Insight, ELWA RADIO A media platform that provides empowerment through enlightenment,
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"All Liberian citizens shall have equal opportunity for work and employment regardless of s*x... political affiliation..."Article 18 Lib. Constitution




France and regional bloc Ecowas have condemned the mutiny that began with gunfire early on Tuesday.


Proactiveness, not reaction!

An emerging Liberian youth writer, Ivan Fiske, inspires poetically.

An emerging Liberian youth writer, Ivan Fiske, inspires poetically. presents: COVID-19, poetry by Ivan S. Fiske IV, who self described himself as a young aspiring poet writing from Paynesville, Liberia.

Deep reflection...

Deep reflection...

My 173rd Independence Oration Speech- Republic of Liberia- STANDING TOGETHER IN TIME OF PANDEMIC

His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, Mrs. Clar M. Weah, First Lady, Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Chief Jewel Howard Taylor, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, Honourable Bhofal Chambers, Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives, Honourable Albert Tugbeh Chie, President Pro Tempore and Members of the Liberian Senate, His Honour Francis Saye Korkpor, Snr., Chief Justice and Associates Justices of the Supreme Court, Officials of Government, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Former Government Officials, Present, Religious Leaders, Traditional Chiefs and Members of the Traditional Council, Foreign Guests, Members of the Fourth Estate, Fellow Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I count it all Joy to have been selected in such a time as this among many noble sons and daughters of Mama Liberia to partake in the discourse of national and global events requiring specialized knowledge.
I most respectfully and humbly say that I understand the magnitude of this noble task on such a historic day. I do understand, it is by the grace of the Almighty God that I have come thus far, because the scriptures say in 1Cor. 1: 26-28 “God chooses the foolish things of this world to confront the wise and the weak things of this world to shame the things of the mighty”, so I give all the glory to God.

To the Governments of our beloved nation, past and present, we appreciate your efforts in maintaining the peace, stability and our national developmental goals. Also, for the dedication of our present government in prioritizing infrastructures development in Monrovia and around the nation.
The construction of the 14 Military Hospital in Margibi County, and the paving of community roads in Monrovia and other major roads in the various counties. We stand together for these applaudable achievements.
Also, to the United Nations Family, our Foreign Partners and Stakeholders, especially our West African brothers who sent intervention forces that play major roles in facilitating the peace that we enjoy today, we will continue to remember and appreciate your contribution; for, “You Were The First To Come and The Last To Leave”. We remain grateful to our foreign partners and the international community; you deserve our utmost gratitude.
I am of the utmost conviction that the wisdom of my preferment from the religious sector is not only intended to hear the word of God that heals wounds and brings deliverance, but to discuss national problems that make us vulnerable as a nation and finding the way forward to setting the right priorities.
Our dialogue regarding the current state of affairs of our nation summarized under the Theme: “STANDING TOGETHER IN A TIME OF PANDEMIC”, on this 173rd Independence Anniversary Celebration today, presents some complex questions for our consideration.
My fellow Liberians, we all are aware that since the advent of the Corona Virus Disease, code name COVID-19 early this year, the world has changed drastically by threatening the very existence of the human race and attacking our belief, economic and governing systems as well as our way of life.
Every aspect of the human endeavours is under attack:
• Our way and manner of worshipping God is under attack.
• Our means and nature of earning our living, the economy is under attack.
• Our culture of association and how we relate to one another in good times and period of challenges is also under attack.
• And the lists go on.

Great nations of the world as we know and call them, appear to be struggling with all their sophistications and achievements in science with no definite answer to the threat this pandemic poses to humanity.

The Scriptures according to the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 28: 1 to 14, God speaking through Moses to the children of Israel, outlined conducts that attract blessings for obedience to His commandment and in the same chapter outlines conducts that attract curses for disobedience from verses 15 to 68.
Fellow Liberians, from the inception of this great nation, like others around us, there has always been battles for every generation and so COVID-19 battle is not and should not be a surprise:
• We fought and won the Ebola battle.
• Prior to Ebola, we fought and placed under control tropical diseases including Measles, Tuberculosis, Smallpox, Polio, Malaria, etc., etc.

Previous battles were won by “STANDING TOGETHER IN A TIME OF EPIDEMIC” and this Pandemic battle too shall be won sooner than later, if we stand together.
However, to win these battles certain requirements must be met. You cannot go to war and expect to subdue the enemy and win the war without the appropriate war winning plan and strategies.
Factors of Disagreement that Divide and Weaken Togetherness
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, we are still at war with far greater pandemics than COVID-19. We cannot and will not stand together to win any battle in a society that condone injustice, rampant corruption, disobedience or non-adherence for the rule of law, nepotism and tribalism, s*xual violence and gender-based violence, lack of genuine reconciliation, lack of patriotism, lack of accountability, lack of integrity and with no fear of God; for God hates these vices.
Your Excellency, Mr. President, after you informed me of my selection by your Administration to be the Orator for this year anniversary celebration, while meditating on the request, a couple of questions came to me that I believe will form the integral part of our dialogue:
• What does it mean to stand together? The gospel of Mark 3:25 says “…if a nation be divided against itself, that nation cannot stand”.
• Where do we stand together, when there’s no equal platform for all? While some are standing in the trenches of Bokon Jeadea, others are standing in unmerited riches and stolen wealth. While majority are standing in the swamps of Gbayhdin, others are relaxing on the top of Mt. Nimba.
In Liberia we have a common saying... “Empty Bag Cannot Stand,” how do we stand together when some bags are empty and other bags and bellies are full and overflowing?
• Is it possible to stand together when some are standing on the sandy beaches of West Point and New Kru Town with daily sea incursions and growing cases of homelessness, while others are standing in luxurious hotel lobbies and reporting to work on Monday afternoon?

• How do we stand together? When everyday our future female leaders are crying and living in constant fear of abuse? A country where R**E is no longer an abomination but now a culture and way of life.
• How do we stand when at 173 years old as a Nation we are still dependent on donor monies that are no longer coming in, and meanwhile corruption has become the standard way of life for the vast majority?
• And most importantly, how do we stand together, when we are one nation, very divided with no liberty or justice for all?

We’ve sung numerous songs as a people over many years of democracy that align with our national situation. Even to the most recent electoral process and smooth transition of power to a new government, our people sang the praises of our leader and the very famous slogan; “CHANGE FOR HOPE”. Your Excellency, indeed the Change has come, now where is the Hope?
Our people from the Kru tribe will say “Ta ba wuolo-kpaili ne wa” in Gio we say “Qwaa Zoe dui-ameh” the Mandingos say “Ja- yee-see- Nah Meni”, our Bassa people say “ Deh wodoe con day-dehor da” the Kissi will say “ or te da num doe” and the Kpelle people will say “Lallah-ca-Muh”.

As a people of different tongues, we ask this question daily in expectation of some answers.
However, the fate of our nation does not only rest in the hands of the Government but rather we as a united people. It is in our hands, in order to stand together in these troubling times, we need to consider the following underlying factors and re-examine them carefully.
What do we need as a people?
• We need to stand together in fighting the battle of discrimination and injustice in our society, irrespective of the status of the perpetrator.

• We need to remind ourselves of our past negative, dark and distorted history not to repeat the past mistakes that continue to divide us rather than unite us to focus on righting the wrongs of the past rather than using the wrongs to gain political power.

• We need to do away with deep seated hatred for each other, that only provides a platform for denying opportunities reserved by our laws for Liberians to foreigners. Can a nation love her neighbours more than herself? I say no as an answer. Empower Liberians first and foremost.
What cannot make us to stand together?
• We cannot stand together when rumours of illegal exploitation of our God given mineral resources by foreign nationals sponsored by unpatriotic Liberian citizens go without redress to the whistle blower complaint. The government will only be undermining itself if such conduct is allowed to go unchecked.

Mr. President, the Pandemic has negatively affected every Liberian; no one is left untouched and we applaud your government’s effort for distributing food to Liberians but please remove the adjective, “vulnerable Liberians” and say all Liberian citizens so we can stand together.

• We cannot stand together when we as religious leaders do not fulfil God given mandate to preach the gospel fearlessly about the ills in society, no matter who is or should be involved, without compromising the truth. By speaking the truth, we may be hated; but souls will be saved and the good of society will be maintained.

• We must respect the retirement age and policy. Discourage recycling politicians who outlive their time in government as a means to providing equal opportunities to our prepared youths into public service.

• We can stand together when our actions fall in line with our policy to control and prevent infant and maternal mortality rate in our cities and rural communities.

• Yes. We can stand together when health facilities and institutions are properly equipped to discourage our government officials and citizens from seeking medical treatment abroad

The People Factor
• As a people, we need to change our mindset and STOP THE DEPENDENCY SYNDROME. Instead of running to the government for everything, let us stop and put our hands to work.
There is a global adage that says, “No Food for Lazy Man”, so we must be willing to work. For the only substitute for hard work, is hard life. Even the bible says in Proverbs 10:4, “He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand”.
Please understand that Government jobs and public office is not for everyone.
Let us pay attention to the importance of the private sector by encouraging their participation through elevating Liberian-owned businesses with the objective of aiding them to grow.

Our people must be made to understand that they own the government. So, with the ownership mindset, we should work collectively to see that Liberia prosper and is transformed in our lifetime.

• Liberia will forever remain stronger together when we are united in our purpose to protect our national interest, despite political differences. For the Bible says, “...Behold the PEOPLE are ONE and they have one language and what they have imagined to do, nothing can be withheld from them”. Gen. 11:6
As a people our strength is in Unity, we need to stand together in our common vision and common agenda for the prosperity of our nation.

• We the people also need to understand that Monrovia is not Liberia and America is not Heaven. We need to cherish what we have and help to make it better. With God’s help and hard work, this nation can be transformed through our own hands.

• For those of us who are not policy makers today, remember the saying “Cassava leaf is not for goat alone” ...there’s always a time and season for everything, Wait for your time. Sow good seeds into the future of your nation. Do constructive criticisms and put Liberia first and not greed and selfish ambition.

• As a people we must never forget that the peace we enjoy today came at a very high price of sweat, blood and tears by Liberians and our brothers and sisters and from intervention forces in the sub-region and other nations.

Therefore, we must deal cautiously in the maintenance of this peace which is more valuable than gold, diamond or any precious stone. It’s on record that United Nation/UNMIL invested 7.5 billion over a 15 years period in keeping and maintaining the peace we enjoy today.

• To Liberians in the Diaspora, it has been over 400 plus years since Africans and Liberians have contributed immensely to the growth and civilization of other nations. It is now time to return home.

I say this to buttress the fact that every single conflict in Liberia in the past 50 years has been sponsored directly or indirectly by those in the Diaspora. Equally so, the current growth and development in our political and economic landscape is also being supported by you Liberians in the diaspora.

Therefore, this is an open invitation for you to return with your resources, knowledge and expertise and invest in the Motherland. “There is no place like home”. Liberia is all we have, let’s give her the best we can.

• Never again must we as the people rebel against God. For the Bible says in Psalms 16:4 “Their sorrow shall be multiplied that follow after other gods”

• Never again must we allow ourselves to be divided along religious lines, for we are all interrelated. We need to learn to be a cohesive nation with one mind, and put Liberia First. Never again must we be divided along tribal, political and sectional lines.

• We must discourage jungle justice in the name of vengeance and retribution and say no to mob justice. There must be value and respect for every human life.

The Government Factor
• To the Government, we need to avoid foreign aids that will keep us captive to the donors; is it is written in the Bible in Proverbs 22:7 “The rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is a slave to the lender”. How can we claim to be independent and still depend on foreign aids and imports of our staple food and basic commodities to boost our economy? The decisions that run our government should not be made in other capitals around the world. “Anyone who feeds you, will control you”.

Mr. President, while it is true that you are faced with a very difficult task of leading a mysterious nation like ours, we would also like to encourage you to lead by example and be wise and decisive in your leadership. (Don’t let these people spoil your government for you with ill advices).
Don’t be overly concerned about your opposition but rather, your social contract with the people and be concerned of your secret enemies who parade as friends around you.

Be careful of who you allow in your inner court. Be open up to ideas from wise technocrats who are well experienced and possess some measure of the fear of God. Be courageous and strong as our captain and lead this team to its noble destination.

• As a government, let us redefine our national agenda, with clear-cut vision, achievable, both in the long and short term. Make people-oriented policies that will redirect funds to the agricultural and production sector, thereby creating jobs throughout rural Liberia.

• Strengthen diplomatic relations with friendly nations like Israel and the EU nations.

Empower our local farmers and promote large scale food production, while reducing the subsidies on the importation of our staple foods and gradually ending it. The government needs to re-evaluate the decentralization policy that will empower rural Liberians to be more productive. All of Liberia is farm ready and eager for production.

Reintroduce the work culture amongst our people and let everyone earn their honest living through merit and dedication. Understand that government is about continuity, we must stop wasting resources on starting new projects without completing old ones.

• We need to revisit our organic laws and change what ought to be changed, repeal those that need to be repealed and implement those that need to be implemented, but do not temper with our core values as a God-fearing nation and the vision of our founding fathers. (Foundation Matters).

• The issue of R**e needs to cease from being an everyday song on the lips of our people. We cannot continue to hear the cries for justice of our innocent girls.

Your Excellency, the people who elected you as their Commander-In-Chief of this great nation do not have to get on the street and protest before you take an action.

It is beyond sickening that while we are battling COVID-19, we have to deal with reoccurring cases of r**e of teenagers and babies who haven’t even learned to talk.

R**e perpetrated by inhumane men who claim to be citizens of this God-fearing nation. IT IS SAD AND IT NEEDS TO STOP. If that means introducing the death penalty on these evil perpetrators, so let it be.
Abraham Lincoln once said “Those who deny freedom of others deserve it not for themselves”. These men shouldn’t r**e today and be allowed to walk free tomorrow.

• The revamping of our educational system to a level of producing graduates that are job creators and marketable and not just certificate holders should be a major priority.

We need to invest in vocational and technical education; for example, the Booker Washington Institute Model should be duplicated throughout the 15 counties, thereby empowering our youths with skills and tools to contribute immensely to the redevelopment of this nation.
Our educational system should not be overlooked. Let us not allow the brilliant young minds of our children to go to waste.

• The issue of police brutality against lawful citizens needs to stop. Our security sector should learn to adhere to the rules that govern this land and not abuse them. Press freedom also needs to be respected at all levels.

• To our government, maintaining our roads is still a big problem. To boost revenue generation, special road tolls should be introduced at all our highways for all road users of this nation irrespective of being a government official or not, and all funds generated from the tolls should be channelled towards road maintenance and creation of new roads.

• In order to foster national unity and integration; rename some of our streets and highways to honour our fallen heroes, heroines and freedom fighters who fought to preserve our heritage. For example; the Monrovia to Ganta Highway could be renamed William R. Tolbert highway. Ganta to Zwedru could be named Jackson F. Doe Highway and from Zwedru to Harper upon completion could be named Samuel K. Doe Highway, and the list goes on.

• If we must stand together, prison reform and prisoners’ rehabilitation and reintegration into society must be a collective responsibility of the Government of Liberia and the private sector. Prisoners are still humans.

• There needs to be proper and prompt payment of salary and wages for all civil servants as it is due them according to merit. To avoid corruption, embezzlement and tampering of public funds meant for other intended purposes.

Your Excellency Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Past and Present Administration have enacted laws that enable our government to control the governed, the ordinary Liberians, and its various integrity institutions.

These integrity institutions like the GAC, LACC, LMA, LEITI, IAA, GC, CBL, PPCC among others, should be strengthened and allowed to function within their constitutional latitudes and mandates. Respecting organic laws and enforcing it fearlessly fulfils the mandate of the Oath of office and also signals the message of confidence that government can control itself.

The government relationship with its people needs to be mutual; if the people respect the government, the government also needs to respect the people.

No man or woman is above the law. If we seek to advance as a nation, Law makers need to cease from being law breakers.

In conclusion, for us to stand together in these troubling times, both the Government and the People of Liberia must demonstrate a high level of love and patriotism towards Mama Liberia. We are where we are today because of love deficiency. Most Liberians have the mind to use this nation for their own selfish reasons and not to invest in her. They want to use and reduce, not love and build.

Liberia is poor because of impunity, there is little or no punishment for evil doers and corruption has fast become a way of life. It has eaten deep into the fabric of our society, which also includes the church and other religious organizations.

Fellow citizens, my parting statement, Liberia is a century plus years older than all her neighbours and ought to be a positive example. Liberia is so blessed but her children do not know nor understand the magnitude of her blessings. Liberia is too rich; you must have a blind mind and weak hands not to benefit from her riches. Liberia is too great, that great nations of the universe are all beneficiaries of her ancient greatness. Liberia is too unique that all her people groups are interrelated.

Liberia is too strong, that she has survived many global wars and her own internal battles and she will surely triumph in this current pandemic.

As a Member of the Body of Christ, a Clergyman, a Stakeholder and a Son of the Soil, I would like to publicly declare that I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel. I see Hope for Liberia, Her People and Her Institutions. I see Liberia becoming a blessing to herself and not a burden, to nations of the sub-region and the world.
I see the dawn of a new day. I see total restoration of our collective human dignity. I see respect for the rule of law. I see revival. I see the FEAR of God.
Liberia will be great again, for in Job 14:7, the Bible says “there is hope for a tree if it be cut down, that through the scent of water it will sprout again”

Long Live the President, Long Live the Government Long Live the Peace-Loving People of Liberia.

Happy 173rd Independence to Mama Liberia. Thank you and God Bless You.


Case Update: 20 new confirmed cases, No new death, and 4 new recoveries reported as of June 19, 2020.


Police brutality occurring in a society assumed to be human rights- conscious and democratically well-established...


Pres. Weah Extends "STAY HOME" Order Under State of Emergency

Monrovia, April 24, 2020: In the wake of the approaching expiration of the measures announced by President George M. Weah on April 8, 2020 to contain the spread of the Coronavirus disease, the Liberian Leader is renewing the order by additional two weeks with some enhancements, including the COMPULSORY wearing of face masks by everyone in public. The government has determined this is necessary in order to sustain the fight against the disease in the country.

Earlier this month. President Weah announced a State of Emergency to be observed throughout the country. During this period, the joint security command and the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia were ordered to enforce the different measures that were pronounced.

Amongst these measures were orders to:

1) Quarantine the 15 counties

2) Ensure everyone in Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba and Grand Kru stay at home for two weeks - with exceptions granted to designated essential persons and businesses

3) Require all to be indoors by 3pm

4) A directive to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to engage marketers in order to make "satisfactory arrangements" for the operations of markets during this period.

However, on the advice of health authorities and in light of the unresolved crisis, the government is extending the stay-at-home order to ALL 15 counties in the country.

Also, healthcare workers and other service providers are mandated to also wear hygienic gloves in addition to the face masks when interacting with the public. Any non-compliance to these measures, as have been observed in the past, could lead to arrest by the security forces. The government will work to ensure face masks are made available for public use.

The threat from COVID-19 is existential; everyone is therefore urged to do their part in every way possible to defeat this unseen enemy. One responsible way to do that is staying at home and following the regulations of the government.

COVID-19 confirmed cases in Liberia hit three inevitable trend in the rise of the infection rate, consideri...

COVID-19 confirmed cases in Liberia hit three inevitable trend in the rise of the infection rate, considering the limited technical resources of our health system, and our way of life. Let's hope for a fall in the rate of new infection and pray for such to be kept from increasing by another 💯%.

Case Update: 2 new cases confirmed as of April 20, 2020. No new death, no new recovery reported. Full situation report will be released later.

Armed Forces reported brutality to be investigated....

Armed Forces reported brutality to be investigated....

Monrovia – A group of soldiers from the Armed Forces of Liberia, who went on the rampage in the Slipway and Crown Hill communities Thursday, rampaging homes and injuring residents, will face the full weight of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Chief of Staff Major General Prince C. Johnson III...

4 recoveries...thank God. Victory is gradually coming

4 recoveries...thank God. Victory is gradually coming

UPDATE: 1 recovered.


PHILADELPHIA – Mr. Jucontee Thomas Woewiyu, who served as Defense Minister for Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front(NPFL) has died. Family sources confirmed to FrontPageAfrica a short while ago, that Mr. Woewiyou fell prey to the deadly Coronavirus pandemic in the US city of Philadelphia. H...


Case Update:

2 new cases confirmed as of 11:00 PM, April 11, 2020. Cumulatively 50 cases confirmed including 5 deaths, 3 recoveries.










8 APRIL 2020

Fellow Citizens and Foreign Residents:

We are all witnessing the devastation caused by the Coronavirus pandemic around the world. Hundreds of thousands of persons around the globe have been infected by it, thousands have died as a result of contracting it, and many more thousands are predicted to die. The disease has overwhelmed more advanced health care systems in many countries, and has brought the economies of several developed nations almost to a complete halt.

The sad reality of millions of victims and thousands of deaths around the world should give all of us cause to pause and think about what we must do collectively to protect ourselves from this dreadful pestilence. The horrific scenarios that are beginning to emerge should serve as sufficient warning for everyone of us to spring into action.

The Government of Liberia continues to work with determination, diligence, and focus, to combat this deadly COVID-19 disease. You will recall that a Special Presidential Advisory Committee on Coronavirus (SPACOC) was established two months ago, under my leadership, as soon as it was perceived that the disease was likely to develop into a global pandemic of epic proportions, that could possibly affect this country.

As Chairman of SPACOC, I have personally presided over many strategy and operational meetings, with the aim and objective of coordinating the fight against the Corona disease in Liberia.

I have also instituted the Executive Committee on Corona Virus (ECOC) as the operational arm of SPACOC that will focus on community initiatives and outreach.

As head of both committees, I am directly involved with the day-to-day activities with our health experts, members of the Cabinet, and our international partners, in order to help mitigate the spread of the virus, at the same time explore ways and means to help ease some of the economic challenges that this virus will cause to our our country and people.

Fellow Liberians:

Although our health teams are working assidously to complete the testing of scores of contacts, we have to recognize that the COVID-19 virus has now entered a new phase in our country, as we move from protection to containment. The dynamics of our management of the disease have been significantly changed, and will require much stronger additional measures to delay the spreading of this highly infectious virus, and keep our public safe.

Fellow Liberians:

This global pandemic is killing thousands of people around the world. It knows no borders, and there is yet no vaccination or cure. The global spread of this virus represents the greatest threat to the health and well-being of the people of Liberia since the Ebola epidemic suffered by our country from 2014 to 2016. It has already arrived in Liberia, and confirmed cases are now on the rise.

THEREFORE, by the Authority granted to me under Articles 85, 86, 87, and 88 of the Liberian Constitution, and after due consultation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, as required by law, I, George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, hereby declare a State of Emergency, to exist in and throughout the Republic of Liberia, for a period of three (3) weeks, renewable until the threat to Liberia from the Covid-19 virus no longer exists.

My Fellow Liberians:

As a first step under the powers hereby granted me under this State of Emergency, the Speaker and the President Pro-Tempore are to convene the 54th Legislature in Joint Session on tomorrow, Thursday, the 9th of April, 2020 for justification and endorsement of this State of Emergency by Joint Resolution, in accordance with Article 88 of the Liberian Constitution.

I further announce, under this State of Emergency, that all 15 counties in the Republic of Liberia are hereby quarantined from 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 10, 2020, until further notice. movements between counties are sstrictly prohibited. No person shall be permitted to enter or leave or in any way cross the borders of any county into any other county, except for Montserrado County and Margibi County which are quarantined as a single unit.

As a further measure under this State of Emergency, all Liberians and residents within the borders of Montserrado County, Margibi County, Nimba County, and Grand Kru County are to STAY AT HOME for the next 14 days, beginning at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 10, 2020.

Throughout this period, residents may leave home only for essential journeys for reasons of health and food, which should be restricted to your local community only, and be limited to a single person per household for a maximum of one hour.

Exceptions shall be made for persons who are designated as essential staff in government offices, banks, supermarkets, and other business establishments such as hotels, petrol stations, and health facilities to travel directly to work and return directly home. All such commercial activities are to be closed no later than 3:00 p.m.

All non-essential businesses and Government offices will remain closed, with the exception of essential businesses, health facilities and a few key government offices, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Bank of Liberia, the National Port Authority, the Liberia Revenue Authority, the Monrovia City Corporation, and the Liberia Broadcasting System, and accredited media, where only a skeleton staff will be given passes to work.

Other government offices may be designated as exempt based on the essential nature of their function. Meanwhile, non-exempt government employees and people in the private sector are encouraged to work from home.

Also exempted from these restrictions are: (a) production, distribution, and marketing of food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and medicine; (b) environmental and sanitation activities; ( c) members of the security forces assigned to lawful duties; (d) essential staffs of electricity, water, telecommunications, banking, and hotels, and (e) the staff of fuel stations.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is hereby instructed to engage the leaders of the various marketing associations in counties under this STAY AT HOME order to make satisfactory arrangements about the operation of markets during this period, so as to ensure the observance of social distance and enhanced hygiene protocols.

In all other counties not under this STAY AT HOME order, residents are to stay within their respective local communities until otherwise ordered.

I have ordered the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia and the Chairman of the National Joint Security to enforce this stay-home policy beginning as of the effective date.

Further measures will be imposed from time to time under this State of Emergency

Fellow Liberians:

I want to encourage Liberians and foreign residents to abide by these measures - even under the most difficult of circumstances.

We have to ask ourselves why we should abide by these measures. The answer is to simple: to save lives. Remember, the life you save may be your own, or mine.

We should all learn from the experience of Ebola. We all will have to give up certain freedoms for the time-being, until we can get through this. That is why we have found it necessary to declare this State of Emergency. Stay at home and be safe.

Fellow Liberians:

Let me now take this opportunity to give thanks and appreciation to our brave health workers, including doctors and nurses and all other persons involved in the fight against this deadly disease. Your courage, your dedication, and your professionalism inspire us all.

In this regard, I would like to call on all retired health workers in Liberia, to join hands with your counterparts to reinforce our capabilities and strengths to fight COVID-19, with your vast experience and expertise. We need all hands on deck at this time.

I ask everyone to get on board and abide by the health measures and protocols that have been introduced. The enemy today is the virus, not each other.

In the meantime, I would like to call upon all our political and religious leaders, social media groups, students, teachers, civil society and the general citizenry to join us in this fight against Corona. We are all in this together as Liberians, regardless of your political affiliation or religion. We must therefore come together as ONE PEOPLE at this critical time of peril for our Nation. Let us use our time, talents, and social media platforms to educate our people on the basic hygiene and social distance practices that can keep them safe, and to encourage them to abide by the laws and regulations.

We can defeat this virus if we all commit ourselves to respecting all the measures that have been outlined. If we are undisciplined, we will be the cause for it to spread. But if we behave properly, and observe all regulations and health measures, we can also be the cure that will stop Corona in our country.

As I close, I ask the Almighty God to save our country Liberia, and the rest of the world from this deadly coronavirus.

My Fellow Liberians:

Let us all rise, and stand together, to fight Corona!!

Let us do it for ourselves; our children, and our country, Mama Liberia.

I thank you.







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