Lo Glo Studios

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Lo Glo Studios Offering strategic social media marketing and design for soul-centered women-owned businesses.

Lo Ducote is a seasoned social media and digital marketer with over eight years of experience with the sole purpose of helping small businesses meet and exceed their marketing goals. She works one-on-one with small business owners to create a strategy that is customized to their goals, business and industry. You’ll receive the same quality of service that a larger agency may provide, but with a sm

all boutique vibe. With a natural eye for detail, she can also help you bring your vision in a digital space or print to life. She is able to custom create websites, digital marketing materials, email campaigns, and brand style your current branding materials.

My heart is so full 💙On 12/26, we welcomed Titan Derrick Ducote into our lives! We are blessed beyond belief and our hea...

My heart is so full 💙

On 12/26, we welcomed Titan Derrick Ducote into our lives! We are blessed beyond belief and our hearts are incredibly full!

I’m so happy to be home with all my boys - we are resting and adjusting nicely. Thank you for sending all the love and healing energy my way! 💙

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Yule and Happy New Year (need to squeeze them all in) from the Lo Glo fam to your...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Yule and Happy New Year (need to squeeze them all in) from the Lo Glo fam to yours!

This year has held many wonderful and beautiful lessons of joy and grief, but as my family and I anxiously await Baby Titan’s arrival (literally any day now), I’m reminded of the growth and perseverance 2023 has taught me.

If 2023 felt like survival, you’re not alone. 2024 holds something BIG for us - energy and perspectives have already begun to shift. And while I may not be as active on here in the coming days and weeks, my focus is stronger than ever! My hope is that as you also head into the new year, the rest of the holidays provides you with a renewed focus on what’s ahead.

Now, go enjoy yourself however you celebrate!

Xoxo - Lo

I see so many new faces around here and I'm so, so grateful that you've decided to join my little corner of the social m...

I see so many new faces around here and I'm so, so grateful that you've decided to join my little corner of the social media world.

So allow me to reintroduce myself...

Yes, I have a wild passion for helping other women-owned businesses, but what keeps the glo going behind Lo Glo is ⤵️

⛰️ I'm a boy mama of soon to be two cooler than cool dudes. We are expecting baby boy #2 on January 1st. Any tips for two under two is greatly appreciated 🙏

⛰️ My love language is being handed an iced coffee at any time of year and I'll demolish a wood-fired pizza any day of the week. Don't get me started on cheese - it's my favorite food group!

⛰️ I will always, ALWAYS choose the mountains over the beach. There's just something about finding refuge amongst the trees that sets my soul right. The mountains are where I go time and again to find myself, connect to my calling, and my husband and son are also happiest.

⛰️ I actually studied American History with a concentration in the American Civil War in college. Weird I'm in marketing, haha. I grew up Civil War re-enacting with my dad and LOVED IT. He instilled a life-long interest in American and World History. Anyone else as excited as I am about the new Napoleon movie as I am?

My home is my sanctuary and it's filled with so much love. When you work with me, I want you to feel that way - that I'm a safe space for you to express your concerns, fears, goals, and celebrations with zero judgement. My goal when working with you is to empower you to feel the glo where you are planted!

If you've made it this far - thank you! Thank you for being on this journey with me. I can't wait to share with you my newest service offering tomorrow!

I'm so pleased to be announcing that I am officially launching a NEW SERVICE!Say whaaaaat?.....I've been stewing on this...

I'm so pleased to be announcing that I am officially launching a NEW SERVICE!

Say whaaaaat?.....I've been stewing on this idea for sometime and needed to work through it with my coach and colleagues. The time has come and perfect for leading us into the holidays.

My official launch date will be this coming Tuesday! Set your reminders and make sure you're following .glo.studios.


It’s no secret that I've struggled with being consistent with my own content. But do you know why? ⤵️For years, really s...

It’s no secret that I've struggled with being consistent with my own content. But do you know why? ⤵️

For years, really since the inception of Lo Glo, I’ve lived in the shadow of my trauma. I’ve always been afraid of oversharing my personal life on this platform. I've been afraid of stepping into my own light for fear of failing or getting burned - kind of like a vampire. I’ve seen others in my industry excelling and I got comfortable in the shadows.

I ignored the knocks at my door for too long. I’m kicking open that door and stepping into my own light and, damn, am I glo’ing! I’ve found my souls purpose - to help other soul-centered, woman owned businesses navigate and SUCCEED with their marketing.

And, f*ck, it feels good! If you’re ready to step into your glo and tell the world how badass you and your business are, let’s talk!

You know when you get a review and it’s so damn good that you want to frame it or put it on your bathroom mirror to remi...

You know when you get a review and it’s so damn good that you want to frame it or put it on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself you do have what it takes and you’re a GD badass?

Thank you, Spinning Harts Dance Studio East, for all the love and support! These ladies have trusted me with not just their social media, but other digital marketing efforts (new website & monthly newsletters) since the birth of Lo Glo.

This is what it’s all about. At the core of my business is helping other woman owned businesses understand and navigate this ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

Coming in with a hot take - your social media should be just a FRACTION of your overall marketing plan. ⭐️ Website ⭐ Lan...

Coming in with a hot take - your social media should be just a FRACTION of your overall marketing plan.

⭐️ Website
⭐ Landing Pages
⭐️ Blog
⭐️ Newsletter, etc.

You have so much to offer your audience - your knowledge, intellect, personality - serve it to ‘em where they are. Not everyone uses social media, some people hate checking emails, and some of us love to read a good blog!

Navigating all of this can be overwhelming, I get it! That’s where I come in - as your social media and marketing expert. Together, we’ll develop and execute a plan so you can get back to doing what you love most - running your biz. I do this by offering ⤵️

🔻 Custom social media strategies
🔻 Custom content creation
🔻 Custom social media management packages
🔻 Custom overall marketing plans
🔻 Web design
🔻 Branding

Everyone deserves breathing room and to feel as though they have their s**t together. Reach out today to schedule your discovery call!


So many conversations I'm having lately seem to have a common theme... "The world is so hard right now." Everyone is str...

So many conversations I'm having lately seem to have a common theme... "The world is so hard right now." Everyone is struggling....it doesn't seem like everyone is struggling especially when you look at Facebook or Instagram...EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING!

You may feel like you're in a never ending cycle of clients dropping or having a difficult time booking your services, finding that bills are stacking up, or that you can't seem to get that credit card paid down. It sucks - I've been there and pretty recently, if I'm being honest.

Here's what I've done in the last six weeks to help get out of that awful mental cycle👇

1️⃣ Take a social media break. Remember that social media is often a highlight reel of all the good s**t that happens in life. And comparison is the damn enemy. Unfriend or unfollow those accounts that don't align with you.

2️⃣ Manifest the hell out of your goals and what you want for the future. Be specific and don't feel ridiculous about what you want - nothing is out of reach.

3️⃣ Start showcasing your services and showing up for your business. Even when you don't want to. You'll find your rhythm.

4️⃣ Take a moment to express gratitude for all your blessings - big and small. For me, I'm beyond grateful that I have a spunky, wild, curly-haired little boy, a beyond supportive husband, and I get to creative for a living.

Now, I’m not immune to those negative thoughts even with utilizing these four methods. I sit with those feelings, let them pass, and move on!

Tell me what you do to ground yourself during these difficult times? Nothing is off limits!

I did a terrifying thing lately...I increased my prices....whew, now it's out in the universe!It wasn't a light decision...

I did a terrifying thing lately...

I increased my prices....whew, now it's out in the universe!

It wasn't a light decision. Honestly, there was so much fear wrapped up in bumping up my pricing.

💥 Will my ideal clients think it's too much?

💥 Will I be scoffed at?

💥 Will clients still find the value in the services I offer?

After much deliberation and being told "girl, you need to up your prices" about a half dozen times from coaches and others in the industry, I pulled the trigger. It feels good, but still nerve wracking.

Don't let your fear stand in the way of up'ing your service/product pricing. Your value and what you offer, along side inflation, make it inevitable at some point in your entrepreneurial journey.

And there's nothing to be ashamed of. Repeat after me "I am worth an increase in my products and services. I deserve to be paid for what I bring to the table. I am filled with gifts that I can share with the world."

The word of the week for Lo Glo is GROWTH!!!I've been thinking a lot about growth lately and not just because my belly i...

The word of the week for Lo Glo is GROWTH!!!

I've been thinking a lot about growth lately and not just because my belly is growing.

Growth is the natural progress of humans, our relationships, and our businesses. If you take a moment to look back to when you began your business and what it's taken to get you to where you are, you may find yourself smiling. Why? Because you've grown. I hope you don't find yourself cringing. You shouldn't - sure, you were learning how to run a business, be a _______ (fill in the blank with your service or products), etc. You stumbled along the way and that's what causes growth.

Your marketing should grow with you too. As business owners, we put everything under the sun first and our marketing, let's include everything from social media, website updates, SEO update, logo rebranding, comes in close to the bottom of the checklist! I get it...I do it too! We have to make conscious efforts to market ourselves and our businesses...another thing on the list.

Good news for YOU is that I can offer to take all of those things off your to-do list and ensure that your business branding, website, and social media are following your own growth pattern. Beginning in September, I'll be, once again, offering full social media management packages for my fellow woman owned businesses!

Yes, honey, I'm BACK!!!!!! Send a DM to schedule your discovery call or coffee date and we'll begin makin' some magic together! ✨

You may find yourself not having a logoYou may find yourself needing a website updateYou may find yourself without a soc...

You may find yourself not having a logo
You may find yourself needing a website update
You may find yourself without a social media strategy
And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?!

Raise your hand if you get the reference! ✋

I've turned my attention to working with woman owned businesses that focus on health and wellness (spiritual, mental, and physical), beauty, other creators and makers, nature, and child health and wellness. All areas that I'm super passionate about!

If you have found you've been asking yourself these questions, you should hit me up!


Every.single. one of us is fighting the algorithm. ALL.THE.TIME. And then came Threads, haha.When I entered this industr...

Every.single. one of us is fighting the algorithm. ALL.THE.TIME. And then came Threads, haha.

When I entered this industry many moons ago, it was all about posting all the time...post x amount of times a day, plus x amount of stories. Do you know what that creates? A toxic anxiety-filled hustle culture. 🤮 Not here for it.

My first "big-girl" job was in a student loan customer service center. During the "good 'ol days" the team strived for excellent customer service. Didn't matter if the call lasted 20 minutes. However, there was a shift years later. You had to meet a call quota during your shift. The quality of the calls went down, you got dinged for not meeting some ridiculous standards. Talk about a toxic environment.

We've gotten to the point, as content creators and social media strategists, where we just want to create content that 1. We love and 2. That you, our audience, love too. Quality > Quantity

If you’re lost in the world of social media or you feel like your lacking a strategy for your small business, send me a DM and let’s chat! ☕

Whoa, my first post back after quite a hiatus! Honestly, posting felt forced for a long time and didn't feel good until ...

Whoa, my first post back after quite a hiatus!

Honestly, posting felt forced for a long time and didn't feel good until now. I've been on quite a journey since March/April. Mostly self-discovery, healing, shedding layers of old beliefs, and purging my life of those energy vampires (the universe has a way of removing people and things that are no longer good for you, no matter how much it hurts).

I've reconnected with my higher-self, put my family first, and formed stronger connections with my tiny tribe. I'm leaning into what is calling to me more and more and ignoring the very loud noise that is not just social media, but also the world itself.

I post when and what feels good, but I am going to try to become a "regular" again. Sometimes we just need a break...a long break...to get our s**t together!

Today is brought to you by the number 3!Lo Glo turns 3 today and what a crazy ride it's been! Between a pandemic, planni...

Today is brought to you by the number 3!

Lo Glo turns 3 today and what a crazy ride it's been! Between a pandemic, planning a wedding, being pregnant, giving birth, and now raising a son, Lo Glo has managed to remain rooted.

But none more so than within the last few months. My vision became clearer and my path became more defined. I 1000% feel as though my son helped draw me back into my passion and I've found my own unique voice.

So, without further ado, I present a whole new re-vamped Lo Glo Studios! She finally feels like me. The website will be undergoing a revamp to match my voice and the direction my brand is headed in.

Let's talk about that direction! I'm excited to announce that I'll be expanding on my website and branding services. At this time, I will no longer be accepting new, full time social media clients. I'm still happy to help small business owners work on their social media strategy. As I revamp my packages, I'll be releasing them here.

For those of you who have been here for the long haul - bless you, haha! Saying "thank you" doesn't seem like enough, honestly. To those who have given more opportunities than I could have ever imagined - thank you! Thank you for trusting me on this ride!

I'm excited for this new chapter and I hope you stick around for it! 🤍

Amazing photo cred goes to: Stephanie at Source Creative House

I spent most of 2022 behind the scenes and I was completely ok with that. I was busy learning how to manage being a mom ...

I spent most of 2022 behind the scenes and I was completely ok with that. I was busy learning how to manage being a mom and a business owner. In that order - No Shame! Ziltch!

But what being behind the scenes did for me was help me redefine my purpose and direction for Lo Glo. I've become more connected to her and I'm moving into 2023 with more intention and some exciting changes. Like ALOT of exciting changes!

I'm anxious to share all the things with you, but for now I hope you follow along and give that little heart a tappity tap!🫶 And have a soul fulfilling year to come!

Raise your hand if you hustle to complete your to-do list before vacation?! ✋I'm with you! Late nights, early mornings, ...

Raise your hand if you hustle to complete your to-do list before vacation?! ✋

I'm with you! Late nights, early mornings, and a gazillion cups of coffee later.

But seriously, thank you to all my clients for working with me to get as much done this week so next week I can be present with my family.

I'll be back in the office on Monday, July 18th. In the meantime, I'm sure there will be a pic or two with my toes in the sand 🌊

We’re in vacation mode this week! If you need me, I’ll be somewhere in the  Shenandoah Valley grounding myself, breathin...

We’re in vacation mode this week!

If you need me, I’ll be somewhere in the Shenandoah Valley grounding myself, breathing in some fresh mountain air, and spending some much needed R&R with my family! 🏔✌️

You've heard me toss around the term "brand styling", but what exactly does that mean?Glad you asked...let's dive in!Thi...

You've heard me toss around the term "brand styling", but what exactly does that mean?

Glad you asked...let's dive in!

Think about it this way - You've got an AH-MAZING closet full of great pieces of clothes. It just seems every time you try to pull together a fantastic ensemble you end up with your entire closet on the floor, you're frustrated, you have no outfit put together, and now you have to put it all away. Insert all the curse words. You've made zero progress!

I take all the pieces of the brand you have and love and put them all together with customized email templates, website updates, editable social media templates, email signatures, updated business card design, Google My Business updates, and so much more!

If you're struggling with getting your brand cohesive across all mediums, let's chat about your "closet". I'm now accepting clients for a June start date!

Thank you Biltbold Building Company for the tremendous review! 💙If your socials are in need of a spruce up, let's talk!

Thank you Biltbold Building Company for the tremendous review! 💙

If your socials are in need of a spruce up, let's talk!

Whatever you choose to celebrate (or not at all) today, it is my hope for you that you find renewal and replenishment du...

Whatever you choose to celebrate (or not at all) today, it is my hope for you that you find renewal and replenishment during this season of new life. 🐰🌷


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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It’s a Lo Glo!

What started as a joke, then a planted seed, has blossomed into a full blown path for my future. I have been passionate about marketing for several years now. As someone who, traditionally (think college), wasn’t educated in the ever growing and expanding field for an old millennial, I’ve made a name for myself. I educated myself through reading books, watching youtube videos, networking with other marketers, and learning from trial and error. Lots of trial and error.

It is with a clear vision and a happy heart that I introduce a project I’ve been working on for several months. Lo Glo Studios, a marketing consulting, social media and brand management, and event coordination company with a focus on small businesses. I’ve gotten to know a lot of small businesses in the area over the last few years and discovered that many don’t have a marketing plan or very small marketing budgets. These are niche businesses and many of these business owners are subject matter experts in their field. Many don’t have the time or resources to effectively manage their brand or social media accounts. I get it! This is where I become their subject matter expert.

Join me as I share the projects I’ll be working on, updates on where I am, and articles on small business and social media trends.