My Mother's heart
Short story by James George mulenga
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Sceen 1
Love is blind
Ooooo nono no this is an fair!!! God why you allowed this to happen?
Joe my son pleas come and eat since morning you didn't eat anything what is bothering you ?
Joe ; mama it's getu mama she is dieng at the hospital ?
Mama:what happening to your fiance
Joe ; mama I told you that she had deficult with her heart,
Mama : am sory my son,don't wory she will be fine come and eat we save a miracle God she will be fine
Joe ; mama how can I eat while my heart is not feeling well ,yesterday the doctor said that she remain with 48 hours if there will be nobody to donate a heart to her I will lose her ,
Mama : ooo my son am sorry I didn't know that it reach to that mess eash
Joe ; mama ooo no if getu will die and I will die with her I don't want to lose her
Look mama what will I be if I lose her she is my happiness my everything oo no God have pity on me pleas.
Mama ; my son don't wory come and eat first I will go with you to the hospital oky I know what to do oky
My only son ,akufuna kudzipha chifukwa Cha ms*kanayu zoona kutheka amamukonda kwambiri no ndidamuvutikila mwanayu kuti abadwe akule ndye ndingomuluza mopheka chonchi no koma ndimupangile chinthu chomwe azanyadile moyo wake wonse akazamandikumbukila .
Tidanyamuka ine ndimwana wanga joe ulendo wakuchipatala ku central hospital.
Joe don't wory getu will not die ndipo ukamachoka kuno uzipita naye limodzi oky
Joe ; are you sure mamu ,I really trust you so mulch
Mdamuyangana mwana wanga kumwetulila kwake kudandukumbutsa nthawi imene atangobadwa kumene adamwetulila , ndidaziyankhulila ndekha ndukapeleka mtima wanga ngati msembe kuchimwemwe Cha mwana wanga ndi mpongozi wanga wa msigolo .
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