Akuru Type

Akuru Type Discover exclusive Dhivehi Fonts at Akuru Type – your go-to online marketplace. Showcase and monetize your fonts now! ✨


'Easa Olhi' by Easa Shareef – A graceful and elegant Dhivehi cursive script font that captures the fluidity and beauty o...

'Easa Olhi' by Easa Shareef – A graceful and elegant Dhivehi cursive script font that captures the fluidity and beauty of handwritten Dhivehi text.

Available now on Akuru Type for all your design adventures. ✨

Download "Easa Olhi" on Akuru Type now!

'Easa Olhi' by Easa Shareef – A graceful and elegant Dhivehi cursive script font that captures the fluidity and beauty o...

'Easa Olhi' by Easa Shareef – A graceful and elegant Dhivehi cursive script font that captures the fluidity and beauty of handwritten Dhivehi text.

Available now on Akuru Type for all your design adventures. ✨


✨ Meet Easa Shareef! A passionate type designer whose journey into font creation was sparked by a quest for beauty and c...

✨ Meet Easa Shareef!

A passionate type designer whose journey into font creation was sparked by a quest for beauty and cultural preservation.

His fonts, now available in Akuru Type.

🔗 www.akurutype.com/profile/easashareef

A passionate type designer, inspired by a conversation with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, embarked on a journey to create fonts that serve personal projects and enrich the cultural landscape of the nation.

'Malas' – a bold Thaana display font by Dhivehi Type Foundry, blending elegance with Dhivehi boldness, symbolising new b...

'Malas' – a bold Thaana display font by Dhivehi Type Foundry, blending elegance with Dhivehi boldness, symbolising new beginnings and creative exploration.

Available now on Akuru Type for all your design adventures. ✨


2 weeks into launching the first Dhivehi Fonts marketplace, we face unauthorized replication by   candidates. We plead t...

2 weeks into launching the first Dhivehi Fonts marketplace, we face unauthorized replication by candidates.

We plead to halt this misuse & support local creatives. 📢

From the pages of a book to the grandeur of an invitation card, Veli gracefully transcends time, mirroring the beauty of...

From the pages of a book to the grandeur of an invitation card, Veli gracefully transcends time, mirroring the beauty of Maldivian heritage in every project it adorns.

Download Veli on Akuru Type now! ✨

Download Veli on Akuru Type


‘Akuru Type’, by Encrea Studio, the leading online marketplace dedicated to Dhivehi Fonts, officially launched last WednesdayAkuru Type presents a meticulously curated collection of typefaces that celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of the Maldivian (Dhivehi) language. To explore the diverse ran...


AkuruType: Dhivehi Font online marketplace


Telling exclusive, original stories of Maldives youth, entertainment and lifestyle

Discover unique Dhivehi Fonts at Akuru Type, your premier online marketplace. Showcase and monetize your fonts today!

Discover unique Dhivehi Fonts at Akuru Type, your premier online marketplace. Showcase and monetize your fonts today!

Step into the captivating world of Akuru Type, the brainchild of Encrea Studio. If you have a love for type design and a passion for the Dhivehi language, this place is a dream come true. Akuru specializes in crafting Dhivehi fonts and typefaces that are as unique as they are beautiful.

އަކުރު ޓައިޕް: ރީތި ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްތައް އެއް ޕްލެޓްފޯމަކުންwww.voice.mv/30697

އަކުރު ޓައިޕް: ރީތި ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްތައް އެއް ޕްލެޓްފޯމަކުން


ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްސް އަށް ޚާއްސަ ޕްރިމިއާ އޮންލައިން މާކެޓްޕްލޭސްގެ ގޮތުގައި 'އަކުރު ޓައިޕް' ލޯންޗުކޮށް,...

Akuru Type: Celebrating the Splendor of Dhivehi Script

Akuru Type: Celebrating the Splendor of Dhivehi Script

A new milestone in the realm of typography and linguistic preservation has been achieved with the grand launch of Akuru Type, an online marketplace dedicated to Dhivehi Fonts. With a mission to elevate the aesthetics of the Dhivehi script, Akuru Type invites enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike to exp...

ދިވެހި ފޮންޓަށް އާ ކުރިއެރުމެއްwww.newslab.mv/11118/

ދިވެހި ފޮންޓަށް އާ ކުރިއެރުމެއް


ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްސް އަށް ޚާއްސަ ޕްރިމިއާ އޮންލައިން މާކެޓްޕްލޭސްގެ ގޮތުގައި 'އަކުރު ޓައިޕް' މިއަދު ލޯންޗުކޮށް, އާންމުކޮށް ބޭނުން ކުރެވޭ ގޮތަށް ހުޅުވާލައިފި އެވެ.

ދިވެހި ފޮންޓުތަކުގެ މާކެޓްޕްލޭސް "އަކުރު ޓައިޕް" ލޯންޗުކޮށްފިnukutha.mv/dv/765

ދިވެހި ފޮންޓުތަކުގެ މާކެޓްޕްލޭސް "އަކުރު ޓައިޕް" ލޯންޗުކޮށްފި


ދިވެހި ފޮންޓުގެ އެންމެ ކުރިއަރާފައިވާ އޮންލައިން މާކެޓް ޕްލޭސް 'އަކުރު ޓައިޕް' ލޯންޗުކޮށްފިއެވެ.

އަކުރު ޓައިޕް: ރީތި ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްތައް އެއް ޕްލެޓްފޯމަކުންthiladhun.com/142168

އަކުރު ޓައިޕް: ރީތި ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްތައް އެއް ޕްލެޓްފޯމަކުން


އަކުރު ޓައިޕް ތަޢާރަފްކުރުން: ދިވެހި އަކުރުގެ ރީތިކަންwww.vaguthu.mv/news/1011638

އަކުރު ޓައިޕް ތަޢާރަފްކުރުން: ދިވެހި އަކުރުގެ ރީތިކަން


Akuru Type Tha’araf Kurun: Dhivehi Akuru Ge Reethikan

Dhivehi font thakah khaahasa "Akuru Type" ifthithaahu koffiwww.sun.mv/189038

Dhivehi font thakah khaahasa "Akuru Type" ifthithaahu koffi


Read more at sun.mv


ދިވެހި ފޮންޓްސް އަށް ޚާއްސަ ޕްރިމިއާ އޮންލައިން މާކެޓްޕްލޭސްގެ ގޮތުގައި 'އަކުރު ޓައިޕް' މިއަދު ލޯންޗުކޮށް, އާންމުކޮށް ބޭނުން ކުރެވޭ ގޮތަށް ހުޅުވާލުން. ދިވެހި ބަހުގެ ތަފާތު ތަޖުރިބާއަކަށް, ތާނަ އަކުރުގެ މުޅިން ތަފާތު ފަރުމާތަކެއް އިހްތިޔާރުކުރުމަށް www.akurutype.com އަށް ޒިޔާރަތް ކުރައްވާ.

ދިވެހި ބަހާއި ސަގާފަތް އަދި ތަރިކަ މިނިސްޓްރީގެ އިއްޒަތްތެރި ވަޒީރު އާދަމް ނަސީރު އިބްރާހީމް މިއަދު އިފްތިތާހުކޮށް ދެއްވި އަކުރު ޓައިޕްގެ މަގުސަދަކީ ދިވެހި އަކުރުގެ އަގު ނުހަނު ބޮޑަށް ވަޒަން ކުރުން. މިނިސްޓަރު ވަނީ ދިވެހި ބަހަށް ލޯބި އާލާކޮށް، ބަހާއި އަދަބިއްޔާތު ދުނިޔޭގެ ފެންވަރުގައި ކުރިއެރުވުމަށް މިފަދަ ޕްލެޓްފޯމެއްގެ މުހިންމުކަން ފާހަގަކުރައްވާފައި.

Ministry of Dhivehi language , Culture and Heritage


Discover exclusive Dhivehi Fonts at Akuru Type – your go-to online marketplace. Showcase and monetize your fonts now! ✨


Experimental Thaa.

Experimental Thaa.


Koachei ❓

Thaana logomark designed for SparkHub's rapid startup excerise, "Baikulhabai" - A Quick Journey into Entrepreneurship.Cr...

Thaana logomark designed for SparkHub's rapid startup excerise, "Baikulhabai" - A Quick Journey into Entrepreneurship.

Created with passion at Akuru Type Foundry by Encrea🔥

Alongside our retail catalog of typefaces, we also collaborate with brands and agencies to craft custom typefaces and lo...

Alongside our retail catalog of typefaces, we also collaborate with brands and agencies to craft custom typefaces and logotypes.

Meet Markaz, a custom display typeface specially crafted for Gamu Regional Hospital's brand identity, designed by our design studio — Encrea.

Through our deep passion for typography and a profound understanding of the Dhivehi language, we meticulously crafted Markaz to showcase professionalism, trustworthiness, and cultural authenticity. It perfectly blends the unique elements of the script with the hospital's overall brand, making it truly one-of-a-kind!


Just in the testing phase, exploring the beauty of Akuru Type Foundry’s new font with a poetic touch from Shards.

Stay tuned for the upcoming font launch. 📝✨


It’s official! 3 weights it is. 🔥

Seen-Sukun ligature. ✨

Seen-Sukun ligature. ✨


Let our fonts speak the language of Eid!

We're thrilled to share our 17 unique fonts, each with its own personality and flair, to help you express your festive spirit this Eid. Spread the joy and happiness with our type foundry.

Eid Mubarak! ✨

—yani, yani & yani.Another new project from .type. Stay tuned.

—yani, yani & yani.

Another new project from .type. Stay tuned.



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