Broken News!!!
The Liberian all times legend in person of Amb. Sam Z. Sopo will be walking out of the wall of LICOSSES on Saturday February 4th 2023 with "AA Degree" in School Administration.
The program will be held at Liberty Church in Johnsonville, Montserrado County, Monrovia-Liberia.
The encouraged all young men and women to take their education serious. He said the conditions and life-styles of young people moved him to speak to them under the theme: Together We Can Fix it!
Amb.Sam Z. Sopo said "After a clear observation I come to the understanding that something gone wrong.
I can remember our former president made a statement "our education system is a mess"
Many of us frame, but she was saying the truth. I agree with her, our education system is a mess.
1. Paying for grades are very common in our school.
2. No more competition among students.
3. Everybody Paying money.
Something gone wrong but we can fit it.
Drugs abuse is on the increase.
Young men and women are lying in the grave yard.
Our sister sales themselves little of non thing.
Babies are selling in the streets
Something gone wrong
Together we can fit it.
People who we voted, thinking they could bring the necessary changes. They had turned their back to us.
They only focused on me, myself and I
But we are not stupid.
2023 election we will fix it".