Kongba District Development Association - Kondda

Kongba District Development Association - Kondda This page was purposely created to highlights developmental issues concerning the people of Kongba; and to connect all Kongba citizens across the world.


JUNE 2, 2022
This is to inform all members of the Kongba District Development Association (KONDDA) that this Sunday, June 5, 2022 the organization regular General Meeting.
Venue: Mr. Sando B. George Residence in Brewerville.
Time: 3: P.M.
NOTE: Issues of high important concerning the District (KONGBA) will be high on the agenda.
Please be present as we strive to make our district better. Also, please share this information with people who have not heard it.
Signed: KONDDA Leadership

Please help our people

Please help our people

A pastor of the Evangelical Church of Liberia (ECOL) residing in Normondatono, Kongba District is calling on philanthropists, local and International NGOs and the Government of Liberia to urgently assist the residents of the town and its surrounding

Keeping our cemented political fratanity band!!For too long we've been used as Kings maker for others!! For too long we'...

Keeping our cemented political fratanity band!!

For too long we've been used as Kings maker for others!! For too long we've been denied geographical equitable power distribution for appointed positions at county level!!! For too long we've been victims of the code value for which Gbarpolu seeked political independent from Lofa county, "marginalization"!!

Kongba District's clans meet competition, Hon. Joseph M. Matthews' districtwide thank you ceremony, and the turning over ceremony of one of Gbarma district's sons Hon. Boima Quaye Taweh 111 as a singlefront 2020 midterm senatorial candidate to Kongba District as custom demands by chives, Elders, women and youths of Gojay for endorsement, were the munimentally exuberant enthusiasm events that recalibrated, reenergized, reawakened and rebranded the dying spirit and hope of tens of thousands of our citizens that came to Grace these distinct occasions!

Sponsorship of Hon. Matthew to Kongba District's clans meet competition organized by Mr. Amos Z Boima:
* Paid all registration fees for each of the four (4) clans, $6,000 for each, equal to $24,000.
* Provided feeling for all teams that participated.
* Presented $100,000 to the organizing Board, for every participant to benefit token appreciation, while winners of both girls and boys games taking grand prizes.
Hon. Matthews took the kicks off as well.

Thanks giving ceremony was performed by Hon. Matthews Jr, thanking every kongba citizens for their vote cast in his favor 2017.

Folks, October 13, 2020 was the triumphant entrate of the political mensiah, Hon. Boima Q. Taweh 111 to Zuie, accompany by huge delegation from Gbarma, and was 💯% endorsed by the Kongba citizens!! And was later taken to Normon, Jawajeh Dekpeh, back to Kumgbor, Timan Town, Amptel, Beaden lastly Mbarma Town for possible programs and surity of our Njolah Jaresolved!! Gola triditional Singer Mamah was at the center stage of this campaign! The mother land will never fall!! To God be the gl


Good morning to the people of Kongba, the District Development Association says like and follow this page for Kongba activities.


The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".


By Atty Philip N. Wesseh (PNW)- Few years ago, I had the opportunity of serving as guest speaker at the closing program of the Samuel Slewion Doe Memorial Institute (SSDMI) in the Borough of New Kru Town. What impressed me at that occasion was the student who topped the class. As I waited anxiously....


Kongba District gets new Commissioner
Hon. James M. Malickie Kulama, congratulations for your preferment by the President to serve as Commissioner for Kongba District...I pray that you work to change the lives of the people of Kongba to a better one.

District authority needs to immediately intervene in this.

District authority needs to immediately intervene in this.

FrontPageAfrica Newspaper - All Things Africa 24/7


The Executive Committee of the Joseph Momo Matthews Movement is commending the Citizens of Electoral District #3 for recently electing Joseph Matthews Jr. as Representative to the54th Legislature.


Liberia Diabetes Center Providing Hope For People Living With Diabetes
…The AlethaBlamo Experience

By Varney K. Sirleaf
Diabetes, a world epidemic which cure has not been found according to scientists is one of the many diseases in Liberia that is slowly taking away the lives of many people.

Commonly known as the ‘sugar sickness’, the disease is increasingly taking toll on the Liberian populace and as a result, most of the medical reports on death from most of the country’s referral hospitals are diagnosed of diabetes or ‘sugar sickness’.

At present, there is no public health facility in the country or government policy on the treatment of people living with diabetes or sugar sickness in Liberia.

According to the online website www.diabetesaustralia.com, diabetes is a serious complex condition which can affect the entire body.

Further research also reveals that diabetes requires daily self care and if complications develop, diabetes can have a significant impact on quality of life and can reduce life expectancy.

“While there is currently no cure for diabetes, you can live an enjoyable life by learning about the condition and effectively manage it,” the research stated.

Diabetes can be managed well but the potential complications are the same for type 1 and type 2 diabetes including heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, limb amputation, depression, anxiety and blindness.

It also explained that people who are diabetes or sugar patients if not treated or managed can lead to the followings:
Is the leading cause of blindness in working age adults
Is a leading cause of kidney failure and dialysis
Increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke by up to four times
Is a major cause of limb amputations
Affects mental health as well as physical health. Depression, anxiety and distress occur in more than 30% of all people with diabetes

However, the report says early diagnosis, optimal treatment and effective ongoing support and management reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.

Why is diabetes increasing?

All types of diabetes are increasing in prevalence:
Type 1 diabetes accounts for 10% of all diabetes and is increasing
Type 2 diabetes accounts for 85% of all diabetes and is increasing
Gestational diabetes in pregnancy is increasing

The research stated further that Type 2 diabetes is increasing at the fastest rate. There are large numbers of people with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes which may be damaging their bodies.

“Type 2 diabetes is one of the major consequences of the obesity epidemic. The combination of massive changes to diet and the food supply, combined with massive changes to physical activity with more sedentary work and less activity, means most populations are seeing more type 2 diabetes,” it stated.


“In type 1 diabetes, symptoms are often sudden and can be life-threatening; therefore it is usually diagnosed quite quickly. In type 2 diabetes, many people have no symptoms at all, while other signs can go unnoticed being seen as part of ‘getting older’.Therefore, by the time symptoms are noticed, complications of diabetes may already be present,” the research outlined.

It listed the followings as the common symptoms of diabetes which include:
Being more thirsty than usual
Passing more urine
Feeling tired and lethargic
Always feeling hungry
Having cuts that heal slowly
Itching, skin infections
Blurred vision
Unexplained weight loss (type 1)
Gradually putting on weight (type 2)
Mood swings
Feeling dizzy
Leg cramps

Is There Any Hope For Liberians?

The answer is an emphatic YES!

The Liberia Diabetes Center (LDC) on Front Street, opposite the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) is doing a tremendous work to help Liberians diagnose and manage their sugar level.

Established in 2015 by a Liberian living and working in the United States of America, Mr. James Momoh said he saw the need to establish this center to help save the lives of more Liberians by testing their sugar level and providing the rightful education about the danger of diabetes.

He said when he visited the country two years ago after many years in the US, he found out that diabetes was taking the lives of many people and said that what really frustrated him was that the people do not have a center to go to do their testing or to acquire proper education about the disease.

Mr. Momoh said that it was what prompted him to establish the Liberia Diabetes Center.
“I am encouraging all Liberians to come out to do your sugar test and other tests just for a little amount of LD$200.00. Don’t sit there until things worsen for you before you run to hospital,” Mr. Momoh urged Liberians.

The AlethaBlamoh Experience

The Lady AlethaBlamoh who lives in Du-port Road Baptist Field Community is a victim of this disease called diabetes.

According to her, this entire thing started sometimes back in 2001 when she had four miscarriages whenever she got pregnant and explained further that whenever pregnant and went to the hospital; doctors would tell her that her sugar levelwas up.

She said she did not take it seriously because according to her, it was just occurring every time she was pregnant so she did not really care to do further check up.

“Not knowing that this disease was actually eating me up until 2010 when things started getting worse for me, I started taking treatment, but I was not still serious about it till my feet started getting swollen up. I went to the Catholic Hospital where I was hospitalized for three weeks whereI was told that all my toes were gone so my foot had to be amputated, but Catholic Hospital did not cut my leg because they said they never had the equipment. They later told me to go toNimbaTappita Hospital to get treatment. It was where they amputated my right leg twice because they said the first one was not done properly,” Ms. Aletha gave account of what happened to her.

She stated further that she lost total hope for life and almost gave up until she heard about the Liberia Diabetes Center in Monrovia.

“When I visited the Liberia Diabetes Center, they gave me hope to live again and since then I have been receiving drugs, other supplements and monetary support from the Center. Recently, they also provided me with crutches to enable me walk. They told me that my two children need me to live so I can help them grow up. I want to thank Mr. James Momoh for his humanitarian goodwill gesture he continues to demonstrate towards me and many others. Also, I want to call on all Liberians to stop doubting the danger of the disease diabetes. I want you to please go to the Liberia Diabetes Center to do regular check-up of your sugar level. Please, I do not want you to have the same difficult experience that I am going through now; the disease is dangerous; do not overlook it. Diabetes can kill and get you amputated or even prevent women from having children, so please do your test and take all your medication on time,” she appealed to Liberians.

Currently, she is using a wheelchair to commute and to go to work as she is a classroom teacher.

The Diabetes Center is currently conducting testing, weight checking, heart testing and providing supplements for nutritional support amongst others.

They have also brought in the country exercising equipment which are now installed at the Front Street Office for regular exercising of diabetes patients.


Please, better late than never:
To all members of KONDDA and citizens of Kongba District in Monrovia and parts adjacent, there will be an important meeting tomorrow Sunday, April 16, 2017 at our B**g Mines Bridge meeting point at 3: P.M.
Please fail not to attend as Gbarpolu County Superintendent will be in attendance to give us updates on our district projects.

Signed: KONDDA

Protemp Jallah, sen. Nathan, Rep. Gertrude Lamin and Supt. Armah Sannoh making their remarks at the program.

Protemp Jallah, sen. Nathan, Rep. Gertrude Lamin and Supt. Armah Sannoh making their remarks at the program.

Gbarma Former Commissioner Hon. Siafa Konneh, Former Supt. William Seh and the District Chair lady also making their res...

Gbarma Former Commissioner Hon. Siafa Konneh, Former Supt. William Seh and the District Chair lady also making their respective remarks.

More scenes from the program.

More scenes from the program.

Eminent citizens George Kollie, Paramount Chief John B. Try and Mother Konah Richardson making remarks on behalf of Kong...

Eminent citizens George Kollie, Paramount Chief John B. Try and Mother Konah Richardson making remarks on behalf of Kongba District during the program.

Gbarma Statutory District Superintendent Hon. Elijah B. David and his co of officers being inducted into office last wee...

Gbarma Statutory District Superintendent Hon. Elijah B. David and his co of officers being inducted into office last weekend in Gbarma Town, Gbarpolu County by the County Superintendent Hon. Armah G. sarnoh.


Jamaica Road, Bushrod Island





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