Ilva Ignatovica

Ilva Ignatovica Hi! My name is Ilva and I love to explore topics such as happiness, health, self-care and self-development.

One thing you'll learn about me very quickly is that I can't resist a good challenge. Always learning, always growing, always on an adventure.

I have been inflexible my whole life and it was one of my goals to learn how to increase flexibility in my muscles. Sinc...

I have been inflexible my whole life and it was one of my goals to learn how to increase flexibility in my muscles. Since I love challenges and I love growing, It was only a matter of time before I would roll out my mat and get to business.

With any goal in life, it is not about how fast you can do it, but about the quality you do it with. It’s about persistence, determination, love towards yourself, and never giving up.

In this video I am taking you on a 60 day journey with me. You’ll see my ups, my downs, my struggles, and my most precious realizations!

Yes, I stretched 60 minutes every day for 60 days.I have been inflexible my whole life and it was one of my goals to learn how to increase flexibility in my ...

It’s been around 1 year since I’ve been properly learning Korean with a teacher. Just had my usual Tuesday morning lesso...

It’s been around 1 year since I’ve been properly learning Korean with a teacher. Just had my usual Tuesday morning lesson and decided to reflect a bit.

If you’ve ever tried to learn a new language or any skill of that matter, you’ll know that the process truly is a rollercoaster. You get your highs and dopamine hits as well as that feeling of “this is too hard, I will never get there.” But I think it’s important to recognise that all of that is completely natural and normal.

The thought of quitting has never even entered my mind, because I always think of the end goal. I truly believe that talent is 5%. What makes us reach our goals and dreams is persistence and consistency.

I think we create our own luck.

But, back to Korean. There’s SO much I still don’t understand. I read slowly, make mistakes frequently and tend to forget specific words I’ve learned over and over. At the same time I CAN read. I can create simple sentences and I can also understand simple sentences (when they’re spoken to me extremely slowly :D)

My point is—you see what you focus on which makes happiness and positive attitude a personal choice not a personality trait. We are a very impatient generation. We want things fast and we want them now. If things don’t happen immediately we doubt ourselves, our entire purpose, and meaning.

So, my recommendation to all the learners, dreamers and achievers—promise yourself that quitting is not an option (but remember that resting is required) and you will see how much you, a simple human, can do. Remember that progress is not linear. It’s not about giant leaps, it’s about baby steps. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality and consistency.

Have a beautiful week!

If you want to change your life in 2023, stop focusing on goals and habits. Instead, focus on something else…2022 turned...

If you want to change your life in 2023, stop focusing on goals and habits. Instead, focus on something else…

2022 turned out to be the best year i’ve ever had and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. By the end of 2021, I made a single resolution for the next year and that resolution completely changed my life and led me to find happiness, fulfilment, and peace.

In this video I want to share what I have learned and understood about our identities, habits, and resolutions and give you both a backstory on how i got here today, plus a 4-step guide on what you should do if you want to change your life in 2023.

I don’t consider myself an expert on happiness, but i do think we can all learn to be experts in our own happiness.

Hope you enjoy this video and have a wonderful, beautiful 2023! ❤️

If you want to change your life in 2023, stop focusing on goals and habits. Instead, focus on something else…2022 turned out to be the best year i’ve ever ha...

With the New Year just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about our resolutions. A popular wish for man...

With the New Year just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about our resolutions. A popular wish for many is to become more healthy and fit, so in this video I’ll share 5 easy things that will help you be healthier in 2023.

We’ll talk easy nutrition tips, my favourite type of movement, mental health, and more! Hope you enjoy ❤️

With the New Year just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about our resolutions. A popular wish for many is to become more healthy and fit, ...

If you can’t stop caring what others think of you, you’re not alone. In fact, most of us at one point or another have wo...

If you can’t stop caring what others think of you, you’re not alone. In fact, most of us at one point or another have worried about other people opinions and felt pressured to look, think, or act a certain way.

In this video I want to take you through a 3-part journey and give you tools that will help you become more confident in the person you are. We’ll discuss people pleasing, self-love, confidence, and one of my favourite mantras i frequently say to myself.

If you can’t stop caring what others think of you, know that you’re not alone. In fact, most of us at one point or another have worried about other people op...

This is a huge milestone for me. Thank you to each and everyone of you who watch my content, subscribe to my channel, an...

This is a huge milestone for me. Thank you to each and everyone of you who watch my content, subscribe to my channel, and most importantly, return for more. Thank you and cheers to that first 1k! ❤️

Next step: 10,000 🤩

How to lose weight?Like most things in life, the actual answer is simple and probably known by everyone—calories in vs c...

How to lose weight?

Like most things in life, the actual answer is simple and probably known by everyone—calories in vs calories out. However, human behaviour, emotions, and thoughts tend to be much more complex. It’s this beautiful complexity that makes the weight loss process not as easy for most people.

So, in this video I want to talk about how to lose weight and be fit forever. When I say forever, i’m not trying to be “clickbaity”. Forever to me means sustainable and doable across our life span. Because if the weight loss is not sustainable, we don’t want it.

The restrictive mindset, quick diets, and dangerous weight loss teas are OUT. A healthy relationship with food, love towards your body, and baby step improvements are IN.

Let’s talk healthy foods, my most favourite type of movement, the importance of sleep, stress reduction, and many many more things that will lead to a happier, healthier, and fitter you!

How to lose weight?Like most things in life, the actual answer is simple and probably known by everyone—calories in vs calories out. However, human behaviour...

Is the Universe trying to tell me something? 🌙This is a question probably all of us have asked at one point or another. ...

Is the Universe trying to tell me something? 🌙

This is a question probably all of us have asked at one point or another. Some, like me, ask the Universe, some ask God, some trust in basic psychology, and some think it's all science anyway.

No matter what you believe in or who or what is the recipient for your question. We all ask it. We all want to know, am I doing what i'm supposed to be doing? Are there signs that are given to me?

In this video I’m sharing 4 signs the Universe is trying to tell you something. We’ll discuss what the signs are, how they present themselves, and most importantly what they might mean.

Have a magical, wonderful week!

Is the Universe trying to tell me something? 🌙This is a question probably all of us have asked at one point or another. Some, like me, ask the Universe, som...

In today’s video we’re discussing why everyone should watch the movie Yes Man. While from the first glance, it might jus...

In today’s video we’re discussing why everyone should watch the movie Yes Man. While from the first glance, it might just seem as a regular comedy starring the legendary Jim Carrey, it’s truly more than that.

The movie tells a story about a man who says no to life. No to opportunities, no to outgoings, no to friends, no to living. When one day through a set of events, he decides to visit a “Yes Man” seminar and from that day on agrees to say Yes to everything. And I mean everything.

The movie portrays how much your life can change and take you to places you never imagined just by opening yourself up. And as you'll learn from the video, I love this film so much that have seen it countless of times!

Hope this video inspires you to watch the movie and say yes to the is beauty we call life. ❤️

In today’s video we’re discussing why everyone should watch the Yes Man. While from the first glance, it might just seem as a regular comedy starring the leg...

I’ve been in a loving relationship for more than a decade. I know, it sounds crazy coming from a 25-year-old.Never did I...

I’ve been in a loving relationship for more than a decade. I know, it sounds crazy coming from a 25-year-old.

Never did I expect to meet my soulmate at such a young age. But there’s a saying—when it’s right, it’s right.

But how do you know if it’s right? Are there rules, clues, to-do’s? While each to their own, I believe there are some universal signs that indicate if the person next to you is YOUR person. So, in this video let’s talk relationships and tackle 5 signs you’re dating the right person.

Hope you enjoy this video ❤️

I’ve been in a loving relationship for more than a decade. I know, it sounds crazy coming from a 25-year-old.Never did I expect to meet my soulmate at such a...

Yes, I took myself out on a date.And while I’m used to enjoying some meaningful me time, I had never had a proper date w...

Yes, I took myself out on a date.

And while I’m used to enjoying some meaningful me time, I had never had a proper date with myself. This was truly a magical experience filled with tasty food, art, and revelations about life and love.

I hope this video inspires you to go on a solo date, as well as reminds you that the most meaningful relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself.

Yes, I took myself out on a date.And while I’m used to enjoying some meaningful me time, I had never had a proper date with myself. This was truly a magical ...

I’m currently the happiest I have ever been in my life.And while I've always known that true happiness is something i as...

I’m currently the happiest I have ever been in my life.

And while I've always known that true happiness is something i aspire to achieving, it took me some time to learn that it’s not so much found as created.

How to be happy? How to feel happy? How to become happy?—These are questions all of us have asked at one point or another. So, in this video I’m sharing my story on how I arrived at a place where I feel truly happy, how my journey started, what choices I made, and what practices I acquired to be where I am today.

I hope this video inspires you to appreciate life in all its beauty and to create happiness in your own life. ❤️

I’m currently the happiest I have ever been in my life.And while I've always known that true happiness is something i aspire to achieving, it took me some ti...

I think we can often be so focused on getting rid of all the toxic people and toxic energies that we forget to take a st...

I think we can often be so focused on getting rid of all the toxic people and toxic energies that we forget to take a step back and look at our own actions. It’s very unlikely that the problem is always exterior. I strongly believe that all of us at one point or another have been toxic, because, hey, we are all human and we all learn as we go :)

Jealousy, betrayal, nasty comments—In this video I’m drawing from personal experience and sharing 5 top signs that indicate some toxic behaviour patterns in us. But don’t worry. Even if you recognize those patterns in you, You can always grow, learn, and become the best version of you. ❤️

So, how to know if you are the toxic friend? Watch the video to find out...

I think we can often be so focused on getting rid of all the toxic people and toxic energies that we forget to take a step back and look at our own actions. ...

While knowledge on how to be physically healthy has been spread around for a while, when it comes to our mental health, ...

While knowledge on how to be physically healthy has been spread around for a while, when it comes to our mental health, many of us we are still trying to understand what it means and how can we take care of it.

I’ve spent many years developing a healthy relationship with myself and my mind, which has included implementing different habits that help me stress and worry less, and be positive and happy more. So, in this week’s video I’m sharing my top 10 tips on how to improve mental health, wellbeing, and overall quality of your life :)

Cause remember, there is no health without mental health.

While knowledge on how to be physically healthy has been spread around for a while, when it comes to our mental health, many of us we are still trying to und...

I’ve always loved long walks and for the last couple of months had religiously gathered at least 10k steps daily, so I t...

I’ve always loved long walks and for the last couple of months had religiously gathered at least 10k steps daily, so I thought why not challenge myself a bit more and try to do 20k daily? And so I did. I walked 20,000 every day for 30 days.

In this video I take you with me on my journey and share all the amazing benefits I gained, including reduced stress and anxiety, mental clarity, and even weight loss. However, a challenge is not a challenge without some unexpected struggles…

I’ve always loved long walks and for the last 2 months had religiously gathered at least 10k steps daily, so I thought why not challenge myself a bit more an...

As a small content creator, the word algorithm crosses my brain almost daily. Because of this competitive industry, it’s...

As a small content creator, the word algorithm crosses my brain almost daily. Because of this competitive industry, it’s natural to want to know the secrets on how to rank on youtube, how to rank on TikTok, or how to rank on other social media platforms. And while, views, likes, and subscribers are the key to getting more popular and potentially trending, thinking of these things constantly can be exhausting.

In this video I talk all about the little monster we know as algorithm and share my story on how it has affected my creation process. I also share some of my realisations that have helped me focus less on all the SEO stuff and more on bringing high-value, quality content to my audience.

Hope you enjoy this video!

As a small content creator, the word algorithm crosses my brain almost daily. Because of this competitive industry, it’s natural to want to know the secrets ...

As a lifelong perfectionist, I'm no stranger to black and white thinking. I tend to want and do things in a very particu...

As a lifelong perfectionist, I'm no stranger to black and white thinking. I tend to want and do things in a very particulate way. I have a strong idea of how my life should look like and every single day I do my best to achieve that dream. And while perfectionism is a useful tool in many areas of life, it can also make you feel like—if it's not all, it's nothing.

In today's video I'm sharing my view on the "All or Nothing" approach, as well as giving you the Dos & Don'ts on how you can avoid it and make your mindset more positive, lively, and calm! 🧘🏼‍♀️

As a lifelong perfectionist, I'm no stranger to black and white thinking. I tend to want and do things in a very particulate way. I have a strong idea of how...

In this video I talk all about those "ugh" days and give you 5 tips on how to feel better when you're just not feeling i...

In this video I talk all about those "ugh" days and give you 5 tips on how to feel better when you're just not feeling it!

Enjoy! :)

In this video I talk all about those "ugh" days, share my experience with them and give you 5 tips on how to feel better when you're just not feeling it.Hope...

Yes, I tried going to bed at 9pm for 30 days. It was challenging, insightful, motivating and beyond interesting. But eno...

Yes, I tried going to bed at 9pm for 30 days. It was challenging, insightful, motivating and beyond interesting. But enough with the reading, it's time to press that play button and see how it went...

Yes, I tried going to bed at 9pm for 30 days. It was challenging, insightful, motivating and beyond interesting. But enough with the reading, it's time to pr...

☕️Welcome to Sunday Tea With Ilva—a place where we can discuss whatever's on our minds and in our hearts. Today we're ta...

☕️Welcome to Sunday Tea With Ilva—a place where we can discuss whatever's on our minds and in our hearts.

Today we're talking self-love! ❤️

Welcome to Sunday Tea With Ilva ☕A place where we can discuss whatever's on our mind and heart. Today's topic - Self love!Hope you enjoy this video, and as a...

Self-confidence is such an interesting thing. I’m sure we’ve all had moments where we feel like we could lift mountains,...

Self-confidence is such an interesting thing. I’m sure we’ve all had moments where we feel like we could lift mountains, and moments where we’d rather hide in a cave :). As we grow older, our understanding of self-confidence grows with us, but one thing is sure - it's personal to each and everyone of us.

In this video I’m sharing 5 things that at this moment in my life boost my self-confidence and make me remember that i’m actually pretty cool!

Self-confidence is such an interesting thing. I’m sure we’ve all had moments where we feel like we could lift mountains, and moments where we’d rather hide i...

2021 was quite challenging for me and I dropped many of my healthy habits, including daily workouts. However, I knew tha...

2021 was quite challenging for me and I dropped many of my healthy habits, including daily workouts. However, I knew that this period was just something I had to go through to learn about myself and to grow. I also knew that once I rearranged my priorities and put my health first, everything would naturally fall back into it’s place. :)

In this video I’m sharing 3 tips (+ a bonus tip) on how to bring exercise back in your life after it’s been a while, what mindset to bring along, and how to make this change sustainable and pleasant.

Hope you enjoy this video!

Hi, everyone!In today’s video I will discuss how to start working out after taking a long break.2021 was quite challenging for me and I dropped many of my he...

Ahh, the topic of stress. Stress is so stressful that it’s stressful to even think about stress! 😃In today’s video I’m s...

Ahh, the topic of stress. Stress is so stressful that it’s stressful to even think about stress! 😃

In today’s video I’m sharing a little bit of my own personal journey with this unfriendly monster and giving you 4 tips that have actually helped me be more calm and peaceful. :)

Hope you enjoy this video!

Ahh, the topic of stress. Stress is so stressful that it’s stressful to even think about stress! In today’s video I’m sharing a little bit of my own personal...

It's time for some fun! 😄In this Q&A we're jumping on the popular "truth or drink" trend and having a shot every time we...

It's time for some fun! 😄

In this Q&A we're jumping on the popular "truth or drink" trend and having a shot every time we don’t want to answer a question.

Long distance, money, kids—these are just some of the topics you'll hear about in this video!

It was super fun to film this and I hope you enjoy it!

Hey, guys!Today I’m bringing you a couples Q&A, but to make it more exciting, me and Gus are having a drink every time we don’t want to answer a question! Lo...

Habits. What a widely discussed topic. ✨⁣⁣As you can tell by the book I’m holding, I do spend money on self-growth knowl...

Habits. What a widely discussed topic. ✨⁣

As you can tell by the book I’m holding, I do spend money on self-growth knowledge. But this book was actually bought 6 years ago, when I was 18. Back then I was very much focused on becoming the most successful, productive, boss lady ever. Although I still find value in those things, my priorities have shifted. I view success a little bit differently now. The definition of health and happiness has grown into something more private, peaceful, and sustainable.⁣

Now, instead of asking how to have a healthy habit in my life, I ask, how can I create a life that naturally fills itself with cool, amazing habits?⁣

But to hear more about my thoughts on this, check out my latest Youtube video. I loved creating it and in there I go in depth of what I recently went through, what I realized, and give my insights into the popular question of - Why can’t I stick to my habits?⁣


I’m back!For those of you who didn’t notice, I took a little break from Youtube and in this video I tell you why, what’s...

I’m back!

For those of you who didn’t notice, I took a little break from Youtube and in this video I tell you why, what’s been up, where I’ve been, and what is yet to come!

I know I’ve said this a bazillion times, but making videos is something I love to my core and so this comeback is giving me a lot of happiness :))

Hope you enjoy this video!

I’m back, guys!For those of you who didn’t notice, I took a little break from Youtube and in this video I tell you why, what’s been up, where I’ve been, and ...

While I’m pretty sure the pandemic was a good exercise for how to enjoy your own company, many people still struggle wit...

While I’m pretty sure the pandemic was a good exercise for how to enjoy your own company, many people still struggle with spending time alone.

So, in this video I wanted to talk about not only the amazing benefits of spending time alone, but also 3 real life tips how to start doing it!

Hope you enjoy this video, and as always—like, comment and subscribe to see more content like this!

While I’m pretty sure the pandemic was a good exercise for how to enjoy your own company, many people still struggle with spending time alone. I remember spe...

Let me take you on a little journey to a land where all or nothing thinking is a way of life, and fear of a failure is a...

Let me take you on a little journey to a land where all or nothing thinking is a way of life, and fear of a failure is a friend always near by…

Okay, okay, just kidding, it’s not that bad! :D However, there are instances in my life where perfectionism still rules over everything. Today’s story, however, is all about how I’m breaking up with this little furry monster and sharing some things that have helped me along the way!

Let me take you on a little journey to a land where all or nothing thinking is a way of life, and fear of a failure is a friend always near by…Okay, okay, ju...

Since stress is something i’m sadly very familiar with, finding ways how to feel good and balanced is currently one of m...

Since stress is something i’m sadly very familiar with, finding ways how to feel good and balanced is currently one of my life’s main goals. In today’s video I’m sharing 6 things I do to feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Hope you enjoy this video ✨

Since stress is something i’m sadly very familiar with, findings ways how to feel good and balanced is currently one of my life’s main goals. In today’s vide...





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