It's my birthday, and I'll do whatever I want to.. oh yeah, I do that anyway! 😄🥳
#positivevibes #hebybaby85
{ وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ اللَّهَ غَافِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ ۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الْأَبْصَارُ }
اللهم انصر أهل فلسطين وثبت أقدامهم اللهم انصر إخواننا في فلسطين
ربنا ينصرهم و يسدد رميهم و يثبت اقدامهم و يتقبلهم شهداء و يجمعنا بهم في الجنة يارب العالمين
May Allah grant victory to the people of Palestine and grant victory to our
brothers and sisters in there
May Allah grant them victory, guide their aim, strengthen their resolve, accept them as martyrs, and reunite us
with them in Jannah, Ameen
#غزة #طوفان__الاقصى #فلسطين #غزه_تحت_القصف #ادعموا_غزة #فلسطين_حرة
#PalestinianLivesMatter #FreePalestine #FreeGaza #Palestine #GazaUnderAttack #palestinelivesmatter
#Palestineفلسطين #humanrights #hebybaby85 #palestineunderattak
well I am an open book.. somehow! lol. Guess my age 😉 and tell me a little secret you know about me! 😃
حياتي كتاب مفتوح.. نوعا ما! ههههه
تتوقعوا كم عمري؟ و خبروني شي مميز بتعرفوه عني 😃
#positivevibes #hebybaby85
Wish you a Blessed Friday and.. Hello September 😊
جُمْعَة مُبَارَكَة وَ.. أَهْلَاً أَيْلُوُل 😊
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
You become what you believe..
..أَنْتَ مَا تَعْتَقِد
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
افْعَل الخَيْرَ مَهْمَا اسْتَصْغَرْتَه فَإِنَّكَ لا تَعْلَم أَيّ حَسَنَة سَتُدْخِلُكَ الجَنَّة 😊
Do good, no matter how small it may seem, you do not know which good deed will enter you into Jannah. Even the smallest acts of kindness and compassion can have a profound impact on the world 😊
#hebybaby85 #positvevibes Miftai Aggaro
The time passed is irrecoverable, therefore never waste it!
الوَقْت المُنْقَضِي لا يٌمْكِن تَعْويضَه ، ِلذَلِك لا تُضَيّعَه أَبَدًا
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
دلع نفسك. إنه الخميس يا سادة 😃
Pamper yourself. It's the weekend vibes 😃
VIVA Supermarket
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes #vivasupermarket
الحياة حلوة.. تفاءلوا و انشكحوا، ما في شي مستاهل 😀
Enjoy life to the maximum, it's not worth it to waste life in unnecessary sorrow 😃
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
😋 عصير برَّاد فلسطيني تايم
Palestinian Slush time 😋
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
Don't worry.. Be happy 😊
😊 لَا تَقْلَق.. كُن سَعِيداً
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
Pampering myself today! :)
❤️ Love yourself always ❤️
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
New month, new beginning! Just be happy and you will be surprised! 😊
شَهْر جَدِيِد، بِدَايَة جَدِيِدة! فَقَطْ كُنْ سَعِيِداً ومُتَفَائِلاً وَسَتَتفَاجَأ 😊
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
New month, new beginning! Just be happy and you will be surprised! 😊
😊شَهْر جَدِيِد، بِدَايَة جَدِيِدة! فَقَطْ كُنْ سَعِيِداً ومُتَفَائِلاً وَسَتَتفَاجَأ
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
Change your world by changing your thoughts 😊
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
Change your world by changing your thoughts 😊
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
(: الحياة جميلة, عشها بكل تفاصيلها Choose to be optimistic :)
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
😊 كُنْ عَلَى يَقِين و اسْتَبْشِر خَيْراً 😊 Have faith always and everything will be just fine 😊
😊 كُنْ عَلَى يَقِين و اسْتَبْشِر خَيْراً 😊 Have faith always and everything will be just fine 😊
#hebybaby85 #positivevibes
(: الحياة جميلة, عشها بكل تفاصيلها Choose to be optimistic :)