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Let mutharika break the DPP constitution ,so that MCP swims over to 2030 ,chuma Cha masiye chimatha choncho khoma lidalemba


Musamamuptsitse munthu kuti aimenso while it is a planned scheme to be milking him.
He must be in the middle of hungry lions.
It is like promising a contract and get away with front end injection,take care Mutharika,the young generation is sophisticated.


Let the world and all countries know that prophets aka pastors are conmen who have hidden crimminal activities and disguise these frauds and money laundering under the name of prayer in Jesus and God .
They stela from people's problems by tihes in churches ,they have big connections in conducting crimes on behalf of presidents and bank managers.
Do not have to spare ur precious time to biw before them ,they need ur money ,they are thieves ,and how I wish Malawi govt would ban these milking cash churches which pretend as the get way to blessings .
Trust in the Lord and go to those original churches as a witness before the congregation that u are glorifying God with what u see and get everyday of ur life.
Unfortunately ,these prophets are crafty, they connect the president in deals .


Much as we hire foreign coaches ,I have only a word to the govt
I humbly ask Malawi govt to open up a commission of enquiry to investigate FAM President Walter Nyamilandu why Meke Mwase having performed to people's expectation was demoted and FAM hired a useless foreign coach .
The financial Intelligence Authority should audit financial transactions between the duo.


I long to appear today on this column to thank individuals and organisations for their timely humble gesture shown in assistance to the despair who have been affected by gorgiers,cyclone Freddy.
It is the first high congratulations to the president having headed such a huge task and seen a heavy damage to our environment so that govt would take this issue as business as unusual since such a devastitation has never been experienced and tells it as a caution to govt to put in ready measures to counter future happenings .
I therefore urge govt and the private sector to open up an institution in readiness for calamities as climate change activities have just started. to erode the planet slowly into creation of new seas .
Thirdly let me express my disappointment in the way the president and vice president have coordinated in handling such a hit befallen on us.Politicking in times of national disasters is unwelcome to democracy and human nature.
The president has to consult the vice president on issues of national importance to help the stakeholders open up their view agendas to tackle national problems with technocrats inclusive.
The present working environment between the presidency office and vice needs a lot to be desired as evidenced by absence of Dr Chilima in escorting the president to the task.
Let me advise the two bearers of these 2 offices that big hearted to live by each other will not yield anything apart from laughter from the public who are observing anarchy.
Continuing with such humid living while serving public duties ,shunning each other ,is unhealthy for democracy,and development.
Malawi can't develop with anarchy ,but can do so with love .


Today ,Malawians ,is a holy day all over the world we bow and pray to God.
Let all malawians today ,pray for peace,love and endurance.
God is great and everybody should glorify His name becos what we see all over the planet is God ,Alpha and Omega,Amen


First of all ,on behalf of my family ,we extend our sincere condolences to the bereaved who have lost loved ones in this hard times as cyclone Freddy has devastitated our environment with destruction in southern region .
While we are praying for comfort to the affected ,let me take this space to thank organisations ,govt and individuals who have rushed with their donations to the affected areas.
Lastly ,I would like to caution the govt officials ,taking advantage of the affected populance by abusing donations directed to the targets that God will punish u indirectly as this is a shocking moment and a time for every malawian why we are in this calamity for the first time ,though on the other hand ,climate change is being preached.
Politically this is not welcome ,it is a life that is gone to 63 deaths if not more.


Malawi political scene as at now seems very undecided by voting patterns towards 2025 because there are complex thorny outstanding issues that have tied citizenrys hands to vote .
In other words few people will vote in 2025 as promises from the past elections have not been fulfilled and this has created a negative gap to lose trust in politicians from malawians themselves who have indulged to keep hard working for their own future without govt incentives which it has failed .
I personally do not smile at this present economic situation we are in .We don't eat politics and things being out of hand ,brings less trust to govt which is happening now .
Malawians have agroeconomy which the govt has failed to handle and food disaster is on the loom ,a thing ,which is very pathetic.
I urge govt to seriously do a hard homework to fight the looming hunger at a harvesting time which will malnourish the de espair in the coming lean period as a worst disaster coming period ,first ever in the history of malawi


The president's SONA has been describing the current status quo of our economic situation and development projects in place but run short of measures to counter defects of poverty as the problems like high inflation,continue to hamper the cost of living.
I hope though measures haven't been mentioned,it is my hope that the private sector intervene to conquer the negative decimal of economic growth as it is fringing on people's lives through creation of mass production of goods in manufacturing to increase export base inorder to obtain enough foreign exchange to stabilise our economy.


Malawi is still learning on the way cases are handled in courts and this leaves a lot to be desired ,as we occupy a much heated time on cases that do not have complainants as evidenced by those who wait for a huge compansation yet their lawyers cannot do it in a short time to defer them.
How can a lawyer handle a case when there is no complainant who has sued the accused ,only we hear the defendant's side of the story without what the plaintiff is talking about ,and doubtedly will never appear in court .
Let us spend time to indict real culprits with physical individual appearing in court to avoid chunk of compansation money awaiting to be cashed ,and this may be courtgate on lawyers who share the ordeal with the defendant knowingly it is a nongoer case.
Be reminded we have more cases which do not have a complete scenario in hearing due to plaintiff absencia in the courts ,Let us discharge such cases for the good of the time profit than time loss to attend the cases with evidences beyond reasonable doubt.


Welcome to the opening of budgetary parliament for 2023/24 fiscal year.
Let us put the welfare of the citizenry at first to rest for the hard times ,malawians have been facing so that mindset change can be achieved to develop further our country.
Hungry belly doesn't develop.


People of Mgona have missed the opportunity to be part of the community at area 25 health centre,when in dire need of health services.They have created it themselves,azisalidwa,a lesson to other would be developmental destroyers


We are now moving according to norms in reference to the recent ditching off criminal case against ACB Director and this must be a normal direction if we don't include politics in this matter.
The ACB Director too has a case to favour her decriminalisation,where she has to be legally cleared as she has been injured.
Consequently ,it is this background that she needs a positive advice from her lawyer to safeguard her existence to exercise her duties without fear or favour .
This is a turning point for Malawi and ACB Director where democracy is at work to its pace while the majority poor have eyes to see ACBs independence in its duties


The civil society organisations have duties to help govern the country in many areas of development whether human rights,health,education,among the MDAs .
It is the sole reason why the non government organisation were constitutionally mandated to exist.
Unfortunately ,here in Malawi these organisations are not helping the govt sustain its objectives for the good of the citizenry,becos they seem to suffer from retrogression as all stick to one daily issue,corruption where ,it seems this is turning political if not handled with care ,and I advise the govt to look into these organisations critically .
The govt spent billions of money in 2019 on 2 elections which was heavily spent and this backlashed development ,therefore ,these non government organisstions have a hang over to that stance.
Malawi is too poor to hold any referendum sooner or later before 2025 .
Let us concentrate on development agendas helping the govt while we are also pushing for fighting corruption.


The whizzling environment on ACB Director is man made and I also stand with the US embassy to protect this lady becos of her being compromised in her duties .
It is retrogressive to fight the one who fights corruption becos in that way we are making sure ACB does not exist in hidden details.
As a political surgeon ,this will cost the whole objective to regrettable moments that will be remembered forever.And I see the scenario in my vision that will fight for its agenda to take advantage of prickling ACB Director .We need to revisit our constitution to deter interference in the way ACB Director operates becos our constitution is based on not fighting corruption .


7.5 magnitude earthquake that has hit Turkiyei after 100 yrs from 1929 indicates the position of techtonic plates that are spacious between them with expansion and contracting of the plates so vigorous in such a period.
Therefore Turkiyei is sitting on a gorgier that wipes its part of population.This is nature on why black people do not face such gradient of calamities but are friendly in life with poverty that continue to kiss Africa until Armageddon,CURSE TO BLACKMAN,who is never rich even if funded,granted,donated but use such to marry many wives,drinks to a spree, becomes half mad and helps those who are not related to him ,a black man is a destroyer of development,God is always right even in designing colours.


My talk always doesn't gunfire at the target ,for example mentioning names becos as a political surgeon ,my job is based on dissecting to cure the tumour by removing bad ideologies from implementation by themselves.
This has made patients turned into fit individuals able to work with confidence.


Pwepwete online is wholly owned by Genius Kamwanje ,plse be advised to what's up 0993911246 for further consultation to political talk as he is a political surgeon


Post era 50+1 seems uncontainable as development is hampered becos of political fight for inheretent leadership due to quantum,duo or quadraplet winning of elections where each party's leader expects to run for presidential race consecutively which is errorneous becos the way we have taken this path is ignorant .
Alliance is alive when we go to vote only and emphatically,only.
After elections ,it doesn't exist becos naturally, govt is run by a majority winning party even in coalition ,not the wrong perception by our alliance leaders who continue to portray current governance.
This scenario contains politicking each other in and out fighting for the mantle than governing economies of scale,which creates absence of controlling the country's economy which automates to high inflation ,devaluation and all other negative effects of citizenry's living becos of 50+1 which has become our food on the table that doesn't exist.
I therefore urge authorities to stop pretending and reposition their minds about 50+1 so that it is natural on voting only and doesn't live on governance.


Just after I woke up this morning ,I read my what's up groups and found the realism of new cabinet .
Upon cogitating on the president's decision dropping some elephants from the inner circle brings a new turn of Malawi politics in Malawi where the president mindset is in tandem with how the world is behaving in the new era of 21st Century.
I applaud the president in teaching malawians that merit is more rewarding than politicking which has proven in this report.
Malawi is going towards general elections in the next 38 months and looking at the general perception,the president is cleaning the house and putting it in order so that the formula for general elections remain intact to continue as of today's parameter.
Sticking to ur gun become more secure than snatching one from the other side,point taken.


Chizuma needs to face the complainant in court.
Who is she or he ,is govt really serious?
The president says anyone suing chizuma it is civil case,why criminal now? .
When God says no,noone can say yes


Appointments to public offices as Minister's need a serious scout to identify visionary personnel with proper ethics in discharging their duties.
It has come to my surprise why today a certain minister would wonder a packet of sugar being sold at k1500 by traders since it has been so long since consumers have pelted their hard earned devalued kwacha on many price hiked products including sugar.
This has palmed my memory that some ministers work by bullying,being told what to do,becos the recent consecutive Minister's press conferences,has shown that the president is bull dozing some ministers to work who do not know why they are there apart from rhetoric .
I also fault politics ,as a retrogressive factor Malawi is sick from.Political appeasements is not really described as bad,the same way am retired soldier and my son gets employed as soldier but he performs tremendously that he goes for peacekeeping.
In a nutshell,the govt should reshuffle the cabinet and create a successful headway cabinet for 2025 which will yield convincing work before elections to calibrate the leadership popularity which is so decimal that if not treading carefully ,malawians at already on a bitter pill.


ACB Director's comments in that audio is unprofessional in the way she is supposed to work and she lost some ethics ,but taking this issue further to court will open up corruption files becos the court deals with cases beyond reasonable doubt


Govt administration contains dealing with issues directly to the last nail ,and inventors said it is governance.
Taking ACB Director to court and answer a leaked audio case is only the start of transforming cases of corruption from ACB offices to court indirectly, as having heard the audio from social media,it talks about corruption in which the ACB Director is confirming existing corruption in Malawi.Therefore by taking the director to court will make the court find this audio case as not evident enough becos the court wants issues indicted beyond reasonable doubt of which the leaked audio will be asked to justify what is there that is making an audio that should be brought to court .
In this case the ACB Director will be asked to bring evidence of corruption by the court as evidence to be tendered ,and definitely it will have way for submission of finished corruption files from ACB .
In this case corruption files will be transferred from ACB to court via leaked audio.


The ceiling that we achieve comes through proper time frame work with efforts on a prolonged momentum with maximum sscrifice.
That proper framework is the railway to success with impetus to deliver for generations to come.
This comes to my view of personal internvention to Malawi judges on 2020 fresh presidential elections when the citizenry voted for tonse alliance on 50+1 electoral voting.
This trend continued among the tonse party leaders even when MCP won the general elections.
On paper ,it is tonse alliance governing ,but in reality ,on the ground MCP is the govt of the day where I fault law makers who do not hold stakeholders meeting with law commission to tackle alliance and have it in Constitution becos ,naturally it only happens one party to govern the country and not by a group of party presidents.
This is evident to all eyes that this is mcp govt not tonse govt and what mcp is doing is the rightful and needful to normality .
Let me teach judges or may be remind them that though they only interprete 50+1 electoral prima face ,they ,together with law commission should save our country from draining unnecessary taxpayers money to interprete that tonse alliance is ONLY ON VOTING and not heading all to work in govt ,which doesn't naturally work as it create anarchy and hatred .
Mind u the country has a president NOT presidents .
This trend we are in seems it contains hooks and tentacles of consultations among law experts because I feel tonse partners running govt should be removed and leave mcp leader alone as a president of the nation with lonely decisions as a governing party.
In other words I feel to see govt is naturally invalid and tonse alliance on voting only is valid where it is broken down after voting as evidenced by current scenario which is natural and nobody can argue ,it is mcp govt


The final report about commission of enquiry on chizumas arrest is like this country is Uganda where if u respond by attacking govt machinery the police will pounce and throw u in jail.
Hiding behind leaves will not help and every grown up individual has the same final report in the head which is totally different from this palmed one.
Even a 15yr old lad can laugh at this report which is not concluding but is incomplete and seem cloudy to accuse who authorised to arrest Chizuma and why picking her midnight.
These 2 questions remain silent to be answered until all things being unequal will prevail.
Decisions on action plans need to be very responsible and mature than emotional ones which have no backup becos they flop to dignified emberrasment where the citizenry laughs to a bedroom wall in silence


Am disturbed by news that bogus financial institutions continue frauding corporations and individuals of their fortune investments while RBM cannot track these illigal thieving operatives in their eyes.
For example if I open up a private police cell and arrest or kidnap people ,it will not take a week before the police would know of a private jail ,and law enforcers take action to fight such a crime.
With billions invested ,and RBM too sleepy raises eye brows and a lot of questions why such developments take a lot of time without being apprehended.
Our Malawi nation shouldn't be a laughter with foreigners conniving reaping out our wealth while we are struggling ,including the govt which doesn't have cash to run its economies of scale.
I have an idea that RBM being an institution ,has fiscal police working within its environment in protecting clients liquidity from fraudsters swindling their money.
Capital Alliance ,then Greenlights ,it sounds normal for white collar to operate in Malawi which is gives a very deep job for CID operations to find out.
Let's be vigilant against foreigners including Indians who have been cut off from doing business with the govt on a share that indigenous malawians should be 60%suppliers .
Let's keep our eyes open on social media new companies which turn to actual institutions after capturing customer data there by frauding them


Good for life ,is food ,shelter and clothes which are basic necessities for our life .
But my question is simple and well understood .
Why should one acquire billions of stolen money and hide them in Switzerland Banks or offshore accounts and wait for his death ?.
Why can't we African leaders refuse this aid stolen money but use it for it's intended purpose of development as u think it is stolen when actually u have returned it to same donors .
Our African poor mindset need a change of lobbying for creation of Pan Africanism so that all African natural resources become one nation wealth becos individual African presidents deprive its citizens by oppressing them of their wealthy creating opportunities through rampant corruption which has reached an alarming level such that it is now normal in africa to benefit by corruption.
The beast can fight those who fight against it ,and can kill those who want it to go to jail.Corruption has created octopus branches in all govt entities and African leaders cant fight it let alone a poor citizen who mobilizes the citizenry to demonstrate against it.
Africa has failed to fight corruption as evidenced by a growing gap between the gotten and the missed, in economies of scale.
Even in any diversification programmes for economical growth ,African leaders miss where rich Nations became rich.
African leaders are proud to have benefits of plenty vehicles and houses for themselves and their families and tell their people to work hard without offering govt internventions ,forgetting the whiteman brainwashed an African by giving him free house free car and barely waits for retirement where this is a grave mistake for Africans forgetting innovations as having gotten a PhD is the last think tank we have and let it rot instead of creating innovations and research with natural talented human resources to benefit our African nations there by growing technological advances ,extending commercialisation ,with mass production of our goods .



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