الله � الوطن � الملك �
Description of Morocco � :
Morocco is the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Mediterranean Sea in the north and beautiful golden beaches. Nature has made Morocco one of the most beautiful countries in the world with its four mountain ranges with waterfalls and permanent snow on the peaks, centennial pine forests at the foot, vast plains covered with tange
rine and orange trees, rivers flowing along the edge of the desert and the gorges of the mountains. The Atlantic coast is known for cork oak forests; the mountains - for holly oaks and giant cedars. On the dry southern slopes, are Berber thujas and junipers; on the plains - steppes with dwarf palms; and along springs and rivers - oases with date palms. The length of the Mediterranean coast is about 450 km. There are many coves and rocky headlands. The coastal line of the Atlantic Ocean is more than 1,300 km. One-third of the country is occupied by the Atlas Mountains, where the highest peak of North Africa, Toubkal (4,165 m), is situated. To the south of these mountains, are desert plains of the Sahara, including the islands of green oases. Morocco has a rich history. In the XII century B.C., the coast of the country was colonized by the Phoenicians. Later it belonged to Carthage, and from 1st century B.C. - to the Roman Empire. Morocco was ruled by the Vandals, Byzantines, and since VII century was part of the Arab Caliphate. In the XI century, the southern part of Morocco was the Berber Almoravid dynasty - the most powerful state at the time. The period is known for the flourishing of Morocco. These years were founded such cities as Marrakech, Meknes, and Fez. Some facts about Morocco
Population of country : 31,627,428 people
Area of Morocco : 446,550 sq. kilometers
Located on the continent : Africa (AF)
Capital of Morocco : Rabat
Currency at Morocco : Dirham (MAD)
Domain Zone : .ma
Phone country code : +212
FIPS code of Morocco : MO
� مـــغـــاربــة الــعــالــم ونــفــتــخـــر �
سافــــر مــعــنا مجــانـا في المغــرب فقط اضغط على اعجــبــني وترقب دائما الجــديد هدفنــا وشعارنا واحد المغــرب الذي احــب � الـلَّـه � الوطــن � الملـك�
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