Brown wood-owl
බොර වන බකමූණා
(Strix leptogrammica)
The brown wood owl is a medium-to-large owl species found primarily in South and Southeast Asia. In Sri Lanka, it is found in wooded regions at all altitudes. Although a forest bird, it has adapted to well-wooded areas with human habitation.
It has a distinctive appearance with a rich, dark brown plumage, often streaked with paler markings on the underparts. Its face is framed with a brownish-orange facial disk and has prominent dark eye rings. The distinct buff facial disks, lack of ear tufts and chestnut barring make it easier to separate it from the two other large owls, the Forest Eagle-owl and Brown Fish-owl.
The call is a repeated, rather deep hu-hu, hoo with a sinister quality. They are primarily nocturnal and feed on small mammals, birds, and insects. They use their keen vision and hearing to capture their prey. Their flight is silent and their camouflaged look makes them almost invisible.
Spotted at a nearby home garden.