Central Malawi Field - Ims

Central Malawi Field - Ims Mission
Preach the gospel to every people and nation: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son



Fuso ngati ili ambili amadzifusa ,mwachomcho ,koma malingana ndi chinyengo chomwe Satana adachita kudziko lapasi ,zili zovuta kumanena k*ti m,pingo ukapulumutsa munthu ,

Chiv 12:12, tsoka litalengezedwa lobwela kudziko lapasi ,kamba kak*tsika kwa Lusifala ,dziko linawonongeka ndi kusandulika malo omenyela nkhondo pakati pa chabwino ndi choyipa,

Mulungu adayika mpingo wake umodzi padziko lapasi ,atawuchotsa kumwamba ,kudzela mwa adamu ndi hava, chilichose choyeneleza adawupatsa m,pingowu ,,udapatsidwaso lamulo, koma posakhalitsa panabadwa kupembedza kuwili ,chifukwa cha Satana ,atalowa mwa kaini,Genesis 4:4-8 ,uku kunali kubadwa kwa mbewu ya chinjoka ,yomati chipembedzo ,munthu atha kuchipanga momwe angafunile ,, posalamulidwa ndi Mulungu ayi,

Kuchokela p***a kugawanika kunafalikila , kudziko ,ndizomwe lelo zikuwoneka zokayikitsa k*ti mpingo sungapulumutse munthu , koma tilingalileko izi ,chipulumutso chidabwela ndi Yesu ,kusonyeza k*ti tipite kwa iye ,kodi Mulungu Ali ndi mpingo kudziko kuno? Nanga ntchito yake ndiyachiyani ,mpingowo kudziko kuno?

Yankho mateyu 28:18-20, kuphuzitsa , fuso ngati m,pingo uphuzitsa zosalingana ndi Baibulo anthu mk*tsata zimenezo ,kodi anthuwo akapulumuka? Kodi ngati mpingowo ukuphuzitsa zose zolingana ndi Baibulo anthu mk*tsatila kodi anthuwo akapulumuka?

Mafuso awa ndukhulupilila aliyese wapeza yankho , m,pingo ukumuthandizila Yesu kupulumutsa munthu ,ngati m,pingowo ukuphuzitsa malingana ndi kwa lembedwa ,koma zachisoni lelo anthu ambili ak*ti ndi aMulungu ,ndi aYesu ,koma ,kumeta m,mbali kuli pakati pawo, kuvala zothina, masiketi ong,amba ,

Kupemta milomo, kupemta Zara ,kuvala maliboni,kuvala ndolo, kuvala meshi, kuvala mosemphanitsa ,azimayi kumakhala azisembe,otumikila kumalo opatulika,zosezi Mulungu akukana ,koma mkumati ndife m,pingo waMulungu ,kodi chiphuzitso ichi anthu apulumuka?

Yesaya 29:13-14, Mateyu 15:7-9, Yesaya 9:16, Yesaya 3:12, usapusitsidwe ndi mawonekedwe m,bale sankha Ame


Happy preparation day my fellow reformers


Pali zithu zina umachita kudabwa k*ti awa sakumvetsa pati?
Ziri ngati 1+1= 2
Kuti sataday ndilo tsiku lopembedza lomvomerezeka ndi mulungu wa aisreyeli baibulo lonse osati Sunday lomwe ndi tsiku la achikunja la adani akhristu izi zinachitaka mu 321 AD ndi bishop constatine believe it or not Daniel 7:25 read for your self


Coming to peace, the Lord Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27, KJV).
He left us with His own peace; the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, which guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7, NET).
When something that seems untoward happens, you find yourself unperturbed. You are unrattled, maintaining your cool.
Unfortunately, many Christians are troubled by everything, minor and major because they don't know that they have the peace of God.
They let their hearts to be troubled and be afraid.
With their lack of knowledge that they have the peace of God, when they face a challenge which may be minor, that challenge is magnified and looks very big and they become afraid. They are in their own sight as grasshoppers, and so are they in the challenge's sight (Numbers 13:32-33, KJV).
As a result, they do things that they weren't supposed to do. You find out that they do right things in wrong ways. For example, they pray and fast haphazardly and you find that their prayers and fastings don't work because they are done from an angle of no peace.
The sixth verse of Phil 4 (NET) says, Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God.
You don't have to be worried about anything but Christians do the very opposite: they are worried about everything. Worry has become so normal you hear people casually saying, I'm worried... Even Christians have adopted these useless words. Why are you worried?
We are told that instead of worrying, pray. You can't pray if you are worried. If you are worried and you pray, you aren't praying at all; you have broken the protocol. We are told what to do in everything, instead of worrying: pray and petition God, with thanksgiving, telling Him your requests. When you do this, the peace of God that surpasses

Umunso ndi mmene zinalili dzulo pa 30 july achinyamata a likuni IMS anakachita chilinganizo Kwa mtsiriza branch.

Umunso ndi mmene zinalili dzulo pa 30 july achinyamata a likuni IMS anakachita chilinganizo Kwa mtsiriza branch.




》》》CHAPTER 1 》》》

Ndikulandilen abale ndi alongo mu chigawo cha ku m'mawa pamene tikhala tikuwna mbiri ya mpingo wa SDA Ndi kukozanso kolonseredwa(rerformation)

Poyamba ndikufuna tizindikile kt

kd mpingo owna(kupembedza koona) kunayambika ndi ndani?

=Genesis 4-abele-Genesis 6-nowa-Genesis 12:1-3-abraham- ndipo abraham anabala isake ndi isake anabala yakobo ndi yakobo anabala amuna khumi ndi awiri=Genesis 4-abele-Genesis 6-nowa-Genesis 12:1-3-abraham- ndipo abraham anabala isake ndi isake anabala yakobo ndi yakobo anabala amuna khumi ndi awiri(12)


pa ma vesi amenewa tikuwna kt Mulungu anakhazikitsa mpingo wake kuyambira pa chiyami(mu eden)
ndp kuchokera kumenek mpingo wake wakhala u kuimililibwa nd i anthu awa
"Abele>Nowa>Abraham> isaki,kufikila pomwe iwake anabala ana ake khumi ndi awiri(12).

ndipo tidziweso kt kd yaobo Mulungu anamutchaso dzina lanj?

=Genesis 35;10-israeli-ndipo yakobo ndi banja lake anapita ku Aigupto kuchokera ku kenani popeza kunali njara ya ikuru.

Ndipo apa timapeza kt Yosefe atamwalila Farao emwe anali mfumu sanamudziwa yosefe (molingana ndi Eksodo 1:8)

ndipo tikupeza kt kudzera mwa aneneli Mulungu anatulutsa ana a israeli ku aigupto (hosea 12;13::::1 samueli 9:9)

Ndipo Mulungu sanangowatulutsa ana a israeli kt azingo khala ayi,km Mulungu anawaitana kt akakhale kuunika ku dziko la pansi(Yesaya 42:6

Ndipo mulungu anamuchenjeza israeli kt ngat samvera,adzamusiya kosatha(1 mafumu 9;6-9::;yeremiya Ndipo mulungu anamuchenjeza israeli kt ngat samvera,adzamusiya kosatha(1 mafumu 9;6-9::;yeremiya 31:36)

Nanga tidziwe kt Yesu akulowa mu yerusalemu anachita chiyan?

=Mateyu 23:37-38::Luka 19:41--iye anadzudzula atsogoleri a chipembedzo pompha aneneri.

Ndipo nanga kd yerusalem akuimirila chiyan munthawi yakumapeto?

="Yeresalemu akuimira chimene mpingo udzakhale ngati ukana kuyenda m'kuunika kumene Mulungu wapeleka Yerusalemu anakondeledwa ndi Mulungu monga ch


Endless abomination in the sda church!

Of those who boast of their light and yet fail to walk in it Christ says, “But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Capernaum [Seventh-day Adventists, who have had great light], which art exalted unto heaven [in point of privilege], shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in S***m, it would have remained until this day.”—The Review and Herald, August 1, 1893. [The bracketed comments are by Ellen White.] – {LDE 48.2}


Every soul who desires to depart from all iniquity ... will be ever laboring to be on the Lord’s side in thought, in word, and in character, obedient to all His requirements. In the place of seeking opportunities to evade the law of God, he will give the largest interpretation to His far-reaching commandments and will strive most earnestly to bring the will, the affections, and all the heart to exemplify the great principles of His holy commandments.... The work must begin at the heart.... If the heart is right with God, then the whole life will be purified, refined, ennobled, sanctified. If the eye is single the whole body is filled with light. Religion is not a matter of externalities.... Religion is a thing of the heart. - OHC 140.4


I welcome u brothers and sisters everywhere u are to this best and ever nice Sabbath God has give to us all, Let's receive all lessons He has prepare for u today,His name be praised forever and ever

Fruit's 🍑 of missionary work Br Soko and Br Chikoweleni doing missionary using charts at Mtambala village (Kasungu Centr...

Fruit's 🍑 of missionary work Br Soko and Br Chikoweleni doing missionary using charts at Mtambala village (Kasungu Central)
Nice work
Ambuye alemekezeke

Happy Sabbath to all you brothers and sisters around the world 🌍

Happy Sabbath to all you brothers and sisters around the world 🌍


Ndikulandileni Abale ndi alongo muthawi ya phunziro lathu la kotale muli ndi brother Mike B
Sabata, March 5, 2022

Leroso tiphunzira pa mutu umeneu choncho musandisiye ndekha pa phunziroli tikhalile limodzi
Ndikulandileni Abale ndi alongo muthawi ya phunziro lathu tisanapite chisogolo ndi phunziro lathu pa ndemangai tikumvapo bwanji? Abale ndi alongo
Pa counsels on Health, p. 387
Tili pa mutu omweu UTUMIKI WAPADERA

1. Pamene ena omwe anabwera Iye asanabwere komanso Iye atatha kuchoka anali kuchita madongotsolo a umunthu, Kodi Mesiya woona anadza mu dzina lanji? A.
Tiyeni tiyankhe kuchokera mu Masalimo 118:26 ndi Mateyu 21:9
Anabwera. Mu. Dzina. La. Ambuye


2. Kodi ndi pa ndani pomwe Iye anayenera kudalira mu nthawi za kusowa kwambiri? A. Kodi ndi kwa ndani komwe ulosi unanena k*ti Iye anayenera kulilira? B.
Tiyeni tiyankhe kuchokera mu Masalimo 89:29 ndi 1 Mbiri 22:10 komanso Luka 1:32
🇦 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊 𝚔𝚞𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚛𝚊 𝚔𝚠𝚊 𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎
🅱︎ 𝓴𝔀𝓪 𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓾
Ndemanga ndiyak*ti tikuona k*ti muutumiki wa YESU zinaonekera mgwirizano wa umodzi wa ngwiro mu chiombolo cha dziko lapansi

3. Malingana ndi ulosi, Kodi ndi chiyani chinayenera kukhala chikodwerero cha mwana wa Mulungu? A. Kodi ndi chani Chomwe chinalembedwa mu mtima Mwake ? B.
🇦 kuchita mau atate wake
B, malamulo a Atate wake
YESU amakondwerera kuchita Malamulo a Atate. Okondedwa ifenso tisamanyinyirike pochita malamulo
Ngati ti chitatu malamulo mokondwa kumwamba kudzavomereza kulembedwa kwa maina anthu mu buku lamoyo
Apanso afuna kuonetsera k*t lero lino pakati pa Anthu a Mulungu akusowekera kumvera mawu ake, tiyeni tilimbike pochita zimene Mulungu ak*tilamulira kuchita


4. Kodi ndi ndani amene mwana wa Mulungu anamulalikira ndi kumubvumbulutsa? A. Kodi anadalitsa abale Ake motani? B. Kodi ndi chani Chomwe chinaturuka kudezera

Show good samaritan dorcus LL

Show good samaritan dorcus LL

Missionary work in Lilongwe Central Malawi Field-get more information on where the world is going

Missionary work in Lilongwe Central Malawi Field-get more information on where the world is going


Chinsapo, Likuni

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 16:00
Thursday 07:00 - 04:00
Friday 07:00 - 00:00




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