For some reasons I have decided to repost this:
Warning a raw post ahead, if you are easily offended don't go beyond this point.
Now that we have cleared that up, let's dive straight into the issue.
They say delay is not denial. That's true about me and marriage. My delay in getting married is never and must never be misconstrued for denial. Nor must you mistake my delay for hate. I don't hate marriage, I am a product of marriage myself.
Its imperfections aside, marriage is one of the most beautiful things my King, Jesus Christ ever made. Yes I sometimes diss disgusting things that some married people do but I have never dissed and will never diss marriage. Marriage is Flawless he he.
Listen I have many reasons why I should marry than reasons I shouldn't.
Dressed in Ngoni tradition wear I want to stand look into her eyes and recite a poem for her, confessing my eternal love for her on beaches of Lake Malawi.
I want to see the glow on Mayi Nangozo's face as she will finally look at her daughter in law attired beautifully in white.
Or I won't be able to afford a wedding of my dreams, I will just have a simple one, ask the pastor to bless us.
Even if that will fail, I will marry.
I too want to experience the magic of the honeymoon night. The making of two souls into one.
I can't wait ha ha ha.
I can't wait to wake up beside my beautiful wife. I want experience the miracle of watching her beautiful face as she sleeps.
I want to walk with her barefoot on serpia sands of lake Malawi, feel the fan of breeze , watch the everblue sky.
Or go to Parish and walk under Eiffel tower. I want to throw bread crumbs to its doves.
I want to be told by future Mrs Emm that she is expecting our twins. I want to be there to watch my babies( swaddled in a sparkling clean white cloth ) feel the cloud-softness of their little fragile bodies in arms.
I want to be there to watch the first smile of my little bundles of bliss. I want to listen to their first coos and laughters. I can't wait to feel the coil of their little fingers around mine. I want to be there to rescue things from the mouths of my babies, paja everything becomes food for those ones ha hahaha. I want to see their first rabbit like front teeth grow.
I want to see their first steps. I can't wait to listen to those tongues they speak. I want to converse with them. I want to feel the downs of marriages too. The sour moods, the little fights , the flames of jealousy and then the make up. Me hiding little notes for her to find as she wakes up.
I can go on, I think I have made my point.
But you won't bully me into marriage. You can joke unkindly that perhaps I have a gift of celibacy, speculate unwisely that I hate s*x and that I am impotent ( I will let sleeping dogs lie because I know myself in that area and my most beloved Ex's soul knows this very well ha hahaha)
You can say I am delaying my kids from school, that I am missing out, can project unkindly that I will look like a grandpa to my own kids etc but I bet you my life, you will fail. You will waste your time. Your breath. Your energy. You will be frustrated. You will even hate me.
On this one, I am too strong for you ( sorry I had to say this). I will marry because I have found my right life partner, repeat right, not perfect .
I will marry , not because you have bullied me enough , into marriage.
I will marry not because I have reached a marriageable age or I have accumulated mounds of money.
I will not marry because I am struggling with my s*xual feelings...
I will marry because I have found somebody I can love with my body, my soul and spirit
~ Emmanuel Chikuse