As I look back at 2024 I can’t help but feel lot of gratitude. It was a game changing year for me… my sister early this year said this is my year (number 4 people) numerology thing, and I just nigated it. But slowly as months started unfolding I coudnt believe it was all turning out the way I dreamt.. got my job as UX Designer in February.. then in March visited India purely last minute! Then during the trip I was not only able to meet my both sisters (living in diff countries) but also my both childhood buddies..by this point I seriously started feeling stars are aligned. The more I thought about it I guess the more I manifested..in between there was some frustration about my license and failed attempt..as I was trying to postpone the test for next yr something hit me how about one last try befote year ends.. and there you go.. the unexpected happened 💫 coudnt thank more for such a wonderful year 🙏🏽