O Clarim Weekly

O Clarim Weekly Official newspaper registered in GCS, Macau (n.1), offering trilingual news in English, Portuguese a

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Act of Contrition "I am heartily sorry"“I detest all my sins"“I firmly resolve…”Contrition in the above three simple com...

Act of Contrition

"I am heartily sorry"

“I detest all my sins"

“I firmly resolve…”

Contrition in the above three simple components becomes the powerful means by which the Holy Spirit unites us to the victory of Christ in this epic battle.

A humble and contrite heart God will not spurn.
We should stir up in our hearts this contrition each day by examining our own conscience and praying the act of contrition fervently.

One can find this grace of contrition abundantly by mediating on the Stations of the Cross and standing next to the sorrowful Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross.


學制 授課語言 校舍 2年(夜間) 中文/英文 聖若瑟修院 本課程主要按天主教會教義為綱,尤其依照梵蒂岡第二次大公會議為領,進行對天主教的研究。本課程不僅是基於文獻的闡述,也是對當代華語教會牧靈現況的詮釋學應......

Two Types of Sinners There are two types of sinners before God: one who hates evil and struggles against sin, and the ot...

Two Types of Sinners

There are two types of sinners before God: one who hates evil and struggles against sin, and the other who loves evil and boasts about his sin. One receives mercy, and the other is condemned.

Be the one who struggles against EVERY evil. NEVER boast or rejoice in sin; that is the beginning of hell on earth. God always forgives those who sincerely struggle against sin and return to Him whenever they fall.

Never underestimate God's mercy by thinking, "My sins are too much," or, on the other extreme, by thinking, "It does not matter; I will confess later." Rather, mourn your sin and come to God with confidence, receive sacramental pardon for your sins, and then "go and sin no more," because Jesus has not condemned you, so stop condemning yourself!

Contrition is a sign that God is calling you to reconciliation. It is a great grace, not your own effort. So, always give thanks after confession.

Irish Catholic JokesTwo old men are sitting in a bar.One of them looks at the other & says“You look familiar… where you ...

Irish Catholic Jokes

Two old men are sitting in a bar.
One of them looks at the other & says
“You look familiar… where you from?”
The second old man replies “Ireland”
The first old man looks astonished & says
” No way I’m from Ireland myself, what a small world!”
The second old man then looks at the first “What city?”
The first old man says “Dublin?”
The second old man looks astonished
“No way I’m from Dublin meself! What a small world.”
The first man looks at the second old man “What school you go to?”
The second old man replies
“Saint Mary’s class of 89”
The first old man is absolutely baffled
” NO WAY Saint Mary’s class of 89 myself! What a small world!”
At this point, another man comes into the bar & says to the bartender
“Hey, Joe! Anything interesting going on?”
The bartender says
“Not really… but the Murphy twins are drunk again.”
Credits Goes to: Irish Catholic Jokes

Finding Happiness Happiness is a mindset, a conscious choice we make every day. It isn’t about having a perfect life, bu...

Finding Happiness

Happiness is a mindset, a conscious choice we make every day. It isn’t about having a perfect life, but about finding joy in the little things, cultivating gratitude, and focusing on the positives, even in challenging times. While circumstances can influence our mood, true happiness comes from within—it’s an attitude that allows us to see the beauty in imperfections and to appreciate what we have rather than what we lack. By choosing to embrace a mindset of happiness, we empower ourselves to live more fulfilling lives, regardless of the ups and downs that come our way. Happiness is not something to chase; it’s something to create from the inside out.

//In the Eucharist, Jesus offers Himself as the ultimate expression of love. When we partake in this sacred meal, we are...

//In the Eucharist, Jesus offers Himself as the ultimate expression of love. When we partake in this sacred meal, we are invited not just to consume, but to be transformed—to live by the Word of God and embody the values of the Gospel. It's more than just a ritual; it's an intimate act of becoming one with Christ.//



//As debates swirl around the symbolism of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony, this Sunday's Gospel calls us to re...

//As debates swirl around the symbolism of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony, this Sunday's Gospel calls us to reflect on the true "bread of life" that Christ offers. While the world may feast on indulgence, Jesus invites us to a banquet of love, forgiveness, and spiritual nourishment. Just as athletes train with discipline for victory, we are called to nourish our spirits with the love of Christ, enabling us to persevere on our journey of faith.//



//At the First Assembly of Native Peoples in the Amazon, the Consolata Missionaries and indigenous communities united in...

//At the First Assembly of Native Peoples in the Amazon, the Consolata Missionaries and indigenous communities united in a shared mission of intercultural dialogue and solidarity. Inspired by 'monifue'—the African spirit of good living—they called for a Church that truly walks alongside and learns from the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.//



//In today's Gospel, Jesus challenges us to look beyond our physical needs and seek the "bread from heaven." Just as He ...

//In today's Gospel, Jesus challenges us to look beyond our physical needs and seek the "bread from heaven." Just as He fed the five thousand, He now invites us to nourish our souls with the Word of God. Let's prioritize our spiritual hunger and embrace the eternal life that Jesus offers.//



//Getting married in a Catholic Church is a beautiful, sacred event. While planning your ceremony, it's essential to cho...

//Getting married in a Catholic Church is a beautiful, sacred event. While planning your ceremony, it's essential to choose songs and readings that reflect the solemnity and devotion of the occasion. Remember, the primary purpose is to give glory to God and sanctify your union. Save those personal, non-liturgical favorites for your reception, where you can create special moments with your loved ones.//



The Call to Greatness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminded youth, “The world offers you comfort. But you were not made fo...

The Call to Greatness

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminded youth,
“The world offers you comfort.
But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.”
It is that pursuit of greatness which our schools seek to foster in students, partnering with their parents to constantly bring them from good, to better, to best.

Children like to imitate adults in their jobs.There are little boys who, because of the deep religious experience of the...

Children like to imitate adults in their jobs.

There are little boys who, because of the deep religious experience of their families and of what they learn at Catechesis, or even before, simply attending church with their parents, prefer to imitate the priests in their liturgical functions.

//Holiness isn't reserved for the saints; it's a journey we're all called to undertake. Pope Francis, in Rejoice and Be ...

//Holiness isn't reserved for the saints; it's a journey we're all called to undertake. Pope Francis, in Rejoice and Be Glad, reminds us that true holiness is found in loving God and our neighbors—especially those in need. This journey requires prayer, community, and a commitment to acts of mercy.//



//Jesus' miracle of the loaves and fish teaches us the importance of journeying in faith and prayer. Just as the people ...

//Jesus' miracle of the loaves and fish teaches us the importance of journeying in faith and prayer. Just as the people traveled to a remote area to witness this miracle, we must make a concerted effort to participate in the Holy Eucharist. Let us seek the superabundant grace of Jesus in the Holy Mass and deepen our faith through prayer.//


# HolyEucharist


//Saint Ephrem the Syrian, born in 306 AD, was a theologian and poet who profoundly influenced Christian liturgy and doc...

//Saint Ephrem the Syrian, born in 306 AD, was a theologian and poet who profoundly influenced Christian liturgy and doctrine through his hymns and writings. Known as the "Harp of the Holy Spirit," Ephrem's poetry brought theological reflections to life, emphasizing the beauty and depth of God's truth. His hymns not only defended orthodox beliefs but also captivated the faithful with their profound spiritual insights.//



//Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen beautifully describes the Blessed Mother as the mediator of mercy, balancing the justice of...

//Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen beautifully describes the Blessed Mother as the mediator of mercy, balancing the justice of God with her maternal compassion. Mary intercedes for sinners, offering hope and healing to those who seek her aid. Her role is essential in guiding us towards redemption and understanding God's love more deeply.//



//Holiness is for everyone, not just the saints! In Rejoice and Be Glad, Pope Francis reminds us that we are all called ...

//Holiness is for everyone, not just the saints! In Rejoice and Be Glad, Pope Francis reminds us that we are all called to holiness. It's about loving God and others, doing our daily tasks with love, and living virtuously. Holiness is a journey of continuous conversion and grace, leading to true happiness.//



//Holy water is a powerful sacramental in the Catholic Church, symbolizing purification and the presence of God. Its use...

//Holy water is a powerful sacramental in the Catholic Church, symbolizing purification and the presence of God. Its use dates back to Old Testament times, as seen in Numbers 5:17, proving it's not superstition but a meaningful tradition. Catholics use holy water to bless themselves, their homes, and their loved ones, reinforcing their faith daily. Each time we use holy water, we're reminded of our baptism and God's saving deeds throughout history.//



//This Sunday’s Gospel (Mk 6:30-34) shows Jesus’ tender care as He invites the apostles to rest after their mission. Jus...

//This Sunday’s Gospel (Mk 6:30-34) shows Jesus’ tender care as He invites the apostles to rest after their mission. Just as a mother cares for her family, Jesus reveals God's compassionate heart by guiding the apostles to a peaceful retreat. In this retreat, Jesus teaches us that true shepherding involves both action and reflection. We’re reminded to balance our busy lives with moments of spiritual renewal.//



//"Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while" (Mk 6:30-31). This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us of th...

//"Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while" (Mk 6:30-31). This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us of the importance of rest, not just for our bodies but for our spirits. Just as Jesus encouraged His apostles to take time off, we too need moments of retreat to reconnect with God and reflect on our lives. In our busy world, let's remember that rest is a gift from God to rejuvenate and rediscover our true desires and values.🌼🙏//



//The nuns of the Association of Religious of Uganda (ARU) fight human trafficking, led by the Sisters of the Holy Cross...

//The nuns of the Association of Religious of Uganda (ARU) fight human trafficking, led by the Sisters of the Holy Cross, through awareness campaigns and commissions. Motivated by Catholic doctrine and biblical teachings, they emphasize human life's value. In June, millions commemorated the 60th anniversary of the Ugandan martyrs' canonization in Namugongo, highlighting the martyrs' faith and the fight against human trafficking.//



//Aphraates, the "Persian Sage," was a fourth-century Syriac Christian writer. His 23 homilies, or Demonstrations, focus...

//Aphraates, the "Persian Sage," was a fourth-century Syriac Christian writer. His 23 homilies, or Demonstrations, focused on faith, charity, fasting, and prayer. Aphraates taught that true faith leads to sincere charity and that prayer should result in acts of kindness and forgiveness. He emphasized the importance of fasting in various forms and reinforced key Church teachings, including the Eucharist and penance.//



LIVING IN AN ERA OF CARNALITY Archbishop Fulton J. SheenWe are living today in what might properly be called an era of c...

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

We are living today in what might properly be called an era of carnality. As the appeal to the spiritual relaxes, the demands of the flesh increase. Living less for God, human nature begins to live only for self, for "no man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or he will sustain the one, and despise the other."

Peculiar to this era of carnality is the tendency to equate the perpetuity of marriage with the fleshly pleasure, so that, when the pleasure ends, the bond is presumed to be automatically dissolved. In America, for example, there is more than one divorce for every two marriages- an indication of how much we have ceased to to be a Christian nation and how much we have forgotten the words of our Lord: "What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."

The regrettable aspect of it all is that, with this increased sin, there is a decreased sense of sin. Souls sin more, but think less about it. Like the sick who are so moribund that they have no desire to be better, sinners become so calloused that they have no yearning for redemption. Having lost their eyes, they no longer want to see; the only pleasure left to them in the end is to mock and sneer at those who do.

It is never the pure who say that chastity is impossible but only the impure. We judge others by ourselves, and attribute to others the vices from which we ourselves refuse to abstain.


Rua Formosa, N°5, Centro Diocesano, 8° Andar, 澳門美麗街 5號8樓

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 17:00




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