My Dear Sash, words couldn’t even express how proud I am of you. The goals you set out for yourself are so high and watching you work so hard towards them shows me your integrity and character, for me that is remarkable!
Congratulations 🎉 ❤️🙏 on reaching yet another goal. For you it isn’t about achieving a “material” goal but inspiring so many out there, inspiring the young and the old. Teaching them on how to invest their money and what to put their hearts and souls into so they can also achieve the goals, dreams and aspirations they have set out for themselves.
They say it’s true you really don’t know a person and see what they go through until you live with them. Many people call it luck, many people really don’t know what you do for business and that’s okay. However, I’ve seen all the blood, sweat, late nights, early mornings, weeks away from home, long flights from country to country, for the past three years only. I didn’t see the 8/9 years of work before me, that has lead you to where you are today.
You inspire me so much everyday, your ability to never give up on anything no matter how difficult it is makes me stronger, your calmness in situations whether in business or personal teaches me not to stress in life when I do.
Also a huge THANK YOU, to your DAD and grandparents for the values, morals and upbringing they have instilled in you. When I look at you I see your Dad because you portray all of the qualities he has which is nothing short of an amazing person. The fact that he has taught you self development from an early age plays an enormous part of who you are today as well.
In life we must never forget where we come from and appreciate those that helped us get to where we are in life by their teachings, you remind me of that everyday with your down to earth qualities and humbleness you carry out in your day to day. No matter the level of success you achieve or reach you remain the same and that is why I love you 😘 I couldn’t have made a be