月二号,...

【📣 #第四次孤儿院交通费用移交 Notice - Fourth Orphanage Transportation Expenses Handover】 Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih

本月二号,我们完成了第四次孤儿院学校交通费用的支票移交金额为马币870。感谢大家的慷慨捐助和持续支持 💗 您的爱心帮助孩子们顺利上学,健康成长 🫶🏻

您的支持为孩子们的未来奠定了坚实的基础。我们感激您的无私奉献和热情关怀,感谢您与我们共同创造美好的未来 ❤️🥰

On July 2nd, we completed the fourth handover of school transportation funds for the orphanage children, amounting to RM 870. We are deeply grateful for your generous donations and continuous support 💗 Your kindness helps these children attend school and grow healthily 🫶🏻

Your support lays a solid foundation for their future. We appreciate your selfless dedication and warm care, and thank you for joining us in creating a brighter future 💞




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