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John Huston, accepting the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1983: "An avuncular figure in my youth passed on a piece of advice his father had given him: 'Don't work at anything simply for the money. Choose your profession as you would choose a wife, for love AND for money.' I have faithfully abided by the first half of that dictum. Indeed, I have a confession to make: I have been so enamored with my work that I have always had a feeling of guilt about taking money for it. Maybe that's why I always got rid of it so quickly. It was like money you win at the races, not the rewards of honest toil."

In 1925, Huston married his high school sweetheart, Dorothy Harvey, and also took his first professional stage bow with a leading role off-Broadway entitled "The Triumph of the Egg." He made his Broadway debut that same year with "Ruint" and followed that with another Broadway show, "Adam Solitaire," the following November. John soon grew restless with the confines of both his marriage and acting and abandoned both, taking a sojourn to Mexico where he became an officer in the cavalry and expert horseman while writing plays on the sly. Trying to control his wanderlust urges, he subsequently returned to America and attempted newspaper and magazine reporting work in New York by submitting short stories. He was even hired at one point by mogul Samuel Goldwyn Jr. as a screenwriter, but again he grew restless. During this time he also appeared unbilled in a few obligatory films.

By 1932 John was on the move again and left for London and Paris where he studied painting and sketching. The promising artist became a homeless beggar during one harrowing point. Returning again to America in 1933, he played the title role in a production of "Abraham Lincoln," only a few years after father Walter portrayed the part on film for D.W. Griffith. John made a new resolve to hone in on his obvious writing skills and began collaborating on a few scripts for Warner Brothers. He also married again. Warners was so impressed with his talents that he was signed on as both screenwriter and director for the Dashiell Hammett mystery yarn "The Maltese Falcon" (1941). The movie classic made a superstar out of Humphrey Bogart and is considered by critics and audiences alike--- so many years after the fact--- to be the greatest detective film ever made.

"I've lived a number of lives. I'm inclined to envy the man who leads one life, with one job, and one wife, in one country, under one God. It may not be a very exciting existence, but at least by the time he's seventy-three he knows how old he is." (IMDb)

Happy Birthday, John Huston!


"Escribir una novela es escribir la historia de una vergüenza. Por eso es siempre tan paradójico escribir, porque se escribe la vergüenza pero se necesita perder el pudor. Escribir es siempre ser un poco paria. Nunca me da tanto miedo mirarme como cuando escribo."

- Ariana Harwicz


Henrietta Moraes was a friend and muse of Francis Bacon, who like the artist, frequented bars such as The Colony Room Club and the French House in Soho, London.

In this month’s Catalogue Raisonné Focus, we are taking a closer look at the painting Portrait of Henrietta Moraes on a Blue Couch, 1965, which deviates considerably from Bacon’s earlier paintings of the n**e Moraes lying on beds, and does not appear to have relied on John Deakin’s photographs.

Read more here:


Rueda de prensa

El poli: Y no crean todo lo que leen.
Una reportera: ¿Cómo que no? ¡Lo escribimos nosotros!

'Clark', Suecia, S1: E4


dice que no sabe del miedo de la muerte del amor
dice que tiene miedo de la muerte del amor
dice que el amor es muerte es miedo
dice que la muerte es miedo es amor
dice que no sabe

'Árbol de Diana' (1962), Alejandra Pizarnik

«Se ha dicho ya mucho que tienen los libros su destino. Lo tienen, claro que sí, y se parece mucho al destino de los hom...

«Se ha dicho ya mucho que tienen los libros su destino. Lo tienen, claro que sí, y se parece mucho al destino de los hombres. Con nosotros comparten la gran incertidumbre que envuelve la ignominia o la gloria, la severidad de la justicia y la insensatez de la persecución, la calumnia y el malentendido, la vergüenza del éxito inmerecido. De todos los objetos inanimados, de todas las creaciones humanas, los libros son los más cercanos a nosotros, pues contienen nuestro pensamiento mismo, nuestras ambiciones, nuestras indignaciones, nuestras ilusiones, nuestra fidelidad a la verdad, nuestra persistente tendencia al error. Pero se nos parecen sobre todo en la precariedad con que se aferran a la vida.»

— Joseph Conrad

No, no los he leído; y entre el millón de personas, o acaso más, de las que se dice que los han leído, nunca he conocido a una sola con un talento expositivo suficientemente desarrollado para que m…

"La relectura, operación opuesta a los hábitos comerciales e ideológicos de nuestra sociedad que recomienda «tirar» la h...

"La relectura, operación opuesta a los hábitos comerciales e ideológicos de nuestra sociedad que recomienda «tirar» la historia una vez consumida («devorada») para que se pueda pasar a otra historia, comprar otro libro, y que sólo es tolerada en ciertas categorías marginales de lectores (los niños, los viejos y los profesores), la relectura es propuesta aquí de entrada, pues sólo ella salva al texto de la repetición."

— Roland Barthes

Hay que aceptar también una última libertad: la de leer el texto como si ya hubiese sido leído. Aquellos que gustan de las bellas historias podrán ciertamente comenzar por el final y leer primero e…


As the Royal Academy exhibition of Francis Bacon’s work – Francis Bacon: Man and Beast – comes to an end this week, we take a closer look at one of the paintings on display; Study for Bullfight No. 1, 1969.

The germ of the concept is embodied in Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne Standing in a Street in Soho, 1967 (67‑14). [In that painting], there are four roughly-sketched spectators behind the bull, anticipating the crowd that he would introduce in Study for Bullfight No. 1, 1969 (69‑04).

Excerpt: Martin Harrison, Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné (London: The Estate of Francis Bacon Publishing, 2016 p. 854).

Read more about this painting over on our blog:


“Cuando un país es 'americanizado', el arte, el tiempo libre, la cultura tradicional son arrasados. Toman su lugar las horas excesivas, los bajos salarios, la esclavización económica a favor del extranjero. El gobierno político, que no es importante, se le deja a los nativos; el gobierno real está en las manos de los bancos norteamericanos.”

— Bertrand Russell (1925)

“Art, leisure, traditional culture are swept away when a country is Americanised. Long hours, low wages, economic enslavement to the foreigner, take their place. The political government, which is unimportant, is left to natives; the real government is in the hands of American banks.”

— Bertrand Russell, Bertrand Russell's America: His Transatlantic Travels and Writings, Volume One 1896 -1945, Part II: Is America Becoming Imperialistic? (1925), p. 213


W. H. Auden
No habrá paz

Aunque el cielo clemente y despejado
sonríe de nuevo en la orilla de tu estima
y sus colores vuelven, la tormenta te ha cambiado:
Nunca olvidarás
la oscuridad borrando la esperanza, el vendaval
augurando tu caída.

Debes vivir con lo que sabes.
Años atrás, más allá de ti, fuera de ti hay otros,
de los que nunca oíste en ausencias sin luna,
quienes por cierto han oído de ti,
seres de género y número desconocidos:
y no les gustas.

¿Qué les hiciste?
¿nada? nada no es una respuesta:
llegarás a creer – ¿cómo puedes evitarlo?
que lo hiciste, que les hiciste algo,
te encontrarás deseando hacerlos reír,
ansiarás su amistad.

No habrá paz.
Contraataca, entonces, con todo el valor que tengas
y con cada cobarde estratagema que conozcas,
con la conciencia tranquila de que:
su causa, si tuvieron una, no les importa ahora en absoluto;
Ellos odian por odiar.

–[V. Rodrigo Arriagada Zubieta]

W. H. Auden
No habrá paz

Though mild clear weather
Smile again on the shore of your esteem
And its colours come back, the storm has changed you:
You will not forget, ever,
The darkness blotting out hope, the gale
Prophesying your downfall.

You must live with your knowledge.
Way back, beyond, outside of you are others,
In moonless absences you never heard of,
Who have certainly heard of you,
Beings of unknown number and gender:
And they do not like you.

What have you done to them?
Nothing? Nothing is not an answer:
You will come to believe – how can you help it? –
That you did, you did do something;
You will find yourself wishing you could make them laugh,
You will long for their friendship.

There will be no peace.
Fight back, then, with such courage as you have
And every unchivalrous dodge you know of,
Clear on your conscience on this:
Their cause, if they had one, is nothing to them now;
They hate for hate’s sake.

W. H. Auden
There Will Be No Peace

Though mild clear weather
Smile again on the shore of your esteem
And its colours come back, the storm has changed you:
You will not forget, ever,
The darkness blotting out hope, the gale
Prophesying your downfall.

You must live with your knowledge.
Way back, beyond, outside of you are others,
In moonless absences you never heard of,
Who have certainly heard of you,
Beings of unknown number and gender:
And they do not like you.

What have you done to them?
Nothing? Nothing is not an answer:
You will come to believe – how can you help it? –
That you did, you did do something;
You will find yourself wishing you could make them laugh,
You will long for their friendship.

There will be no peace.
Fight back, then, with such courage as you have
And every unchivalrous dodge you know of,
Clear on your conscience on this:
Their cause, if they had one, is nothing to them now;
They hate for hate’s sake.


W. H. Auden
Refugee Blues

Dicen que esta ciudad tiene diez millones de almas,
Unas viven en mansiones, otras viven en agujeros:
Aún no hay lugar para nosotros, querida, aún no hay lugar para nosotros.

Tuvimos un país y lo creíamos justo,
Mira en el atlas y lo hallarás ahí:
No podemos ir ahora, querida, no podemos ir ahora.

En el atrio del pueblo crece un árbol viejo,
Cada primavera vuelve a florecer;
Los pasaportes viejos no pueden hacer eso, querida, los pasaportes viejos no pueden hacer eso.

El cónsul pegó en la mesa y dijo:
‘Si no han conseguido pasaporte, están oficialmente mu***os’;
Pero seguimos vivos, querida, pero seguimos vivos.

Fui a un comité; me ofrecieron una silla;
Me pidieron cortésmente volver el año que viene:
¿Pero adónde iríamos hoy, querida, pero adónde iríamos hoy?

Llegué a un mitin; el orador se levantó y dijo:
‘Si los dejamos entrar, robarán nuestra comida’;
Él hablaba de ti y de mí, querida, él hablaba de ti y de mí.

Creí oír los truenos retumbando en el cielo;
Era Hi**er sobre Europa, diciendo: ‘Ellos deben morir’;
Él pensaba en nosotros, querida, él pensaba en nosotros.

Vi a un perrito de abrigo cerrado con un broche,
Vi una puerta abierta y gato pudo entrar:
Pero ellos no eran judíos alemanes, querida, pero ellos no eran judíos alemanes.

Bajé al puerto y estuve en el muelle,
Vi los peces nadando como si fueran libres:
Sólo a diez pasos, querida, sólo a diez pasos.

Caminé por un bosque, vi las aves en los árboles;
No tenían políticos y cantaban a su aire:
Ellas no eran la raza humana, querida, ellas no eran la raza humana.

Soñando vi un edificio con mil pisos,
Con mil ventanas y con mil puertas;
Nada de eso era nuestro, querida, nada de eso era nuestro.

Estuve en un llano enorme en la nevada;
Diez mil soldados marchaban de un lado a otro:
Nos buscaban a ti y a mí, querida, nos buscaban a ti y a mí.



Nasuh Al-Matrakî, 'Aleppo', miniatura, s. XVI

W. H. AudenRefugee BluesSay this city has ten million souls,Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes:Yet th...

W. H. Auden
Refugee Blues

Say this city has ten million souls,
Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes:
Yet there’s no place for us, my dear, yet there’s no place for us.

Once we had a country and we thought it fair,
Look in the atlas and you’ll find it there:
We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now.

In the village churchyard there grows an old yew,
Every spring it blossoms anew;
Old passports can’t do that, my dear, old passports can’t do that.

The consul banged the table and said:
‘If you’ve got no passport, you’re officially dead’;
But we are still alive, my dear, but we are still alive.

Went to a committee; they offered me a chair;
Asked me politely to return next year:
But where shall we go today, my dear, but where shall we go today?

Came to a public meeting; the speaker got up and said:
‘If we let them in, they will steal our daily bread’;
He was talking of you and me, my dear, he was talking of you and me.

Thought I heard the thunder rumbling in the sky;
It was Hi**er over Europe, saying: ‘They must die’;
We were in his mind, my dear, we were in his mind.

Saw a poodle in a jacket fastened with a pin,
Saw a door opened and a cat let in:
But they weren’t German Jews, my dear, but they weren’t German Jews.

Went down the harbour and stood upon the quay,
Saw the fish swimming as if they were free:
Only ten feet away, my dear, only ten feet away.

Walked through a wood, saw the birds in the trees;
They had no politicians and sang at their ease:
They weren’t the human race, my dear, they weren’t the human race.

Dreamed I saw a building with a thousand floors,
A thousand windows and a thousand doors;
Not one of them was ours, my dear, not one of them was ours.

Stood on a great plain in the falling snow;
Ten thousand soldiers marched to and fro:
Looking for you and me, my dear, looking for you and me.

Nasuh Al-Matrakî, 'Aleppo', miniatura, s. XVI


“If you wish to become a philosopher, the first thing to realise, is that most people go through life with a whole world of beliefs that have no sort of rational justification, and that one man’s world of beliefs is apt to be incompatible with another man’s, so that they cannot both be right. People’s opinions are mainly designed to make them feel comfortable; truth, for most people is a secondary consideration.”

― Bertrand Russell, The Art of Philosophizing and other Essays (1942), Essay I: The Art of Rational Conjecture, p. 7

Image: Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970) was a philosopher, mathematician, educational and sexual reformer, pacifist, prolific letter writer, author and columnist. Bertrand Russell was one of the most influential and widely known intellectual figures of the twentieth century. In 1950 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his extensive contributions to world literature and for his "rationality and humanity, as a fearless champion of free speech and free thought in the West." Russell died at his home in Penrhyndeudraeth, Wales, United Kingdom on 2nd February 1970, where his ashes were scattered over the Welsh hills.

Las tumbas crecen en profundidad.Los mu***os están más mu***os cada noche.Bajo los olmos y la lluvia de hojas,Las tumbas...

Las tumbas crecen en profundidad.
Los mu***os están más mu***os cada noche.

Bajo los olmos y la lluvia de hojas,
Las tumbas crecen en profundidad.

Los oscuros dobleces del viento
Cubren el suelo. La noche es fría.

Las hojas son azotadas contra las piedras.
Los mu***os están más mu***os cada noche.

Una oscuridad sin estrellas los abraza.
Sus rostros se ensombrecen.

No podemos recordarlos con claridad.
Nunca lo haremos.

– Mark Strand (1934-2014) nació en la isla del Príncipe Eduardo (Canadá), pero se educó en Estados Unidos. En 1999 ganó el premio Pulitzer en su versión de poesía, por una obra que muchos con…


"Excelente": adjetivo ya institucional, manoseado e id**ta. Y abundan. Facilonerías que no debería permitirse ningún escritor.


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