Time For Change

Time For Change Created to try improve the animal welfare system in Malta. Please email any photos/videos you see o


Case in point 👇🏻

A female approximately 18 month old bully-type dog was found outside, Animal Welfare were called and dog is neither chipped nor injured and hence she was not picked up. The person who found her spoke to several sanctuaries but they can’t take her in.. what’s next? Does he put her back in the streets?

We are already facing this each and every single day, our aim is to not to euthanize any dogs but to not have any puppies at all. We look forward to continue working together on this so that all dogs will not continue to suffer.

In the meantime, if anyone can foster her, please message us 🙏🏻.


The stony sea urchin is characterised by its pointy spines, which can be quite painful to step on!


The government is constantly implementing laws in favour of animals and has a national strategy with a vision that aims to protect the rights of animals in Maltese society, the Parliamentary

*** UPDATE, owner found 🙂***Found in Gzira area - very scared! Please contact us if you know the owner

*** UPDATE, owner found 🙂***

Found in Gzira area - very scared!
Please contact us if you know the owner


Fix-xhieda nstema' kif mara marret tagħmel rapport l-għassa tar-Rabat Għawdex, li waqt li kienet mixja bil-kelb tagħha, li kien miżmum biċ-ċinga, kelb ieħor li kien għal rieħu attakka lill-kelb tagħha. Qalet li hi spiċċat midruba ħafif wara li gidimha f'idha u l-kelb tagħha kellu jie....

***UPDATE FINALLY FOUND AND HOME! 😻This little lady is missing from her home in Gzira, near Gzira church area! She is ch...


This little lady is missing from her home in Gzira, near Gzira church area! She is chipped but doesn’t wear a collar!

***Notice her distinctive ginger mustache***

Please if anyone sees her please get in contact ASAP, she is being dearly missed by her owners!

+351 931641050 Moreno


Grooming establishments must have one individual who holds a certificate in animal first aid


🇲🇹 Inħossu li din il-kwistjoni jistħoqqilha post għaliha! Nara wisq klieb jimxu fix-xemx ta’ nofs il-jum ...

Jekk jogħġbok toħroġx annimali jimxu fix-xemx, speċjalment meta fuq tarmak jew konkos. Filwaqt li inti tkun liebes żarbun biex jipproteġik, saqajhom ikunu f'kuntatt dirett mal-art tikwi. Il-ġilda tinħaraq f'anqas minn minuta f'kuntatt dirett ma' l-art tikwi.

Agħmel dan it-test sempliċi: Poġġi idejk jew saqajk diretti fuq il-bankina. Jekk tkun taħraq wisq għalik, allura anqas mhi tajba għal pet tiegħek!

🇬🇧 We feel this issue deserves its own post! I've seen too many dogs being walked in the afternoon sun ...

Please do not take pets out for walks in the sun, especially when it's on tarmac or concrete. Whilst you may have shoes to protect you, their paws are in direct contact with the hot ground. Walking barefoot on hot tarmac can cause damage to the skin in as little as a minute.

Do a simple test: Put your bare hands or feet on the pavement. If it's too hot for your, then it's too hot for your pet!


🐢 Golden Bay turtle nest confirmed early this morning ⬇️.

Golden Bay (ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa) is the only sandy beach within the boundary of Majjistral Park. We are delighted that the first turtle nest of the year was confirmed here!

We wish to thank Nature Trust - FEE Malta and Wildlife Rescue Team Malta for their continuous work to patrol the Maltese beaches to spot any turtle egg laying activities. They will now start to guard the nest until the eggs hatch.

Please head to their pages for any further information.

When you go to Golden Bay, as always, be aware of the site regulations displayed at the entrance.

📸 Nature Trust - FEE Malta / Wildlife Rescue Team Malta


Let's share for Moo🤍🤍🐱

*Sorted* In urgent need of a heat lamp central areas if possible ASAP

In urgent need of a heat lamp central areas if possible ASAP


If anyone has some spare time, please use it here!


Animal Welfare grant....a scam?


PETITION: Temporary Ban of breeding and Importation of the most abused, abandoned and neglected breed in the world.

Following the case involving 27 bully breed dogs found in horrible conditions rescued by Animal Welfare and the countess incidents involving bully breeds that has happened before this, it is time to act! Vuċi għall-Annimali, Association for Abandoned Animals, Gozo SPCA and The Island Sanctuary are speaking up for the rights and well-being of these loyal and deserving animals.

We advocate for a comprehensive approach to address this issue, including stricter regulations against abuse and illegal breeding practices, increased efforts to enforce existing laws, and initiatives to promote responsible pet ownership and adoption.

To achieve this we are requesting the Maltese government to issue a temporary ban of the breeding and importation of all bully breed dogs as also proposed by The Commissioner for Animal Welfare, until the situation has adequately improved. This ban would include also mixed breed bully breeds.

This petition aims to gather public support to safeguard these breeds and their mixes from exploitation by abusers and backyard breeders. Too often, these dogs are abandoned with cropped ears and lacking microchips, which indicates that illegal ear cropping practices are still being done in Malta.

Additionally, many are tragically subjected to dogfighting or used as bait-dogs, while female dogs are exploited as puppy breeding machines.

Regrettably, an alarming overpopulation of these breeds end up in sanctuaries or animal welfare facilities, with few prospects for adoption. It is unjust and unkind to confine these dogs to a lifetime in pens.

It is IMPORTANT to state that this ban is for specifically the ban of breeding and importation and does not mean a ban of any dogs already in care.

Your signature can make a difference. Will you join us?


Alicia Bugeja Said


Dogs kept in bad conditions rescued by Animal Welfare officials • Animal Welfare Commissioner sounds alarm, saying Malta’s shelters are now ‘full up’







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Time For Change

We have created this group as we are really concerned with the animal welfare in Malta and we are working together to help improve the system. We were wondering if you would like to help us? Please inform us with pictures and information of animal cruelty being done in Malta, this will give us more of an advantage when it comes to presenting our point about the animal welfare system to the parliament in Malta. It needs to change as soon as possible!

We are a voluntary group and we each have our full-time personal jobs, so we do this in our free time. To further help us cope with the amount of work that we have, on some occasions you can contact a couple of people yourself. Below you will find the contact details of various organisations and people:

  • Animal ambulance: 22924132

  • Animal Welfare: 1717