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Dairy Payment ceremony of Miss Doris Padmore and Mr. Osuman Taweh


Dairy Payment ceremony of Miss Doris Padmore and Osuman Taweh

(Press Release, Thursday January 25, 2024); The President Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence h...

(Press Release, Thursday January 25, 2024); The President Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence has declared her asset to the Secretary of Senate, J. Nanborlor F. Singbeh, Sr. for onward presentation to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).
Pro-tempore Lawrence says, the declaration of asset was necessary to fulfill the Asset Declaration provision as enshrined in the Code of Conduct.
According to a release from the Press and Public Affairs Department of the Senate, Pro-Temp Lawrence further indicated that the declaration of her asset is also intended to promote transparency and accountability in governance.
She at the same time promised to have her asset published in fulfilment of the law and called on her colleagues to follow suit.
Receiving the Asset Declaration from the Pro-Temp, Senate Secretary Nanborlor F. Singbeh acknowledged that Pro-Tempore Lawrence remains one of the Senators who have previously declared her asset in keeping with law.
Hon. Singbeh used the medium to call on Pro-Tempore Lawrence to encourage her colleagues to do same for the sake of transparency in the Senate.
In a related development, Senators Abraham Darius Dillon and Jonathan Boye-Charles Sogbie of Montserrado and River Gee Counties have also declared their respective assets in fulfillment of the Code of Conduct.

Alfred Johnson
Director/Press and Public Affairs.

The two Senators made individual declarations on Thursday January 25, 2024 to Senate Secretary Nanborlor F. Singbeh


Delivered on 25th January 2024

The Honorable President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate; Distinguished Members of the Senate Leadership; and other Distinguished Members of the Liberian Senate; The Secretary, Chamber Officials, Directors and Staff of the Liberian Senate; Our International Partners and Friends of Liberia; Esteemed Members of the 4Th Estate;

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen: I remain grateful to the Almighty God and humbled by the extraordinary honour
today, to converge in this sacred Chamber and address this august body in a new capacity as Vice President of the Republic of Liberia and President of the Honorable Liberian Senate.

I owe a debt of gratitude for this new capacity to the Liberian people who would not sleep to make this change possible. Over the last few months, the survival of our Nation's democracy was tested through a competitive Presidential and Legislative elections; while these elections were not void of attending challenges, our people exhibited a character of resilience in testament to their belief in the ideals of democracy, peace, and national development.

Let me congratulate all of you for a hard-fought campaign and welcome our newly elected Senators who have joined us to continue the legacy of service to the Liberian people.

Today, our Nation has once again ushered in its second successive post-war
democratic transition from one Government to another.

These transitions are marks of our country's preparedness for democracy. During the conduct of our elections and the attending transition of state power, we have, as a Nation, demonstrated our commitment to peace and the credibility of our democratic aspirations and institutions.

Permit me to seize this opportunity to express profound thanks and appreciation to former President George Manneh Weah
and my predecessor, former Vice President, Jewel Howard-Taylor for their
stewardship of our beloved Nation over the last six years;.

I believe that the ultimate winners in these elections are the Liberian people who are the true custodians of our peace and democracy.

As we commence our deliberations, we must perform our collective responsibilities with a deep sense of patriotism, bearing in mind that the true
PROTECTORS of the political power we possess are the PEOPLE; thus the welfare of the Liberian People should constitute the overarching focus of our developmental agendas and attending debates.

Now, I stand here to remind this August Body that Our People are demanding a
drastic change in our leadership paradigm; Our People are yearning for
accountability and the respect for the rule of law, they are seeking opportunities
for employment and investments, they are demanding the rebirth of the merit-
based system, where competence and results are the primary focus of Our
public sector, they are anticipating that we will enact laws and implement
policies which address their socio-economic needs, and they are in a state of high expectation that we will strengthen our Nation's relationship with
international partners.

Distinguished Senators, these are the enormous responsibilities which confront this noble body, and we must embrace it without any degree of doubts.

Honorable Pro Tempore, Distinguished Senators, Ladies and Gentlemen, this 1st
Regular Session of the 55th National Legislature is not only historical because it
climaxes the constitutional responsibilities of the 54th National Legislature, but it
also sets the platform for the emergence of a new era of a smooth political
transition which has enhanced our Nation's democratic credentials.

As we take pride in the many commendations received from friendly Nations across the world, we must be reminded that the ultimate goal of our service is not in the victory which comes during elections, but in the crafting and ex*****on of laws and policies which have a positive transformative effect on the lives of our people.

Our recent elections results point to the diversity of our political views and

We have a shared responsibility to promote reconciliation and demonstrate true leadership in bringing our people together under the umbrella of peace and national development.

Let us embrace a new mindset now that
elections are over, eliminate the idea of a Green or Blue Liberia, and give every
Liberian the opportunity to contribute his or her quota to nation-building.

This is the assignment we have chosen, and our performance will be judged by it.
I sat in this chamber with an understanding that the 103 Lawmakers who represent the Liberian people have an uncommon privilege; we carry the
burdens, dreams and aspirations of our people, and their survival depend on the
decisions that we make.

We must remain conscious that the urgent
responsibility which comes with this assignment gives no room for excuses; all
of us are required to deliver on our promises.

Today, I am very humbled that our
people have entrusted me with this new assignment; I shall exert all of my efforts to live up to this confidence reposed in me!

In closing, it would be remiss of me, if I were to ignore the enormous contributions and sacrifices of all our supporters at home and abroad; and reaffirm my undiluted confidence in the leadership and stewardship of His Excellency, Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Sr., our President and Leader of this great nation.

We also express gratitude to Our international partners and friends of
Liberia, civil society organizations, nongovernmental organizations, religious
institutions, the youth, the media, the people of Liberia and all other stakeholders who continue to work to protect our fledgling democracy and
contribute to our Nation's growth and development.

As we strive to enhance our Nation's place amongst the comity of Nations, may
we never forget that the most important ingredient for Nation building is PEACE.

I remain optimistic that we will continue to pursue the path of true reconciliation
and National unity, in the interest of the People of the Republic of Liberia.

I Thanks You


The Liberian senate
55th legislative, regular session, 4th sitting


Stop the hate and keep the peace.


A drug store and other buildings have been gutted by fire around the Iron Gate, in Brewerville City.

Liberia's Former Presidents in  hands with Liberia 26 President,His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai at the Inaugural Cere...

Liberia's Former Presidents in hands with Liberia 26 President,His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai at the Inaugural Ceremonies.

The 55th National Legislature seated at the Inaugural Ceremonies of the Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai sr and Honorable ...

The 55th National Legislature seated at the Inaugural Ceremonies of the Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai sr and Honorable Jeremiah Kpan Koung. Held at the grounds of the capitol building in Monrovia.


The jubilation outside the capitol building,
As the republic of Liberia inaugurate president elect Joseph Nyumah Boakai

Outside view of the capitol building after the inauguration of president elected

Outside view of the capitol building after the inauguration of president elected


Symbols of the different countys to be presented to his Excellency Joseph N Boakai
President of the republic of Liberia


Official Inaugural Ceremonies his Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai sr President elect and Honorable Jeremiah Kpan Koung.


The inaugural ceremony of president elect
His Excellency Joseph N. Boakai and Vic president Jeremiah Koung


January 22,2024 . Official Inaugural Ceremonies of his Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai sr , President elect and Honorable Jeremiah Kpan Koung.

President Weah Gives Final Transitional Speech, Extolling Progress Made Under His LeadershipMonrovia, Liberia - On the e...

President Weah Gives Final Transitional Speech, Extolling Progress Made Under His Leadership

Monrovia, Liberia - On the eve of the end of his six-year stewardship, President George Manneh Weah addressed the nation Sunday night in what is his final farewell tidings to the nation. He thanked Liberians for the opportunity afforded him to serve as their president.

President Weah said he was filled with gratitude and a sense of honor for the journey embarked on in 2018 to build a united, peaceful, and prosperous nation.

"I am deeply thankful for the trust and support you have bestowed upon me and my administration during my tenure as we navigated the complexities of governance,” President Weah said, acknowledging rewarding partnership forged with citizens who were instrumental in the development and implementation of programs and policies for the good of the nation and people.

He recounted the significant accomplishments his government made in closing the inequalities in different spheres of governance, adding: “We have roads, supported free WASSE and free tuition at high schools and public universities, stabilized the macroeconomic challenges we faced in 2018, built hundred of pro-poor housing units and achieved so many fronts than we are able to list here tonight.”

In spite of the significant milestones, the President, however, said more could have been done under different circumstances.

"Regrettably,” he said, “some of the long-term projects we initiated did not reach completion during my tenure.”

The Liberian Leader said he was hopeful that the incoming government would pick up from where the projects are for the benefit of all Liberians.

President Weah also reckoned how rumors and misinformation played a huge part in the politics, while expressing hope that the country will overcome the challenge in the next six years.

President Weah didn't only reflect on the infrastructural progress the country made under his presidency, he also equally reported on the financial standing of the Republic, in terms of what the government is leaving in the national coffers.

“I must report to you that we are leaving behind a better economy than we inherited. Tomorrow, President-Elect Joseph N. Boakai will inherit a stronger economy than I inherited," President Weah asserted.

He continued: “There is a bigger net international reserve position than was handed me in 2018. I inherited about Ninety-Four Million, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine Thousand United States dollars in net international reserves, and I am handing over to the next administration a net international reserve position of Two Hundred Twenty-Two Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States dollars. This is a 136 percent increase in net international reserve position.”

He said the total cash balance in the Government’s Consolidated accounts is United States Forty Million, Forty-Four Thousand, Three Hundred Sixty-Five Dollars and Ninety Cents."

According to him, his government inherited a consolidated cash position of about Seven Million United States Dollars In 2018, and that the incoming administration has more resources to deal with emergency macroeconomic challenges than his administration had at its disposal in 2018.

The President told the nation that he held steadfast to two cornerstones of leadership, including keeping the peace and upholding the democratic process and the rule of law.

“As you are all aware, Liberia, for the first time in over seven decades, experienced a peaceful transition of power when I assumed the presidency in 2018,” he noted, stressing that January 22, 2024 inauguration of a new administration marks another significant milestone in the country democratic journey.

President Weah emphasized that he was leaving office proud that Liberia remained at peace with itself and at peace with its neighbors during his tenure in office.

He stated: “Our Armed Forces, a force for good, were never turned against our own people, and external action was confined to international peacekeeping missions under the United Nations.”

The President said the peace sustained by Liberia’s own domestic resources is a testament to the maturity and strength of the nation.

“We protected the inalienable rights of every Liberian citizen as enshrined in our Constitution. Freedoms of speech, assembly, and expression were not only preserved but celebrated," he further intimated.

President Weah disclosed that he was leaving office with no political prisoners or prisoners of conscience, terming it "a testament to the development of strong democratic institutions that are now not only hailed as competent and professional, but as trusted and credible”.

He said Liberia is now regarded as a pillar of democracy in West Africa and a shining example to the world, something he said was made possible through various collaborative efforts.

Though he is leaving office, the President said he would remain actively engaged with the politics of the country as standard bearer and Political Leader of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

This, he maintained, is to ensure the continuation of our strong and vibrant democracy.

He urged citizens to continue to be law-abiding and seek peaceful means to resolve differences and embrace tolerance and dialogue.

Pre birthday treat to the biggest CEO and humanitarian Madam Blamo. January 31 loading.

Pre birthday treat to the biggest CEO and humanitarian Madam Blamo. January 31 loading.

Congratulations Madam Sharon Capehart Garpue, Certificate of honor for the good fight that saw Amb. Joseph N .Boakai win...

Congratulations Madam Sharon Capehart Garpue, Certificate of honor for the good fight that saw Amb. Joseph N .Boakai winning the October 2023 election..


The Liberian senate
55th legislative, Regular sitting

Thursday 18, January 2024


First day sitting
Of the 55th legislature of Liberia

January 16, 2024

News Update! After being abandoned by her children on account of a Prophesy that she's a witch, the elderly woman finall...

News Update!

After being abandoned by her children on account of a Prophesy that she's a witch, the elderly woman finally passed away.



The 65 years old woman alleged to have been r***d by her 21 years old great grandson Nathaniel Wiles is reported dead.

Keep following for more details...


(Senate Release, January 10, 2024); Members of the Liberian Senate are expected to meet over the weekend to discuss issues relative to the new Legislative agenda.

The one day retreat which takes place this Saturday at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County, will bring together Senators elect and current members of the 55th Legislature with Friday being the arrival date.

According to the itinerary released by the Secretary of Senate, Nanbolor F Singbeh, the occasion will witness the discussion of the current rules and Protocols of the Senate as well as proposed amendments.

The Farmington Retreat will also highlight impending political leadership to include majority and minority leaders, as well as majority and minority whips respectively.

According to a release from the Press and Public Affairs Department of the Senate, the retreat will also captured Housekeeping matters in the Senate Rules, most especially, time of plenary sitting, committee works and reports, oversight, as well as contempt of the Legislature among others.

The Senate release further states that the Farmington Retreat will afford members of the incoming 55th Senate to familiarize themselves with each other as they prepare for the official opening of the 55th Legislature and Leadership elections on Monday January 10, 2024 .Signed: ______________________________________ Alfred Z. Johnson Director of Press & Public Affairs Liberian Senate, Capitol Hill, Monrovia

(Press Release, Tuesday, Jan. 9 224) Senate Pro-tempore, Albert Chie, has announced the closure of the 54 Legislature ot...

(Press Release, Tuesday, Jan. 9 224) Senate Pro-tempore, Albert Chie, has announced the closure of the 54 Legislature otherwise referred to as adjournment Sine die.
A release under the signature of Senate Press Director, Alfred Johnson says, the adjournment of the 54th Legislature follows the end of the Special Session of the last segment of the 54th Legislative.
On the occasion of the adjustment, the leadership of the Liberian Senate expressed thanks and appreciation to their colleagues for the cooperation received during the Session and also over the years.
Pro-tempore Chie maintained that though the journey of the Senate Leadership was full of challenges the Senate took the sense of responsibility to ensuring that the Senate remains what he calls a crucible of democracy in the Country, thereby providing political stability and served as a reservoir for national leadership for the executive and Judiciary branches of Government.
According to the Senate Pro-tempore, the Liberian Senate during it’s six years, helped to create the environment for economic growth, exercise overnight over the Executive and the Judiciary branches of Government, instituted many Legislative reforms as well as representing the Country abroad with distinction and implemented many projects all across the Country.
Meanwhile, Pro-tempore Chie has sent a massage of gratitude to his other colleagues who will not be returning for the 55th Legislature for their public service and pray that another avenue be availed to them to contribute, noting that they still have the energy.

Sighed: Alfred Johnson

Former Chief Justice Cllr. Scott and three others were sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. Criminal Court "A" has...

Former Chief Justice Cllr. Scott and three others were sentenced to life imprisonment for murder.

Criminal Court "A" has sentenced Liberia's former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott and three others to life imprisonment for the murder of Charlotte Musu in February of 2023.

Meanwhile, lawyers representing Cllr. Scott have taken an appeal to the Supreme Court against the ruling.

At the Capitol building Where Staffers of the House of Representatives are protesting  for their benefits of the special...

At the Capitol building
Where Staffers of the House of Representatives are protesting for their benefits of the special session sitting

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


At the Capitol building
Where Staffers of the House of Representatives are protesting for their special session sitting benefits


At the Capitol building
Where Staffers are protesting

An elderly woman in the Dukuly Farm Community, Brewerville is said to be abandoned by her children over suspicion of bei...

An elderly woman in the Dukuly Farm Community, Brewerville is said to be abandoned by her children over suspicion of being a witchcraft.

According to our sources, before her being left alone in the house, a Prayer Mother had accused her of being a witchcraft.


A old woman abandoned by her children because some Prayers Mother's said she's a witch and the one that has been suppressing them.






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