PEACE TV LIVE PEACE TV LIVE is the online Television Platform of Radio Peace FM 96.5MHz, located in Margibi County.

LNP Investigates Murder of Liberian Woman at Barnesville Junction, Somalia DriveThe Liberia National Police is currently...

LNP Investigates Murder of Liberian Woman at Barnesville Junction, Somalia Drive

The Liberia National Police is currently conducting a thorough investigation into the tragic murder of a Liberian woman named Amanda Nebo.

Regrettably, Amanda lost her life in a horrifying incident when she was brutally attacked by a group of criminals in the early morning hours of Sunday near the Barnesville junction, Somalia Drive.

Upon her immediate arrival at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, she was tragically pronounced dead.

In light of this appalling event, several individuals who may have vital information are now in police custody and are actively being questioned. The objective is to ensure that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are not allowed to evade justice and face the full consequences of their actions under the law.

We kindly request the public to remain calm, as every possible measure is being taken to ensure that justice is served.

Signed: ________________________________
The Liberia National Police

BREAKING: House of Representatives Concurs With Liberian Senate in a Resolution for the Establishment of a War and Econo...


House of Representatives Concurs With Liberian Senate in a Resolution for the Establishment of a War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia.

The joint resolution has been forwarded to the President for signature and implementations

Details Coming Up....

For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Nominates and Appoints Additional Officials To GovernmentApril 11, 2024Executive M...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Nominates and Appoints Additional Officials To Government

April 11, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has nominated and appointed additional members of government affecting the Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA), the Liberia Institute for Public Administration (LIPA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National AIDS Commission, the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS), the National Port Authority (NPA), the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Independent Information Commission (IIC), the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, ((NaFAA), and the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFK).

These nominations where applicable, are subject to consent by the Liberian Senate.

The institutions, nominees and appointees are:

I. Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA)

1. Dr. Luke Bawo, Managing Director
2. Dr. Patricia Quaye-Freeman, Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services

II. The Board of Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA)

1. Dr. David Sumo, Chairman
2. Chief Pharmacist of Liberia (representing Ministry of Health), Member
3. Pharmacy Board, Member
4. Ministry of Justice, Member
5. Commissioner for Customs (representing the Liberia Revenue Authority), Member
6. School of Pharmacy (representing the University of Liberia), Member
7. Liberia Medical and Dental Council, Member
8. Pharmaceutical Association of Liberia, Member
9. Yana Boys Association of Liberia, Member
10. The Managing Director of LMHRA, Secretary, Non-voting member

III. The Board of Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA)

1. Dr. Cecelia Cassell, Chairperson
2. Georgette N. Gray, Member
3. Marie V. Hayes, Member
4. Atty. Martus Kotatee Williams, Member
5. Moses Blonkanjay Jackson, Member
6. Ministry of Education, Institutional Member
7. Civil Service Agency, Institutional Member

IV. Environmental Protection Agency Policy Council
1. Minister Amin Modad, Chairman
2. Madam Lucia Massalee Yallah, Member
3. Anthony Konneh, Member
4. Klubosumo Borh Johnson, Member
5. Council of Chiefs (one representative), Statutory Member
6. House of Senate (Two representatives), Statutory Member
7. House of Representatives (Two representatives), Statutory Member
8. Ministry of Health, Statutory Member
9. Ministry of Agriculture, Statutory Member
10. Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection, Statutory Member
11. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Statutory Member
12. Ministry of Transport, Statutory Member
13. Ministry of Public Works, Statutory Member
14. Ministry of Education, Statutory Member
15. Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Statutory Member
16. Ministry of Internal Affairs, Statutory Member
17. Liberia Chamber of Commerce, Statutory Member
18. Liberia Standards Authority, Statutory Member
19. Liberia Maritime Authority, Statutory Member
20. Forestry Development Authority, Statutory Member
21. Liberia Electricity Corporation, Statutory Member
22. Liberia Petroleum Refinery Corporation, Statutory Member
23. Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, Statutory Member
24. University of Liberia, Statutory Member
25. Federation of Liberian Youth, Statutory Member
26. Liberia National Student Union, Statutory Member
27. Inter-Religious Council of Liberia, Statutory Member
28. Liberia Marketing Association, Statutory Member
29. One representative of all environment-related Non-governmental Organizations selected by the NGO memberships or from their umbrella organization as statutory member.
30. Association of Architect and Engineers (one representative), Statutory Member
31. Liberia National Bar Association, Statutory Member

V. National AIDS Commission
1. Dr. Cecelia J. Nuta, Chairperson
2. Dr. Mohammed Swaray, Vice Chair, Commissioner for Policy and Program
3. Dr. Alexander Zogbaye, Commissioner for Decentralization
4. Tracy Newon Pency-Kyne, Commissioner for Partnership
5. Rev. Patrick Noah, Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation

VI. National Port Authority (NPA)
1. Mr. Siafa Hage, Co- Chair
2. Mr. Bedell W. Sandi, Member
3. Imam Ali Krayee, Member
4. Dr. Alvin Nah Doe, Member
5. Hon. Julius J. Goodings, Member
6. Mr. Peter Dahn, Member
7. Madam Theresa M. Davies, Member
8. Mr. James L. Hinneh Jr., Member
9. Mr. Sahr Johnny, Member
10. Ministry of Transport, Member
11. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Member
12. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Member
13. Ministry of Justice, Member
14. Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Secretary

VII. Liberia Broadcasting System
1. Mrs. Alexandra B. Amnon, Deputy Director General for Public Affairs
2. Mr. Hassan Kiawu, Deputy Director General for Media Services
3. Mr. Borgfeldt Lloyd, Deputy Director General for Technical Services
4. Mr. D-Flow Flomo, II, Deputy Director General for New Media & Rebranding
5. Mr. Thomas Guwor, Deputy Director General for Administration

VIII. The Board of the Liberia Broadcasting System
1. Minister of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Chairperson
2. Ms. Olivia Shannon, Vice Chair
3. Cllr. Kwame Clement, Member
4. Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Member
5. Rev. Fr. Phillip W. Tickey, Member
6. Ms. Hawa Andrews, Member
7. Imam Mohammed M. Konneh, Member
8. Mr. Cyrus Wleh Badio, Member
9. Ms. Welma Campbell Mashinini Redd, Member
10. Cllr. Bushuben M Keita, Member.
11. Mr. Eugene L. Fahngon, Director General (LBS), Secretary and Non-Voting Member

IX. Independent Information Commission
1. Mr. Togar Joash Hodges, Commissioner
2. Ms. Lorpu P Page, Executive Director and Head of Secretariat

X. Board Members of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NAFAA)
1. Minister of Agriculture, Chairman
2. Ministry of National Defense, Statutory Member
3. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Statutory Member
4. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Statutory Member
5. Liberia Maritime Authority, Statutory Member
6. Director General (of NAFAA), Statutory Member Ex-officio, and Board Secretary with no voting rights.

XI. Ministry of Health
1. Dr. Catherine Thomas Cooper, Deputy Minister of Health Services

XII. John F. Kennedy Medical Center
The President has approved the appointment of the following individuals who were vetted and appointed by the Board of Directors of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center:
1. Dr. Linda Birch, Chief Executive Officer & General Administrator
2. ⁠Dr. John Emmanuel Tamba, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Health Services (Chief Medical Officer)
3. ⁠Mrs. Dama Yekeson Koffa, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Administration
These nominations supersede any previously published in similar agencies and positions.
President Boakai further calls on all those nominated and appointed to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country.


Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana
Presidential Press Secretary



WHEREAS, the various phases of the Liberian civil wars from 1989 to 2003 resulted in deaths of innocent civilians and destruction across Liberia, including the displacement of nearly half of the population, horrific abuses, including summary ex*****ons, massacres, mutilation, torture, r**e and other forms of sexual violence, and forced conscription and use of child combatants; and,

WHEREAS, Chapter I, Article I of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia vests power in the people of Liberia to institute by their authority and for their benefit the right to alter and reform their government when their safety and happiness so require; and,

WHEREAS, for the safety and happiness of the people, the Government of Liberia, pursuant to Article 57 of the 1986 Constitution, has signed all United Nations Conventions on human rights, treaties, protocols and agreements, including but not limited to the Rome Statute of 1998, and thereafter, the Legislature, consistent with Article 34(f) has ratified all of the international treaties, human rights conventions, protocols and agreements, including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to form part of the domestic laws of the Republic of Liberia; and,

WHEREAS, Article 34() of the 1986 Constitution vests in the Legislature the power and authority to establish various categories of courts for criminal offenses and provide for the punishment thereof and the creation of specialized courts, including the Extraordinary Criminal Court is intended for the security of the state as in keeping with Article 34(b), and the Legislature is also empowered under Article 34(1) to make other laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into ex*****on the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the Republic, or in any department or officer thereof; and,

WHEREAS, Article XII of the Liberian Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed on August 18, 2003, provided for the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to provide a forum that will address issues of impunity, as well as an opportunity for both victims and perpetrators of human rights violations to share their experiences in order to get a clear picture of the past to facilitate genuine healing and
reconciliation; and,

WHEREAS, the Liberian Legislature enacted the Act to Establish the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia (IRC Act) in 2005, formally creating the TRC with a mandate to promote national peace, security, unity, and reconciliation by investigating gross human rights violations and violations of humanitarian law, sexual violations, economic crimes that occurred between January 1979 and October 2003; and,

WHEREAS, the Liberian TRC submitted its final report to the Legislature on December 19, 2009, recommending the establishment of an Extraordinary Criminal Court of Liberia, an international domestic court with authority to prosecute individuals accused of gross human rights violations, serious humanitarian laws violations, and certain domestic crimes, and,

WHEREAS, Section 48 of the TRC Act provides that «The Head of State shall, report to the Legislature within three months of receipt of the report of the TRC, and on a quarterly basis thereafter as to the implementation of the Commission's recommendations," and "Where the implementation of any recommendation has not been complied with, the Legislature shall require the Head of State to show cause for such non-compliance," and,

WHEREAS, Successive Governments of Liberia have not fully implemented the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to date, including the establishment of an Extraordinary Criminal Court for Liberia, due to many technical, legal and constitutional issues arising from the TRC Report and controversy on the actual intent of the TRC as contemplated by the warring factions, African Governments, and the civil society, who negotiated the Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord; and,

WHEREAS, the United Nations (UN) and other international partners have experience with the creation and functioning of war crimes courts, including courts with international and domestic participation and expertise; and,

WHEREAS, the Legislature notes that certain constitutional and legal prohibitions have to be considered in the establishment of an extraordinary criminal tribunal for war crimes on Liberian soil and several processes and broad consultations have to take place to derive the best product for the prosecution of war crimes; and,

WHEREAS, the Legislature also notes that economic crimes, including corruption, committed between the period 1979 and 2023 and beyond, are cognizable under domestic criminal jurisprudence and in domestic criminal courts; and,

WHEREAS, the final report of the TRC contains other recommendations besides the issue of war and economic crimes which are yet to be implemented; and,

WHEREAS, the UN Human Rights Commission in July 2018, expressed,
with regard to Liberia, “concerns that none of the alleged perpetrators of gross human rights violations and other crimes mentioned in the TRC report has been brought to justice" and urged Liberia to establish a process to bring about accountability for past crimes and report back on the issue of impunity and accountability for civil wars-era crimes by 2020; and,

WHEREAS, up to 2024, no such report by the Government of Liberia in fulfillment of its international obligations has been produced and provided by the Government of Liberia to the UN Human Rights Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia in Legislature assembled:

(1) That justice should prevail and there should be no impunity for those who bear the greatest responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, other violations of international humanitarian law and other domestic crimes which occurred during the Liberian civil crisis;

(2) That pursuant to Chapter 1, Article 1 of the 1986 Constitution which vests in the people of Liberia the right to alter and reform their government when their safety and happiness so require, and the Executive consistent with Article 57 has signed all United Nations Conventions on human rights, treaties, protocols and agreements, including, but not limited to, the Rome Statute of 1998, all of which the Legislature has ratified under Article 34(D); the Legislature supports the full implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations including the timely establishment of an Extraordinary Criminal Court for Liberia to be known as UN backed "Special War Crimes Court for Liberia (SWACCOL)" to prosecute those who bear the greatest responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed between the period 1979 and 2003;

(3) That consistent with Article 34(e) (b) (j)(I) of the 1986 Constitution, the Executive shall develop a legal framework and submit same to the Legislature for enactment into law for the establishment of an Anti-Corruption Court (ACC), under domestic jurisprudence, for fast-track trial of those who will be investigated and subsequently indicted for acts of corruption and other economic crimes committed from 1979 to 2003; “and such crimes committed from 2004 to present constituting constitutional rule. This fast-track corruption court shall remain the
primary court for the dispensation of justice for corruption and other economic crimes going forward, in line with Liberia's Penal Code and prevailing international laws and standards;

(4) That the President shall write the UN, the EU, and the US Government expressing the Government's intention to establish the Extraordinary Criminal Tribunal on Liberian soil and thereby request financial and other assistance; develop a financial resource mobilization plan and submit it to the United Nations, the EU, the US Government, and other international partners to seek financial and economic support for the establishment and operations of an Extraordinary Criminal Tribunal on Liberian soil or alternatively to a country to be designated;

(5) That the President shall report to the Legislature as to the progress made on the establishment of the two courts as well as challenges, if any, or outcome(s) of his engagements with the United Nations, the EU, the US Government, and other international partners regarding the resource mobilization plan and results, including domestic resource mobilization through the budgetary process, pursuant this Resolution;

(6) That consistent with Chapter 2, Article 5(c) of the 1986 Constitution, the President shall issue an Executive Order to establish the Office of War Crimes (OWC) within the Ministry of Justice, and appoint forthwith, a Special Envoy or Officer-In-Charge (OIC), duly certified by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands, or the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACtHPR) or any other International Courts and Tribunals with the relevant experience, qualification and competence in international criminal law and practice, to organize and coordinate all actions and activities regarding the Court and assist the President to mobilize resources and do all that is legally feasible, including the establishment of a secretariat, where applicable, to facilitate its operations
and the successful implementation of its mandate, among others, done in consultation with the UN, the EU, the US, and/or other independent parties; and

(7) That to jump-start this renewed campaign of national reconciliation and healing as the final phase of Liberia's recovery process, the President shall implement the following recommendations of the TRC; (a) Offer apology on behalf of the State to the many victims and the people of Liberia in general for its role in the conflict and for the injuries and losses sustained by individuals and communities;

(b) Work with the United Nations, the EU, the US Government, and other international partners to set up a Reparation Trust Fund (RTF) for victims and communities worst affected by the conflict, to benefit through direct financial assistance or through development programs and projects; and

(c) Continue the National Palava Hut Program and other programs for national healing, peace building and reconciliation; and

(d) Construct a national monument to commemorate the victims of the atrocities, to serve as a reminder of the war and to create a national consciousness against armed conflicts.

WHEREFORE, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives here unto affix their signatures this 8th day of April A. D. 2024.

Breaking News!! Senators up Capitol Hill have made a historic move, endorsing the establishment of War and Economic Crim...

Breaking News!!

Senators up Capitol Hill have made a historic move, endorsing the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Courts in Liberia.

Following suit, over 40 lawmakers from the House of Representatives have also signed a resolution supporting this initiative.

The resolution from the lower house has been sent to the Liberian Senate for approval.

Today, 28 out of 29 senators have signed an amended resolution, clearing the path for the establishment of these crucial courts.

This development marks a significant step towards justice and accountability in Liberia.

Meanwhile, the Liberian Senate has forwarded the amended resolution to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Nominates More Officials of Government April 5, 2024Executive Mansion, Monrovia: T...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Nominates More Officials of Government

April 5, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has made new nominations and appointments in government affecting the Ministry of Finance Development Planning, the Civil Service Agency, the Financial Intelligence Agency, the Liberia Land Authority, the Bureau of State Enterprises, the Liberia Special Economic Zones Authority, and the Office of the Ombudsman.

The institutions and nominees are:

Ministry of Finance Development Planning
1. Paul Lamin, Assistant Minister for Administration
2. J. Wellington Barchue, Assistant Minister for Development Planning
3. Alice Williams, Assistant Minister for External Resources and Debt Management
4. Henry Yanquoi, Assistant Minister for Economic Policy Macro and Financial Sector
5. Dede Sandimani, Assistant Minister for Expenditure
6. Andrew N. Ngolloe, Assistant Minister for Revenue and Tax Policy

Financial Intelligence Agency
7. Mohammed Nasser, Officer In Charge

Office of the Ombudsman
8. Cllr. Findley Karngar, Chairperson

Bureau of State Enterprises
9. Varlee Sarnor, Deputy Director General for Administration

Liberia Special Economic Zones Authority
10. Prince Wreh, Executive Chairman

Liberia Land Authority
11. Joe K. Williams, Vice Chair for Administration and Customer Affairs

Civil Service Agency Board of Appeal
12. Dr. Jarso Jallah Saygbe, Member
13. Cllr. Cooper Kruah, Member
14. Dwight Momolu Harvey, Eds., Member
15. Atty. John F Dexter Puieyou, Member
16. Cllr. Samuel Zaza, Member
17. Mr. Gwee Porkpah, Member
18. Mr. Josiah F. Joekai, Jr., Member

These nominations, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

President Boakai further calls on all those nominated and appointed to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country.


Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana
Presidential Press Secretary


Ma. Famatta Flomo believed to be in her mid-seventy cautions Liberians to invest in the soil; calls on national government for Agriculture Empowerment, explains her ordeal to Reporter Christiana Mcdomma Mabande .

🎥 Emmanuel M Kangar Jr.


Welcome to Good Morning Margibi on Radio Peace FM 96.5MHz with Daniel Zayzay and Emmanuel M Kangar Jr.

Guest: Dr. Jim W. Tornonlah

Hotline: 0777969696

As the saying goes 'Education is light' and keeping the light on should be everyone business, that's why 'Good Morning M...

As the saying goes 'Education is light' and keeping the light on should be everyone business, that's why 'Good Morning Margibi' on Radio Peace keeps promoting educational related issues.

The Thursday's edition of Good Morning Margibi will play host to Trinity University's president, Dr. Jim. W. Tornonlah.

April 4, 2024 @ 8:30am up to 10am ( 1 hour 30 minutes)

Join your Hosts: Daniel Zayzay and Emmanuel M Kangar Jr.

Hotline: 0777969696

Breaking! Controversial Liberian Politician Calls for Deportation of Officials' Families Amid Poor Governance Allegation...


Controversial Liberian Politician Calls for Deportation of Officials' Families Amid Poor Governance Allegations

Controversy has erupted in Liberia as outspoken politician Ojodogbo Whorway accuses government officials of neglecting their duties by sending their families abroad, while the nation grapples with dire challenges in education, healthcare, and security.

Whorway's fiery accusations highlight a growing frustration among Liberians with their leaders' apparent disregard for the country's well-being.

According to Whorway, the decision of many senior government figures to relocate their families outside Liberia has resulted in a state of virtual enslavement for citizens, exacerbating issues in critical sectors such as healthcare, education, and social welfare.

In a bold move, Whorway insists that existing regulations, such as the code of conduct, should bar lawmakers and government officials from allowing their immediate families to reside abroad.

In his Wednesday, April 03, 2024 interview on PEACE FM, Whorway argues that this practice not only undermines national development but also perpetuates a cycle of dependency on foreign systems.

Furthermore, Whorway condemns the use of taxpayers' money by government officials for medical treatment abroad, denouncing it as a further betrayal of the trust placed in them by the Liberian people.

In an unprecedented call to action, Whorway appeals to the United States government to intervene by deporting the families of Liberian officials back to their home country.

He asserts that such a measure is necessary to compel officials to prioritize the needs of Liberia and to instil a sense of accountability among those in positions of power.

As the debate rages on, Whorway's bold stance underscores the urgent need for accountability and transparency within Liberia's government.

Whether his demands will be met remains to be seen, but his call for action has ignited a crucial conversation about the responsibilities of public servants and the future of Liberia's governance.

U.S. Embassy Monrovia, Liberia
Executive Mansion-Liberia
Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL)
FrontPage Africa
OKFM 99.5 & OKTV

By: Staff Writer

Just In: The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) announces the extension of the March 31, 2024 deadline for the currency excha...

Just In:

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) announces the extension of the March 31, 2024 deadline for the currency exchange exercise by six weeks, up to May 15, 2024.

The extension means that the old money, known as Liberian Series 1 or LS1 and Liberian Series 2 or LS2 banknotes printed before 2021 still remains legal tender until May 15, 2024, and can be used to buy goods and pay for services in Liberia.


Please read the press release for more details:

UBA Liberia AccessBank Liberia Limited Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Afriland FIRST BANK Liberia Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Liberia Ministry of Internal Affairs-Republic of Liberia Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs & Tourism (MICAT) Executive Mansion-Liberia Ecobank-Liberia


Patience Cooper, a mother of five and a renounced Farmer in Neivlen Town, Grand Bassa County challenges her female counterparts to be self-reliance; says " I'm happy doing my garden work".

Speaking to our Reporter on Monday, April 1, 2024, at her farm, Mrs. Patience Cooper said farming is her only livelihood alternative, so, she feels proud doing it.

Mrs. Cooper said she plants: Cassava, Corns, Watermelons among others in order to cater to her family's wants and needs.

Patience who is believed to be in her mid-thirty has five living children, three in school with the rest out of school something she tied to insufficient fund.

When asked by reporter Christiana Mcdomma Mabande as how she feels doing this hard labor job, Patience responds; " I can feel fine, I can enjoy my garden work because that's what I'm living on, so, I just want to continue it".

Patience Cooper meanwhile called on the Liberian government, NGOs and well-meaning citizens to provide her seeds and farming equipment in order to expand her farms.

Neivlen Town is located in District #1, Grand Bassa County along the Harbel-Buchanan highway.

Patience Cooper can be contacted on cell number 0770280584

🎥 Emmanuel M Kangar Jr.

Breaking!Hector Mulbah gains re-election as ALICOR’s President. Hector Mulbah obtained the total votes of 39 while his o...


Hector Mulbah gains re-election as ALICOR’s President.

Hector Mulbah obtained the total votes of 39 while his opponent James Kwabo got 25 votes.

The Saturday, March 30th elections which took place in Kakata left Emmanuel Tophic Degleh as elected Secretary General of the Association with 34 votes.

The highly contested elections saw Community Radio Managers from the across the fifteen countries of Liberia deciding the fate of the contestants in the 4th General Assembly and Elective Congress-2024.

Congratulations and best wishes, gentlemen. Go and service well.


Miss. Christiana Mcdomma Mabande , a Liberian Journalist, Educator and CEO of Mctiama Foundation identifies with Muslims at the gateway Mosque in Unification City, Lower Margibi County as they observe the holy month of Ramadan.

🎥 Emmanuel M Kangar Jr.

For Immediate Release President Boakai Suspends FIU Director General Stanley FordMarch 29, 2024Executive Mansion, Monrov...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Suspends FIU Director General Stanley Ford

March 29, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic, H.E Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has suspended, with immediate effect, Mr. Stanley Ford, Director General of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for allegations of financial and other malpractices at the institution.

The President has made it clear that there is no tolerance for any form of malpractice and, as such, he has directed the Ministry of Justice to undertake a comprehensive investigation into the matter. He expressed confidence that the investigation will ensure that justice is served.

The President has further urged Mr. Ford to submit himself to the investigation and cooperate fully to make sure that the matter is resolved expeditiously.

This move by the Liberian Leader is a clear demonstration of his commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that public officials are held accountable for their actions.

For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Receives Special Investigative Report of January 30, 2024, on the UMU Commencement...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Receives Special Investigative Report of January 30, 2024, on the UMU Commencement Incident

March 29, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: H.E President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has received the Special Investigative Report on the security breach that occurred during the Commencement Convocation of the United Methodist University (UMU).

The incident had impugned the reliability of state security, particularly the Executive Protection Service (EPS).

The report was presented by the Special Investigative Team (SIT), which conducted a thorough investigation into the incident. The investigative team included representatives from the Liberian National Police (LNP), the Armed Forces of Liberia and the Executive Protection Service.

The Team established that the unauthorized person later identified as Sam D. Kanwea, Jr., did not intend to harm the President despite his surreptitious pe*******on of the presidential security and the physical touching of the President.

The Report recommended that the individual be charged in violation of sections 14.22 (Offensive Touching) and 14.23 (Reckless Endangerment of another Person) of the Penal Law of Liberia.

Moreover, the Report indicated that the failure of the EPS Agents to ensure proper security to avoid such invasion is a violation of the EPS Duty Manual and the Standard Operating Procedure governing the service.

The Report further recommended administrative actions against the Agents assigned and the continuation of in-service training to ensure enhanced operational capacity and readiness to always provide advance security service.

The Director of the EPS, Mr. Sam Gaye, has taken full responsibility of the situation and promised elevated measures to avoid any future security breach as well as the implementation of the recommendations of the Report.

The President expressed his gratitude to the Team for the Report, which includes findings and recommendations aimed at preventing such an event from happening in the future. He also promised to review the Report and consider the recommendations.







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