Electoral District #9 NewsMirror

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January 23, 2024

Electoral District 9, Montserrado County, Liberia

The District 9 Leadership of the Unity Party congratulates every Liberian and Foreign Dignitaries who on yesterday formed part of the elaborate Inaugural ceremony of the nation's 26th President His Excellency Kekeh Joseph Nyumah Boakai, and the country's 32nd Vice President His Honorable Zegben Jeremiah Kpan Koung of the Republic of Liberia. May the People's mandate be duly executed by those possible nominees, remember you are now one of the drivers of the train; you have been recognized because of your competence not intimacy, so be professionally diligent and committed. We also appreciate all Eminent partisans of the District who ensured District 9 special Lappa was identified, with special appreciation to Counselor B. Miller Catakaw who improvised at the Rescue Center during the celebration of the Inauguration while allocation was disbursed to conflicted District Executives without any party or program at the Campaign Headquarters.

However, the District 9 Leadership also calls for the swift audit of the Montserrado County Leadership through the offices of the Chairman and Secretary General for acts of Corruption, bribery, mismanagement, and most recently the ambiguous and parochial deduction of US $17,000 from allocation for the Inauguration to the electoral district. The Unity Party concern in District 9 is why there was no party/program organized at the Rescue Center by the Controversial Saydee Myers who the County was earlier warned not to do the business of the party with regarding the Inauguration. The persistence in deduction from money intended for the party in the District needs to be investigated front he end of the County Leadership. We hereby call on members of the National Executive Committee of the party to probe into this matter of pertinence to protect the image of the party against the corruption we have all arrived to combat.

While, we appreciate the party historic victory through the reawakening spirits of National Chairman Tarpeh and the critically robust National SG Amos Tweh, we do not which to ignite any internal confusion as supposed to being desperate for job. Jobs we already have!
We also want to make it clear that without investigating the Leadership of the County under Chairman Robert Bestman and SG Amos Kollie there would be no holistic understanding that we are truly ready to combat corruption. And the thought of enticing District officials for jobs needs to stop as it is already indicated in the revolutionary manual, so the County Leadership puting out stratification matrix to selected District officials has to also be investigated.

Lastly, we again reiterated our expressed decision on October 19, 2023 by officially proposing the expulsion of the conflicted Saydee Myers for breaching the party membership in our communication dated January 8, 2024 to the National Executive Committee and we are hopeful that the quarterly meeting of the NEC will highlight the issues of District 9 where internal surrogates will pay the price for disloyalty.

Once more we say congratulations to the all partisans of the formidable Unity Party.

Until it is better, we are bitter!!!

Signed: Daniel Trokon Bestman
Secretary General/UP-D9


Based on the increase in the National Budget, we recommend a repeal of the Decent Work Act to give professionals dignity for the services. #

January 9, 2024Volume 2; No. 2  IN ELECTORAL DISTRICT  #9 #HEADLINES: 1.  Representative Frank S. Foko moves out of Dist...

January 9, 2024

Volume 2; No. 2



1. Representative Frank S. Foko moves out of District #9 to find residency in Duazon, District #6;
2. The UP District 9 Leadership unveils plan for a modified District Dress Code for the Inauguration;
3. Montserrado County Chairman, Mr. Robert Bestman puts job opportunities in the upcoming UP government on sale for US$15 in District 9;
4. UP Acting District 9 Coordinator, Mr. J. Aaron Nyumah calls on partisans to refrain from dubious dealings in the District.

From the inception of the re-election of Representative Foko, there were allegations that he had made arrangements with the Mother of the fallen District Representative, Munah Youngblood to move at her residence in Duazon immediately after the election to have some piece of mind. However, efforts made in contacting the office of the Representative to speak on this allegation has been thrashed and demeaned on grounds that the information lacks the iota of truth. While other residents of the District holds that it violates the residency clause of the election laws of Liberia, some are waried that such act will scare development and adequate representation away from the District and thereby cautioned the District 9 Representative to do the needful or risk being petition for impeachment stated Mr. Thomas Johnson, former member of the CDC Sabu/Zebra unit.

On yesterday, January 8, 2024, in a crowded leadership meeting, officials of the District Leadership convened and collectively agreed on the modified dress code of District Officials and partisans for the Inauguration of the Unity Party government. Meanwhile, the group agreed to change the design of the lappa that was already submitted of the leadership that they will be required to fashion their African cloth into a professional African men attire from the modified lappa.

In another development, the Leadership of the Unity Party Montserrado County Chapter through its Chairman, Mr. Robert Bestman has issued opportunities forms to partisans and officials of the party in Electoral District 9, Montserrado County on the basis of purchase and not loyalty to the party. This irritating allegation says that the UP STRATIFICATION MATRIX which was issued by the County Secretariat Head, Mr. Amos Kollie to the Controversial and Expelled Saydee Myers, at a time, where there has been no Committee appointed to supervise the appointment of officials in the upcoming government. Credible content of information has it that the matrix form is currently on sale by the expelled District 9 Coordinator, Mr. K. Saydee Myers for US $15 per slot. Notwithstanding, our sources contact with the District Leadership also unveiled that this is not the first time for the County Leadership to exploit partisans and officials of the party in the District. Referencing the issue of ID Card payment which was also allegedly escalated by the county leadership through the EXPELLED Saydee Myers for partisans of the Unity Party to pay US $10 instead of US $5 as indicated in the guidelines of the committee on elections and campaign of the party, said the District Secretary General, Mr. Daniel Bestman.

The UP Acting District Coordinator (ADC), Mr. J. Aaron Nyumah, calls on all partisans of the Unity Party in his constituency to refrain from dubious dealings in the name of the party. The ADC, went on to take aback serious assertions on the continuous attempt of the County Leadership to empower the Controversial and Expelled Saydee Myers into dubious dealings. Providing frame of references on his statement, he intimated to this outlet, that every process required by the standards of the Unity Party has been duly followed by the party's constitutional fundamentalists ranging from taking decisions in line with the party mandate to the serving pertinent communications to the higher authorities in the party. Mr. Nyumah lamented that all efforts made in reaching out to offices of the County Leadership has been stalled due to compromise of Corruption on the part of the County Leadership, he noted. Contrastingly, the ADC informed this oaltform that the waves of concerns from eminent and ordinary partisans, has compelled him to call all officials of the party whether elected or appointed to put aside all plans to dubiously deal in the name of the Unity Party in the midst of the stubbornness of the County Leadership to seize all transactions of the party with the controversial Myers. Importantly, Mr. Nyumah highlighted that there has been series of communications sent to the offices of the National Executive Committee through the National Chairman's Office and County Leadership through the County Chairman's Office but there's has been no attempt to hear the matter of District 9 which is the Hub of the Rescue Mission, he added.

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January 8, 2024Volume 2: No. 24 Breaking News!!! # issues_in_d9 #REF: Hon. K. Saydee Myers, District 9 Coordinator Unity...

January 8, 2024

Volume 2: No. 24

Breaking News!!!
# issues_in_d9 #

REF: Hon. K. Saydee Myers, District 9 Coordinator Unity Party has been EXPELLED from the Unity Party by the DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE for Breaching Membership and Massive Corruption.

Credible information reaching this platform says the Controversial Montserrado District 9 Coordinator of the Unity Party has been finally EXPELLED from the Unity Party for Breaching the Membership of the party as indicated in Article VII Section 2 of the UP 2022 Constitution.

According to the Party's Official Spokesperson in the District, Mr. Daniel T. Bestman the decision for the expulsion came after the District Executive Committee which is the mirror image of the National Executive Committee, set up a Grievance and Ethics Committee to investigate the Controversial Saydee Myers of forty (40) counts which constitute corruption, bad leadership, double standards, and blatant disregard to the rule of law.

Meanwhile, contacting the District's Secretary General, Mr. Daniel T. Bestman, he referenced Article VII Section 2 of the 2022 Unity Party Constitution which states " The National Executive Committee shall adopt by- laws that provide for sanctions for a breach of a party member’s obligations, as enumerated in Section 1 above, including failure to campaign for a party’s candidate or campaigning against a party’s candidate", as the basis of such radically legal action. He also lamented that the forceful expulsion of the Controversial District 9 Coordinator, Mr. Myers is the stench aroma that will bring out US $25K allegedly received by the Montserrado County embattled Chairman Mr. Robert Bestman, II to aid in reducing the UP votes in Montserrado in the just ended election. The District 9 Secretary General also indicated that his District was one of the conduits used thereby reflecting the Controversial Saydee Myers again into corruption. He then called on the National Executive Committee and all Stakeholders of the Unity Party to probe into the matter of the US$ 25K allegedly received by the Montserrado County leadership of the Unity Party. He also stressed that all opportunities to be given the Montserrado Leadership in the incoming government should be withheld until the Montserrado County Leadership is duly investigated. To arrive at this point, we followed the procedural due process but authorities concerned out of work loads or prejudices ignored the issues emanating from the Hub of the Rescue Mission, Mr. Bestman stated.

Importantly, our source gathered while serving as District 9 Coordinator of the Unity Party, Mr. Myers also served as Chief Strategist in the camp of Mr. Fubbi Henries of the Collaborating Political Parties, CPP and he went on to campaign for the CPP candidate. While this platform have archived transcripts of screenshots from the 'Core Team Fubbi 2023 chat' in which Mr. Myers is on record for commenting/planning strategies against the candidature of the party's candidate, this platform also affirms the allegation which has been echoed by the District Leadership about the Controversial Saydee Myers dubious and corrupt act of adding Mr. Alexander Saylee ( CDC Montserrado County Chairman) and Mr. Congressman Arku (A staunch CDCian & an appointee at the Ministry of Mines & Energy) to the General Leadership Chat of Unity Party, 2023 and went on to remove elected officials who alarmed that the party had been penetrated. Mr. Bestman also added that the expulsion of Mr. K. Saydee Myers is a product of a Resolution (convened October 19, 2023) of petition to recuse and restitute all money stolen from the people of District 9 in the tone of US $15,400 inclusive of party subsidies, fund raisals, contributions, donations, party's properties, militants' stipend, and party agents' compensations.

Notwithstanding, all efforts made in reaching out to Mr. Myers to hear his side of the EXPULSION matter parading the media came to no avail. Sources closed to the Controversial Myers said he (Myers) decided to reserve all comments until he meets with his Lawyer. When an inquiry was made to his associates regarding the District Leadership contention of US $15,400 unilaterally embezzled by the controversy icon, they elected to remain silent because according to them were not permitted to speak to such matter. This platform was later informed that there is an inevitable chance of taking Mr. Myers to court in the coming weeks. After receiving his expulsion letter from the District Executive Committee, Mr. Myers was informed to turn over all party properties or faced forceful retrieval.

Our sources quoted....

Keep tuned....



We are saddened to share with you the news of Rosalynn Carter’s passing. A remarkable woman, Mrs. Carter leaves a powerful legacy as a strong and visionary co-founder of The Carter Center, a pioneering first lady, a Mental Health champion, and a much-beloved matriarch. She touched the hearts of millions with her warmth, generosity, and compassion. We, along with countless others, mourn her loss.

Source: The Carter Center

Rescue Tour Update! The leadership of the Rescue Mission wants to extol the great people of Margibi and B**g Counties fo...

Rescue Tour Update!

The leadership of the Rescue Mission wants to extol the great people of Margibi and B**g Counties for their overwhelming turnouts in demonstration of their daring commitment, staunch support, and breeding readiness to rescue this country from failed governance and replace it with a more credible and visionary leadership that will lead the country to socioeconomic prosperity and empowerment for the Liberian people. A determination shown by the Rescue Mission led by H.E. Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai.

We also use this time to honor the hardworking leadership of the Unity Party VSB Jeremiah Koung, Rescue Mother Sen. Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, Campaign Manager Sen. Prince K. Moye, Madam Mcdella Cooper and the local leaderships of Margibi and B**g Counties, the chiefs and elders, women and youth groups of both counties for the great display of hard work and loyalty in ensuring we had a successful yet honoring reception from the people of the visited counties.

The Rescue Train is moving on an irreversible path to ensure the Liberian people are redeemed from an irresponsible government and given the best this country can offer them.

Again, thank you, Margibi and B**g!

Nimba Country next!

National Campaign Spokesperson
Unity Party

July 7, 2023  #1. Leaked photos of District 9 Representative Frank Foko parades the district corridor2. Counselor B. Mil...

July 7, 2023

1. Leaked photos of District 9 Representative Frank Foko parades the district corridor
2. Counselor B. Miller Catakaw lauds the central committee of the Unity Party
3. CPP’s Fubbi Henries says with or without Mr. Cummings he will send more common people children to school.
4. Unity Party District #9 Coordinator Mr. Saydee calls on all supporters of JNB in his district to also extend their support for the UP D-9 candidate.

Immediately after the staged managed CDC D9 primary between HR Massayan Koikoi and incumbent Representative Frank Foko, dissatisfying comments and claims have been pouring from supporters of both internal rivals. On one hand, Mr. Foko asserts that his CDC candidature has been long agreed since his endorsement of President Weah re-election, therefore those crying that the process was stage-managed are doing so to satisfy their disgust for his preferment. While Mr. Foko’s confidence is buttressed by the CDC National Executive Committee, the CDC’s D9 leadership has also reposed their confidence in MFDP HR Director Mr. Koikoi who has given most of them job. It was against this background that some long term partisans of the CDC leaked pictures of Mr. Foko which presents him as a bi-sexual. With this huge noise coming from the CDC D9, Mr. Foko out of profuse anger announced that he will aid he making President Weah a one term president in the midst of a state managed primary. However, what was not clear about the statement was the ripple effect of his speech as to whether it will be first round or second round that he will align with the popular opposition.

While the CDC D9 primary ended in noise, the UPD9 primary ended peacefully with no reaction from the unconsidered applicants. For your info, the UP Candidate for District #9 (3 times defeated), Hon. B. Miller Catakaw has lauded the decision for the RESCUE CENTER ( UP central campaign headquarters) to be in his district. He praised the UP leadership and the recently announced campaign team headed by partisan and kinsman Senator Prince Kemue Moye. The Unity Party Lawyer also admonish all partisans of UP in District 9 to take ownership of the opportunity by vigorously campaigning for the success of the Unity Party beginning with D9 since the district hosts the campaign office. Hon. Catakaw also cautioned every member of the zonal leadership to work toward the mandate given by the party. THIS TIME DOING VOTE ONE VOTE ALL, will safe the process greatly, he asserted.

In another development, Mr. Fubbi Henries the controversial CPP Candidate has again promised to assist the common people children with scholarship with or without Mr. Cummings. But what appears confusing is that, Mr. Fubbi has not clear the arrears he put the common people in during his 419 scholarship scheme in 2017. As it stands many parents are waiting for Mr. Henries and his 419 scholarship message. Mr. Henries also elected to clear the air about him been bankrupt and that he only depends on his SB Mr. Cummings, so he wants to present to the people that he was already a working man before Mr. Cummings came in the picture. He went forward saying that if I can bring $30,000US worth of drugs without Mr. Cummings what more about my contribution to education. When this blog asked Mr. Henries about his support base which has drastically reduced because Mr. Cummings failed to support the presidential bid of JNB, do you also support JNB for the presidency, he answered and said there’s only one person he supports and that’s his CPP SB therefore all those supporting Mr. Cummings have promised to support his Representative bid.

Lastly, the UP D9 Coordinator joins voice with the District’s first partisan Hon. Catakaw to appreciate the NEC of the Unity Party for their strategic consideration of district #9 for all campaign activities. He applauds each and every member of the district leadership who keep on doing their best for the party’s success with upright emphasis to his deputy for mobilization Mr. Obediah Doegar. The DC also warned all partisans of the Unity Party to stay aware from gatherings of those opposing the party’s interests, at a time where the ruling establishment is been overwhelmed with conflict of interest. The district’s Coordinator with a notable reference at the Semgbloh School in Weasay Fiamah calls on all supporters of Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Senator Jeremiah Kpaan Koon and Senator Nyonblee Kangar-Lawrence to support the Unity Party Candidate of the district....

Keep tuned....

District  #9 is now like the theatre of absurd where things intrigued the viewer to varying lengths. Unfortunately, what...

District #9 is now like the theatre of absurd where things intrigued the viewer to varying lengths. Unfortunately, what health practitioners and social workers’ celebrated on June 2, 2023 as MENSTRUAL HYGIENCE DAY, politicians and 419ners have now taken serious ownership of the day as been their making. Prominent amongst those imposters are Mr. Frank Foko and Mr. Fubbi F. A. Henries who were seen on social media with banners and podcasts about the essence of the day. At different locations sources told this blog that Mr. Henries who is also indebted to score of parents for what they called FAKE SCHOLARSHIP, that he has started going around the very people he duped with scholarship. On the other hand, while Mr. Foko and his so-called Strategic Girls for Foko had to decorate their lies to students of the Apostolic School that it was in their interest that such day was called to order. Moments from the climax of the program, chants of ‘WE WANT GRADUATE’ came from the crowd of girls who are alumnae of the Apostolic School. IS FRANK FOKO REALLY SERIOUS FOR REELECTION?

In another development, the Unity Party through its Coordinator has been described as a toothless bulldog. Many sympathizers and supporters of the UP Candidate in District #9 told this blog that the internal fight along with double standards being played by key officials of the UP District 9 Leadership. A source hinted to this blog that the UNITY PARTY COORDINATOR HAS BEEN PROMISED A FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIP AND A SUM OF US $10,000 BY MR. FUBBI HENRIES. Going forward, our source hinted that the leadership of the UP headed by Mr. Joe Boah did similar bidding with the fallen Munah Youngblood prior to her reelection in 2017 and this cause the impacts of the UP campaign to fall in. Important to the revelation is the persistent echo of Mr. Fubbi Henries that he is on top of his game with the UP. Imagine in 2020, I came as the CPP Candidate with a big controversy and today I am still the CPP candidate, I think people should understand that the controversy from 2020 is what sailing me through, said Mr. Henries at one of his engagements. WILL MR. HENRIES PAY THE AREARS HE OWED SCHOOLS OF DISTRICT #9?

What has appeared woefully downright is the fact that the Coordinator of the Unity Party, District #9 is a serious Strategist of Mr. Henries and is cheating on the interest of the UP. Since this revelation was made by the District’s Secretary, the UP D9 Coordinator has called for no executive meeting to denied the allegations and has since admitted to some partisans of the UP that he has been doing political business with the CPP since 2020.

  #   #Meanwhile the supporters of the Unity Party Candidate in Electoral District  #9, Cllr. B. Miller Catakaw are comp...

# #

Meanwhile the supporters of the Unity Party Candidate in Electoral District #9, Cllr. B. Miller Catakaw are complaining that their candidate is missing in action. According to sources in the district since his debacle in the stolen bi-elections in 2020 he has never come around to mingle with his people. His supporters and well-wishers are also complaining that they can’t even hear his voice regarding issues and welfare of the people of his constituency. However, when the OUTSIDE BROADCAST CREW of this blog met with Cllr. Catakaw and quizzed him on matter of the district upliftment. The Former Sherman and Sherman Legal Consultant lamented that the people are contradicting themselves. How possible that I possess the highest investment and community projects and programs ahead of all contestants least to mention Mr. Foko who is the district’s representative but currently resides in the late representative Youngblood house. Cllr. Catakaw also mentioned that the people opted that the past elections were not meant for him but the election of this year is a sure case for him.


  #   #In another development, the probation representative, Mr. Frank S. Foko chances for reelection on the CDC’s ticke...

# #
In another development, the probation representative, Mr. Frank S. Foko chances for reelection on the CDC’s ticket is now in a dangerous situation. Many sources closer to this blog made it clear that the CDC District #9 Leadership is considering to remove Mr. Foko from the party’s ticket on grounds that the probation representative is a delinquent due payer at the same time his dubious tendency to drastically reduce the salary of his office staffer. However, the CDC representative to whom many CDCians are now murmuring about the complexity which involved Mr. Foko to the untimely demise of his boss lady. Partisans of the CDC resident in District #9 are now protesting for the party to change Mr. Foko since his role in the Death of former Representative Youngblood have resurfaced that he POISONED her for the sake of power.

Notwithstanding, Mr. Foko failure to impact the 21 Official communities of his constituency with the Controversial Constituency Engagement Funds (US $ 60K) including other basic requirements for the entertainment of the District. However, Mr. Foko failure to reconcile the people of his constituency especially the Wroto Town Community to an extent empowers him as a victim of double standards. Mr. Foko is on record for picking his supporter Samuel Thomas against all competitive democratic process to be recognized by his office as Chairman of the community. More so, Mr. Foko is also doing business with Mr. David U. Germu who is an overstayed Chairman of the Gbangay Town Community since Mr. Germu’s election in 2016. Importantly, the odds are increasing daily against the re-election bid of Mr. Foko.


MONDAY, May 16, 2023  #   #As the time for ballot cast draws closer, prospective candidates for the pending election has...

MONDAY, May 16, 2023
As the time for ballot cast draws closer, prospective candidates for the pending election has begun stating their cause for running in the upcoming elections. Mr. Fubbi F. A. Henries is around with his 419 again, talking about scholarship he can’t pay for; jumping in the people drainage as though there’s going to be a halt to the problem of flooding; Mr. Henries is here again with his gay advocacy; Mr. Henries is here again with his plenty lie-lie.
Notable among the many aspirants is the fraud candidate of the disintegrated Collaborating Political Parties, CPP, Mr. Fubbi F. A. Henries. Mr. Henries has tagged himself the ‘SAVIOR’ OF District #9 in the midst of the unending arears he has embarrassed parents of the District with.
What this blog sees as unfortunate is the attempt made by the CPP to present Mr. Henries who came as a Controversial Candidate of the CPP in the 2020 bi-elections, was clandestinely Certificated by the Cummings Standard Bearership without the signature of Senator Daniel Natehn, Chairman of the CPP then. This revelation about the certificate of the Mr. Henries presented him as a controversial candidate and thereby denied him the collective support of the then CPP which consequentially led to the defeat of the CPP.
However, recent wave of information emanating from the court has it that the CPP-SB Mr. Cummings lawsuit against the National Elections Commission about the unlawful nature of the Biometric Voter Registration violated fundamental codes of the 1986 Constitution. Given the validity of this lawsuit, it appears that the ANC/CPP has no partisan and aspirant registered during the Montserrado County registration process. Importantly, this blog has been duly informed that Mr. Henries did not registered to vote for Mr. Cummings and himself, THEREFORE he is NOT CONTESTING THE PENDING ELECTION.


Today is Honorable Cllr. B. Miller Catakaw's Birthday....Let's Shower the celebrant with flowers.Key Facts:He is the mos...

Today is Honorable Cllr. B. Miller Catakaw's Birthday....
Let's Shower the celebrant with flowers.

Key Facts:
He is the most senior partisan of Unity Party resident in district #9,
He is the consensus candidate of the opposition Unity Party District #9, Chapter,
He is a professional lawyer,
He is a Teacher,
He is an Athlete,
He is the most accessible Candidate in his constituency with the highest investment.....

On behalf of the Editorial Board we wish you a Happy Birthday...
He is married
He is the

February 9, 2023ISSUES MAKING THE HEADLINES:The people of Gbangay Town community expressed concern over the overstay of ...

February 9, 2023


The people of Gbangay Town community expressed concern over the overstay of Mr. David Germu.

In a quick reaction to Mr. Germu’s acceptance of President Weah second term bid, scores of residents in the Gbangay Town community under the banner of concerned residents has embarked on a lawsuit against their chairman for failure to carry the community to election even though he still enjoys the confidence of the position as a political officer to probation representative Foko. What is not clear about Mr. Germu assertion is the legitimate willpower to campaign for the reelection of President Weah in the community. According to Chairman Obediah Davis of Bloc C of the community, Mr. Germu’s action was unilateral and ambiguous.

Wroto Town Community abandoned since the election of Rep. Foko.

While the Wroto Town Community informs Rep. Foko of her leadership crisis, it has reached the notice of this platform that Rep. Foko clandestinely designated Brother Samuel Thomas of the Gbandi Quarter as Chairman of the community through a letter sent to the Elders’ Council Chief Mr. Harrison Grigsby. Upon open revelation to this double standard, residents of the community frown on this action of the probation representative and registered serious dismay in him. When this platform contacted the office of Rep. Foko denied ever appointing community leader.

Raymond field Community disappointed in Rep. Foko antisocial acts.

It has now become an open secret about the arrogance of Rep. Foko during his social engagements. The Raymond field Community announced her disappointment in the representative for releasing a violent order to man-handle one of its citizens by the name Josiah Farkon, who is said to be an opposition to the re-election bid of him. When this platform met Mr. Farkon, the victim, confirms that his life is under threat only because he expressed to the representative that he will be replaced and he shouldn’t come around his community with a campaign. Quoting Mr. Farkon “We have learned our lessons. We will vote based on what you have done not because of any party sentiment again”. Rep. Foko is also on record for violating the ordinance of a highly respected street Lord called MAN DEVIL, a resident of the FIAMAH community.

The Electoral District #9 DDC lacks the credibility.

In an interview with Hon. Catakaw, the District Development Council lacks the required credibility to coordinate projects and development of the District against the core objectives of the council. He stressed that the current head of the DDC was selected by Rep. Foko against competitive elections as laid down in the Public Financial Management Law (2015). He further lamented that the council is not the total representation of the 21 official communities of the district. However, he also stressed that his bid to contest the upcoming election stems from the fact that the district has been misrepresented given the growing wave of social instability.

Keep tuned….






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