Joka La Selebu

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Joka La Selebu The life of a celebrity

analyzing all trending issues of different celebrities all over the world... I do believe that we are all equal hence we are all celebrities in our own unique way.

UNCLE LULU PART 2...Continuation of part 1In my life I have never seen mtolankhani osakonda mabodza. Koma ngati alipo, a...

...Continuation of part 1

In my life I have never seen mtolankhani osakonda mabodza. Koma ngati alipo, am sure ntchito imawavuta kugwira. Anyways, ntatuluka mu studio muja, nakumana ndi atolankhani amabodzawa omwe anandiphaphalitsa ndi mafunso monga mwa ntchito yawo. Ntangofika, anayambapo modzi, "mwacheza kale ndi ankolo anu?". I was like, "ankolo?". Then another one came in, she was like, "heee!! Timadziwa umanama iwe, Lulu si ankolo ako. Kuteroku nkona wachokamo chothawa mu studio mo eti?". At this point thats when I realized kuti aaahh that guy ndampatsa kagunde uja, was Lulu. Eeeh i was mad at myself. I felt sorry For myself coz I had one chance that I would have utilized to talk to the living legend. Literally I blew it away. Heard the inner voice inside me, "easy, all is not lost". Then i turned to the guys, " kodi Lulu yo wapita ngati? Mesa he is around?, dikilani atuluke muone zoti sindikunama. More over we spoke alot nkatimo koma vuto munalibemo inuyo". Koma eeeh ma guy, munthu ukayankhula chinthu chabodza, its crazy how time flies by to catch up with ur words.

I understand kuti mu studio muja Lulu anakhalamo almost close to an hour. Koma kwa ineyo, it felt like 2 minutes basi. Coz it was like as soon as after I told ma guys kuti Timudikile atuluke will show u kuti he is indeed an uncle, ndipomwenso amatuluka mu studio. Ine ngati ndilowe pansi. Anyways, anthu atuluka mu studio, ma guys are eager to see what am gonna do. Ine am just there thinking what to do coz ndee eeeh zinandikulira. I saw Lulu approaching from where we stood. By that time, I don't know what came over me coz nanyamuka kuti ndikumane naye Lulu kuti asafike kuli anzanga kuopa kuyaluka. Ntamupeza, I said, "Lulu, am a huge fan. Nyimbo zako zimandiwaza heavy. Koma without wasting much of your time, my friends ali apowo, nawanamiza kuti iwe ndi m'bale wanga nde ndizoti they are expecting chinachake". The guy laughed and he asked kuti, "what's your name?" (Ofcoz anafunsa funsoli mu chichewa, ine ndangoganiza kuti ikhale mu chizungu). 2 mins inayake akulu ajanso pena pake amazapangako za Gwamba wezi. Anyways back to my story, I told him my name kenaka anazati, "tiye". Tinafika pomwe panali anzanga aja. He told them kuti we are related blah blah blah.. I wasn't even paying attention. The fact is, the Legend saved me from embarrassment. From that moment Lulu anayamba kundiwaza. Now i understand kuti Ali Ku USA. Am wishing him all the best.AMATHA. Speaking of which, Ku USA kuli mayi anga akulu. I know ena muzitsutsa kumaona ngati ndikunama. Koma na Iyi Yokha, iyiyi, iyiyi nde ndiyoona.

The end.

UNCLE LULU PART 1As they say, "Everything happens for a reason". Yah!!. You know we all have told a lie in our lives in ...


As they say, "Everything happens for a reason". Yah!!. You know we all have told a lie in our lives in one way or another eti??. Koma mabodxa ena, sure ndiopindulitsa. I don't know who told me this lie am about to share to u guys koma munthu ameneyo komwe aliko, Mulungu amuone. Wina wake anandiuzapo kuti am related to Legendary Lulu. Nde eehh nsaname bodza ilili landipindulira coz ndee eeh nda shiner po, Nde ndawasimbira anzizanga pafupifupi kuli konse ndimayenda. Like tili Ku secondary in Blantyre, ndinkapikisana nawo pa udindo wa Entertainment Director. Now get this straight, munthu kuti uwine pa udindowu umayenera ukhale ndi ma link ama celebrity angapo, ngati ulibe napepe. So yemwe ndimapikisana nayeyo, anali ndi ma link almost 5 pomwe ine i had none except kuti tinkakamiza ubale wathu ndi uncle Lulu although anthube sankakhulupilira. Anyways, poti nalibe umboni ogwirika, Nane nangozitaya. Fast forward tavaya college, timauzabe anthu kuti Lulu ndi m'bale. Up until ntayamba ntchito Ku Radio Station inayake, uku ndikomwe zinandionekera.

I remember that day I was on air ndi program inayake ya zaulimi. Nde Lulu uja anabwera Ku radio station kuja poti he was called for a live interview mu program ina yake ya Urban Hits Yomwe imabwera Soon after my program yazaulimi ija yomwe inali itatsala pang'onoso kutha. Mind you, anthu aku ntchito Nawonso nali ntawauza kale kuti Lulu ndi m'bale wanga. So Lulu ndi Presenter wa program ya urban hits analowa mu studio muja kuti andipatse sign kuti i should wrap up my program coz time by then inali itatha. In no time nagwetsa ma closing remarks ine nkutsazikapo. Kenaka i stood up nkuwapatsa ma guys aja kagundekagunde leaving them kuti apange zawozo. Ntatuluka panja, I was welcomed by atolankhani amabodza. I know this sounds odd but yah atolankhani tilipo abwino bwino pomwe kulinso ena amabodza. sticking their noses where they don't belong.



"Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted on this page, and for that, I'm sorry. I took a break from social media for personal reasons, but now I'm back and excited to reconnect with you all.

I want to thank you for your patience and support during my absence. It means a lot to me that you've stuck around, and I'm looking forward to sharing new content with you moving forward.

Speaking of which, I have some exciting plans for this page. Starting next week, I'll be posting new content every Monday and Thursday, including behind-the-scenes glimpses of my work, tips and tricks related to my industry, and exclusive promotions for my followers.

Thank you all once again... Can't wait to reconect with all of you.



Potengera tsamba la mchenzo lapa instagram la m'modzi mwa atengambali akuluakula a Kanema wa Fatsani, Hannah Sukali, anthu ambiri atsindika kuti anakaonera nawo Kanema wa Fatsani bwenzi amuvotera.

Masiku apitawo Hannah Sukali yemwe amadziwika bwino ndi dzina loti Fatsani, anasankhidwa kukapikisana nawo mu gulu la Best Young promising Actor ku Africa Movie Academy Awards 2022. Ndipotu ngakhale zinthu sizinayende kumbali yake, Sukali analemba patsamba lake lamchezo lapa Instagram pomwe amamufunila mafuno abwino yemwe wawina award imeneyi a Wilner Munemera aku zimbabwe.

Ndipotu anthu anathilila ndemanga zawo zomwe mwa zina zinali zomulimbikitsa kuti asafooke koma apitilize kulimbikira. Komabe izo zili chomwechi, ndemanga zambiri zinali zong'alula akulu akulu a Fatsani kuti kanemayu anakakhala anthu ambiri amuonera bwenzi mwina amuvotera mwanayu. "Sitingavotere munthu tisanamuone momwe akupangila act", ena mwa anthu anang'alula moteromo.

Temwa Tembo YEWO TV


Wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wadziko lino, a Saulosi chilima lero akhala akutuluka mdziko lino kupita mu dziko la United Arab Emirates.

kutengera chikalata chomwe office ya wachiwiri wa mtsogoleriyu chatulutsa, a Chilima akapitilira mu dziko la Egypt kukagwira zintchito zina akakachoka Ku Arab Emirates.

A Chilima akukaimilila president wadziko lino ku misonkhano yonse iwiri yomwe ikukachitika Ku United Arabs Emirates ndinso Egypt.

Apa tidziti madando a Malawi anamveka? ong'alula mtsogoleri wadziko lino kuti asamangophangira ma ulendo onse yekha koma ena azipatsako wachiwiri wake a Saulosi Chilima??



Dzulo madzulo patsamba la mchezo la Pulofeti Austin Liabunya panatekesa anthu kwambiri pomwe mkuluyi adauza anthu za yemwe adzakhale president wa dziko lino mu zinsankho zikubwerazi.

Mwa zina, a Liabunya atsimikizira amalawi kuti pakadali pano mpira uli m'manja mwa Wachiwiri wa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Saulosi Klausi Chilima.

Ndipotu a Liabunya atafunsidwa kuti ali ndi chitsimikizo chotani kuti ulosi wawo ukwaniritsidwadi? Iwo anayankha mosatekeseka kuti palibe munthu angadzakhale president iwowo osadziwa popeza iwowo ndi amene amapanga munthu kukhala president dziko lisanamusankhe ndipo ichitu ndichinsinsi chawo.

By Temwe Tembo

Yewo Tv

Fresh News and Entertainment



It seems like the prophesy of the Prophet is coming to pass as recently China the primary place the disease started officially announced that there are no new cases of it in their country.

BEFORE 27/3/20!!

The world health organization (WHO) has confirmed global improvement of situations. Cases are been recovered and cured.

The second largest case country( Italy),564 Italians COVID-19 patients signed out of the hospital.

Many more African countries
Zambians COVID-19 patients Signed out of the Hospital.

6 and more Nigerians COVID-19 patients are discharged out of hospital.

And the Prophet said, rain will take away the pandemic, since then, there's downpour, the world has been seen raining from the beginning of this month of March till the end of March.



If it is true That the president professor Auther Peter Mutharika has appointed a new panel of judges at the high Court, ??


Real Celebrities.


The Ministry of Health in Uganda has today confirmed the first case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) .

The victim is a Ugandan who travelled from Dubai to Entebbe International Airport aboard Ethiopian airlines.

The Ministry has asked citizens to remain calm and report all suspected cases to the authorities.

The Uganda health ministry has led by an example in confirming such cases...

I wonder if the Malawi Health Ministry could have done the same in a similar case.

Coz what startles me is the fact that here in our country politics is always the first priority before everything else.


On this day, the 9th March 2020, the trio HRDC Leaders, have been arrested. Thus a trending matter in our world of celebrities.
From a press statement released today signed by MPS National spokesperson, James Kadadzera, dated March 9 2020 says the three, Gift Trapence, McDonald Sembeleka and Timothy Mtambo have been arrested following their statement they made on March 6 2020 at Crossroads Hotel during a press briefing, in which they urged Malawians to shutdown the State House.
The other amazing fact, is that in the letter, it has been indicated that Mr Mtambo as of now is at large. Komatu although that is the case, some people are saying that Mtambo is at his house right now.


MBC has fired its presenter Ian Simbota.
Simbota is the president of Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM), a powerful critical voice of the government handling of abductions and killings of people with albinism in the country.
He is a person with albinism who fights for the welfare of his fellow persons with albinism who face abductions, killings and torture.
MBC has instead used flimsy, useless and cadetish reason to fire him in a bid to silence this outstanding voice on issues of protection of people with albinism.
He had been warned before, verbally though, against attacking the DPP led government over floppy policies of people with albinism.
The crime for his dismissal is that last year, when former minister of Information Henry M***a visited the MBC Kwacha studios in Blantyre, Simbota told the minister that the state controlled broadcaster was a breeding ground for gossip as some members of staff were bent to have fellow employees fired.
This did not please the MBC boss Aubrey Sumbuleta who asked Simbota to give evidence on what he told the minister yet Simbota said this after M***a told the staff to be open and say problems, both personal or professional, they were facing at MBC.
Now, a few weeks ago, a DPP cadet at the institution was reposting in various social media platforms posts by Simbota deemed to be anti-DPP.
Simbota's security was at risk knowing how notorious DPP cadets can be so he called the acting IG Duncan Mwapasa to lodge a complaint.
Mwapasa reacted swiftly and positively by calling Sumbuleta, the MBC DG to tell the cadet stop what he was doing because that was putting Simbota's life in danger.
Just days after this, Simbota received a letter of dismissal.

Zili ndi a eni wake izi. Zina timangoona taziyamba.


Am not a celebrity, that I can assure you. But somehow I have a feeling that many do not understand who a celebrity really is. Especially in our villages, oh God it's a pity... People are exploited in our villages. For instance, one guy was caught in phalule, rural Dowa. He was deceiving villagers there that he has come all the way from South Africa, he is a popular singer and right now he needs people as he is setting a band. But later on it was discovered that he is a human trafficker.... So sad.



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