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من يعرف أحدا يتابع دراسته في الثانية باكلوريا و قادر على أن يحصل على أكثر من 16 فما فوق في المعدل العام ، و ظروفه المادي...

من يعرف أحدا يتابع دراسته في الثانية باكلوريا و قادر على أن يحصل على أكثر من 16 فما فوق في المعدل العام ، و ظروفه المادية صعبة أو كان يتيما ، يمكنه أن يتسجل في موقع المؤسسة المغربية للطالب قبل 31 ماي . بالإضافة إلى المنح التي توفرها المؤسسة للطلبة المتفوقين ، فإنها تتكلف بمصاريف دراستك في أحسن المدارس بالمغرب .
أنشروها ليتمكن التلاميذ الذين يقطنون في بعض المناطق النائية من الإستفادة من ذلك .

Fondation Marocaine de l'Etudiant


🔴Writing: Argumentative essay 🔴
An essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue. Are you For or Against an idea or matter. You need to convince the reader that your idea is right.so, you should provide reasons, argument to support your opinion.
Usually the questions are like that: What is your opinion / give your opinion / what do you think of / do you think that …..?
🟢Outline :

Explanation of the issue

✅ Body

Paragraph one:
A. Your first argument.

B. Your second argument.

C. Your Third argument.

Paragraph two
A. First opposite argument.

B. Second opposite argument.

C. Third opposite argument.


State a summary of your point of view.


🔴The passive voice🔴
Active : Subject + Verb + object
Passive : Object + verb + subject
🔴The rule of passive voice🔴
the verb form in the passive sentence is written this way :BE + Past participle
Important : (Be) takes the tense/time of the verb in the active form .
✅the following table shows the different tenses in the active/passive forms:
🟢Simple present :
Ahmed eats an apple👉An Apple is eaten by
🟢 Present Continuous:
Ahmed is eating an apple 👉 An apple is being eaten by Ahmed.
🟢 Simple past:
Ahmed ate an apple 👉 An apple was eaten by Ahmed.
🟢Past Continuous:
Ahmed was eating an apple 👉 An Apple was being eaten by Ahmed.
🟢 Present perfect:
Ahmed has eaten an apple 👉 An Apple has been eaten by Ahmed.
🟢Past perfect:
Ahmed had eaten an apple 👉 An apple had been eaten by Ahmed.
🟢 Future:
Ahmed will eat an apple 👉 An apple will be eaten by Ahmed.
🟢 Models:
Ahmed should eat an apple 👉 An apple should be eaten by Ahmed.......

Making and responding to apologies 👇

Making and responding to apologies 👇

This lesson is about Making and Responding to apology can be used in teaching adults as a foreign language to use it while traveling abroad .you will learn m...

🛑Prefixes and suffixes🛑🍀Prefixes:are a group of letters that come at the beginning of a word and they change its meaning...

🛑Prefixes and suffixes🛑
are a group of letters that come at the beginning of a word and they change its meaning :

example : happy / unhappy war / postwar

are a group of letters that come at the end of a word and they change its category ( verb – noun – adjective – adverb….) :
example :

child / childish
comfort / comfortable
lazy /lazily

generally speaking there are three types of suffixes :
🟢Verb suffixes
are suffixes added to adjectives or nouns to make verbs .
dark (adjective) => darken
centre (noun) => centralize
🟢Noun suffixes
are suffixes added to verbs, adjectives, or nouns to make nouns.
manage (verb) => management
serious ( adjective) => seriousness
friend (noun) => friendship
🟢Adjectival suffixes
are suffixes added to nouns, adjectives , or verbs to make adjectives .
beauty (noun) => beautiful
Economic (adjective) =>economical
Excite (verb) => excited
NB : a word without any prefix or suffix is called the root


Vocabulary : "Women and Power"
🛑Important Vocabulary related to women:
Power قوة
Empower يمكن (v)
Empowerment تمكين
Self-confidence الثقة بالنفس
Emancipation تحرير
Gender Equality المساواة بين الجنسين
Access to education ولوج التعليم
Educated women المرأة المتعلمة
Working women المرأة العاملة
Women’s status وضع المرأة
Welfare رفاهية
Family code مدونة الأسرة
Feminism نضرية المساواة بين الجنسين
Low salary راتب منخفض
High salary راتب عالي
Polygamy تعدد الزوجات
Stereotype صورة نمطية
Inferiority الاحساس بالنقص
Inferior أدنى مكانة
Dominance of men هيمنة الرجال
Discrimination الميز
Gender discrimination الميز بين الجنسين
Violation of rights انتهاك الحقوق
Violence عنف
Women’s exclusion اقصاء المرأة
Women’s day يوم المرأة
Gender الجنس: رجل أو إمرأة
Law قانون
professional career مشوار مهني
🛑Useful Examples🛑
Negative stereotypes are obstacles that hinder women’s advancement in different domains.
Thanks to the new Moroccan family code, the status of women has noticeably changed.
According to the new ‘Mudawana’, polygamy can’t be practiced without the first wife’s approval.
All over the world, women have always had a continuous struggle for emancipation.
Meriam Chadid was the first woman to set foot on the Antarctica, where she patriotically and proudly raised Morocco’s flag.
Nawal Almoutawakil is a UNICEF goodwill ambassador.
Women have demonstrated considerable leadership in community, as well as in public office.
Moroccan rural women need education as well as health care.
However, they still suffer from negative stereotyping.
Along with being busy with her professional career, Karima manages her family life.
Educated women have a big influence on society. Moreover, they contribute to the welfare of their families.
Educated women look after their houses. They also work outside their homes.
Despite spending much time at work, working women are able to perfectly manage their households.
In spite of the efforts made by the government to alleviate poverty, the problem still persists.
It’s true that a lot of women and girls in Morocco have access to education. However, their situation is far from perfect.
Although, Globalization has a positive impact on women’s status, they are still regarded as inferior in some societies.
No matter what your social status, you must abide by the law.


☘️Some useful transitional sentences☘️
🛑I would like to shed light on the topic / issue of ……. أود أن أسلط الضوء على موضوع / قضية
I’d like to point out that أود أن أشير إلى ...............
One school of thought believes that ………… , whereas another school of thought thinks that ……..
تعتقد مدرسة فكرية بأن ............. ، في حين أن مدرسة فكرية أخرى تعتقد بأن
It seems to me that…....... يبدو لي بأن
It can be argued that …. يمكن القول بأن
A good illustration of this is ......... مثال جيد لهذا
To put it differently, ….. / In other words, ... بعبارة أخرى
In addition to the aforementioned ideas, ……….بالإضافة الى ما ثم ذكره أعلاه
Another key point to remember ........ نقطة رئيسية أخرى تستحق التذكير
This supports the idea that هذا يدعم فكرة ...................
On the one hand ……………. On the other hand …………….من جانب ......... و من جانب آخر
To discuss the pros and cons ......... لمناقشة إيجابيات وسلبيات
To sum up, …….خلاصة
Last but not least, ……. ،اخيرا وليس آخرا
In brief, ….. باختصار
All things considered ....... آخذا كل شيء بعين الإعتبار
Generally speaking ........ بشكل عام
The most important advantage of …... أهم ميزة ل
Another major advantage is …................ ميزة رئيسية أخرى هي
One point of view in favour of …. وجهة نظر واحدة لصالح
Many people feel that …............. كثير من الناس يشعرون بأن
Some people are convinced that ……............. بعض الناس مقتنعون بأن
One main disadvantage of …..أهم عيب ل ....
Another important drawback (disadvantage) is ….عيب مهم آخر هو
An additional argument against …. حجة أخرى ضد
In a similar fashion ..... بطريقة مماثلة
et cetera / and so on / and so forth ....... الى آخره / وهكذا دواليك
I have every reason to believe that ........ لدي كل الأسباب للاعتقاد بأن
As far as I know, …. حسب علمي
I feel something should be done about that ........ أشعر أنه ينبغي القيام بشيء حيال ذلك
I entirely / absolutely agree with ....... أنا أتفق تماما مع


What Is a Cause-and-Effect Essay?
The cause-and-effect essay is a form of argumentative essay that details the effect relationships between two subjects.
Follow these six steps to write a cause-and-effect paper.
1. Brainstorm Essay Topics.
Coming up with a good cause-and-effect topic involves observing the world and speculating about possible causes for what you see. Consider natural phenomena, social and cultural movements, or the development of ideas. Or perhaps you'll write a cause-and-effect essay about a work of literature, highlighting the interconnectedness of characters, settings, and events.

2. Establish a Thesis.
Your thesis statement can highlight a single cause-and-effect relationship, or it can also show how one event causes multiple effects. You can also explore how a phenomenon has multiple causes.

3. Arrange Your Main Points Into Body Paragraphs.
Each of your body paragraphs should provide a specific illustration of why your thesis is true. Outline your entire essay to ensure that every paragraph explores a different facet of the relationship between your subject and its causes.

4. Write a First Draft.
Using your thesis statement and your body paragraph ideas, craft the first draft of your essay. You should be making a specific argument about how one person, thing, idea, or event affects another one. Use clear topic sentences and transition words to keep each body paragraph anchored to your thesis.

5. Review Your Work for Clarity and Logic.
Ask yourself the following questions: Do I present a clear point of view? Do my examples show how one event caused another? Are my transitions and topic sentences clear and informative? Have I convincingly argued my point?

6. Write a Final Draft.
After giving your work an honest self-assessment, re-draft your essay with an eye toward a final product. If you haven't already written a conclusion, now is the time to do so. Remember that a cause-and-effect essay depends on your critical thinking and your ability to express your logic in writing. If you've done those things well, you probably have a very convincing essay on your hands.


📝Follow these six steps to write a paper👇

🛑Brainstorm Essay Topics. ...
🛑Establish a Thesis. ...
🛑Arrange Your Main Points into body paragraphs.
🛑Write a First Draft. ...
🛑Review Your Work for Clarity and Logic. ...
🛑Write a Final Draft.



Phrasal verbs with up and downin this video you will learn some common phrasal verbs with up and down



أأثناء البث المباشر أحاول دائما تبسيط النطق وتوضيح مخارج الحروفGrammar : Phrasal VerbsWhat are phrasal verbs?Phrasal verbs are phrases that indicate ac...

🤔What are complaints?Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action that is seen by t...

🤔What are complaints?
Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable. Suppose you want to complain about the pizza you have just ordered because it's too salty, what are the expressions needed to express and respond to complaints?
🛑Here are expressions you can use when complaining.
😔I have a complaint to make. ...
😔Sorry to bother you but...
😔I'm sorry to say this but...
😔I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...
😔I'm afraid there is a slight problem with...
😔Excuse me but there is a problem about...
😔I want to complain about...
😔I'm angry about...
😌I have a complaint to make.
Your pizza is just too salty.
😌I'm sorry to say this but
your food is inedible.
😌I'm afraid I've got a complaint about your child.He's too noisy .
😌I'm afraid there is a slight problem with the service in this hotel.
😌Excuse me but you are standing on my foot.
😌 I want to complain about the noise you are making.
😔I'm angry about the way you treat me.
Responding to complaints
😊 Positive response to complaints:
🟢I'm so sorry, but this will never occur / happen again.
🟢I'm sorry, we promise never to make the same mistake again.
🟢I'm really sorry; we'll do our utmost/best not to do the same mistake again.
😡Negative response to complaints:
🛑Sorry there is nothing we can do about it.
🛑I'm afraid, there isn't much we can do about it.
🛑We are sorry but the food is just alright.
🌹Things to remember about complaints:
When expressing a complaint in English, it helps to be polite. Although "I'm angry about your pizza. It's too salty" is one possible way of expressing a complaint, it is considered too rude and you'd better use more polite expressions if you want to get what you want!

🛑   Idiomatic Expressions 🛑✏️What is an idiom?🟢An idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the in...

🛑 Idiomatic Expressions 🛑
✏️What is an idiom?
🟢An idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the individual words.
🟢Examples :
🔵Tom and Sue were given valuable prizes by their parents because they passed their exams with flying colours. (They passed their exams successfully)
🔵My son is good at languages, but when it comes to Mathematics he is a dead loss. (He isn’t successful )
🔵My elder sister doesn’t let opportunities slip through her fingers. That’s why she’s leading a happy life. (She seizes all opportunities)
🔵Salim works seriously. When asked about his chances of success, he replied: “The baccalaureate exam is in the bag.” (He is sure he will pass his exam ).

Unit3 : Gifts of youth

Unit3 : Gifts of youth

⚡Linking Words⚡🛑Linking words help you to connect ideas and sentences when you speak or write English. We can use linkin...

⚡Linking Words⚡
🛑Linking words help you to connect ideas and sentences when you speak or write English. We can use linking words to give examples, add information, summarise, sequence information, give a reason or result, or to contrast ideas.

🛑Here’s a list of the most common linking words and phrases:

🟢Giving examples
For example
For instance

🟢The most common way to give examples is by using for example or for instance.

🟢Namely refers to something by name.
“There are two problems: namely, the expense and the time.”

🔺Adding information
In addition
As well as
Apart from
In addition to

🛑Ideas are often linked by and. In a list, you put a comma between each item, but not before and.

🟢“We discussed training, education and the budget.”
Also is used to add an extra idea or emphasis. “We also spoke about marketing.”

🛑You can use also with not only to give emphasis.
🟢“We are concerned not only by the costs, but also by the competition.”

🛑We don’t usually start a sentence with also. If you want to start a sentence with a phrase that means also, you can use In addition, or In addition to this…

🛑As well as can be used at the beginning or the middle of a sentence.
“As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition.”
“We are interested in costs as well as the competition.”

🛑Too goes either at the end of the sentence, or after the subject and means as well.
“They were concerned too.”
“I, too, was concerned.”

🛑Apart from and besides are often used to mean as well as, or in addition to.
🟢“Apart from Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.”
🟢“Besides Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.”
🛑Moreover and furthermore add extra information to the point you are making.
“Marketing plans give us an idea of the potential market. Moreover, they tell us about the competition.”

In short
In brief
In summary
To summarise
In a nutshell
To conclude
In conclusion

🛑We normally use these words at the beginning of the sentence to give a summary of what we have said or written.

🔺Sequencing ideas
The former, … the latter
Firstly, secondly, finally
The first point is
The following

🛑The former and the latter are useful when you want to refer to one of two points.

🟢“Marketing and finance are both covered in the course. The former is studied in the first term and the latter is studied in the final term.”

🟢Firstly, … secondly, … finally (or lastly) are useful ways to list ideas.

🛑It’s rare to use “fourthly”, or “fifthly”. Instead, try the first point, the second point, the third point and so on.

🛑The following is a good way of starting a list.
🟢“The following people have been chosen to go on the training course: N Peters, C Jones and A Owen.”
🔺Giving a reason
Due to / due to the fact that
Owing to / owing to the fact that
Because of

🛑Due to and owing to must be followed by a noun.

🟢“Due to the rise in oil prices, the inflation rate rose by 1.25%.”

🟢“Owing to the demand, we are unable to supply all items within 2 weeks.”

🛑If you want to follow these words with a clause (a subject, verb and object), you must follow the words with the fact that.

🟢“Due to the fact that oil prices have risen, the inflation rate has gone up by 1%25.”

🟢“Owing to the fact that the workers have gone on strike, the company has been unable to fulfill all its orders.”

🟢Because / because of

🔴Because of is followed by a noun.

🟢“Because of bad weather, the football match was postponed.”

🔴Because can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. For example, “Because it was raining, the match was postponed.”

🟢“We believe in incentive schemes, because we want our employees to be more productive.”

🔴Since / as

Since and as mean because.

🟢“Since the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff.”

🟢As the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff.”

🔺Giving a result
This means that
As a result

🔴Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way.

🟢“The company are expanding. Therefore / So / Consequently / As a result, they are taking on extra staff.”

🔴So is more informal.

🔺Contrasting ideas
Although / even though
Despite / despite the fact that
In spite of / in spite of the fact that
In theory… in practice…

🔴But is more informal than however. It is not normally used at the beginning of a sentence.

🟢“He works hard, but he doesn’t earn much.”
“He works hard. However, he doesn’t earn much.”

🔴Although, despite and in spite of introduce an idea of contrast. With these words, you must have two halves of a sentence.

🟢“Although it was cold, she went out in shorts.”
“In spite of the cold, she went out in shorts.”

🔴Despite and in spite of are used in the same way as due to and owing to. They must be followed by a noun. If you want to follow them with a noun and a verb, you must use the fact that.

🟢“Despite the fact that the company was doing badly, they took on extra employees.”

🔴Nevertheless and nonetheless mean in spite of that or anyway.

🟢“The sea was cold, but he went swimming nevertheless.” (In spite of the fact that it was cold.)
🟢“The company is doing well. Nonetheless, they aren’t going to expand this year.”

🔴While, whereas and unlike are used to show how two things are different from each other.

🟢“While my sister has blue eyes, mine are brown.”

🟢“Taxes have gone up, whereas social security contributions have gone down.”

🟢“Unlike in the UK, the USA has cheap petrol.


🛑A descriptive paragraph or essay is characterized by the use of Adjectives. It tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description is a word picture; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind.
🛑 When describing a person, you should speak about the physical appearance of that person and of his/her personality.
🟢what does s/he look like? (physically)
🟢How does s/he dress?
🟢what does s/he look like? (personality)
🟢What attracts you to that person?
🟢What do you like most about him or her?

⚡Past perfect simple or past perfect continuous⚡🟥Past perfect simple = I had worked Past perfect continuous = I had been...

⚡Past perfect simple or past perfect continuous⚡

🟥Past perfect simple = I had worked Past perfect continuous = I had been working
✏️We use the past perfect simple with action verbs to emphasise the completion of an event. We use the past perfect continuous to show that an event or action in the past was still continuing.
🔴Example :
The builders had put up the scaffolding around the house.
🟢Meaning: The Past perfect simple emphasises the completion of the action (the scaffolding is up).
🔴Example : The builders had been putting up the scaffolding when the roof fell in.
🟢Meaning: Past perfect continuous emphasises a continuing or ongoing action.
✏️We use the past perfect simple to refer to the completion of an activity and the past perfect continuous to focus on the activity and duration of the activity.
🔴Example :
I’d waited an hour for the bus.
🟢Meaning:Past perfect simple emphasises the completion of the activity (the waiting is over).
I’d been waiting an hour for the bus.
🟢Meaning : Past perfect continuous focuses on the duration of the activity.
The past perfect simple suggests something more permanent than the past perfect continuous, which can imply that something is temporary.
✏️We use the past perfect simple with action verbs to emphasise the completion of an event. We use the past perfect continuous to show that an event or action in the past was still continuing.
🔴 Example:
She’d always lived with her parents.

🟢 Meaning :We don’t know how long.

🔴Example : She’d been living with her parents.

🟢Meaning :Suggests a temporary situation.

🟥Some verbs are not used very often in the continuous form.🟥

✏️We don’t use the continuous form with some verbs of mental process (know, like, understand, believe) and verbs of the senses (hear, smell, taste):

Example :We’d known for a long time that the company was going to close.
⛔Not: We’d been knowing …

Example :We’d tasted the milk and had decided it was bad, so we threw it away.
⛔Not: We’d been tasting the milk …

⛔We don’t use the continuous form with actions that are completed at a single point in time (start, stop):
Example : Had they started the game on time?
⛔Not: Had they been starting the game on time?

⚡Communication : Expressing lack of understanding and asking for clarification⚡🛑Here is a list of useful English phrases...

⚡Communication : Expressing lack of understanding and asking for clarification⚡

🛑Here is a list of useful English phrases you can use to express lack of understanding (that is, when you fail to understand what has been said to you) and seek clarification from the person you are talking to.

🛑How to express lack of understanding
When you fail to understand what has been said to you you can use these expressions:

🟥I beg your pardon?
🟥I beg your pardon, but I don't quite understand.
🟥I'm not quite sure I know what you mean.
🟥I'm not quite sure I follow you.
🟥I don't quite see what you mean.
🟥I'm not sure I got your point.
🟥Sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said.
🟥Sorry, I didn't get your point.
🟥I don't quite see what you're getting at.
🟥How yo ask for clarification

🛑When you don't understand what someone has said, you can ask for clarification using the following expressions:

🟩What do you mean by...?Do you mean...?
🟩Could you say that again, please?
🟩Could you repeat please?
🟩Could you clarify that, please?
🟩Would you elaborate on that , please?
🟩Could you be more explicit?
🟩Could you explain what you mean by...?
🟩Could you give us an example?
🟩I wonder if you could say that in a different way.
🟩Could you put it differently, please?
🟩Could you be more specific, please?
🟩Clarifying one's point or idea.

🔴To clarify your idea you can use the following expressions:

🟦Let me explain that...
🟦Let me explain that in more detail...
🟦Let me put it in another way...
🟦Sorry let me explain...In other words...
🟦To say this differently...
🟦To put it differently...


⚡Vocaulary : Compound Adjectives
What are compound adjectives?⚡

🔴A compound adjective is formed when two or more adjectives are joined together to modify the same noun. These terms should be hyphenated to avoid confusion or ambiguity.

🔵For example:

🌹Diana submitted a 6-page document.
🌹She adopted a two-year-old cat.
🌹This is a four-foot table.
🌹Daniella is a part-time worker.
🌹This is an all-too-common error.
🌹Beware of the green-eyed monster.
🌹He is a cold-blooded man.
🌹I love this brightly-lit room!
🌹He is an obedient and well-behaved dog.
🌹You have to be open-minded about things.

More Compound Adjectives :

🌹a well-known writer
🌹a brightly-lit room
🌹deeply-rooted traditions
🌹a good-looking boy
🌹a free-standing tower
🌹a tongue-tied boy
🌹a sun-dried fruit
🌹a short-sighted man
🌹a long-haired lady
🌹a world-famous singer
🌹a last-minute solution
🌹deep-sea diving
🌹a part-time job


🔴More vocabulary related to Cultural issues and values
🟦 Altruism: Selflessness, generosity, and kindness
🟦 Citizenship: The set of rights and duties
🟦 Initiative: The ability or opportunity to act before others do
🟦 Tolerance: The ability to accept and respect the opinions and beliefs of others.
🟦 Intolerance: Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own
🟦 Coexistence: The ability to live together in harmony
🟦 Cooperation: Participating and working together towards the same end or objective
🟦 Equity: Equal treatment to anyone
🟦 Diversity: Showing a great deal of variety; very different
🟦 Stereotype: A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person.

⚡ Some values and their antonyms⚡

🟩Altruism vs selfishness
🟩Tolerance vs intolerance
🟩co-operation vs individuality
🟩Equity vs injustice
🟩Responsibility vs irresponsibility
🟩Love vs hatred
🟩Harmony vs conflict

🔴Some Collocations related to Cultural Issues

🌹culture diversity
🌹civic education
🌹moral obligations
🌹cultural shock
🌹common good
🌹global citizenship

💥    Unit 2: Cultural issues and values💥 🛑Culture:stands for the way of life of a certain group of people it includes: b...

💥 Unit 2: Cultural issues and values💥
🛑Culture:stands for the way of life of a certain group of people it includes: beliefs ,tradition,language,food,clothing,etc... .
🛑Issues:Problemes and conflicts among people due to cultural differences .
🛑Values:The norms that a society sets for its life and dealings among its members such as tolerance,honesty and justice .
⚡Values:Hospitality/ Respect/ Tolerance / Generosity / Solidarity / Kindness / Justice...
⚡ Clothes:Gandora / Caftan / Tackchita / Tarbouche / Balgha / Niqab...
⚡food:Couscous / Tagine / Bashilla / Pastilla / Tanjia / Bamb beef with prunes Tagine / Rfisaa /Harira / Michwe / Briouat / Msemen...
⚡Religions / Beliefs: Islam christianity / Judaism / Hinduism /Atheism
⚡Arts & craft: pottery / Malhoun / Leather goods / Carpets / rugs / Metalwork / Jewelry ....
⚡Architecture:Riad / kasbah / Mosques / Ceramics...
⚡Customs & Traditions:Couscous on fridays / drinking menth tea / Fantasia / festivals /Moussem /Musical instruments.....
⚡Celebration / Feasts:Eid l'kbir / Ramadan / Eid Al-fitr / weddings /Islamic new year / Imilchil festival...
( Imad Haoual)
What's more :

Unit 1: Communication          🌺Making and Responding to Requests🌺🌀we use: can, could ,will, would, would you mind      ...

Unit 1: Communication
🌺Making and Responding to Requests🌺

🌀we use: can, could ,will, would, would you mind + ing to make polite requests.
📗Making requests
🤔Can you open the door please?
🤔Could you open the door please?
🤔Will you open the door please?
🤔Would you open the door please?
🤔Would you mind opening the door?

📗Responding to requests
👏Yes, of course./Of course./Yes, certainly./Certainly./Sure
👏No, I’d be happy to.
😡No, certainly not.

🌀Can is informal and can be used with someone we know.
For example a friend.
A :Can you open the window please?
B: Sure.

🌀Could is formal and informal. We can use it with someone we know or someone we don't know.
A: Could you bring me some sugar please?
B : Yes, certainly.

🌀Would you mind + verb + ing is formal:
A : Would you mind calling back later?
B : No, certainly not.

🛑Collocation🛑Collocation refers to a group of words that often go together or that are likely to occur together.Adult il...


Collocation refers to a group of words that often go together or that are likely to occur together.
Adult illiteracy
Adult literacy
Artistic talents
Boarding school
Brain drain
Civic education
Common good
Information technology
Community service
Cultural diversity
Cultural heritage
Cultural values
Cultural shock
Developed countries
Developing countries
Digital camera
Educational system
Equal rights
Equal status
Generation gap
Have access
Have fun
Health care
Rural areas
School subject
Skilled worker
Sustainable development.......

Types of education:There are many types of education, but the most frequent ones are: Formal, Non-formal, and informal e...

Types of education:
There are many types of education, but the most frequent ones are: Formal, Non-formal, and informal education

🛑Formal education: refers to the types of learning that are taking place in an educational institution, where there is a syllabus, a teacher and is usually recognized in a qualification or a certificate.
🛑Non-formal education: refers to learning through a program (like formal education) but it is not usually evaluated, and it does not lead to certification.
🛑Informal education: refers to any learning resulted from activities related to our daily life.
🛑Vocational education: Prepares learners for careers or professions related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation.
🛑Special education: Describes an educational alternative that focuses on the teaching of students with special (behavioral, health academic or physical) needs that cannot be met using traditional programs or techniques.


In this video you will learn some common expressions of possibility .First of all you should bear in mind that possible means : able to happen or able to exi...


Maya Maya

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