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Liberia - From the Office of the Presidential Press Secretary:

President Boakai Makes Additional Nominations in Government

June 1, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia – His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of the Republic of Liberia, has made additional nominations in Government affecting the Local Government of Rivercess, River Gee, Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, Maryland, Nimba and Sinoe Counties.

The Counties and those nominated are:

I. Rivercess County

1. Dennis G. Seeboe- County Administrative Officer, Rivercess County
2. James M. Peters- County Financial Officer, Rivercess County
3. Estella Logan- County Development Officer, Rivercess County
4. Mark Morton- City Mayor, Cestos City, River County
5. Jerry Cole- Commissioner, Zarflah District, Rivercess County
6. Robert Morris- Commissioner, Fahn River District, Rivercess County
7. Anthony V. Zwehgar- Commissioner, Nyonwlen District, Rivercess County
8. Sensee Roberts- Statutory Superintendent, Central C, Rivercess County
9. Esther Juludoe- Commissioner, Jo-River District, Rivercess County
10. Paul Sayuah- Commissioner, Moweh Statutory District, Rivercess County
11. Daniel Zeo- Commissioner, Sengbalor District, Rivercess County
12. Henry Sobeon- Statutory District Superintendent, Yarnee District, Rivercess County
13. Matalay Teah- Commissioner, Hardenvule Township, Rivercess County
14. Janjan Zeodegar- Commissioner, Yarpah Township, Rivercess County
15. Nathaniel Grayoung- Commissioner, Little Liberia, Rivercess County
16. Jackson Jimlack- Commissioner, Charle Township, Rivercess County

II. River Gee County

3. Vicky Jallah- Commissioner, Chacheken Township, Sarbo District
2. Alphonso Jallah- Relieving Commissioner, Sarbo Statutory District
3. Alfred Nyon Penue- Commissioner, Panton-Wion, Tienpo Statutory District

III. Grand Cape Mount County

1. Mr. Lawrence D. Brown- Statutory District Development Officer- Porkpa- Golakonneh Statutory District
2. Ms. Isatta Massaquoi- Relieving Commissioner, Porkpa- Golakonneh Statutory District
3. Mr. Ray B. Dagoseh- District Inspector, Porkpa- Golakonneh Statutory District

IV. Montserrado County

1. Mr. Mcphearson Daweh- Commissioner, Westpoint, Montserrado County
2. Thomas S. Cassell- Commissioner, Cheesemanburg, Montserrado County
3. Mr. Rudolph Siafa Buima- Commissioner, Garwoluhn Township, Montserrado County
4. Mr. Wilson Kanasuah- Commissioner, White Plains Township, Montserrado County
5. Mr. Joko Harris- Commissioner, Harrisburg Township, Montserrado County
6. Mr. Elijah George- Commissioner, Mount Coffee Township, Montserrado County

V. Grand Gedeh County

1. Mr. Moses Cheawulu- Statutory Superintendent, Konobo Statutory District
2. Mr. Edward V. Kai Kula- Statutory Development Officer, Konobo Statutory District
3. Mr. James Dougbaryee Sr- Statutory Development Officer, Gbarzon Statutory District
4. Mr. George Gbarwea- Relieving Commissioner, Gbarzon Statutory District
5. Mdm. Cecelia Borkey- Statutory Administrative Officer, Gbarzon Statutory District
6. Mr. Alfred M. Tarlue- District Commissioner, Gboe-Ploe Adm. District
7. Mr. Josephus Krady Garley- District Commissioner, Cavalla Adm. District
8. Mr. Gaye Gbarduo- District Commissioner, Tchien Adm. District
9. Mr. Alphonso Munah- District Commissioner, Glio/Twarbo Adm. District
10. Mr. Abraham Koryor- District Commissioner, Konobo Adm. District
11. Mr. Emmanuel Gaye- District Commissioner, Putu Adm. District
12. Mr. Junior Z. Totaye- District Administrative Officer, Gbao Adm. District
13. Mr. Andrew Gaye- Township Commissioner, Sayouo Township
14. Mr. Matthew Z. Gaye- Township Commissioner, Zleh Borkey Township, Gbao Adm. District
15. Mr. Neewrayson Quenwon- Township Commissioner, Duo Township, B’hai Adm. District
16. Ms. Constance Gaye- Chea- Township Commissioner, Tolbertville Township, Gbao Adm. District
17. Mr. Jasper Zarway- Township Commissioner, Chayeeboutou Township, Gboe/Ploe Adm. District
18. Ms. Felecia Dowaity- Township Commissioner, Bo-Geewon Township, Gboe/ Ploe Adm. District
19. Mr. Oliver Zarway- Township Commissioner, Bodee Township, Gboe/Ploe Adm. District
20. Mr. Harris Philips- Township Commissioner, Baileyville Township, Cavalla Adm. District
21. Mr. Amos Totaye- Township Commissioner, Diahn Township, Cavalla Adm. District
22. Mr. Sam Buduo- Township Commissioner, Jarhjoy Township, Cavalla Adm. District
23. Mr. Deh Zandy Browne- District Administrative Officer, Cavalla Adm. District
24. Mr. Madison Neewray- District Administrative Officer, B’hai Adm. District
25. Mr. Lawrence Neewray- Township Commissioner, Tian-Duogee Township, B’hai Adm. District
26. Mr. Edwin Campbell- District Administrative Officer, Gboe-Ploe Adm. District
27. Mr. Harrison D. Ninneh- Township Commissioner, Toifoi Township, Tchien District
28. Mr. Marcus Jerue- City Mayor, Toe City Cooperation (Tcc), B’hai Adm. District
29. Mr. Arthur Sartoe- City Mayor, Jarwodee City Cooperation (Jcc), Gbao Adm. District
30. Mr. Sam Roland Doe- City Mayor, Tuzon City Cooperation (Tcc), Cavalla Adm. District
31. Mr. Allen A. Quayee Sr- City Mayor, Ziah City Cooperation (Zcc), Konobo Statutory District

VI. Maryland County

1. Mr. Alex Suku Toe Nyema- County Administrator, Maryland County
2. Wleh Wallace- Commissioner, Theken Township
3. Winston Blayon- Statutory Superintendent, Barrobo Statutory District
4. Roosevelt Nyanfor- Asst. Development Superintendent, Barrobo Statutory District
5. Roland Kuoh- District Inspector, Barrobo Statutory District
6. Moses H. Weah- Relieving Commissioner, Barrobo Statutory District
7. Moses Blayon- Commissioner, Gwlekpoken District, Barrobo Statutory District
8. Gabriel T. Geffie- Commissioner, Jaffa Township, Barrobo Statutory District
9. Daniel Foleedon- Commissioner, Jay Township, Barrobo Statutory District
10. Stanford Safford- Commissioner, David Toe Township, Barrobo Statutory District
11. Robert Wesee- Commissoner, Robert Goe Township, Barrobo Statutory District
12. Dementric Martu- Commissioner, Gaysue Township, Barrobo Statutory District
13. William Sheriff- Commissioner, Brooksville Township, Barrobo Statutory District
14. Roosevelt G. Geekor- Comissioner, Geeson Township, Barrobo Statutory District
15. Tarfean Hinneh- Commissioner, Kingjack Township, Barrobo Statutory District
16. Prince Weah- Commissioner, Tugbaville Township, Barrobo Statutory District
17. William G. Saydee- Commissioner, Gegloh Township, Barrobo Statutory District
18. Peter T. Kuma- Statutory Superintendent, Karluway Statutory District
19. Moses Kudee Derrick- Asst. Superintendent For Development, Karluway Statutory District
20. Madison Weah- District Inspector, Karluway Statutory District
21. Emmanuel D. Gmah- Relieving Commissioner, Karluway Statutory District
22. Nathaniel Hinneh- City Mayor, Karloken City, Karluway Statutory District
23. Francis F. Nyangbeh- Commissioner, Karluway District One, Karluway Statutory District
24. Peter Washington Jr-Commissioner, Karluway District Two, Karluway Statutory District
25. Peter H. Wilson- Commissioner, Karluway District Three, Karluway Statutory District
26. Charles Wilson- Commissioner, Wlowien Township, Karluway Statutory District
27. Newton Reuben- Commissioner, Tyetawaso Township, Karluway Statutory District
28. Alphonso Davis- Commissioner, Pogbaken Township, Karluway Statutory District
29. Browne Sieh- Commissioner, Yediaken Township, Karluway Statutory District
30. Nathaniel Bedell- Commissioner, Andersonville Township, Karluway Statutory District
31. John J. Wilson- Commissioner, Yorken Township, Karluway Statutory District
32. Eli N. Johnson- Commissioner, Doloken Township, Karluway Statutory District
33. Jasper C. Bilibi- Commissioner, Boniken Township, Karluway Statutory District
34. Jefferson Howe- Commissioner, Gbon Township, Karluway Statutory District
35. Daniel K. Dweh- Commissioner, Yobloken Township, Karluway Statutory District
36. Solomon W. Brown- Commissioner, Manolu Township, Karluway Statutory District
37. Isaac Brown- Commissioner, Nyenowroken Township, Karluway Statutory District
38. James Y. Freeman- Commissioner, Taworken Township, Karluway Statutory District
39. Isiah Chea- Commissioner, Henogbe Township, Karluway Statutory District
40. Anthony Hinneh- Commissioner, Wissiken Township, Karluway Statutory District
41. Francis K. Collins- Commissioner, Gbeaken Township, Karluway Statutory District
42. Oretha Smith- Commissioner, Welleken Township, Karluway Statutory District
43. Olando Kobo- Commissioner, Tugbaken Township, Karluway Statutory District
44. Onnoh Seebo- Commissioner, Sikliken Township, Karluway Statutory District
45. Ezekiel Nyanpo- Commissioner, Wortiken Township, Karluway Statutory District
46. Napolean N. Brown- Commissioner, Harper District
47. A.T.T. Nagbe Sonpon- Commissioner, Tobbyville Township, Harper District
48. Francis Williams- Commissioner, Fishtown Township, Harper District
49. Paul Harmon- Commissioner, Jacksonville Township, Harper District
50. Jerome M. Allison- Commissioner, Wah-Hodo Township, Harper District
51. Galatian Y. Morrison- Commissioner, Grand Cavalla Township, Harper District
52. Nathaniel W. Hoto- Commissioner, Little Wlebo Township, Harper District
53. Mercia Jee- Commissioner, Philadelphia Township, Harper District
54. Nelly Taylor- Commissioner, Tubman Township, Harper District
55. Fergusson Howard- Commissioner, Yooukudi Township, Harper District
56. Henry Stemn- Commissioner, Spring Hill Township, Harper District
57. George Appleton- Commissioner, Rocktown Township, Harper District
58. Randolph Williams- Commissioner, Davidville Township, Harper District
59. Eric Allison- Commissioner, Wortiken Township,
60. Romeo D. Lanford- Commissioner, Whole Graway Township, Harper District
61. Sumu Prowd- Commissioner, Hoffman Station Township, Harper District
62. Jefferson H. Harmon- Commissioner, Giabo Township, Harper District
63. Jefferson G. Harris- Commissioner, Howeville Township, Harper District
64. J. Nyea Prowd- Commissioner, Putuken Township, Harper District
65. Henry G. Allison- Commissioner, Highwood Township, Harper District
66. Hodo Wle Merriam- Commissioner, Jaidebaike Township, Harper District
67. Prince Tarwen- Statutory Superintendent, Pleebo Statutory District
68. Emmanuel Quire- Statutory Development Officer, Pleebo Statutory District
69. Chris Walker- District Inspector, Pleebo Statutory District
70. Habaku Williams- Relieving Commissioner, Pleebo Statutory District
71. Jerome Neufville- Commissioner, Pleebo District One, Pleebo Statutory District
72. Johnson Wah- Commissioner, Pleebo District Two, Pleebo Statutory District
73. Mark Nyaneti- Commissioner, Old Sodoken Township, Pleebo Statutory District
74. Aloysious Nyemah- Commissioner, New Township, Pleebo Statutory District
75. Alex Nyemah- Commissioner, Gborlorbo Township, Pleebo Statutory District
76. William Diehyee- Commissioner, Gedetarbo Township, Pleebo Statutory District
77. Victor J. Cooper- Commissioner, Gbolobo Township, Pleebo Statutory District
78. Alfred Dossen- Commissioner, Barraken Township, Pleebo Statutory District
79. Nyema Stephens- Commissioner, Pedebo Township, Pleebo Statutory District
80. Teeba Woods- Commissioner, Gbloken Township, Pleebo Statutory District

VII. Nimba County

1. John Lehn- Relieving Commissioner, Nimba County
2. Margaret G. Cassell- Commissioner, Sanniquellie Mah Adm. District
3. Chris M. Joe- Commissioner, Doe Adm. District
4. Bob Gbato- Commissioner, Gbi-Doru Adm. District
5. Samuel G. Bahgue- Commissioner, Kparblee Adm. District
6. James L. Volar- Commissioner, Yarwain Meansonnoh Adm. District
7. Sam Karnue- Commissioner, Yarpea-Mah Adm. District
8. Justine Wehyee- Commissioner, Boe Quillah Adm. District
9. Samuel G. Youn- Commissioner, Gbeh Adm. District
10. Augustus G. Zomoway- Commissioner, Yarmein Adm. District
11. Amos S. Gbatu- Commissioner, Bain-Garr Adm. District
12. Ernest W. Doitee Sr- Commissioner, Gbor Adm. District
13. Alex Tomah- Commissioner, Zoe-Gbao Adm. District
14. George Kotee- Commissioner, Twah River Adm. District
15. Leaway Konah- Commissioner, Blinlon Adm. District
16. Kaymah Kuoh- Commissioner, Weegbeh Adm. District
17. Moore Borpea- Commissioner, Leewehpea Adm. District
18. Solomon Worker- Commissioner, Buu Tao Adm. District
19. Sam Dahn- Commissioner, Zehnla Adm. District
20. Jefferson Saye Gondah- Commissioner, Mainpea-Mah Adm. District
21. Omasta Dormah- Township Commissioner, Kpantianplay Township
22. Cooper Geh- Township Commissioner, Camp-4 Township
23. Edward Walkie- Township Commissioner, Kinnon Township
24. P. Konah Vaye- Township Commissioner, Gbao- Zontuo Township
25. Carton Johnson- Township Commissioner, Zoelarpa Township
26. Victor N. Tomah- Township Commissioner, Gbloulay Township
27. J. Worlea Guah- Township Commissioner, Tay-Kpaglay Township
28. Charles Dawonyahtoe- Township Commissioner, Zuoplay Township
29. Sampson E. Kruah- Township Commissioner, Ma-Diahplay Township
30. Tongar Wehyee- Township Commissioner, Graie Township
31. Freeman Koliyah- Township Commissioner, Dewoblee Township
32. Garrison Quoi- Township Commissioner, New Yourpea Township
33. Stanford Toryen- Township Commissioner, Doumpa Township
34. Isaac G. Lormie- Township Commissioner, Camp One Township
35. Robert Zarwee- Township Commissioner, Kpalla Township
36. Adolphus N. Sonkarlay- Township Commissioner, Gbalah Township
37. Gontorwon Cocrates Kpeah- Township Commissioner, Kpaytuo Township
38. Moses Kosah- Township Commissioner, Lepular Township
39. John Gongor- Township Commissioner, Gblarlay Township
40. Zawolo Gborwea- Township Commissioner, Kpain Township
41. T. Boy Tokpah- Township Commissioner, Zao. Township
42. Mamie Y. Mahn- Township Commissioner, Zahnboie Township
VIII. Sinoe County

1. Mr. Fredrick K. Call, County Development Officer

These appointments where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate
Details at: Executive Mansion-Liberia

Miss Universe Philippines is a Black Woman!Congratulations Chelsea Manalo Universe!Yes, Chelsea Manalo, born October 14,...

Miss Universe Philippines is a Black Woman!

Congratulations Chelsea Manalo Universe!
Yes, Chelsea Manalo, born October 14, 1999 is a Filipino model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2024. The first Filipino of African descent to win the national competition, she will represent the Philippines at the Miss Universe 2024 pageant.

Chelsea whose father is African American and mother is Filipina, has made history as the first Black woman ever to win the Miss Universe Philippines.

Mama, thanks for giving Michelle Obama to us, the world!  RIP!

Mama, thanks for giving Michelle Obama to us, the world! RIP!

Marian Robinson, the mother of former first lady Michelle Obama, has died, according to a statement from the Obama and Robinson families. She was 86.

So, Kenya's Ruto is going places; from USA to NATO, by EU to Ukraine-Switzerland!

So, Kenya's Ruto is going places; from USA to NATO, by EU to Ukraine-Switzerland!

The European Union (EU) has invited President William Ruto for the 'Summit on Peace in Ukraine' to be held in Switzerland from June 15 to 16th June

Photo: PCS

South Africa's elections, is the ANC ready for a swipe down or a swap away?

South Africa's elections, is the ANC ready for a swipe down or a swap away?

Partial election results with 58.59% of the votes counted:
• African National Congress (ANC) — 41.96%
• Democratic Alliance (DA) — 23.27%
• uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) — 11.3%
• Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) — 9.5%
Source: Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa on May 31 at 11:22


Niobium and tantalum mineral coltan was discovered around the town of Issia in the West of the country. Tantalum is used primarily in electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers. The exact amount of the deposit is not yet known. DR Congo is already the world’s largest producer of cobalt and coltan ore. Do you think the discovery is a blessing or a curse?


Turns out Jennifer Lopez will not be getting loud after all.

Let's pray for (once a peaceful) Zambia!

Let's pray for (once a peaceful) Zambia!

A massive crackdown on opposition politicians is currently underway in Zambia. Just two days ago, former First Lady Esther Lungu, her daughter and a relative were detained by the police on allegations of graft. They are accused of possessing properties believed to have been obtained illegally.

The arrest follows the detention of two opposition party MPs, Munir Zulu and Maureen Mabonga, who were accused of seditious practices and hate speech. Civil rights activist Brebner Changala was also arrested along with opposition leaders Edith Nawakwi and and Danny P**e for hate speech and seditious practices. They accused President Hakainde Hichilema of orchestrating the abduction of Emmanuel "Jay Jay" Banda, an independent MP who was found alive, but injured about 43 kilometers south of Lusaka.
What do you make of these arrests?


What do you think?

American Airlines -  3 black passengers removed from airplane due to body odor.Three Black men are suing American Airlin...

American Airlines - 3 black passengers removed from airplane due to body odor.

Three Black men are suing American Airlines, alleging discrimination and unfair removal from a plane after a white flight attendant complained about an unidentified passenger's body odor. On Wednesday, a lawsuit was filed in New York concerning an incident on January 5.

Excerpt from DW posted :
"What do you predict will be the outcome of this case? Three black men have filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging they were removed from a flight due to racial discrimination. However, the airline claims that they were taken off due to body odor. The three men - Alvin Jackson, Emmanuel Jean Joseph, and Xavier Veal - however allege that the incident was racially motivated, as five other black passengers were also removed. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for the "trauma" endured by the men."


The first results have been announced from what is seen as South Africa's most closely fought elections since the African National Congress (ANC) came to power 30 years ago. With results from around 27% of voting districts counted so far, the ANC is leading with about 43%, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) with 25%. The radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) seem to have gained about 9%, while the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK Party) of former President Jacob Zuma has around 8%. The final results are expected to be published over the weekend.

Sports (Football/Soccer) - Real Madrid, the reinvention, from Zidane to Vinícius.After an era of chewing up and spitting...

Sports (Football/Soccer) - Real Madrid, the reinvention, from Zidane to Vinícius.

After an era of chewing up and spitting out its coaches, the Spanish football club is in an enviable position to its rivals.

Excerpt from the Economist reports:

"If it is the end of the European football season, then Real Madrid must be appearing in the Champions League final. Los Merengues (“the meringues”, so called because of their white strip) have come to think of the continent’s premier competition as their own. The final against Borussia Dortmund on June 1st will be the club’s sixth in the past decade. They have won the other five. And what should worry the rest of Europe’s elite is that after years of monumental expenditure Madrid have revised their recruitment strategy and actually seem to be in a stronger position than for a long time.

Twenty years ago the club was defined by its galácticos. A local businessman, Florentino Pérez, won the club’s presidential election in 2000 by proposing to sell the training ground to the city and spend the proceeds on buying a jewel-encrusted superstar every summer. Fans were seduced.

Portugal’s Luis Figo arrived that same year, followed by the likes of France’s Zinedine Zidane, Brazil’s Ronaldo and England’s David Beckham. The era was not trouble-free, however. Real chewed up and spat out its coaches. The squad was unbalanced. Mr Pérez wanted to mix galácticos with young prospects, but too many of the stars were forwards and too many of the youngsters defenders. When results slumped in 2006, Mr Pérez resigned

Kenya - U.S. Relationship, what to expect and for how long?Recently, Kenya's President Ruto paid a visit to Washington a...

Kenya - U.S. Relationship, what to expect and for how long?

Recently, Kenya's President Ruto paid a visit to Washington and Kenya is as NATO Africa.

DW Africa reports: "Kenya will receive 16 helicopters and 150 armoured cars from the USA as part of President Joe Biden's gifts following President William Ruto's state visit to Washington. This is the first state visit by a Kenyan president to the US in two decades and the first by an African leader since Ghana's John Kufour's 2008 visit. A state visit is the highest level of international visit, confirming good relations between countries."

Will this "marriage" hold? What are U.S. expectations?

Liberia - President Boakai Sets Up Committee on Rice.May 29, 2024His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of t...

Liberia - President Boakai Sets Up Committee on Rice.

May 29, 2024

His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of the Republic of Liberia, has constituted a Committee on Rice to ensure the stability of the Country’s staple.
The committee is expected to undertake the following:

• Formulate policy to ensure constant and steady supply of rice in the Country.

• Formulate strategy for accelerated local production of rice and import substitution.

• Ensure Liberian participation in the importation and distribution of rice throughout the Country

• Formulate policy for the effective reactivation and management of the Rice Stabilization Fund

• Ensure database of rice, price comparison of major rice producing countries and the grades of rice

Committee Members are:

1. Amb. Charles Minor---Chairman
2. Mr. David Vinton - Member
3. Mrs. Tenaky Toure Kaba - Member
4. Ministry of Agriculture - Member
5. Ministry of Commerce & Industry - Member
6. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning - Member
7. Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs - Member
8. Fouta Corporation - Member
9. National Port Authority - Member
10. Liberia Business Association - Member
11. Liberia Marketing Association - Member
12. National Transport Union of Liberia - Member
13. Liberia Bankers Association - Member
14. National Civil Society Council of Liberia - Member
15. Rural Women Organization of Liberia - Member

Details at: Executive Mansion-Liberia

Liberia - University of Liberia LSAT.Update: Schedule and Guideline for LSAT

Liberia - University of Liberia LSAT.

Update: Schedule and Guideline for LSAT

Liberia (May 28, 2024) - His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of the Republic of Liberia, has nominated an...

Liberia (May 28, 2024) - His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of the Republic of Liberia, has nominated and appointed additional members of Government affecting the National Security Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Booker Washington Institute, Harbel College and the Office of the President. He has also appointed Senior, Junior and Local Aide-De-Camps.

These appointments, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

The institutions and those appointed and nominated are:

I. National Security Agency

1. Stephen B. Dolo, Deputy Director for Operations
2. Marc Alain Amblard, Deputy Director for Special Services
3. Dr. Mounir Siaplay, Deputy Director for Research and Analysis
4. Nelsco A. Wolo, Assistant Director for Operations
5. Titus Jaeyenneh Nyankun Sr., Assistant Director for Field Offices
6. Baseeru M. Sonii, Assistant Director for External Offices
7. Ernest T. Tarpeh, Assistant Director for Special Services
8. Julius Augustus Thomas, Assistant Director for Administration
9. Giovanni Shang Samuel Jr., Assistant Director for Research and Analysis
10. Louis Jayjay, Assistant Director for Cyber Security
11. Kenneth R. Harris, Assistant Director for VIP

II. Environmental Protection Agency

1. Dr. Emmanuel Urey Yarkpawolo, Executive Director

III. Office of the President

1. Christopher Hages Onanuga, Ambassador-At-Large for Tourism

IV. Board of Governors of the Booker Washington Institute

1. Mrs. Louise Warmenwoah McMillian Siaway, Member
2. Mrs. Waito E. Davis, Member
3. Mr. Tomah Seh Floyd, Member
4. Mr. Moses K. Weefur, Sr., Member
5. Mr. Joe Gene Mulbah, Member
6. Mr. Isaac Stevens, Member

V. Aide-De-Camps

1. Major General Abraham Barlor, Senior Aide-De-Camp
2. Brigadier General Abraham B**go, Junior Aide-De-Camp
3. Brigadier General Bob Dweh, Junior Aide-De-Camp
4. Brigadier General Stephen Varfee, Aide-De-Camp (Lofa)
5. Brigadier General Tarpeh S. Lombaye, Aide-De-Camp (Nimba)
6. Brigadier General Harry Dorsee, Aide-De-Camp, (Maryland)
7. Brigadier General Prince B. Seo, Aide-De-Camp (Grand Gedeh)
8. Brigadier General Menneh W. Menneh, Aide-De-Camp (Sinoe)
9. Brigadier General Sekou Koroma, Aide-De-Camp (Grand Cape Mount)
10. Brigadier General Armah G. Konah, Aide-De-Camp (Bomi)
11. Brigadier General Stanley G.F Stubblefield, Aide-De-Camp (Margibi)
12. Brigadier General Theophilus T. Nah, Aide-De-Camp (Grand Kru)
13. Brigadier General Rojah Toe, Aide-De-Camp (River Gee)
14. Brigadier General Charles Forkpah Loryah, Aide-De-Camp (Gbarpolu)
15. Brigadier General David S. Boyah, Aide-De-Camp (Rivercess)
16. Brigadier General Sam Brownell, Aide De-Camp (Montserrado)
17. Brigadier General Wilmot K. Thompoe, Aide-De-Camp (Grand Bassa)
18. Brigadier General J. Simpson Seyeker, Aide-De-Camp (B**g)

VI. Board of Trustees of Harbel College

1. Dr. Augustine Konneh, Representative of the Visitor and Interim Chairperson
2. Dr. Jarso Jallah, Minister of Education, Member Ex- Officio
3. Three Representatives of the Community, Statutory Member
4. Representative of the National Commission on Higher Education, Statutory Member
5. Representative of Firestone Liberia, Statutory Member
6. The President of the Alumni Association of the College, Statutory Member
7. Representative of the House of Representatives, Statutory Member
8. Representative of the House of Senate, Statutory Member
9. Dr. Seraphin C Abou, Acting President of the College, Secretary

Meanwhile, the Liberian Leader has requested the Board of Trustees to appoint a Search Committee to recruit a new leadership, including President of Harbel College within a period of ninety (90) days.

Community residents are expected to select their three representatives to the College Board and summit same to the President through the office of the County Superintendent.
Details at: Executive Mansion-Liberia

Liberia - Celebrate the young Liberian woman,  Monica Nancy Candny  who at 23yrs old graduates with top honors in Marine...

Liberia - Celebrate the young Liberian woman, Monica Nancy Candny who at 23yrs old graduates with top honors in Marine Engineering!

Monica, a 23-year-old college student, has made history by graduating with top honors in Marine Engineering from the Regional Maritime University in Ghana.
Details in the comment section

Is there another home like earth? Will there ever be?

Is there another home like earth? Will there ever be?

Two teams of scientists have discovered a theoretically habitable planet, smaller than Earth but bigger than Venus, orbiting a small star just 40 light-years away.

Education - David Graduates High School at 9-year-old in the U.S.Pennsylvania: David Balogun recently graduated from hig...

Education - David Graduates High School at 9-year-old in the U.S.

Pennsylvania: David Balogun recently graduated from high school and now he's taking online classes at Bucks County Community College.

Balogun said it's been an easy transition from high school, and his teachers acknowledge he isn't like most college kids.

"They're able to adapt cause I'm 9, so if I write a little different cause I'm not going to write like a 25-year-old," said Balogun.

He has many accomplishments, and big goals for himself.

"Right now, we're looking at going to universities or Ivy League universities. I'm looking into studying astrophysics, chemistry, artificial intelligence and engineering," Balogun said.

His parents are extremely proud.

"He's the powerhouse. I'm just the coach directing and leading, giving him the chance to dream with no limits," said Balogun's parents, Henry and Ronya.

Balogun is currently enrolled in two classes at the community college and he's already completed three.

"Now that I've graduated, I told my mom the next thing I'm going to do is get my doctorate degree at 13. My mom said work hard and I'll support you," he said.

What do you think about this kid?


Happy Sunday, folks!

Entertainment News - PSquare's "Rude Boy" marries Ivy.Nigerian musician Paul Okoye, aka Rude Boy of the PSquare, has got...

Entertainment News - PSquare's "Rude Boy" marries Ivy.

Nigerian musician Paul Okoye, aka Rude Boy of the PSquare, has gotten married to his lover, Ivy Ifeoma. The 42-year-old P-Square duo member tied the knot with the 23-year-old Ivy in a traditional ceremony that took place in Nigeria. This marriage comes three years after the artist separated from his first wife, Anita, with whom they have three children.







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