Sorta Green Ep 08: Gardening!
Let's be honest- just like episode 07 on recycling I can't post a 25 minute podcast on a vast subject like gardening and expect to cover every aspect. So this is more an intro on seeds and how to regrow food from existing food. I'm not a pro but Marcus Bridgewater aka Garden Marcus Choice Forward is! I spoke with him a little about gardening and a little bit about his new book How to Grow.
Only one product mentioned in this episode is a way to ease yourself into gardening- Seedsheet.
Thanks for listening- feel free to share 😊
Sorta Green Ep 07! Chasing arrows. Let's talk about recycling. I know you know what it is. But this is one we've gotta do right- or there's no point in doing it at all.
No product recommendations this week but a very helpful site when learning what recycling goes where:
I also wanted to address the inconsistency of the podcast. We've decided we're moving our family across a few states and the house buying and selling, packing, and everything else that goes with moving has taken up a lot of time. Sorta Green has taken a backseat- 7 episodes in. I know that's not helpful if you've liked coming to learn about environmentally friendly living. So I wanted to thank you for listening anyway.
Sorta Green Ep 06: It's the pitts and it stinks! Let's talk about green deodorants. We'll talk about tips for switching to an eco-friendly deodorant as well as a few we've tried out. Thanks to my guest Laura for sharing in her knowledge!
Completely UNsponsored products came from Tom's Of Maine, Native, Pretty Frank/Primal Pit Paste, Myro, Paper Cosmetics, Lume Deodorant and Pit Liquor.
Sorta Green Ep 05! Have you been to the library?
When you were a kid, of course. If you have small kids, yes. But honestly, if you haven't been to a library lately it is so much more than books!
I could go on and on but instead I got a someone who really knows- librarian Jill Fuller of the Bridges Library System!
Thanks for listening and sharing! You can always find Sorta Green on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music
Sorta Green Ep 04: Use More!
Might be slightly confusing after listening to Episode 3 which was Use Less. But this is just about getting the most out of the items you already have. Both for yourself and if you pass them along to others.
Only totally unsponsored product recommended in this post is Bite tooth paste tablets and a resource to follow for eco-friendly tips Brightly
Thank you so much for listening! Please feel free to share to help spread Sorta Green. We're also available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and Instagram
Sorta Green Podcast Ep 03: Use Less.
It's not always about finding a more environmentally friendly product (although that is great.) Sometimes it's just about using less of what you have. Are these all brand new novel ideas? Maybe not. But if we want to change or habits sometimes we need to be reminded of them.
As with every episode we'll start with Good News and a 2 minute tip.
Since it's about using less- only one completely unsponsored product recommendation. That's the Norwex Enviro-Cloth and Window Cloth.
Thanks for listening and great news, we're not available on Apple Podcasts at:
Sorta Green Ep 02 - So Convenient: Plastic Bags.
They are so easy to just grab from a store to bring your stuff home. Then, those plastic bags sit in the back of a cabinet for months until you rage clean and throw them out or hopefully bring them back to the store to recycle them. We'll talk about a few alternatives including...YOUR HANDS! Plus storage solutions that will help your budget- reusable ziploc type bags.
Completely UNsponsored products in Ep 02 are from Planet Wise, Lunchskins, and Stasher.
Thanks for listening and feel free to share!
Sorta Green Episode 1: Just Start. It can feel totally overwhelming to live an ecofriendly green life. So let's start small together. For me, it started with Shampoo Bars. The beauty in soap is- once it's gone it's gone. No package to dispose of. But will it lather well? Will it clean well? The episode will cover those questions plus so shampoo bars I've tried. 🧼
We're now listed on Amazon music and Google podcasts!
Totally UN #sponsored shampoo bars in this episode: Glitz Soap Co. HiBAR Love Beauty and Planet Lush Cosmetics North America and Superzeronow
A huge thank you to Laura Robinson-Piebenga for testing for curly hair! ❤️
#shampoo #shampoobar #green #greenliving #ecofriendly #hair #curls #curlyhair #curlygirl #ecofrienlyliving #ecofriendlyproducts #eco #earth #earthfocus #earthfriendly #environment #environmentallyfriendly #podcasts
Happy #EarthDay! Episode 00 of Sorta Green!