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Did you know ? Ségou, the fourth region of Mali and Richmond, the capital of the state of Virginia in the United States,...

Did you know ? Ségou, the fourth region of Mali and Richmond, the capital of the state of Virginia in the United States, are "twin cities"! As part of this twinning, the improvement of the living conditions of Segovians was highlighted, especially in the education sector. This topic was discussed by members of the American Center in Bamako, residents of Ségou, and members of the Virginia Friends of Mali (VFOM) during a virtual session. The speakers highlighted some achievements of this twinning, including the construction of latrines in some schools in Ségou, donations of medical equipment for Ségou residents, and research collaboration between Malian and American academics. The relationship between these two cities has been established on the basis of different points of similarity which are respectively the Niger River and the James River, the festival on the Niger and the Richmond Folk festival, as well as various art museums and historical buildings. What do you want to know about Ségou's twin town, Richmond? What do you want the people of Richmond to know about Ségou? Your keyboards!


ALLIANCE OF DEMOCRATIC GENERATIONS OF MALI (AGDM) MEMBER OF THE COORDINATION OF ORGANIZATIONS OF THE APPEAL OF FEBRUARY 20, 2023 TO SAVE MALI WHAT IS THE DRAFT “NEW CONSTITUTION” BAD? Overloaded preamble: Through, for example, this paragraph: “Undertakes to undertake all necessary actions to fight against corruption and illicit enrichment and to promote good governance”, which falls within the domain of the law. So many laws and institutions are devoted to it (Office of the Auditor General, Central Office for the Fight against Illicit Enrichment, sectoral inspections, etc.). FIRST TITLE OF THE CONSTITUTION: rights and duties of the human person: From 24 articles currently, they offer 29 in the project, while there are really only 3 new articles: (3, 9 and 29). They just indulged in a game of permutation between the articles: inversion between articles 2 and 1 (2 became 1 and 1 became 2) -; 4 became 14; 11 becomes 8; 10 becomes 6; 12 becomes 5, 3 becomes 4, 15 becomes 22 and 25, 14 becomes 21, 22 becomes 24; 19 became 18; 17 became 10. Article 9 (new): marriage and the family, which constitute the natural foundation of life in society, are protected and promoted by the State. Marriage is the union between a man and a woman. This provision comes under the law: (article 280 of the Persons and Family Code - CPF). No need for a definition in the constitution. Article 280 CPF: “Marriage is a public act, by which a man and a woman agree to establish a legal union between them, the conditions of formation, effects and dissolution of which are governed by the provisions of this book. It is celebrated by the civil registrar or by the minister of religion. » STATE AND SOVEREIGNTY: Article 25: addition of: "unitary" to the characteristics of the Republic of Mali: "Mali is an independent, sovereign, unitary, indivisible, democratic, secular and social Republic", while they want to establish a two-chamber Parliament, primary characteristic of a federal state. This is smoke and mirrors for citizens. Article 32 of the draft: Definition of secularism: Secularism is not opposed to religion and beliefs. Its objective is to promote and strengthen living together based on tolerance, dialogue and mutual understanding. The State guarantees respect for all religions, beliefs, freedom of conscience and the free exercise of worship in compliance with the law. (Another definition which adds to the confusion). First, there are a thousand and one definitions of this concept, which has fueled public debate in recent times, without any consensus, to the point that its abandonment has become the main reason for the rejection of the project by some Muslims in the Country. In the absence of this abandonment, it is essential to take the time to discuss and understand each other on the concept of secularism through persuasion and not to indulge in an unsuccessful headlong rush, into illegality, force , denial, etc. THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC: The initiators of this unconstitutional project propose 7 against 8, except that the 7 will be more budgetary than the 8, with the recent creation, but not operational, of multiple Circles (administrative districts where the deputies are elected). Mali could end up with a Parliament of at least 400 to 500 elected officials to maintain at the expense of the citizens. Why did you remove that the President of the Republic is elected ... by a two-round majority ballot. (Section 30)? (Article 45 of the draft) does not state the voting method, and nevertheless begins to explain this majority voting method. However, majority or proportional voting methods are well suited for the election of deputies. Concerning the oath of the President of the Republic, a few words are moved or deleted in its text. Thus the privileged nation to people. These modifications, often relating to details, make the Oath less solemn, in my opinion. Article 73 of the draft: the responsibility of the President of the Republic is engaged for high treason, designating violation of the oath. But these facts are subject to a double procedure of impeachment motion heard by a committee of one or the other chamber of Parliament to lead to an indictment, if the two chambers vote favorably for the motion.


Salut !

Le 03 mai, journée mondiale de la liberté de la presseFaçonner un avenir des droits : la liberté d'expression, clé de vo...

Le 03 mai, journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse

Façonner un avenir des droits : la liberté d'expression, clé de voûte des droits humains
L’année 2023 marque le trentième anniversaire de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse ; trois décennies au cours desquelles nous avons vu des progrès substantiels en faveur d'une presse libre et de la liberté d'expression dans le monde. La multiplication des médias libres dans de nombreux pays et la montée en puissance des nouvelles technologies ont permis de fluidifier la transmission de l'information. Cependant la liberté de la presse, la sécurité des journalistes et la liberté d'expression sont de plus en plus menacées.

La communauté internationale fait face à des crises multiples : conflits et violences, persistance des inégalités socioéconomiques qui alimentent les migrations, crises environnementales et sanitaires qui affectent le bien-être des populations dans le monde entier. Dans le même temps, la mésinformation et la désinformation en ligne prolifèrent, ce qui a un impact sur les institutions qui soutiennent la démocratie, l'état de droit et les droits fondamentaux.

C'est précisément pour contrer ces situations critiques et ces menaces que la liberté de la presse, la sécurité des journalistes et l'accès à l'information doivent occuper le devant de la scène. Le droit à la liberté d'expression, inscrit à l'article 19 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, est une condition préalable et un moteur de la jouissance de tous les autres droits de l'homme. Cette année, la célébration du 30e anniversaire de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse est donc un appel à définir la liberté de la presse, ainsi que des médias indépendants, pluralistes et diversifiés, comme une condition nécessaire à la jouissance de tous les autres droits de l’homme.

Historique et objectifs

Le 3 mai a été proclamé Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies en 1993, suivant la recommandation adoptée lors de la vingt-sixième session de la Conférence générale de l'UNESCO en 1991. Ce fut également une réponse à l'appel de journalistes africains qui, en 1991, ont proclamé la Déclaration de Windhoek sur le pluralisme et l'indépendance des médias.

Trois décennies plus t**d, le lien historique établi entre la liberté de rechercher, de communiquer et de recevoir des informations et le bien public reste aussi pertinent qu'il l'était au moment de sa signature.

Le 3 mai rappelle aux gouvernements la nécessité de respecter leur engagement en faveur de la liberté de la presse. C'est aussi une journée de réflexion entre professionnels des médias sur les questions de liberté de la presse et d'éthique professionnelle. Et c'est également l'occasion de :

de célébrer les principes fondamentaux de la liberté de la presse,
d'évaluer la liberté de la presse à travers le monde, de défendre l'indépendance des médias et de rendre hommage aux journalistes qui ont perdu leur vie dans l'exercice de leur profession.

Le droit à la liberté d'expression est une condition préalable et un moteur de la jouissance de tous les autres droits humains!


Soutien Total au Président Ousmane Sonko


Ce petit jeune très courageux qui amène sa sœur à l'école chaque matin,midi et le soir ? A vous de voir !



◇ The Tamanrasset Agreements in Algeria signed on January 6, 1991 by the joint MPA - FIAA delegation led by Mr. Iyyad AG GHALI and that of the Malian Government and the UDPM led by Colonel Ousmane COULIBALY, Member of the B.E.C. and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces on the instruction of General Moussa TRAORÉ, President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Party - State UDPM;

◇ The National Pact signed in Bamako on April 11, 1992 by the Coordinator of the Movements and Unified Fronts of Azawad (MFUA), Mr. Zahabi OULD SIDI MOHAMED and the Malian Government through the Minister of Territorial Administration, Lieutenant Colonel Brehima Siré TRAORÉ on the instructions of the President of the CTSP and Head of State, Colonel Amadou Toumani TOURÉ (ATT);

◇ The Algiers Agreement for the restoration of peace, security and development in the Kidal Region signed on July 4, 2006 by Mr. Ahmada AG BIBI on behalf of the Alliance for Democracy and Change (ADC) paving the way for regional territorial governance and by the Minister of Territorial Administration, General Kafougouna KONÉ on behalf of the Malian Government under the 2nd term of President ATT;

◇ The Preliminary Agreement for the Presidential Election and the Inclusive Peace Talks in Mali (APO) signed in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on June 18, 2013 by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Colonel Moussa Sinko COULIBALY on the instructions of the President of the Transition and Head of State, Mr. Dioncounda TRAORÉ, a Coordination of the MNLA and the HCUA directed by the Secretaries General Bilal AG ACHERIF and Alghabass AG INTALLA then by the member Movements (CMFPR, MAA);

◇ The Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers Process (APR) signed in Bamako on May 15 by His Excellency Abdoulaye DIOP, Minister of Foreign Affairs on the instructions of President Ibrahim Boubacar KEÏTA (IBK), the Platform and on June 20, 2015 by the CMA.

It is a political and legal Agreement under international guarantee of 32 pages, 20 chapters, 68 articles and 03 annexes relating to the future and the future of a united Mali, reconciled with itself and with the ethnocultural groups which found the Malian nation in its racial, linguistic, religious and territorial diversity. Sustainably supporting this Peace Agreement means working inclusively for national reconciliation, social cohesion, living together and development.

In addition, the various Inter-Malian Peace Agreements signed between 1991 and 2015 affirm and recognize through also the Flame of Peace of Timbuktu of March 27, 1996 consecrating the self-dissolution of the Armed Movements (MFUA, MPMGK) under the aegis of the visionary President Alpha Oumar Konare:

- the territorial integrity and indivisibility of the Republic of Mali
- the national unity of the Republic of Mali in its territorial, ethnocultural and religious diversity
- the republican and secular form of the Malian state
- decentralization and regionalization as suitable and lasting solutions to the problem of poor governance and underdevelopment.

Bamako, May 15, 2022



A 1250 fcfa le sachet chez Yacine rue 104 porte 660 Medine ségou Tel: 72483191

Dynamic and omnipresent in the world of the police, at the heart of congratulations and holder of several meritorious pr...

Dynamic and omnipresent in the world of the police, at the heart of congratulations and holder of several meritorious prizes due to his sense of work well done, who is the divisional commissioner Abdoulaye Coulibaly, regional director of the national police of Ségou? Portrait🔻🔻🔻 With several caps, the divisional commissioner Abdoulaye Coulibaly, the current regional director of the national police of Ségou is at the heart of congratulations on both sides wherever he served. To his credit, law, journalism and education, it was in 2005 that he embraced the world of the police. After obtaining his police diploma in 2006, he did internships at the National Police School (ENP), at the Police Academy in Cairo, in the Arab Republic of Egypt, in particular he participated in training senior EPDC police officers in Lyon in France, at Interpol headquarters in several areas. He also holds a Master II in internal security at Jean Moulin Lyon III University in France and a diploma in police commissioner at the National School of Police of Saint-Cyr at Mont d'Or in France and in particular an internship on organized crime in Tokyo, Japan. Posts and responsibilities in his police career Divisional Commissioner Abdoulaye Coulibaly held several positions in the Malian police, including Commissioner in several police station in the Bamako district and regions, non-permanent instructor at the National Police School, head of the public highway section at the police station in the 6th arrondissement of Bamako before being the commander of the traffic company (CCR) and commissioner in charge of the special police station of the air and border police. In the collective memories, the police officer Abdoulaye Coulibaly leaves in memory a hard worker, honest and above all professional who serves as a model for the Malian police. From police stations to the CCR via the airport, the professional career of man is inspiring and his efforts are rented. It was at the end of 2021, precisely on December 20 that he held the reins of the Segovian police as regional director, a chance for the region to welcome a worker with envious qualities by all. His record in Ségou, the city of Balanzans convinced that the success of the police missions necessarily involves collaboration with the populations, he organized in August 2022 a football tournament called, the local police cup, tournament in which all the teams of Ségou took part in order to strengthen cooperation between the police and the population which was a total success. In his capacity as road safety champion, he set up the initiative to regulate traffic in the mornings, midday and evenings in the crossroads and intersections of the city, something which contributed to the considerable reduction of the accident rate in Ségou. Always in the pursuit of his missions, by fighting organized banditry and terrorism, he set up a mechanism in order to make the state of vulnerability of 31 pharmacies in the urban commune of Ségou and in the rural communes of Sébougou and Pelengana and make recommendations for the strengthening of the security system within these establishments. His last activity in Ségou dates back to the end of November at the beginning of December with the organization of the local week to fight road insecurity on the sidelines of which, awareness, training and helmet donation were the flagship activities. Several Bamako organizations have awarded prizes and distinctions on his own to reward his efforts on several occasions. Still in Ségou, the association of young firsts awarded it a prize this year for the second time, the Ségou football league also has in turn awarded it a prize for its efforts in favor of Segovian football. Its last distinction dates, two weeks ago awarded by the Association of Youth for Development and Citizenship (AJDEC) on the sidelines of the Djandjo, a night which rewards builders in the region. Through his remarkable work, the divisional commissioner Abdoulaye Coulibaly enjoys the confidence and affection of all social strata of Ségou. Even if he is this worker appreciated by all, he is not immune to criticism, unfounded slanders and blasphemies with hidden agendas not at all orthodox based on human wickedness. Despite everything in Ségou, he is seen from the angle of the one who changed the face of the police in the positive sense. Siaka Fanne-Balanzan Info

Salut à tous !

Salut à tous !


Ségou, une ville du Mali
SEGOU, a city in MALI
A series written by écrit par Madani Sissoko & Macky Tall

Les rois Coulibaly du Vieux Ségou
The Kulibaly Kings of Ségou

Les rois conquérants Coulibaly établiront au 18e siècle la capitale de leur Royaume de Ségou au bord du fleuve au lieu-dit Sikoro.
The Kulibaly clan conquered their neighbors and established their kingdom of Ségou in the 1700s. Their capital beside the River Niger was a village near modern Ségou, now called Sikoro (‘Old Ségou’).

Étranger à la zone, Kaladjan Coulibaly s’imposera par la force en tant que roi fondateur du Royaume bambara de Ségou sur lequel il règne de 1652 à 1682. Bambara et animiste, venu de Kong dans l'actuelle Côte d'Ivoire, Kaladjan est un chef de guerre mercenaire qui supplante la dynastie marka (soninké) des Koita. Son état /pouvoir n’est pas stable ; il faudra attendre Mamary Coulibaly, dit Biton, pour que le Royaume de Ségou assoie son autorité.
Kalajan Kulibaly came from Kong, in present-day Ivory Coast. Kalajan was a mercenary leader who replaced the Koïta Marka (Soninké) dynasty using brute force, founding the new Bambara Kingdom of Ségou. He reigned from 1652 until 1682, but his power was not stable. The Kingdom of Ségou only achieved dominance in the region when the throne was taken over by Mamary Kulibaly (1689?–1755) known to history as ‘Biton’.

Bambara men photographed in 1872. Wikicommons
Mamary Biton Coulibaly (1689?–1755) sera le plus fort de la dynastie. Sa puissance physique aurait été due à sa mère qui fabriquait une excellente bière de mil, dolo. On peut visiter son palais et sa tombe à Sikoro, à côté de la petite mosquée fantaisiste qu’il fit construire pour sa mère convertie à l’Islam.
Biton was the strongest ruler of the Kulibaly dynasty. He was physically very powerful, apparently thanks to the quality of the millet beer dolo that his mother brewed. His palace and his tomb can be visited in Sikoro, close to the whimsical, tiny mosque that he built in mud for his mother after she converted to Islam.

Biton n’avait pas adopté l’Islam. Un de ses fils nommé Ali, devenu musulman fervent, aurait été assassiné pour avoir essayé d’interdire la fabrication du dolo.
Biton never accepted Islam, although his son Ali became a fervent Muslim. Ali was assassinated when he tried to outlaw the brewing of dolo.

Bambara woman wearing amber and bead jewelry and brass grisgris

Biton Coulibaly exige la soumission de tous. Il fait construire dans son palais une porte si basse que tout suppléant sera obligé d’entrer dans sa salle d’audience en position courbée de soumis ! Mamary Biton aurait été soit l'arrière-petit-fils de Kaladjan Coulibaly soit, selon une légende populaire, l'arrière-petit-fils de Baramangolo et Niangolo, frères guerriers mythiques fondateurs des royaumes Bambara de Ségou et de Kaarta. Le patronyme ‘Coulibaly’ signifie ‘sans pirogue’ car les deux frères auraient traversé le fleuve Niger sur le dos d’un poisson géant.
Biton Kulibaly insisted on dominating his subjects. Some were reluctant to prostrate themselves, so Biton built his audience chamber with an entrance so low that anyone wishing to enter was forced to come before the King bent forward in a position of submission. Biton was probably the great grandson of Kalajan Kulibaly or – according to popular legend – the great grandson of the warrior brothers Baramangolo and Niangolo, mythical founders of the Bambara Kingdoms of Ségou and of Kaarta. The name ‘Kulibaly’ means ‘without canoe’ and refers to the legend that the two brothers from Kong crossed the Niger River on the back of a giant fish.

Renaud Joubert’s photo of pirogues/canoes on the Niger River ba djoli ba at Ségou.

Dans sa jeunesse, Biton était élu chef de ton, association de jeunes chasseurs qu’il transformera en armée de métier dévouée à sa cause. Pendant son règne de 42 années, son armée grandira à 40 000 hommes entraînés, équipés d’armes à feu fabriquées par ses propres forgerons. Biton s’associe aux pêcheurs Somono à qui il confie une flotte de guerre qui étend son royaume sur les deux rives du fleuve Niger jusqu’à Tombouctou en passant par Djenné. C’est la puissance des ton militarisés et des soldats tonjonw qui amenera la fin de la dynastie Coulibaly par coup d’état : les successeurs de Biton seront renversés par Ngolo Diarra, un chef tonjon.
In his youth, Biton Kulibaly was elected chief of his ton, the young hunters’ association. He transformed his hunters into a private army, serving him. During his 42-year reign, his professional army swelled to 40,000 trained soldiers equipped with fi****ms manufactured by Biton’s own blacksmiths. He made treaties with the Somono fishermen, whose fleet of war canoes allowed Biton to dominate both banks of the river, and to conquer the island city of Djenne, on the way to taking the desert city of Timbuktu. Ironically it was the power of the ton and its soldiers tonjonw (plural) that brought about the end of the Kulibaly dynasty: Biton’s successors were overthrown in a coup d’état by Ngolo Diarra, a tonjon general.

Biton’s statue on the Ségou monument – le monument des Rois de Ségou

Le saviez-vous ? Ségou, la quatrième région du Mali et Richmond, la capitale de l'État de Virginie aux États-Unis, sont ...

Le saviez-vous ?

Ségou, la quatrième région du Mali et Richmond, la capitale de l'État de Virginie aux États-Unis, sont des "villes jumelles"!

Dans le cadre de ce jumelage, l’amélioration des conditions de vie des Ségoviens a été mise en avant, surtout dans le secteur de l’éducation. Ce sujet a été abordé par des membres du Centre américain de Bamako, des habitants de Ségou et des membres des Virginia Friends of Mali (VFOM) lors d’une session virtuelle. Les intervenants ont soulignés quelques acquis de ce jumelage, dont la construction de latrines dans certaines écoles de Ségou, des dons de matériel médical pour les résidents de Ségou, et la collaboration en matière de recherche entre des universitaires maliens et américains.

La relation entre ces deux villes a été établie sur la base de différents points de similitude qui sont respectivement le fleuve Niger et le fleuve James, le festival sur le Niger et le Richmond Folk festival, ainsi que divers musées d'art et bâtiments historiques.

Que voulez-vous savoir sur la ville jumelle de Ségou, Richmond?
Que voulez-vous que les habitants de Richmond sachent sur Ségou?

À vos claviers!

Mauvaise qualité de pains de la boulangerie 4 carré segou

Mauvaise qualité de pains de la boulangerie 4 carré segou


Communiqué N° 003 de APMS-WA (Association des Professionnels des Médias Sociaux et Web Acteur) suite à la diffusion d’un reportage sur la chaine française BFM TV sur le Mali.
Depuis un certain temps, nous membres de l'Association des Professionnels des médias sociaux et Web-acteurs (APMS-WA), dans l'exercice de notre profession, nous assistons à des attaques injustes et diffamatoires à l’encontre de notre président M. Malick KONATE, au-delà de la personne physique du président, l’Association n’est non plus épargnée.
APMS-WA déplore les appels à l’atteinte de l’intégrité physique et les injures subversives dont notre président fait l’objet sur les réseaux sociaux. Par conséquent, nous dénonçons et condamnons ces attitudes qui sont abjectes et inconscientes de la part de ces détracteurs. Tout individu a droit à la présomption d’innocence. Nous rappelons que le président Malick KONATE ne fait qu’exercer son métier de journaliste en donnant des informations au paisible citoyen lambda Malien. Il faut également noter que tout citoyen doit apporter sa pierre à l’édifice nationale. Par contre, si les critiques sont objectives, elles peuvent nous aider dans la reconstruction du Mali. Nous sommes tous des Maliens, nous devons j***r des mêmes droits et des mêmes devoirs.
Par ailleurs APMS-WA se pose des questions pourquoi tant de haine contre le Président Malick KONATE et de l’Association ?
Si toutes fois le Président fait objet d’une poursuite judiciaire, comment ce communiqué se trouve entre les mains des influenceurs ou des vidéo-men au moment où l’Etat lui-même ne fait pas objet de ce communiqué ?
Nos remerciements à l’endroit de tous ceux qui n’ont ménagé aucun effort pour leurs soutiens indéfectibles à l’endroit de notre président et de notre Association, nous les remercions tous.
Vive le Mali !
Vive l’APMS-WA
Bamako, le 07 Novembre 2022
Secrétariat Général

Mohamed DEMBELE contre Prophète et le Coran.Les musulmans du mali au boulevard aujourd’hui le 4 Novembre 2022 pour conda...

Mohamed DEMBELE contre Prophète et le Coran.

Les musulmans du mali au boulevard aujourd’hui le 4 Novembre 2022 pour condamner et protester contre l’acte ! A suivre



Les nouveaux serviteurs de la ligue de Segou conduite par Almoustapha Maiga

Les nouveaux serviteurs de la ligue de Segou conduite par Almoustapha Maiga






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