ေလ့လာခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္ ယူလာသည္
အဂၤလိပ္စာမွ အသံုးမ်ားေသာ အတိုေကာက္မ်ား
TY – Thank You
TYVM – Thank You Very Much
YW – Your Welcome
NP – No Problem
WTG – Way To Go
BF – Boyfriend
GF – Girlfriend
GJ – Good Job
Gr8 - Great
BF – Best Friend
BFF – Best Friends Forever
BFFL – Best Friends For Life
AFK – Away From Keyboard
BRB – Be Right Back
BTW – By The Way
HAGN – Have A Good Night
KIT – Keep In Touch
NYOB – None of Your Business
OMG – Oh My God
TTYL – Talk To You Later
LTNS – Long Time No See
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
ASAP – As Soon As Possible
AKA – Also Known As
DBA – Doing Business As
DND – Do Not Disturb
MBA – Masters of Business Administration
OT – Overtime
MTV – Music Television
ဒီေအာက္က အတိုေကာက္ေလးေတြကေတာ့ နိုင္ငံတကာမွာ အသံုးအမ်ားဆံုးေလးေတြပါ။
FYI – For Your Information
RSVP – this is a French word, most native English speakers don’t know what this means in French, but we use it for… to reserve, make a reservation for a party, so, to respond. It means Répondez S’il Vous Plaît.
ETA means Estimated Time of Arrival
AKA means Also Known As
FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions
ATM means Automated Teller Machine, but also At the Moment, which is more like Internet speech, or text.
TBA – To Be Announced
TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday
RIP, what you see on graves at the cemetery is Rest in Peace
PS, what you write at the end of letters, Post Script [English. In Latin: Post Scriptum]
ESL, like when you see it with English, English as a Second Language
EFL – English as a Foreign Language
DIY – Do it Yourself. Like a project that you might do it yourself, without professional help.
ID. It means your Identification. This is what you present when you go to a bar, if you look like you’re underaged.
IQ is your Intelligence Quotient, which is what a lot of intelligence tests will measure.
GMO means Genetically Modified Organism, so make sure you don’t eat GMO’s.
PC – Personal Computer
PR – Public Relations
SOS, what you might see if you’re stranded or stuck on a desert island, you might write in the sand SOS – Save Our Souls. This is to get help. (Note: also, this may also mean “Save Our Ship”).
AWOL means Absent Without Leave. Leave is to have permission to leave, to be on vacation. So, this comes from the military. You might say this when you have a friend or somebody that’s missing, so that person is AWOL.
Another way to say the same thing is MIA – Missing in Action.
POW, another military term, is Prisoner of War.
AD, which means past the year 0, like, we’re in 2014 AD. AD means Anno Domini, which is a Latin word.\
BC is Before Christ. But nowadays they’re using CE for the modern era, so, we’re in 2014 CE, which is AD, which is secular, not really attached to religion. *Correction- CE and BCE mean Common Era and Before CommonEra.
And then BCE is Before Common Existence, it’s the same as BC.
So, sometimes when you’re writing, or you’re reading, you might see IE, which means in other words. So, in Latin, I’m not going to try to pronounce this, but here it is on the screen.
And EG, which means for example, and here it is in Latin. So, you might use those in writing, and you might recognize this when you’re reading something.
So, DOB means Date of Birth. You might see this on an application.
OCD means Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, so it’s a mental disorder.
MD means Medical Doctor.
HR means Human Resources, and DOA means Dead on Arrival. You might hear this in like a police show or something.
BYOB. You might see this on an invitation to a party. This means Bring Your Own Beer. Bring Your Own Beer or Bring Your Own Booze, which is another word for alcohol.
OG, which means Original Gangster, or…
SOL, which means S**t Out of Luck. S**t Out of Luck. It means that you are out of luck and you have no chance.
Thank you for reading.
Nanda Aung ေယာကၡမ :-P