Are you breastfeeding toxicity in your relationships in other to keep it and pretending to be happy?
Are your relationships an incubator for trauma and pain or a fertilizer for healing
Hear me well....when God gives you a blessing you won't have to exchange your mental health as payment to keep it.
What kind of friends or relationships do you have in your corner?
What happens if one of you gets healed in the area where both of you where both broken or wounded?
Someone once said we date or partner with our unfinished business.
Do you like them because of their dysfunctions so you both swim in a pool of drama all day everyday?
What happens when one of you does the healing work and can fly?will they accommodate you in your flying season and not just your limping season?
Is your partner someone you can build With?
I hope this causes you to have some introspection
A new episode of your favorite podcast is out people
We are talking about Fatal Attraction.
Click link in below or link in bio
Your subconcious mind is the garden which all that you sow and allow to be sowed shall be born.
Who inspires you?
Who supports the energy of abundance or lack thereof?
All experiences are energetic exchanges.
As you evolve become more responsible for your most valuable asset -ENERGY
If you struggle with people pleasing and creating healthy boundaries .
You know what to do..inserts winking emoji
Hey hey,
Do you struggle with procrastination and overwhelm?
Do you have a strong drive for success but a stronger fear of failure?
Use the pomodoro technique
Set your timer for 30 minutes
Work without distraction then have a 5 minute break.
Works like a charm.
You want to learn more ...Get the Peak performance secrets book on the okada books and bambooks app.
You can also DM me for a copy.
#naijastartups #peakchallenge #peakperformance
Human beings are social beings and relationships are the connecting factor.
The Corona virus and the pandemic showed us how vital human connection is.....
Relationships are like flowers they either wilt or bloom depending on how you handle them.
You want to have relationships that blossom?
Practice the Triple A principle within 30 seconds of interacting with people in your area of influence.
Everybody is walking around with an invisible sign that says 'I want to feel important and heard'
Cheers to a fantastic weekend
Prone to burn out?Listen to this
Your body has a voice,listen to it.
I used to be so guilty of this,working and working a hamster on a treadmill all day everyday.
This video is so profound.
Listen and learn the lessons
Foolishness has an office
Listen and learn the lesson.
What is your take home value?
Your choices are your responsibility.
Do you make your self available to glean superior knowledge,revelation knowledge?
Who are you listening to?
Who are your teachers in this season of your life?
You become what you behold.
He who walks with the wise is wise.
Inner. Child work
If you grew up in a home where you suffered from physical abuse,emotional abuse,emotional neglect,narcisstic parents,sexual abuse it could affect you and cause your inner child to be frozen in time and you will feel stuck due to the emotional trauma and energetic blocks trapped in your subconscious mind.
Aunty Maya Angelou is a woman i greatly admire and love.God rest her beautiful soul.
She was able to rise above the pain of the childhood trauma and uncover her authentic self thus giving us the gift of Maya Angelou.
This led to the force we know today.
If you went through something traumatizing in your formative years.I am truly sorry if happened.You did not deserve to be treated that way.
I see you.I have been there and I can walk you through on how to overcome and come out on the other side with your soul intact.
Are you ready to do the deep inner work?
Click link in bio.
Pure kindness is undefeated.
Be human.Be Kind