“No sign of a break in at all” #JusticeForEllen
#murders #murdered #911calls #ellengreenberg #ellenraegreenberg
“but there is blood everywhere” #JusticeForEllen
#murders #murdered #911calls #ellengreenberg #ellenraegreenberg
“There is a knife sticking out of her” #JusticeForEllen
#murders #murdered #911calls #ellengreenberg #ellenraegreenberg
Tom Calls Out Josh Shapiro
Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary of Ellen Rae Greenberg’s unfortunate death. Again, we are going to honor Ellen by taking action.
Below is a video from our lead investigator Thomas P. Brennan Jr., a 25-year state police veteran and former chief of the Dauphin County Detectives, talking about how we can persuade Josh Shapiro to re-open the case.
Again, here are the best ways to contact Josh Shapiro:
· Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
· Phone: (717) 787-3391, (215) 886-7376
· Change.org Petition: https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-ellen-rae-greenberg-justiceforellen
· Twitter: @JoshShapiroPA and @PAAttorneyGen
· Facebook: @JoshShapiroPA and @PAAttorneyGen
· Instagram: @JoshShapiroPA and @PAAttorneyGen
If you have any tips on how to best get in touch with Josh Shapiro, please let us know in the comments. Thank you!
Guy D'Andrea goes live to answer your questions on the details regarding Ellen's death.
“Each one of us, in varying words, doubts very much the official ruling of the office of the medical examiner of the City of Philadelphia that this was a suicide.”
-Pittsburgh Forensic Pathologist Cyril H. Wecht on the Criminology Podcast.
How can so many crime scene experts be wrong? This was #murder, #notsuicide. #JusticeForEllen
Once again, we want to express our gratitude for the incredible support our petition at bit.ly/justice4ellenpetition has received. Thank you all for seeking #JusticeForEllen.
Will you help us get #JusticeForEllen? Sign the petition at bit.ly/justice4ellenpetition. #truecrimecommunity #IDAddicts