BEST TV BEST TV was founded in 2021 for information dissemination purposes.

Speaker Koffa Critiques President Boakai's Budget: Calls for Adjustments to Military, Education, and HealthcareCapitol H...

Speaker Koffa Critiques President Boakai's Budget: Calls for Adjustments to Military, Education, and Healthcare

Capitol Hill - House Speaker Fonati Koffa has expressed his concerns over the national budget submitted by President Joseph Boakai, stating that it falls short of supporting the President's campaign promises and agenda. Koffa emphasized the need for adjustments to the proposed budget, highlighting key areas such as military accommodations, the war on drugs, and investment in education and healthcare.

Koffa pointed out the absence of spending on military accommodations, a matter he deems critical given the President's focus on the living conditions of service members and their families. He stated that addressing these concerns is essential to supporting the armed forces and their sacrifices.

"The budget does not contain any spending for military accommodations," Koffa said. "When President Boakai took office, there was a crisis concerning the living conditions of the military, and it was one of the pillars of his campaign. It's important to include funding for military accommodations in this budget."

Additionally, Speaker Koffa addressed the allocation for the war on drugs, noting that the President's drug task force requires more funding to effectively tackle the crisis. He deemed the current $500,000 allocation as insufficient.

Koffa also emphasized the need for proper funding of teachers and healthcare workers, particularly in rural districts. He expressed concern that lawmakers currently bear the burden of paying for volunteer teachers and healthcare workers, a responsibility he believes should fall on the government.

"The government must invest in schools and healthcare by ensuring that volunteer teachers and healthcare workers receive proper funding and support," Koffa stressed. "It is unfair to expect lawmakers to shoulder these responsibilities."

Speaker Koffa concluded by expressing his hope that the committee hearings on the budget would bring clarity and proper funding to the necessary areas. As adjustments are made, he aims to ensure that the budget aligns more closely with the President's original agenda and priorities.

For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Nominates and Appoints Additional Officials To GovernmentApril 11, 2024Executive M...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Nominates and Appoints Additional Officials To Government

April 11, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has nominated and appointed additional members of government affecting the Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA), the Liberia Institute for Public Administration (LIPA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National AIDS Commission, the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS), the National Port Authority (NPA), the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Independent Information Commission (IIC), the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, ((NaFAA), and the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFK).

These nominations where applicable, are subject to consent by the Liberian Senate.

The institutions, nominees and appointees are:

I. Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA)

1. Dr. Luke Bawo, Managing Director
2. Dr. Patricia Quaye-Freeman, Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services

II. The Board of Liberia Medical Health Regulatory Authority (LMHRA)

1. Dr. David Sumo, Chairman
2. Chief Pharmacist of Liberia (representing Ministry of Health), Member
3. Pharmacy Board, Member
4. Ministry of Justice, Member
5. Commissioner for Customs (representing the Liberia Revenue Authority), Member
6. School of Pharmacy (representing the University of Liberia), Member
7. Liberia Medical and Dental Council, Member
8. Pharmaceutical Association of Liberia, Member
9. Yana Boys Association of Liberia, Member
10. The Managing Director of LMHRA, Secretary, Non-voting member

III. The Board of Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA)

1. Dr. Cecelia Cassell, Chairperson
2. Georgette N. Gray, Member
3. Marie V. Hayes, Member
4. Atty. Martus Kotatee Williams, Member
5. Moses Blonkanjay Jackson, Member
6. Ministry of Education, Institutional Member
7. Civil Service Agency, Institutional Member

IV. Environmental Protection Agency Policy Council
1. Minister Amin Modad, Chairman
2. Madam Lucia Massalee Yallah, Member
3. Anthony Konneh, Member
4. Klubosumo Borh Johnson, Member
5. Council of Chiefs (one representative), Statutory Member
6. House of Senate (Two representatives), Statutory Member
7. House of Representatives (Two representatives), Statutory Member
8. Ministry of Health, Statutory Member
9. Ministry of Agriculture, Statutory Member
10. Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection, Statutory Member
11. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Statutory Member
12. Ministry of Transport, Statutory Member
13. Ministry of Public Works, Statutory Member
14. Ministry of Education, Statutory Member
15. Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Statutory Member
16. Ministry of Internal Affairs, Statutory Member
17. Liberia Chamber of Commerce, Statutory Member
18. Liberia Standards Authority, Statutory Member
19. Liberia Maritime Authority, Statutory Member
20. Forestry Development Authority, Statutory Member
21. Liberia Electricity Corporation, Statutory Member
22. Liberia Petroleum Refinery Corporation, Statutory Member
23. Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, Statutory Member
24. University of Liberia, Statutory Member
25. Federation of Liberian Youth, Statutory Member
26. Liberia National Student Union, Statutory Member
27. Inter-Religious Council of Liberia, Statutory Member
28. Liberia Marketing Association, Statutory Member
29. One representative of all environment-related Non-governmental Organizations selected by the NGO memberships or from their umbrella organization as statutory member.
30. Association of Architect and Engineers (one representative), Statutory Member
31. Liberia National Bar Association, Statutory Member

V. National AIDS Commission
1. Dr. Cecelia J. Nuta, Chairperson
2. Dr. Mohammed Swaray, Vice Chair, Commissioner for Policy and Program
3. Dr. Alexander Zogbaye, Commissioner for Decentralization
4. Tracy Newon Pency-Kyne, Commissioner for Partnership
5. Rev. Patrick Noah, Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation

VI. National Port Authority (NPA)
1. Mr. Siafa Hage, Co- Chair
2. Mr. Bedell W. Sandi, Member
3. Imam Ali Krayee, Member
4. Dr. Alvin Nah Doe, Member
5. Hon. Julius J. Goodings, Member
6. Mr. Peter Dahn, Member
7. Madam Theresa M. Davies, Member
8. Mr. James L. Hinneh Jr., Member
9. Mr. Sahr Johnny, Member
10. Ministry of Transport, Member
11. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, Member
12. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Member
13. Ministry of Justice, Member
14. Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Secretary

VII. Liberia Broadcasting System
1. Mrs. Alexandra B. Amnon, Deputy Director General for Public Affairs
2. Mr. Hassan Kiawu, Deputy Director General for Media Services
3. Mr. Borgfeldt Lloyd, Deputy Director General for Technical Services
4. Mr. D-Flow Flomo, II, Deputy Director General for New Media & Rebranding
5. Mr. Thomas Guwor, Deputy Director General for Administration

VIII. The Board of the Liberia Broadcasting System
1. Minister of Information Cultural Affairs & Tourism, Chairperson
2. Ms. Olivia Shannon, Vice Chair
3. Cllr. Kwame Clement, Member
4. Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Member
5. Rev. Fr. Phillip W. Tickey, Member
6. Ms. Hawa Andrews, Member
7. Imam Mohammed M. Konneh, Member
8. Mr. Cyrus Wleh Badio, Member
9. Ms. Welma Campbell Mashinini Redd, Member
10. Cllr. Bushuben M Keita, Member.
11. Mr. Eugene L. Fahngon, Director General (LBS), Secretary and Non-Voting Member

IX. Independent Information Commission
1. Mr. Togar Joash Hodges, Commissioner
2. Ms. Lorpu P Page, Executive Director and Head of Secretariat

X. Board Members of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NAFAA)
1. Minister of Agriculture, Chairman
2. Ministry of National Defense, Statutory Member
3. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Statutory Member
4. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Statutory Member
5. Liberia Maritime Authority, Statutory Member
6. Director General (of NAFAA), Statutory Member Ex-officio, and Board Secretary with no voting rights.

XI. Ministry of Health
1. Dr. Catherine Thomas Cooper, Deputy Minister of Health Services

XII. John F. Kennedy Medical Center
The President has approved the appointment of the following individuals who were vetted and appointed by the Board of Directors of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center:
1. Dr. Linda Birch, Chief Executive Officer & General Administrator
2. ⁠Dr. John Emmanuel Tamba, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Health Services (Chief Medical Officer)
3. ⁠Mrs. Dama Yekeson Koffa, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Administration
These nominations supersede any previously published in similar agencies and positions.
President Boakai further calls on all those nominated and appointed to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country.


Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana
Presidential Press Secretary

Hon. Frank Saah Foko writes:To God alone be all the gloryI have been unanimously selected as Secretary General of the CD...

Hon. Frank Saah Foko writes:

To God alone be all the glory

I have been unanimously selected as Secretary General of the CDC Legislative Caucus of the Republic.

I take on this role with humility and service to our people and party; uniting a single front for a better Liberia.

I like to thank the Caucus Chairman, Sen. Nathaniel McGill and approximately forty others for this decision.

Thanks to His Excellency George Weah and Chairman Janga A. Kowo and the entire National Executive Committee for the continuous mentorship and belief in our growth.

The CDC will continue to be a force to reckon with in the Legislature; we will hold the government accountable and drive policies for the well being of all Liberians.

As a caucus, we will serve all of our people in the fifteen subdivisions in ensuring a resounding come back 2029.

To our people in District 9, you made this happen, thanks for showcasing us for the world to see, we won’t let you down.

Work begins!


The management of BEST TV extends happy birthday wishes to a promising young man in Margibi County Royal Jeff.
As you celebrate today may the Almighty God carry you through.


Muslims in Cotton tree gathered to offer final prayer as they conclude the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Please share the video.

We owed no copy right to any sound from the back.



As Muslims across the world prepare to conclude their Holy Month of Ramadan tomorrow, Senator Gbehzohngar Milton Findley has made a generous donation to the Muslim community in Grand Bassa County.

The senator presented a giant-sized cow during a ceremony held for the purpose.

During the presentation, Madam Mai Pailey, a staff member in the Office of Hon. Findley, emphasized that the senator's gesture was a way of showing solidarity with the Muslim community as they reach the climax of their holy month of Ramadan.

She further expressed that Senator Findley has consistently been a supportive friend to Muslims in the county and assured that he will continue to stand by them.

Upon receiving the cow, the leaders of the Muslim Community in the county expressed their gratitude to Hon. Findley for his kindness.

They acknowledged and appreciated the senator's unwavering support over the years, mentioning that they have no regrets about electing him as their senator.

Bassa Sports Association Faces Financial Challenges, Reveals Media Team Headed by Togar Alexander BealdedThe media team ...

Bassa Sports Association Faces Financial Challenges, Reveals Media Team Headed by Togar Alexander Bealded

The media team of the Bassa Sports Association, led by Togar Alexander Bealded, has recently disclosed that the association is currently facing financial difficulties, impacting not only their media operations but also their overall functioning.

According to the media team, up until now, they have not received any financial support from the County caucus for the county meet.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has declined to release funds, citing the lack of proper financial reporting from those responsible for managing the previous county meet.

As a result, Bassa's participation in sports events is currently at a standstill.

House Summons Former and Current LACC Bosses Over Leaked Asset Declaration of Former Liberian President.The Liberian Ant...

House Summons Former and Current LACC Bosses Over Leaked Asset Declaration of Former Liberian President.

The Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) has been summoned to appear before the Plenary next Tuesday to address the unauthorized release of former President George Weah's asset declaration form. The summons follows a communication from Montserrado County District 9 Representative Frank Saah Foko, who expressed concerns over the breach of confidentiality regarding the document.

The controversy erupted after the Spoon Talk Show on Spoon Network aired the asset declaration form of the former President on April 2, 2024. Despite the importance of transparency in public office, the LACC Act of 2022 emphasizes confidentiality in asset declaration submissions, unless individuals voluntarily choose to disclose their assets.

Cllr. Klah Martin, the former LACC boss, who was removed from his position after a new Act came into force in March 2021, initially claimed to have no record of former President George Weah filing for assets. However, this assertion was debunked when the General Auditing Commission (GAC) confirmed that President Weah had indeed declared his assets.

The situation escalated further when it was revealed that President Weah's asset declaration form had found its way into the public domain, appearing on various platforms. This breach of confidentiality prompted Representative Foko to call for an investigation into how the document was leaked.

"I seek this honorable body to invite Cllr. Martin and the entire team at LACC currently to help furnish this body how the former President's asset declaration form leaked to the public, breaching the confidentiality clause of the LACC," stated Representative Foko in his communication to the Plenary.

The incident has raised concerns about the integrity of Liberia's institutions and the need to uphold confidentiality in matters of concern.


Breaking News !!!


Senate Pro Tempore, Sen. Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence writes.

Twenty-seven (27) oTwenty-nine (29) Senators have signed a resolution endorsing the establishment of the war and economic Crimes courts in Liberia.

Thanks to Senators who have trusted in my leadership on why they should sign this resolution and also thanks to those who have other view on this matter.

We have communicated with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Cllr. Fornati Koffa and members of the House of Representatives seeking their concurrence.

We believe this decision will bring an end the perception in the public that Members of The Liberian Senate are against establishing war and economic crimes court. We believe this decision is the beginning of ending impunity in Liberia.


We at BEST TV say Congratulations and best wishes on the occasion marking your birthday Gerald Henry Cooper commonly known as Feeling Cold.

May you live long brabee.

For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Nominates Additional Officials of GovernmentMarch 31, 2024Executive Mansion, Monro...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Nominates Additional Officials of Government

March 31, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has constituted the Board of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), added a member to the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation Board and nominated local government officials of Gbarpolu County.

Those nominated are:

I. Board of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA)
1. Philip C. Parker Jr., Chairman
2. Isaac Grigsby, Member
3. Loretta Pope Kai, Member
4. President of the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment –Statutory Member
5. Ministry of Labor –Statutory Member
6. Ministry of Agriculture-- Statutory Member
7. Liberia Land Authority-- Statutory Member
8. The Managing Director, Secretary, and non-voting member of the Board

II. Board of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC)
1. Mohammed Barrie—Member

III. Gbarpolu County Local Government

1. Sam K. Zinnah, Superintendent
2. James Kpoto Scott, County Administrative Officer
3. Howard P. Bunday, County Finance Officer
4. Onagbah S. Mormalee, County Development Officer
5. Siah Kieh Victor, City Mayor- Bopolu City
6. Karma Boima, Relieving Commissioner Gbarpolu County
7. Jestina Dukuly, District Commissioner, Bopolu District
8. Musa D. Kamara, District Commissioner, Gbarma District
9. Lawerance Sherbro, District Commissioner, Kongba District
10. Milton Yarkpawolo Gertee Sr., District Commissioner, Gou Wolala District
11. John M. Belleh, District Commissioner, Belleh District
12. John K. Korsee, District Commissioner, Bokomu District
13. Beyan M. Yarsiah, Township Commissioner, Bella Yallah Township
14. Joseph T. Mulbah, Township Commissioner, Bella Fassama Township
15. Debbie M. Gokpolu, Statutory Superintendent, Bokomu Statutory District
16. Harris F. Tanjoe, Sr., Statutory District Development Officer, Bokomu Statutory District
17. Ballah S. Saywo, Statutory District Administrative Officer, Bokomu Statutory District
18. Harris C. Kawolo, Statutory District Reliving Commissioner, Bokomu Statutory District
19. Edwin Mcgill, Statutory Superintendent, Gbarma Statutory District
20. Quaye B. Varney, Statutory District Development Officer, Gbarma Statutory District
21. Melvin Marab Statutory District Administrative Officer, Gbarma Statutory District
22. Emmanuel Moma, Statutory District Relieving Commissioner, Gbarma Statutory District

These nominations, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

Furthermore, all local government positions published shall commensurate with the Local Government Act of 2018 to reflect the appropriate nomenclatures.

President Boakai further calls on all those nominated and appointed to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to country.


Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana
Presidential Press Secretary

For Immediate ReleaseHow America Has Helped To Loot Liberia for Years of Multimillions of Dollars With Scam LISCRMarch 2...

For Immediate Release

How America Has Helped To Loot Liberia for Years of Multimillions of Dollars With Scam LISCR
March 25, 2024,

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFFL) like to draw the attention of every well-meaning citizen to how America is using a scam company (LISCR) to dupe Liberia of multimillion-dollar revenue. LISCR is currently serving as an agent for the Liberia Shipping Registry, based in the U.S.A., but is running the day-to-day activities of the country registry without one Liberian being employed.

Fellow countrymen, we find it amusing that LISCR would enter into a contract with the government of Liberia and demand that only American citizens be permitted to work with a Liberian registry.
This is because we believe the agreement is a cover-up tactic designed to deny Liberians employment possibilities. The Liberians who carried out this deal were wicked people, and they have no right to exist in the new Liberia. Restricting who is eligible for employment at the Liberian Registry sounds absurd and casts doubt on the agreement as a whole.The fact that only Americans are allowed to work at their registry while Liberians do not portends something ominous that should worry every Liberian, domestic and foreign, especially the current administration, given the President's interest in accountability.

The EFFL is clear that no foreign business should have total control over what investments should benefit the people of Liberia.Fellow citizens, EFFL is also alarmed by the way the fraudulent American corporation is operating, posing as the registry's representative and defrauding the nation of vital tax income.

LISRC has deliberately made billions of dollars and withheld benefits from the government since the arrangement was struck under the administration of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as an agent of the Liberian Registry of Delaware, USA.Since no Liberian has ever worked at the registry, it is impossible to determine how many enterprises and transactions they are involved in or how much money they are making from other ventures.

Nevertheless, our intelligence indicates that they have been looting the nation for many years.According to reliable allegations that the EFFL has received, LISCR is even conducting business outside of the initial agreement that was signed between them and the government.
Additionally, they are providing paperwork to other people under the Liberian flag so that they can conduct business outside of the maritime sector, which is prohibited by the agreement.

When a business established under American law is thriving off corruption and misbehavior—using your image to defraud Liberians out of millions of dollars that should be going toward improving their lives—you cannot be arrogant about fighting corruption and imposing sanctions on individuals.

According to reports, LISCR is currently receiving over $200 million a year from the registry, but the government is only receiving pennies on the dollar.Due to LISCR's fraudulent operation, Liberia has missed out on employment prospects and significant income from its registry, which is currently the biggest in the world.

Following an earlier engagement of the agent in 2009 to assist the government in performing the services of improving the viability and great profit of the Liberia Registry, the contract between the government and Liberia International Shipping and Corporate Registry (LISCR) was amended on February 3, 2014, and it was set to expire on or before December 31, 2029.

My fellow compatriots, until this administration takes the initiative to revise the current agreement, the hope of making much-needed cash from the registry's operations will never come true. Since the agreement requires Liberia to have a share of earnings, what is so troubling is that no Liberian has a say in the day-to-day operations of the corporation to know how much money is being made.

It's unclear how much money the company is making, especially considering that the deal only permits American people to work for the registry. The ideology of white supremacy is based on this kind of wicked agreement, which is why it should be opposed.

Let the United States quickly work with the current government to investigate LISCR to see if their written statements regarding Liberia are sincere.
According to the terms of the existing agreement, the agent, LISCR, will receive 30% of net program income starting on January 1, 2015, and the government of Liberia will receive the remaining 70%. How can we, then, be certain that we are getting our fair share of the seventy percent? With the registry currently having the largest status in the entire globe,.

With the help of these kinds of alliances, Liberia hopes to raise funds for vital economic sectors like electricity and agriculture, which are currently difficult to finance.Furthermore, because it deprives Liberians of income and employment prospects, this arrangement, which only requires American people to work at the registration, puts the interests of citizens far below the belt.

Sadly, fellow Liberians, we are hearing rumors that the deal—which was supposed to expire in 2029—was hastily signed twice by the George Manneh Weah administration in secret, keeping Liberians in the dark because of alleged large-scale payments to former President Weah and his associates.
Therefore, the EFFL is requesting that the present administration either evaluate the LISCR deal and, if feasible, annul it or issue a fresh tender for a competitive bidding procedure.Article VIII, Sections 8.02 and 8.03 of the Maritime Amendment state: "The agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following inserted: The agent or its successor, as an option, shall be entitled to a further extension of the agreement for a period of an additional 10 years in the event the government elects not to buy out under Section 11.06 of the agreement.

Nonetheless, the agreement requires the government to give the agent notice at least two years in advance of the arrangement's termination, on or before December 31, 2027." The CDC chose to see 2023 and 2022 as two years before 2027; however, that is not the case. It ought to happen this year or the following year. Although the registry is currently the largest, there are still many worries about how it may affect Liberia's economy.

The possibility exists that the agreement would have been automatically erased, allowing the agent, LISRC, to continue operating the registration for ten more years, had the government neglected to notify parties of the need for amendments, a new agreement, or cancellation of the existing one.

On February 3, 2014, the government, through Binyah C. Kessely, the then-Commissioner and CEO of the Liberia Maritime Authority, and Liberia International Shipping and Corporate Registry (LISCR), a limited liability company with a single purpose that was established under Delaware law in the United States, signed the agreement for the first time. Yaram Cspotlightohem, Chairman, represented LISCR as an agent. By then, it was confirmed that Ministers Amara Konneh and Benedict Sarnoh of Justice, who had been endorsed by the Legislature and former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, would either automatically be extended for an additional ten years or undergo amendments every ten years.

Issued by: Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia


Breaking News


With immediate effect, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of the Republic of Liberia, has relieved Madam Carmerna Cephas Yeke from the position of Deputy Director General of the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) for gross insubordination to the Office of the President.

Madam Yeke's failure to adhere to the high standards of conduct expected of a public servant has resulted in her immediate removal from the post.

The Liberian Leader expressed appreciation for her service to the Corporation but noted that he cannot tolerate any behavior that goes against the best interests of the country.

The President assures the public that the decision has been made with utmost confidence and in the best interest of the Corporation.

President Boakai further assured that he remains committed to upholding the principles of integrity and accountability in all aspects of governance and will continue to ensure that public servants adhere to the highest standards of conduct.


Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana

For Immediate ReleasePresident Boakai Asks for the Ministry of State to be audited as Part of His Administration's Anti-...

For Immediate Release

President Boakai Asks for the Ministry of State to be audited as Part of His Administration's Anti-Graft Drive

March 21, 2024

Executive Mansion, Monrovia: President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has asked the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to conduct a comprehensive audit of the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs. The audit is part of the Boakai Administration's commitment to fighting corruption and promoting transparency and accountability.

At a meeting held Monday, March 20, 2024, at the Executive Mansion, officials from the General Auditing Commission and the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs discussed the audit. Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of State, Atty. Cornelia Kruah Togba, who was also in the meeting, stated that the audit is aimed at ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the Ministry's affairs.

Liberia's Auditor General, P. Garswa Jackson, Sr., responding to the President’s mandate, said the Commission will begin with a System Audit since the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs has not been audited for a long time. He explained that the audit will focus on budget management, cash management, procurement procedures, and other areas.

Auditor General Jackson expressed the hope that this becomes an ongoing process since the Ministry has not been audited for such a long time. The Commission plans to send out engagements’ communication by March 27, specifying the audit period, scope, and commencement date. The GAC’s report on findings is expected within a month.

PRESIDENTBOAKAI SUBMITS 1ST DRAFT NATIONALBUDGET. The President of the republic of Liberia has submitted his first Draft...


The President of the republic of Liberia has submitted his first Draft National Budget to the Honorable house of Legislature.

Below is a select summary/insight of the developments and improvements in the FY- Draft 2024 Budget submitted to the Legislature by the President of Liberia.

The Draft is a selected summary/insight and not a reflection of the entire Draft Budget.


● Ministry of State: Reduced from $20 million to $9 million.
● Office of the President: Reduced from $4.4 million to $2.2 million.
● Vice President: Reduced from $4 million to $2 million.
● Legislature: Reduced from $67 million to $38 million.
● Pro Temp's Budget: Reduced from $4 million to $1.2 million.
● Speaker's Budget: Reduced from $2.2 million to $1.6 million.
● Deputy Speaker's Budget: Reduced from $1 million to a little over $515k.


● Ministry of Education: Increased from $98 million to $105 million.
● University of Liberia (UL): Increased from $30 million to $32 million.
● Agriculture Sector: Increased from $4 million to $5 million.
● Health Sector: Increased from $64 million to $75 million.

These adjustments reflect a strategic reallocation of resources towards priority areas such as education, healthcare, and agriculture whilst also implementing cost-saving measures in administrative and legislative functions.

Credit: Journalist Nyantee Genero Samuel Togba


Cotton Tree





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