Golden TV Liberia


Abner Yonly landed in Liberia at Springs Field in Monrovia where he met with family members.He is the first Black Man/Li...

Abner Yonly landed in Liberia at Springs Field in Monrovia where he met with family members.

He is the first Black Man/Liberian to complete a SOLO transatlantic flight in a single-engine aircraft...

Photo credit: Vision TV

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President Xi Jinping pledges China's commitment to President-elect Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr  President Xi says China is re...

President Xi Jinping pledges China's commitment to President-elect Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr

President Xi says China is ready to boost Mutually Beneficial cooperation with Liberia.

According to President Xi, he stands ready to work with Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Liberia's president-elect, to deepen Bilateral Friendship and Mutual Trust, and Strengthen Mutually Beneficial Cooperation.

The Chinese Leader made the remarks Tuesday in his congratulatory message to Mr. Boakai on his election as president of Liberia.

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“There are no green Liberians or blue Liberians, western Liberians or southeastern Liberians, north central Liberians or...

“There are no green Liberians or blue Liberians, western Liberians or southeastern Liberians, north central Liberians or southern Liberians. There is only one Liberia, citizens of the oldest republic in Africa! All of us have won”.

Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr


"Hott morning Live"

With: Obed Gibah and Patrick Eastman

Thursday, November 23 2023

To Participate, please call: 0770107107/0886107107

Disclaimer: Facebook we own no copyright © for any music playing at the background.

President Weah Mandates Cabinet To Prepare For Turnover, Saying Liberians’ Interest ParamountMonrovia, Liberia - The Pre...

President Weah Mandates Cabinet To Prepare For Turnover, Saying Liberians’ Interest Paramount

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, convened a special Cabinet Meeting to discuss issues of national importance, including, most especially, his administration's transfer of power to the incoming administration.

President Weah used the meeting of ministers, deputy ministers, assistant ministers, directors and commissioners of autonomous agencies at the Executive Mansion to reflect on the significant role his administration played in setting “an unprecedented democratic roadmap not only for Liberia and Africa, but for the world at large.”

“The free, fair, and transparent election we organized and sponsored has won wide-spread international recognition and admiration,” Pres. Weah said, while also thanking them for their roles played.

With the passing of the electoral process, President Weah said it was now time that officials of his administration turned attention to the transition process in order to facilitate a smooth transfer of power.

He spoke of Executive Order #123 on the establishment of a Joint Presidential Transition Team (JPTT) to be co-chaired by the incumbent and incoming presidents.

“I am hereby calling on all government entities, including ministries, agencies, commissions and state-owned enterprises, to initiate the transition process within your respective institutions by preparing a comprehensive Turnover Notes,” President Weah instructed.

The Liberian Leader asserted that the Turnover Notes should include information that is relevant, and that they should do so in close consultation with their legal teams or the Legal Adviser to the president for what he called “accuracy and completeness.”

The President mandated General Services Director Madam Mary Broh to assist in tracking all government assets during the transition period.

He described the transition as time-sensitive and admonished officials and government institutions not only to prioritize the process in their daily activities but to fully cooperate and support the process.

President Weah announced that the Minister of Foreign Affairs will lead the JPTT.

He thanked the cabinet for their unwavering support over the past years.

“In spite of the many challenges encountered, we take pride in the work that we have done to serve the Liberian people,” he said.

The Liberian Chief Executive, most importantly, added: “The interest of our people remains paramount, and I trust that the new administration will build upon our accomplishments to make Liberia even better.”

Pictorials!!!!The Representative elect of District  #7 Hon. Emmanuel Dahn pays homage to the deceased as he observed the...


The Representative elect of District #7 Hon. Emmanuel Dahn pays homage to the deceased as he observed the last prayer, In attendance for Unity Party was Defeated Senatorial candidate Wilmot Paye.

Out of the three, Two are muslims and were buried today because of their tradition.

Representative elect, Hon. Emmanuel Dahn extended condolences to the bereaved families and stressed that justice will prevail.

May Allah grant them paradise. 🥲

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Mayor Jefferson Koijee"In my government and as a prominent citizen my character had been implicated over the past six ye...

Mayor Jefferson Koijee

"In my government and as a prominent citizen my character had been implicated over the past six years with no evidence and we face it now that am in the private sector I'm ready and adequately prepared to go against anyone who will come out to damage our character or the peace of our country with all I have".

Mayor Jefferson Koijee "This election was stolen and we have facts about it. But for the sake of the peace and the well ...

Mayor Jefferson Koijee

"This election was stolen and we have facts about it. But for the sake of the peace and the well being of the people our political leader and the party we have to let it go".

Statementby His Excellency Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Snr.President-Elect of Liberiafollowing the Pronouncement of ...

by His Excellency Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Snr.
President-Elect of Liberia
following the Pronouncement of the November 14, 2023 Presidential Elections Runoff

November 22, 2023
My Fellow Citizens, Dear Liberians;
On November 17th, 2023, I received a call from President George Manneh Weah to congratulate me. I want to thank him for being gracious in his concession, after what will go down as one of the most closely contested elections in Liberia’s political history.

He and his Coalition for Democratic Change fought hard but there can only be one winner in an election. Liberia by this democratic tradition is a new model to the world.

You, the people of Liberia, have spoken, and words are inadequate to express my feelings of gratitude to you. You have placed your trust in me to lead with the demand for the change you want. And that change begins now!

I call on all Liberians to join hands to exploit the full potential of a country of promise. We must join in the transformation that will lift our people from the many economic and social inequities, and the injustices they have been subjected to for many years.

Today, I would like to first of all thank God for his grace in granting me this opportunity. I also thank Him for giving me strength, good health, fortitude, and wisdom on this journey. I thank my family, especially Kartumu, my dear wife of over fifty years, and my children and other extended family relations, friends, and colleagues who stood with me through thick and thin.

To my running mate and Vice President-elect, Jeremiah Koung, I thank you. For you stood by me and fought a good fight. My appreciation goes to the Chairperson and members of the campaign team, as well as the many men, women, and young people across the country and in the Diaspora, who rode the “Rescue Train” on this great journey of national renewal. To those who initiated and advocated for protection of the votes and to the professionals and technicians who set up and manned the infrastructure to protect the votes of the people, I am doubly thankful for your dedication, commitment, and hard work.

I would also like to thank members of the great Unity Party Alliance and other political parties and their leaders who endorsed us. You will be remembered for placing Liberia above personal ambition and interest. I salute your patriotism!

We remain eternally grateful to the International Community (United States, European Union and the diplomatic community) for accompanying us on this journey. We praise our regional compatriots from the African Union, ECOWAS, Mano River Union for demonstrating true solidarity. You prove that a universal ideal can be achieved with collective determination.

My fellow citizens, I believe these elections were a watershed moment in the history of Liberia for two reasons. First, it demonstrated the power of the Liberian people and their commitment to the democratic process no matter where threats came from.

Second, these elections showed the progress we have made since the end of the war to maintain our peace and consolidate the foundations of multiparty democracy.
We have signalled to the region and the world at large that we will be a great example of a working democracy that many will emulate.
The elections are now over and we must come together as one people to rebuild our country. There are no green Liberians or blue Liberians, western Liberians or southeastern Liberians, north central Liberians or southern Liberians. There is only one Liberia, citizens of the oldest republic in Africa! All of us have won. What has happened in our democracy over the last 4 days is a win for Liberia, and will be a legacy for us as a people and marked in posterity forever. We will no longer be known for war, but for the peace that has prevailed in our country.
We must, therefore, embrace each other, be magnanimous in victory and gracious in defeat. Politics should not define us. What should define us is our collective resolve to transform our country for the good of everyone including future generations.

I promise to extend development across this country including building the roads of our beautiful region of southeastern Liberia, which for years has suffered the fate of rural neglect. So, I implore all Liberians, irrespective of their ethnic background, county, religion, and political party affiliations to join us on this journey to rescue our country.

The hard work to rebuild starts now. The challenges of this country must be confronted immediately and head-on to create an equal future for all Liberians and succeeding generations. We must leave no stone unturned to address and remove the economic, social, and political disparities that undermine our potential. Our country is not poor; the problem with our country is bad leadership in all facets of society including the institutions of the state.

I promise to lead by example! I promise a Liberia that will benefit all Liberians. The Liberian state will no longer be used as a predatory tool by and for a few to the detriment of the majority of the people.
We will promote broad participation of the people, including those in rural communities, in the decision-making process.
To you the people of Liberia, you have spoken loud and clear and I have heard you. We will establish a responsible and accountable government. We will address the major problem of corruption in government especially in high places.

In this regard, I will announce a transitional team in the next few days to work on a transitional plan. We will start working immediately with the outgoing government for a smooth and peaceful transition. We will work with the current administration to assess the current state of affairs, determine the necessary actions to respond to challenges, build on any progress, and prevent any disruptions to a smooth and successful transition.

To our Mano River neighbours’, the West African region, and the international community at large including the global business community, we open our arms to you for effective cooperation for the good of our respective peoples. We are, therefore, announcing our intentions to the world that with the mandate of the people of Liberia to lead, we intend to actively participate in global affairs and restore our respectability and dignity as one of the oldest states in the world.
Meanwhile, in recent years, there have been accounts of several mysterious deaths and disappearances. Over the period of the campaign and the struggle, many Liberians and some of our partisans lost their lives. We regret the loss of all our compatriots and we offer our prayers for the peaceful repose of their souls.

Which is why, our tribute to the families of those who lost their valuable lives is to embark on a drastic security and justice reform to bring relief to the families of the many victims, but also to lay the pathway to achieving a society where the rule of law reigns.
On Monday, November 20, 2023, our nation was gripped by a tragic event that occurred at our party’s headquarters which led to the loss of valuable lives and caused serious injuries of our partisans. Our partisans were peacefully celebrating the announcement of the final results of the run-off elections. On yesterday, November 21, 2023, we visited our wounded partisans at the John F. Kennedy Hospital and sympathized with the families of our partisans who lost their lives and assured them that a thorough investigation will be conducted by the Liberia National Police and justice will be dispensed. We extend our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of all those who lost their lives. The Unity Party and all her alliance members are asked to begin a period of 3 days mourning for the victims. We want to thank the doctors and nurses who are providing them care.
Finally, as we look forward to taking the realms of state authority on January 22, 2024, I ask all Liberians to join and work with us as we lead the rebuilding of our country. The progress of this country is undermined by the lack of sound and honest leadership. It is this leadership we promise the Liberian people as we together build a country with a vision aimed at promoting a functional and equitable society for generations to come.

Join me as we begin our journey together on the difficult and rocky road to develop our nation, let us all resolve Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and Build Liberia!
May God bless us all and save our country.
Thank you.

Peaceful Transition 🐦His Excellency, President George Weah ends a day-long Special Cabinet meeting at the Executive Mans...

Peaceful Transition 🐦
His Excellency, President George Weah ends a day-long Special Cabinet meeting at the Executive Mansion...


"Hott morning Live"

With: Obed Gibah and Patrick Eastman

Guest: Alphonso Belleh of Unity Party.

Wednesday, November 22 2023

To Participate, please call: 0770107107/0886107107

Disclaimer: Facebook we own no copyright © for any music playing at the background.

Pictorials!!!Today, President-elect Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr was accompanied by the Representative-elect, Hon. Emmanu...


Today, President-elect Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr was accompanied by the Representative-elect, Hon. Emmanuel Dahn of District #7 at JFK hospital to identify with family members and victims of the tragic motor accident that took place last evening at Unity Party Headquarter in District #7.

November 21 2023

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Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr visit JFK hospital to identify with those victim's family.

November 21 2023

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Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee write; We are saddened by what happened at the headquarters of Unity Party last eve...

Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee write; We are saddened by what happened at the headquarters of Unity Party last evening where there are reports of deaths and injuries as a result of an individual driving into jubilant supporters of the party.

Our hearts go out to all families, friends and sympathizers of those affected; hoping as steps have begun in arresting the perpetrator, a full scale investigation will now be conducted in a fair and impartial manner. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims.

As a City Government, we encourage all our people, hurt or in celebratory mood as a result of the election, to do so peacefully without bullying others or creating pandemonium.

Liberia is our common patrimony, the sides we all took during the election was out of our true sense of belief in how Liberia could move forward in an irreversible manner; defeat or success of a political institution defines no one but moving the country forward based on promises made and people's expectation.

May God continue to guide and protect us as we maintain the peace AMEN. JTK


Unity Party Secretary General Amos Tweh speak to the media at JFK hospital this morning.

November 21 2023

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Liberia National Police holds major press conference.

November 21 2023

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Representative elect of District #7 Hon. Emmanuel Dahn speak to the media at JFK and consoled victim's family..

November 21 2023

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Police arrest alleged perpetrator of horror attack at UnityParty headquarters.Lawrence K. William, 31 has been arrested ...

Police arrest alleged perpetrator of horror attack at UnityParty headquarters.

Lawrence K. William, 31 has been arrested by the LiberiaNational Police in connection to a horrific incident which occurred at the headquarters of the Unity Party on broad street late Monday night.

An unmarked vehicle ran into jubilant UP supporters, killing two and injuring 18 others .

Doctors at the John F. Kennedy Hospital have confirmed the death toll, as well as three very critical cases.

Meanwhile, 15 others sustained various injuries ranging from minor cuts and bruises, to fractured limbs, broken ribs and While others sustained head injuries and brain

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Photos of the Vehicle that speed into Unity Party Headquarters which led to the death of over 13 persons and several oth...

Photos of the Vehicle that speed into Unity Party Headquarters which led to the death of over 13 persons and several others wounded.

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Unknown vehicle ran into unity Partisan at their Headquarter


Lives from Unity Party headquarter.

Breaking News!!!NEC declares Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr  winner With 50.34%.Congratulations President elect- Joseph N. ...

Breaking News!!!

NEC declares Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr winner With 50.34%.

Congratulations President elect- Joseph N. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr.

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November 20 2023

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The shid can hurt meh.. dem..

"Why Southeasterners are not plenty"?

Thomas Tamba Bondon head of the Disenchanted Unity Partisans for the reelection of President George Weah blames southeasterner's low-population for Weah's defeat.


2017, Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was question about Amb Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr, This is what she said about the former Vice president that he is the most prepared, experience and he's the one that will show continuity daily base on the progress they already have..

It's her commitment she believes in him trust and respect him, He is the best person for the Job..

He brings experience to the table and can lead this country in the best way..

Do you believe Former President Sirleaf statement?? Have your say.......

Listen 👇

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Sad News 😭😭The African Education Legend and famous Liberian folk musician, Prof. Jones Dopoe is Dead. Prof. Dopoe is wel...

Sad News 😭😭

The African Education Legend and famous Liberian folk musician, Prof. Jones Dopoe is Dead.

Prof. Dopoe is well known for his satirical music. His famous song, "Sweet, Sweet Cassava Leaf," is still fan favorite. He died Saturday evening in Nimba County and body deposited in Saclepea Moque.

He taught many universities across Liberia including Cuttington University, African Methodist Episcopal University, United Methodist University as well as University of Liberia.

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Vice President of The Republic Of Liberia, Jewel Howard-Taylor writes:Today marks the beginning of the next chapter in o...

Vice President of The Republic Of Liberia, Jewel Howard-Taylor writes:

Today marks the beginning of the next chapter in our lives. As I prepare to close this door, I feel compelled to express my gratitude and share a few words.

1. I want to thank Yahweh, for only you know what is truly best. You have been my shelter and refuge, and I know you will continue to be. Thank you for everything.

2. To my esteemed boss, H.E. President Weah, I am grateful for being the ray of hope for all of us. Your actions over the past 24 hours have truly given us hope for the future. It has been an absolute honor to serve alongside you. Thank you for granting me the privileged position of being our nation's first female Vice President. It is an extraordinary honor that I deeply appreciate. Today, I commend and admire you for setting yet another world record. Your streak of success continues, and I offer you my heartfelt congratulations, Sir.

3. To Team Weah, spread throughout our nation, though we may have lost this battle, the war for the liberation of the masses continues. Let us wipe away our tears and prepare ourselves for the next round.

4. To all the Jewelcians, your extraordinary love and unwavering faith in the future are sincerely appreciated. If we continue to work diligently, the future we dream of will become a reality.

5. To my Papa and all the fathers across nations, thank you for your prayers and guidance. The future awaits us, and together we shall overcome.

6. To the Jewel Taylor Clan, you are the source of my strength and inspiration. Let us soar higher without any anxiety or fear. With faith, unity, and love, we shall move forward together. Every one of you holds a special place in my heart.

7. To the Howard Giddings Clan, our parents would be immensely proud of how we have positively impacted our generation. Lift your heads high and march forward with determination.

8. A special mention to First Lady Clar Weah and her family. I express my gratitude for the grace and dignity you have brought to our journey. I have learned so much from your quiet yet resilient presence. Keep walking on this extraordinary path.

9. To Mother Liberia and all her children, thank you for safeguarding the peace and stability of our homeland.

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Breaking news!!!Assistant Minister for Research and Expansion at the ministry of Agriculture Alvin Wesseh and a staunch ...

Breaking news!!!

Assistant Minister for Research and Expansion at the ministry of Agriculture Alvin Wesseh and a staunch member of the government has posted these photos indicating that this is what happened to his vehicles without making specific reference to who carried out such action.

This incident through our fact-finding established that this happened at the headquarters of the CDC where some disenchanted CDCians claimed that they were misled in the process and began to throw stones at vehicles.

This group of young people decided to go on the rampage blaming some top hierarchy of the CDC for the defeat in the Nov 14 run-off elections.

Source : OK FM reporter Nyantee Togba

Election is over!Fellow rescuer you can kindly leave an appreciation message here for the two times Lawmaker of District...

Election is over!
Fellow rescuer you can kindly leave an appreciation message here for the two times Lawmaker of District 10, the giant and General, The only Lawmaker who went all into the trenches of eight counties to campaign to Rescue mission Supporters and encourage them to vote for Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr

Hon. Yekeh Kolubah is the man of the match for the Victory of Unity Party (Rescued Mission) he fight this government for six (6) years and went all out with his team to get the vote from all the luke's corner for JNB..

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Election is over!
Fellow rescuer you can kindly leave an appreciation message here for the two times Lawmaker of District 10, the giant and General, The only Lawmaker who went all into the trenches of eight counties to campaign to Rescue mission Supporters and encourage them to vote for Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr

Hon. Yekeh Kolubah is the man of the match for the Victory of Unity Party (Rescued Mission) he went all out with his team and get the vote from all the Luke's corner for JNB..

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Breaking News! Controversial, infamous and inconsistent TPolitical commentator Henry P. Costa congratulates Amb Joseph N...

Breaking News!

Controversial, infamous and inconsistent T
Political commentator Henry P. Costa congratulates Amb Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr as "President Elect"

"President Weah, thank you for making history yet again today. A short while ago in our meeting with you, as I sat and listened to you speak, I was deeply moved by your utmost respect for our democracy and the peace of our nation. God bless your heart!

As for the winner, congratulations to President-Elect Joseph N. Boakai, on your victory. The election is over. It's now time to move on and focus on nation-building and reconciliation. This country is deeply divided as the election results indicate. I wish you all the best. I shall do a podcast tomorrow at 1pm."

Breaking News! Breaking News!President Weah concedes....Just in: Liberia President George Weah has conceded defeat to hi...

Breaking News! Breaking News!

President Weah concedes....

Just in: Liberia President George Weah has conceded defeat to his rival Joseph Boakai of the Unity Party in the 2023 presidential runoff election.

The President made the pronouncement late Friday evening following the announcement of over 90 % of the results by the National Elections Commission.

President Weah, urged all CDcians, Weahians and supporters of The CDC to accept the results and move on in other to foster the beauty of democracy and also to maintain the peace, and stability of Mama Liberia. He accepts the results, and congratulates The Unity Party Standard Bearer, Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr

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Tears of joy👍Gbapolu Senator elect Amara Konneh shared tears after he visited Amb Joseph Nyumah Boakai at his resident t...

Tears of joy👍
Gbapolu Senator elect Amara Konneh shared tears after he visited Amb Joseph Nyumah Boakai at his resident today..

Congratulations Chief, the man of the match.. (PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2023)

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CDC holds major Press conference.

November 17 2023

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Liberians calls for the Dismissal Of Coach Ansu Keita after Lonestar defeat to Malawi.

Will Coach Keita continue under the Next government to come??

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Live from Carey Street


Unity Partisan celebrate Pre-victory after NEC announced 95% of the Presidential election results..

November 17 2023

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5865 of 5890 polling places
UP 814,212 (50.89%)
CDC 785,778 (49.11%)







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