The Florida Water Resources Journal is owned by and is the official publication of three Florida associations:
Florida Section/American Water Works Association
Florida Water Environment Association
Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators Association
WE ARE ALL ABOUT WATER! The Florida Water Resources Journal contains information and topics concerning Florida’s more than 3,000 domestic and 1,
500 industrial wastewater facilities, its 7,000 drinking water systems, and a myriad of wetlands and other surface water agencies. with over 16 million people, Florida is the third fastest growing state and is continually adding, repairing and improving water and wastewater services. It is mailed on the first day of the month to all members of the sponsoring organizations, as well as to direct subscribers (direct subscriptions are available for $24/year for 12 issues). Published monthly, the Florida Water Resources Journal is a technical publication oriented toward water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and stormwater control. We publish technical articles, columns, notices and announcements, committee reports and other association business, letters to the editor, and press releases relating to new products, new literature, and general news.