Hardcore Fishing Co.

Hardcore Fishing Co. We document & film everything that has to do with fishing and fish! Subscribe to enjoy our contents!


In this vlog, we share our experience on our recent light jigging trip beside one of the island surrounding Penang Island, also known as Pulau Kendi, or Kendi Island.

Apart of being shocked by the percentage of biting rate, the water surrounding this island were very different from Penang Island and we can even see-through the water and saw some coral reef when we launched our drone.

We hope this trip will inspire you to explore your surrounding fishing environment, and also have an insight of how we fish this water if you ever visit here and wish you try jigging here as well.

Hope you enjoy our simple fishing vlog, and please do subscribe to our channel if you love what we do so we can produce better video every time.

Thank you so much!


Dalam vlog ini, kami berkongsi pengalaman kami dalam trip Light Jig kami baru-baru ini di sebelah salah satu pulau di sekitar Pulau Pinang, juga dikenali sebagai Pulau Kendi.

Selain terkejut dengan peratusan kadar gigitan, air yang mengelilingi pulau ini sangat berbeza dengan Pulau Pinang dan kami juga boleh melihat-melalui air laut dan nampak terumbu karang apabila kami melancarkan dron kami.

Kami berharap perjalanan ini akan memberi inspirasi kepada anda untuk meneroka persekitaran memancing di sekeliling anda, dan juga mempunyai pandangan tentang cara kami memancing air ini jika anda pernah berkunjung ke sini dan ingin anda mencuba jigging di sini juga.

Harap anda menikmati vlog memancing kami yang ringkas, dan sila langgan saluran kami jika anda menyukai apa yang kami lakukan supaya kami dapat menghasilkan video yang lebih baik setiap masa.

Terima kasih banyak-banyak!


在这个视频博客中,我们分享了我们最近在槟城岛周围的一个岛屿(也称为 Pulau Kendi 或 Kendi Island)旁边进行的轻型铁板跳之旅的经验。





Boat Guide / Tekong / 船老: Jacky Aim


This is a short clip showing how anglers fish for Giant Snakehead by way of using fishing lures. This particular video is to showcase the method anglers apply when they are fishing Giant Snakehead by targeting the young snakehead babies when they rises for air. Once spawned, you'll notice anglers will cast as accurate as they can nearby the babies to provoke the Giant Snakehead to attack the lures. This happen because Giant Snakehead is a species that protect its young until they are matured. They'll only depart when the younger snakehead reaches certain size.

Enjoy the short clip!





Ini adalah klip pendek yang menunjukkan bagaimana pemancing memancing Tomman dengan cara menggunakan gewang. Video khusus ini adalah untuk menunjukan kaedah yang digunakan oleh pemancing apabila mereka memancing Tomman. Apabila anak ikan tomman naik untuk bernafas, anda akan dapati pemancing akan melontar setepat dan secepat yang mereka boleh berdekatan dengan bayi-bayi untuk memprovokasi Tomman untuk menyerang gewang. Ini berlaku kerana Giant Snakehead adalah spesies yang melindungi anaknya sehingga mereka matang. Mereka hanya akan meninggalkan anak apabila anak telah mencapai saiz tertentu.

Nikmati klip pendek!



On a recent light jigging trip at Pulau Kendi, Penang Island, we've ended the trip full of smiles and laughters. Our ini...

On a recent light jigging trip at Pulau Kendi, Penang Island, we've ended the trip full of smiles and laughters. Our initial expectations was low as inshore jigging near Penang Island normally don't produce good results, but the bite rate on this trip was good and species such as Snapper, Threadfin, Grunters, and Barracuda also responded to our jigs! The better sized ones are as per the pictures shown below.

Jacky Aim is our fishing guide and his expertise helped a lot! We enjoyed ourself so much and can't wait to go on another trip!

Do reach out to Jacky via his Facebook if you guys are interested to book his service!

William Gooi


We came across a very unique phenomenon that don't usually happen in Kampung Beng, Mini Amazon. In only two reservoirs c...

We came across a very unique phenomenon that don't usually happen in Kampung Beng, Mini Amazon. In only two reservoirs connected to Perak River, we spotted more than twenty over groups of Giant Snakehead's babies.

Our plan was to document the whole fishing experience there. Unfortunately, it wasn't as easy as we thought it would be.

Within more than twenty groups, there's only one successful catch. Moreover, the size of this particular Giant Snakehead is lesser than 4.5lb.

A very tiring and disappointing trip to end with. Still, let's look forward, and keep the spirit up!


Giant Snakehead never fail to impress us. Its explosive first take, and how nature chose to apply such unique and gorgeo...

Giant Snakehead never fail to impress us. Its explosive first take, and how nature chose to apply such unique and gorgeous pattern on its body truly amazed us. The best part is, every single one of them possess their very own pattern. We appreciate every single moment when we have the opportunity to hold them and watch their gorgeous build, it is truly enchanting.




Giant Snakehead tidak pernah gagal untuk menarik perhatian kami. Pengambilan pertama yang meletup, dan cara alam semula jadi memilih untuk menerapkan corak yang unik dan cantik pada badannya benar-benar mengagumkan kami. Bahagian yang terbaik adalah, setiap satu daripada mereka mempunyai corak mereka sendiri. Kami menghargai setiap saat apabila kami berpeluang untuk memegang mereka dan menyaksikan binaan mereka yang cantik, ia benar-benar mempesonakan


Largemouth Bass is a species most anglers wish to have in their catch record. In fact, the news about this species lurking in Cameron Highland Malaysia is not new at all. Few years ago, there's a magazine featuring a Malaysian angler caught a specimen of over 1KG, and about 9 months ago, some fly fisherman managed to land plenty of them as shown in their fishing vlog. Unfortunately, we failed to catch any of them during our visit here. The locals and farmers here mentioned that they are very highly sought after due to its tasty white meat. Due to over-fishing and netting, their population in this small reservoir have drastically declined over the years. What's left are those juvenile Largemouth Bass and its size are no larger than palm size. We've placed the co-ordinate to this reservoir, and you may visit this place to try your luck to see if you can catch one. Lastly, this is the one and only public area where you can find Largemouth Bass in Malaysia, and before it is long gone, please do our part to protect it. Thank you.


Largemouth Bass ialah spesies yang kebanyakan pemancing ingin ada dalam rekod tangkapan mereka. Sebenarnya, berita mengenai spesies ini yang mengintai di Cameron Highland Malaysia bukanlah perkara baru sama sekali. Beberapa tahun lalu, terdapat sebuah majalah yang memaparkan seorang pemancing Malaysia menangkap spesimen lebih 1KG, dan kira-kira 9 bulan lalu, beberapa pemancing fly berjaya mendaratkan banyak daripada mereka seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam vlog memancing mereka. Malangnya, kami gagal menangkap mana-mana daripada mereka semasa lawatan kami ke sini. Penduduk tempatan dan petani di sini menyatakan bahawa banyak orang yang menangkap spesies ini kerana daging putihnya yang enak. Disebabkan terlalu banyak aktiviti pancing dan menjala yang tidak terkawal, populasi mereka di takungan kecil ini telah menurun secara drastik dalam beberapa tahun ini. Yang tinggal ialah Largemouth Bass kecil dan saiznya tidak lebih besar daripada saiz tapak tangan. Kami telah meletakkan koordinat ke takungan ini dan anda boleh melawat tempat ini untuk mencuba nasib anda sama ada anda boleh menangkapnya. Akhir sekali, ini adalah satu-satunya kawasan awam yang anda boleh temui Largemouth Bass di Malaysia, dan sebelum ia pupus, tolonglah melindunginya. Terima kasih.


大口黑鲈是大多数垂钓者希望记录在案的物种。事实上,关于这种潜伏在马来西亚金马伦高原的物种的消息一点都不新。几年前,有一本杂志刊登了一位马来西亚垂钓者钓到超过 1 公斤的标本,大约 9 个月前,一些飞钓者成功地钓到了大量的标本,如他们的钓鱼视频博客所示。不幸的是,我们在这次的钓游期间未能钓到它们。这里的当地人和农民提到,由于其美味的白肉,人人也想捕捉。由于过度捕捞和网捕,多年来,这个小水库的数量急剧减少。剩下的就是那些未成年的大口黑鲈,体型不超过手掌大小。我们已经把坐标放到了这个水库,有兴趣的可以来这里,看看能不能钓到。最后是,这是马来西亚唯一一个可以找到大口黑鲈的公共区域,在它消失之前,请尽我们的一份力量来保护它。谢谢。

Brother Seng, also known as Seng Ko to locals, a very experience Sebarau(Hampala Macrolepidota) angler who spent years t...

Brother Seng, also known as Seng Ko to locals, a very experience Sebarau(Hampala Macrolepidota) angler who spent years trying to understand this species in Lake Temengor, Perak. We've learned so much from him!


Saudara Seng, juga dikenali sebagai Seng Ko kepada penduduk tempatan, seorang pemancing Sebarau (Hampala Macrolepidota) yang sangat berpengalaman yang telah bertahun-tahun mencuba memahami spesies ini di Tasik Temengor, Perak. Kami telah belajar banyak daripadanya!


Seng 哥,当地人也称 Seng Ko,是一位非常有经验的 Sebarau(Hampala Macrolepidota)垂钓者,他在霹雳州天孟鹅湖花了数年时间试图了解这个物种。我们从他身上学到了很多!

William Gooi with a gorgeous Giant Snakehead from Perak’s Water. Would’ve been even more beautiful if it is pure black❤️

William Gooi with a gorgeous Giant Snakehead from Perak’s Water. Would’ve been even more beautiful if it is pure black❤️

Made it here; Malaysia’s only known reservoir to have the species of Largemouth Bass, can’t wait to share to all anglers...

Made it here; Malaysia’s only known reservoir to have the species of Largemouth Bass, can’t wait to share to all anglers what we’ve found here!




Berjaya datang ke spot sini; Satu-satunya takungan di Malaysia yang terkenal mempunyai spesies Largemouth Bass, tidak sabar untuk berkongsi kepada semua pemancing apa yang kami temui di sini!


A follow up video for the previous Catch & Release related contents.


Video susulan untuk kandungan berkaitan Video Tangkap & Lepas yang terdahulu.



Take a short break to sit down and discuss about a very serious issue in Malaysia, or Southeast Asia, the mentality of g...

Take a short break to sit down and discuss about a very serious issue in Malaysia, or Southeast Asia, the mentality of greed, Mass Killing of Aquatic Life, and the overall impact it does to the locals, aborigines and economy.


Berehat sebentar untuk duduk dan membincangkan tentang isu yang sangat serius di Malaysia, atau Asia Tenggara, mentaliti ketamakan, Pembunuhan Beramai-ramai Hidupan Akuatik, dan kesan keseluruhannya kepada penduduk tempatan, orang asli dan ekonomi.




Fish are getting lesser and fishing condition is malaysia worsen alot over the years due to overfishing can non-stop killing of the fish, we hope other anglers can do the same to restore Malaysia's Ecosystem so other anglers can enjoy fishing and also adapt to this new habit of taking care of our them fish and environment. This is the first step to a better future!


Ikan semakin berkurangan dan keadaan penangkapan ikan Malaysia semakin teruk sejak beberapa tahun akibat penangkapan ikan yang berlebihan boleh membunuh ikan tanpa henti, kami berharap pemancing lain dapat melakukan perkara yang sama untuk memulihkan Ekosistem Malaysia supaya pemancing lain dapat menikmati memancing dan juga menyesuaikan diri dengan tabiat menjaga ikan dan alam sekitar kita. Ini adalah langkah pertama untuk masa depan yang lebih baik!




Fishing condition around the Peninsular Malaysia Region, especially in the Northern Part has worsen, yet nobody or any fishing organization took the initiative to highlight this Critical Issues.

Thank you Ozmy Tester Eady Izzuan, Syazwan Zekri, together with Dranckrazy International Kevin took decided to talk about this, and highlight what we're truly facing.

Let's do something together to protect what left for us before it is too late. Thank you all.


Keadaan menangkap ikan di sekitar Wilayah Semenanjung Malaysia, terutamanya di Bahagian Utara semakin teruk, namun tiada sesiapa atau mana-mana organisasi memancing mengambil inisiatif untuk mengetengahkan Isu Kritikal ini.

Terima kasih Penguji Ozmy Eady Izzuan, Syazwan Zekri, bersama Dranckrazy Antarabangsa Kevin mengambil keputusan untuk bercakap tentang perkara ini, dan menyerlahkan apa yang sebenarnya kami hadapi.

Mari kita lakukan sesuatu bersama-sama untuk melindungi apa yang tinggal untuk kita sebelum terlambat. Terima kasih semua.



谢谢 Ozmy 测试员 Eady Izzuan、Syazwan Zekri 和 Dranckrazy International Kevin 决定讨论这个问题,并强调我们真正面临的问题。


Big shout out to our newest top supporters! 💎 thank you so so much for supporting our work, IT means so much to us!Ribua...

Big shout out to our newest top supporters! 💎 thank you so so much for supporting our work, IT means so much to us!

Ribuan terima kasih untuk sokongan anda, sokongan anda bermakna kepada kami untuk meneruskan apa yang kita sedang buat!


Fardlun Zakhwan, Tan Calvin


We're so grateful to get to collaborate with Dranckrazy International to film their company's RE-INVENTION, in terms of their vision, strategy, products and also their services to fishing industry. Please take a couple minutes to check out this short clip! Appreciate a ton!


Kami amat bersyukur kerana dapat bekerjasama dengan Dranckrazy International untuk memfilemkan RE-INVENTION syarikat mereka, dari segi visi, strategi, produk dan juga perkhidmatan mereka kepada industri perikanan. Sila ambil masa beberapa minit untuk melihat klip pendek ini! Menghargai satu tan!


我们非常高兴能与 Dranckrazy International 合作,拍摄他们公司的 RE-INVENTION,涉及他们的愿景、战略、产品以及他们对渔业的服务。请花几分钟看看这个短片!非常感谢!


0:00 Opening
0:15 Journey Begins - DRANCRAZY RE-INVENTED
0:32 DRANCRAZY Lures
0:50 Fishing Journey Begin
1:00 Landed the First Giant Snakehead
1:23 Kevin’s thoughts
2:05 Jun Chu’s landed another Giant Snakehead
2:37 Jun Chu’s thoughts
3:34 Fishing the second half
4:00 Landed another Giant Snakehead
4:19 Closing


Join us as we go after one of the most challenging and rewarding fish in the sea: the mullet. These fish are fast, smart and elusive. Watch Glenn Tan as he share us his techniques and experiences to land some impressive specimens. You’ll see some close calls and some epic catches. Don’t miss this exciting fishing adventure!


Sertai kami mengejar salah satu ikan yang paling mencabar di laut: Ikan Tamok. Ikan ini cepat, pintar dan sukar difahami. Tonton Glenn Tan sambil berkongsi teknik dan pengalamannya. Anda akan melihat beberapa panggilan rapat dan beberapa tangkapan epik. Jangan lepaskan pengembaraan memancing yang menarik ini!


参与我们,追捕海中其中最具挑战性和最有价值的鱼类之一:乌头鱼。这鱼快速、聪明且难以捉摸。观看 Glenn Tan 与我们分享他捕获一些令人印象深刻的标本的技术和经验,不要错过这个激动人心的钓游!

0:00 Opening
0:33 William’s Intro
0:57 Met Glenn
1:14 Fishing Gear and Set up for Mullet Fishing
2:00 Bait and how to attach to hook properly
2:39 Chumming process
3:44 Fishes starts swimming inshore
4:10 Caught the first Mullet
5:01 Landed another bigger size Mullet
5:52 Additional Tips & Tricks for Mullet Fishing


Watch how Mohamad Taufiq Che Saad catches mullet fish/ Ikan Tamok in Langkawi island using white bread. He shows us his skills and techniques, as well as the beauty of the island's scenery.

[Forward to minute 2:50 to watch Taufiq land his first Mullet!]

This video makes us want to visit Langkawi and dip our hands into Mullet Fishing!

This is another bigger size Peacock Bass caught with Clouser Minnow on a 5Wt Rod by Mohamad Taufiq Che SaadSuch a beauti...

This is another bigger size Peacock Bass caught with Clouser Minnow on a 5Wt Rod by Mohamad Taufiq Che Saad

Such a beautiful fish and we’re very fortunate to get to experience fighting them here in Malaysia!

We had an amazing time fishing for peacock bass. These fish are so colorful and powerful and they put up a great fight o...

We had an amazing time fishing for peacock bass. These fish are so colorful and powerful and they put up a great fight on the lighter rods.

We caught some with a 5wt fly rod and released them back into the water. It was an experience that we will never forget.

Check out some of the photos we took of these beautiful creatures.

In this picture is Mohamad Taufiq Che Saad with a Gorgeous Juvenile Peacock Bass.

So we make a trip to Langkawi to learn and explore the fishing here and we're very fortunate to have met Mohamad Taufiq ...

So we make a trip to Langkawi to learn and explore the fishing here and we're very fortunate to have met Mohamad Taufiq Che Saad, a local here who love fishing so much he dedicated much of his time exploring different fishing game such as fly fishing, baitcasting, jigging, popping, bottom fishing and etc.

Taufiq is considered a very experienced and seasoned angler, and he was kind enough to guide us during our trip to Langkawi this time, and showed us what it is like to fish for Ikan Loban a.k.a Mullet in Langkawi.

In this picture is Taufiq fishing at this frequently fish spot for Mullet!

William Gooi


We love fishing so much, but we also care about the ecosystem and the fish that live there. That’s why we follow these four important points:

1) We practice catch and release fishing, which is a great conservation strategy that keeps fish populations healthy and fishermen fishing.

2 & 3) We use proper techniques and tools to handle and release the fish we catch, to improve their chances of survival and reduce stress and injury.

4) We do our part to help save the environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling our waste, lodge complain to relevant government department to stop illegal and over-fishing.

We hope you join us in taking care of our natural environment and enjoying the beauty of what we have here in Malaysia. Happy fishing!

Video Credit: Dranckrazy International Pro-Staff Jun Chu

Lure fishing barramundi is one of the most thrilling and rewarding experiences you can have on the water. These fish are...

Lure fishing barramundi is one of the most thrilling and rewarding experiences you can have on the water. These fish are powerful, acrobatic and beautiful. They will test your skills and your gear as they strike hard and fight hard.

Whether you are fishing in freshwater or saltwater, you will never forget the adrenaline rush of hooking a big barra with a lure.

In this picture is Dranckrazy International Pro-Staff Jun Chu caught a decent size Barra with Dranckrazy International Latest Series of Rods called "SKITE".

Though "SKITE" is a 6-12lb rod, it is strong enough to cast heavy lures, and strong enough to land big size Barra.

[BILIS] is one of Dranckrazy International new fishing lure that works very effectively to catch fish and has a high qua...

[BILIS] is one of Dranckrazy International new fishing lure that works very effectively to catch fish and has a high quality built.

We've tried fishing this tiny minnow and it has successfully triggered two Barramundi to hit hard and take it in just a very short period of time simply by cranking the minnow without any stop or jerk action.

Besides its consistent and beautiful swimming action, this lure comes with a very high quality treble hooks, and its got an amazing aerodynamic built that allow us to perform long distance cast even though it is a tiny light weight minnow.

Whether you are fishing in fresh or saltwater, we personally think that this lure will help you catch more fish than ever before.

Highly recommend avid anglers to try out this lure. For BFS enthusiast, this lure is a MUST-Have.

Fishing is not just a hobby for us, it’s a way of life. It teaches us patience, perseverance, respect, and humility. It ...

Fishing is not just a hobby for us, it’s a way of life. It teaches us patience, perseverance, respect, and humility. It connects us with nature and with ourselves. It fills us with joy and peace. We hope to inspire others to follow their dreams and passions, whatever they may be.

Life is too short to waste on things that don’t make you happy.


To all our fishing friends and family, please be extremely careful when you're out fishing. We are fortunate to get to go home after today's incident.

Wish we could share just how fierce Clown Featherback Fish are when they hit the lure, it is like an instant shock! We'r...

Wish we could share just how fierce Clown Featherback Fish are when they hit the lure, it is like an instant shock! We're very fortunate get to see how Jun Chu to catch both a decent size and another juvenile Clown Featherback a.k.a. Ikan Belida, and a baby Indo-Pacific Tarpon!

Our dear friend Meng Seng Goi also landed a good size Giant Snakehead today!

A rewarding evening fishing session well spent together!

There are multiple bites responding to different lures we've used to lure Clown Featherback.However, the only person who...

There are multiple bites responding to different lures we've used to lure Clown Featherback.

However, the only person who successful caught one today is William!

Clown Featherback has quite a tough jaw, and it is not easy for hooks to pe*****te whenever theres a bite. Catching one can be very very rewarding! 😍


George Town





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