Gbarpolu County senator Amara Konneh write...
"In 2025, we dedicate ourselves to transforming education and healthcare in Gbarpolu County, where these vital sectors have long been overlooked, causing significant challenges. Our second 40ft container of essential education supplies—books, notebooks, pens, pencils, teaching aids, and furniture for a Reading Room in Bopolu—arrived yesterday, successfully offloaded to the care of the County Superintendent, and awaits handover to the county education team. This vital shipment is the first of three, signaling our commitment to enhancing better education delivery as well. The third container is set to arrive in Bopolu tomorrow.
Our mission goes beyond merely providing supplies; we are also organizing a collaborative one-week in-service teacher training with the Teachers Consultant Group of Atlanta, Georgia, USA, alongside the Ministry of Education for teachers, including volunteered teachers. This program aims to empower our county teachers with essential skills focusing on classroom pedagogy and the effective use of the new instructional aids we are proud to offer.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Teachers Consultant Group of Atlanta, Georgia, our partners, the Gbarpolu Legislative Caucus, and local health officials for their invaluable support.
Small, small…we will get there! It
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