Good afternoon folks,I have come to this public medium to officially declear my intention to contest for the representative seat of district #3,comes 2023.
In my mind,the district has been under represented in the 54th national legislature,besides,the district is currently going under seriou marginalization by the current leadership.
Under the regime of quote-on-quote president interest representative,the district had experienced the opposite of leadership.
So true my child,thanks for coming brabee!
Citizens of district #3 voted you base on sympathy,but now you have turn to be total embarrassment for the county.Trust me you're a good example of"one to move"lawmaker.
Yes of course,you're!!
With the misfeeling from citizens towards you,they've massively resolve to reject you comes 2023.
Your actions towards the citizens clearly speaks to to the facts that you was elected through mistakes.
What a sad days for the citizens of district #3!!
With the many endorsements and calls we had received so far from the citizens of district #3,they've assured us their onending support comes 2023.
According to them,"we're the single best option for the representative seat of the district".
So clear!!
Having said that,if elected as representative for the district,we'll make use of the three major responsibilities:Lawmaking,Oversight and Representation,unlike other!
JOIN THE WINNING TEAM NOW,for good representation!!