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Ava N.James Coach Living your purpose is the best botox or to makeover your life💄🎬 bit.ly/theAvaNJames

Never let reluctance be the reason you didn't try another time.

Never let reluctance be the reason you didn't try another time.

Change is shifty.It's uncomfortable and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-gWithout it though, we might still be riding horses.And typing...

Change is shifty.
It's uncomfortable and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g

Without it though, we might still be riding horses.

And typing on typewriters. Sailing around the 🌎 world by boat. Or still communicating on a party line.

Oh and still play PONG! (by the way l never did!)

Sounds funny when you think about how humanity has expanded across the planet and shifted the face of civilisation.

Mostly good (some bad).
The point is - if transitions didn't move us, we'd probably never grow.

Or evolve. Try new things. And become a better person.

Letting go and leaving something behind. Is merely clearly space. For something new and exciting.

So when change pulls the rug from under your feet. And transitions leave you in a tail spin.

Remind yourself that in the middle of challenge and heart wrenching moments, that's the lab creating your purpose.

And if you're a woman who has had her one only dream crushed but believes she can and will find meaning out of any challenge.

In Turn Your Power Into Purpose you'll find 14 probing questions that will help you uncover valuable insights to take the power of your story and turn it into a purposeful life.

If you want this guide, DM me POWER and l'll send it your way.

You're important to someone!Never let your regrets be bigger than your gratitude. Put your pride aside and go the extra ...

You're important to someone!

Never let your regrets be bigger than your gratitude.

Put your pride aside and go the extra mile.

Because noone remembers the things you wanted to do.

Or the decisions you sidestepped.

Even if life is fast paced, take time to make that call, send that text and ask someone how they doing - just because you're grateful.

Regret will keep you locked to the past, but gratitude cultivates a transformative outlook.

》Find things to be grateful for.

》Remind yourself that no regret can keep you from changing and being more thankful.

》Bind gratitude into your relationships and watch how your interactions change.

🎯Accept the things you can't change and change the things you can't accept 🎯

Although we can't rewind the clock.

When you move forward without guilt or distress, you archive your past.

And grow new pathways to hope and meaning.

✔️Write out a list of all the regrets you can shift towards gratitude.
✔️And start putting it into practice immediately.

P.S. don't ever regret being yourself - because someone thinks you're important today!

The most effective tool for a purpose filled life is your attitude!Most successful women know it's not what they look at...

The most effective tool for a purpose filled life is your attitude!

Most successful women know it's not what they look at but what they see that matters.

No one can appreciate art by simply looking at it.

It's seeing the incricate detail, the deeper meaning of the artist's intentions and having a curious mind past surface level observation.

And the same is true of finding your purpose.

If you dived under the surface interactions to meaningful connections observations and mindful insights.

You unlock a perspective that determines your attitude.

You have a WHY that leads you to your purpose and the person you're meant to be.

And it starts with your attitude.

Attaining bigger goals and living without limits is all about changing what you look at to what you see.

Want to improve your experiences?

Change your approach and watch your world expand!

Photo by

There are only two types of women.Those ones who dream and the ones that go out there and make their dreams a reality.An...

There are only two types of women.

Those ones who dream and the ones that go out there and make their dreams a reality.

And that’s it.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re tired of seeing of everyone else's success around you.

It’s about knowing how some women are making waves in their industry.

And to make those leaps you need to know the difference that makes the difference - your purpose isn’t about you.

It has nothing to do with proving your worth, working longer hours, or even searching every corner to find your purpose.

All those things may help you, but they won’t make the real difference.

So, if you want to make a difference, live your best life and make an impact in your life and career.

In the next 10 minutes I’m going to share how you can turn your life from watching other people live their purpose to making your life purpose your success story.

Because whether you realise it or not, most of the purpose driven women are not thinking about how to find their purpose
They are seeing a gap and filling it.

And this will challenge you to reflect on the direction of your life.

Not to mention, free you from self-doubt and your inner critic.

So, you never have to believe that you can’t make a difference in your life and work.

And the first thing that happens when you join Live with Intention Thrive on Purpose is rephrase the question you’ve been asking yourself ‘How Do I Find My Purpose’ to ‘How Can I Do Everything With Purpose’ and then multiple sources of meaning and success will develop in your life.

Then once you’re enter the program, you’re going to get attention to detail overkill – this isn’t a program to watch 10 videos and go out there and read the workbook, but hands on support to help you get speed and simplicity to turn your situation around and start making a difference.


Roses have thorns or thorns have roses?It's all about perspective.And that's what appreciation is.Seeing the greatest in...

Roses have thorns or thorns have roses?

It's all about perspective.

And that's what appreciation is.

Seeing the greatest in others.

Never taking anything or anyone for granted.

Being kind, because that's what matters most.

Expecting less and giving more.

Loving each day as if it was your last.

Influencing others to feel better just because you came into their life.

Going the extra mile.

Never being afraid to be a trailblazer.

Live with intention.

Flourish where you're planted - at school, in work, in your business.

Whatever you do - do it with all your ❤️

What can you add to the list? 👉

P.S. Appreciation Never Ends. The flowers are appreciative of the sun, the butterflies and birds are appreciative for the flowers and so the list goes on and on and on....

Just because someone told you not to doesn't mean you should.♟️Never downplay your purpose for anyone.♟️Never dilute you...

Just because someone told you not to doesn't mean you should.

♟️Never downplay your purpose for anyone.

♟️Never dilute your enthusiasm for anyone.

♟️Never give up on an idea you believe in - just because it seems difficult.

♟️Never stop planning your life with a purpose that outlasts you.

What you do and say matters.

And people are watching you even if you're not aware.

Your example determines your reputation.

Why can't l get over this setback? Why is this happening? What if you looked at every challenge as an opportunity?And ma...

Why can't l get over this setback?

Why is this happening?

What if you looked at every challenge as an opportunity?

And made it your mission to find the sole purpose you need to gain from the experience.

You'd turn your setbacks into a stepladder to get over the hedge and view your soul purpose without any limitations.

Beyond the horizon is within your sights - you just have to get over the hurdles you place in your own way.

If you could make an impact in your role, you would have made it already.

The reason you can't figure out how to make an impact is because you haven't discovered what your purpose is.

And chasing the next big idea isn't helping you find your purpose.

It's about finding what makes you so passionate that you can't wait to wake up to a new day and pursue it to the end.

This is what l do working with leaders - to take them from feeling like they're not honing their effectiveness to career progression or promotion because they 'leak' clarity and direction, so we have to stop the leakage and that's what "Live With Intention Thrive Purpose" does.

P.S. Join the waitlist.

The best lessons are learned outside the classroom. And that's where we learn best from our dad's.In the unlikely moment...

The best lessons are learned outside the classroom.

And that's where we learn best from our dad's.

In the unlikely moments.

When they're not teaching us anything.

We compile a book of wisdom from their experiences and expertise.

That will outlive their example and presence in our lives.

So you want to do something incredible every day?Believe it there are people who are doing exactly that!▪️Turning setbac...

So you want to do something incredible every day?

Believe it there are people who are doing exactly that!

▪️Turning setbacks into life lessons.
▪️ Reframing their thoughts to change and grow.
▪️ Embracing the experience to reinvent themselves.

Don't miss being a part of the 1% club.
Doing something that will make you 1% better than you were yesterday.

Oh you can, otherwise l wouldn't be saying this.
Believe. Believe. Believe.
That you can and you're halfway there.

You have a story. You have a mission. You have an intention that is greater than you.Don't forget that even if you don't...

You have a story.
You have a mission.
You have an intention that is greater than you.

Don't forget that even if you don't believe it -

You have power over your mind and controlling how you react to events is the turning point between staying where you are and changing everything!

Stand tall.Reach high.And dream BIG.Your future self is counting on you!

Stand tall.
Reach high.
And dream BIG.

Your future self is counting on you!

Dorothy found herself in an unfamiliar place and she needed to get home and the only choice she had was to ask for direc...

Dorothy found herself in an unfamiliar place and she needed to get home and the only choice she had was to ask for directions...

If you've watched the Wizard of Oz, you probably know what happened she ended up meeting new faces and going on an adventure.

That's the same with us in our career or business.
There'll be times we feel lost. And don't know where to turn.

And we need to find someone who knows how we can get there. Someone who might give us new insights.

Or do the smart thing - try until we succeed.

Ask for directions.

Realise that you have the solution.

Dorothy's silver slippers are like your attitude 》》 they determine your direction.

You need to decide where you want to go and what you can do.

Detours took Dorothy on some great adventures and she met so many great friends along the way, helping them succeed in their ventures.

The bottom line is we might need a solution and we take the silver slippers, but never recognise the power it has. But when you adjust your attitude, whether you believe you can or not is a little thing that makes all the difference!

You want a vision for your life?Leave vague behind. The more direction you get in your life.The more purpose you'll find...

You want a vision for your life?

Leave vague behind.

The more direction you get in your life.

The more purpose you'll find.

And the bigger impact you'll make!

No matter what life brings your way.Never give up believing the sun will shine again.Pain and sorrow may blur our eyes.B...

No matter what life brings your way.

Never give up believing the sun will shine again.

Pain and sorrow may blur our eyes.

But it cannot take away our purpose.

When the storm rages, hold on to hope.

And know that every lesson will make you stronger in every way.

Have you ever ignored an incoming call because you were too busy?That's what your purpose is like.It will keep calling u...

Have you ever ignored an incoming call because you were too busy?

That's what your purpose is like.
It will keep calling until you answer! 📞📞📞📞

What type of person do you want to become? What will it take to become that person? Instead of focusing on saying negati...

What type of person do you want to become?

What will it take to become that person?

Instead of focusing on saying negative things to yourself.

Choose to say positive things to yourself to reinforce the person you want to become.

🍭What's the first thing you could say?

🍭What's the first thing you could do?

Believe you're the person you want to become. Be specific about how you act, what you do and what results you want to have.

Don't worry about who everyone is becoming.
Just focus on who YOU want to become.
What you stand for.
And the values you hold.

Who you become is far more important than the results you achieve.

If you want a copy of our free guide Turn Your Power Into Purpose... DM POWER + your email address and l'll send it your way.

Are you tired of doing the same things without any change?Why are you here?The seasons have a purpose from beginning to ...

Are you tired of doing the same things without any change?

Why are you here?

The seasons have a purpose from beginning to end, we see how a seed is planted and in time we harvest a crop.

When you believe you have a meaning to living and add that meaning to everything you do, you get to live your purpose.

Don't stay where you are, do things differently and be prepared for great things to happen.

You get to believe in YOU.

Don't wait for someone else to do that first!

Chase what you're passion about and make things happen.
Follow the seasons in your life from beginning to end.

I spoke to someone recently ...Just an every day conversation "How you doing?"And their response was pretty epic..."I'm ...

I spoke to someone recently ...

Just an every day conversation

"How you doing?"

And their response was pretty epic...

"I'm thriving!"

Are you the leader who is thriving?

Do you walk around feeling this way in every situation?

Even the ones that drain your energy.

Imagine if we all walked into our work and lives with this standard...

"I'm going to thrive no matter what today brings!"

Where would we be in 3, 6 , 9 months from today?

You've outgrown the version of you that needed to survive.

It's time to become the version of you that needs to thrive.

Push their capabilities.
And stretch your thinking.

You were meant to thrive!


What's stopping you from turning every should into a could?

That one decision could change your life!

Receiving sad news is always shocking. Today l heard of some tragic news of an esteemed client. And l couldn't help but ...

Receiving sad news is always shocking.

Today l heard of some tragic news of an esteemed client.

And l couldn't help but reflect on the unpredictability of life.

There are no second chances.

You only get one opportunity to live your purpose.

Don't have any regrets!

P.S. l appreciate you for choosing to shine your voice into the world 🌎

If you're sitting on the fence...Don't sit there too long!Not only will you get a sore rear but your indecision could co...

If you're sitting on the fence...

Don't sit there too long!

Not only will you get a sore rear but your indecision could cost you.

Grab this week's goals by the horns.

Then start doing one thing to make it happen.

The more you delay taking action.

The more time you are giving away.

Whatever you feel called to do..... it's like an internal alarm clock that won't go off.

Like a deep prompting that doesn't fade.

A feeling that keeps nudging you until you make a life altering decision.

That's your purpose calling.

Don't miss the call!

Do you record your thoughts? How often do you do this? If not, what's stopping you? Journaling is the most effective way...

Do you record your thoughts?

How often do you do this?

If not, what's stopping you?

Journaling is the most effective way to start your self-discovery journey.

Because if you don't know anything about you...
..how will anyone else know who you are?

Live with Intention, Thrive on Purpose is a journal that you can use if you're unsure of what your purpose is and where to start.

Recording your thoughts and creating your own writing (w)ritual is the best thing you can do for your future self!

Comment THRIVE if you want the link to get yours and begin creating your own life manual!

Are you setting up as a digital creator, but you don't know much about technical side?With way too many different platfo...

Are you setting up as a digital creator, but you don't know much about technical side?

With way too many different platforms and too much choice ...
.. it can become confusing and you can become like a clown juggling your own success.

🎭With way too many balls spinning in the air.

Why not try an easy and straightforward solution.

With Kajabi, there's no fuss and it's hassle free.

I can guarantee that it's worth the cost 💯

Start your FREE trial today and don't just talk about your dream but make it happen!

Go on try it - you won''t wanna leave👆

Who said it's too late to believe in your dreams? Where are they anyway? In this week's episode on the podcast, l'm talk...

Who said it's too late to believe in your dreams?

Where are they anyway?

In this week's episode on the podcast, l'm talking about the one step between your past and your purpose.

Because the truth is no-one can tell you to stop believing in your dream.

Except IF you give your permission away to everyone else!

Tune into 'I Need Directions To My Purpose!'

Go back to start is the foundation of life...No matter how many times you talkwalkbreatheatfailfallget hurtbreak your he...

Go back to start is the foundation of life...

No matter how many times you
get hurt
break your heart
don't know know the answer

You always go back to start again‼️

I'm no promise keeper...When l tell myself l'll start a new workout routine, or read a book every week - am l keeping th...

I'm no promise keeper...

When l tell myself l'll start a new workout routine, or read a book every week - am l keeping that promise to myself?

Telling ourselves we'll start next week, but when next week comes - nothing happens is breaking a promise to yourself repeatedly.

The best thing to do is when you make a promise to yourself - KEEP IT!

Start when you're motivated and inspired with ideas.

You can't put off getting started until everything is perfect and you have everything you think you need.

😬Because that day will never come.

↩️There will always be just one more thing that needs to happen.

😬Life will sneak something into our schedules to derail our best-laid plans.

We must not defer our dreams.

Tomorrow may never come!

And in the meantime you're breaking your promise to your purpose✂️

What small actions can you take to awaken your personal mission in life?

The small things stack up and become BIG habits.

How can you become more diligent today?

🗝Reflect on what you're living for and how it's not a routine but purpose for something biggest.

🪜Research to gain deeper knowledge to move forward with with vision.

🎧Reach out for support to take the next step forward.

📍Revise your action and mission - are you're gaining fresh insights and evolving?

👉Realise that you're connecting your past with your future👉 every dot from your vision leads you into your purpose🗝

Try it!

And if you're a woman who has had her one only dream crushed but believes she can and will find meaning out of pain.
In Turn Your Power Into Purpose you'll find probing questions that will help you uncover valuable insights to take the power of your story and turn it into a purposeful life.
🎁If you want this guide, DM me POWER and l'll send it your way.

Are you searching for something more in your life?Do you want to move forward and no longer feel empty inside? Whatever ...

Are you searching for something more in your life?

Do you want to move forward and no longer feel empty inside?

Whatever has happened in your life has the power to become your purpose.

It's highly unlikely that any person has sailed through life without some challenge or difficulty💪


Are all points where we can make a breakthrough.

You can overcome any tragedy or painful experience because if you don't - you'll have to deal with it for the rest of your life.

Nothing goes away by forgetting about it.

We need to deal with it through intentional healing until we overcome the pain and turn it into our power.

Your pain has the power to become your purpose

You just need to believe that your story is the turning point.

Will you turn it into your transformation and take charge of your future?

Rewrite your life and Turn Your Power Into Purpose with my Free Guide. 14 questions to unlock your purpose. Because you create or choose the life impact and difference you want to make.
DM me POWER and ll send it your way!

Everything we do has a purpose...I didn't have to think twice about brushing my teeth or jumping in the shower this morn...

Everything we do has a purpose...

I didn't have to think twice about brushing my teeth or jumping in the shower this morning.

OK so maybe l forgot to drink water first thing, and had to intentionally remind myself.

But right there l realised that everything l do has a purpose.

😁Is it benefiting me
😬Or diverting me from living a healthy lifestyle...

If we did everything to benefit our lives 🎁
By the end of the day we would soaring towards our goals🗝

So the next time you do something ask yourself....

Is this benefiting me or diverting me from ☆[whatever you're trying to achieve]☆

I'm talking about redefining your life and breaking the status quo in today's "I Need Directions To My Purpose" episode.
If you want to tune in comment 'EPISODE' and ll send you the link.


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