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Stay healthy with Mathu Its about food science, technology, nutrition and
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Best times to have foods for healthy lifestyle 🍲🥘🍳🥗🥣

Best times to have foods for healthy lifestyle 🍲🥘🍳🥗🥣

FOOD BASED DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR SRILANKANS ( இலங்கையர்களிற்கான உணவு உள்ளெடுத்தல் தொடர்பான வழிகாட்டிகள் ) 🍊🍈🍇🍊🍌🍍🍒🍓🥬🥦1. ...

FOOD BASED DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR SRILANKANS ( இலங்கையர்களிற்கான உணவு உள்ளெடுத்தல் தொடர்பான வழிகாட்டிகள் ) 🍊🍈🍇🍊🍌🍍🍒🍓🥬🥦

1. ADD COLOUR TO YOUR MEAL TO GET MORE NUTRIENTS - அதிகம் உணவில் வெவ்வேறு நிறமுள்ள கூறுகளை சேர்க்கவும் 🍓🍍🥦🍈

2.EAT WHOLE GRAINS - அதிகம் தீட்டாத பதப்படுத்தபடாத தானியங்களை சேருங்கள்🥣🍞

3. EAT ATLEAST TWO VEGETABLES INCLUDING GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLE - குறைந்தது இரண்டு மரக்கறிகள் அதாவது இலைக்கறிகள் சேர்ப்பதையும் உறுதிசெய்யுங்கள் 🥦🥬🥒🥕🍆🥥

4.EAT FISH OR EGG OR LEAN MEAT TO GET PROTEIN. - மீன் அல்லது முட்டை அல்லது இறைச்சியை சேருங்கள் 🥩🍗🍖

5. HAVE FRESH MILK OR FERMENTED PRODUCTS - உடனடி பால் அல்லது பாற்பொருட்களை சேருங்கள் 🥛🍦🍶

6.REDUCE THE INTAKE OF SALT, SUGAR AND FAT - உப்பு,சீனி மற்றும் கொழுப்பை குறையுங்கள் 🍭🍬🍫🧁🧀

7.REDUCE THE INTAKE OF HIGHLY OR ULTRA PROCESSED FOODS - அதிகம் பதப்படுத்தப்பட்ட உணவுகளை தவிருங்கள் 🍩🍨🍰🍕🍔

8. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER ( TAKE 1.5-2 LITRES OF WATER) - நன்றாக தண்ணீர் குடியுங்கள் 💦🥤🍹

9.BE ACTIVE - தினமும் 30 நிமிடமாவது அளவான உடற்பயிற்சி செய்யுங்கள் 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🕺⛷️🏄‍♂️⛹️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🚴‍♂️🤽‍♂️🤼‍♀️🤾‍♀️

10. READ FOOD LABELS - உணவு சிட்டைகளை பார்த்து வாங்குங்கள் 📖

11. EAT HOME MADE FOODS - வீட்டில் தயார் செய்த உணவுகளை உண்ணுங்கள் 🍜🍱



🛑Childhood stunting
53 On course
74 Some progress
28 No progress or worsening
39 No data

1 On course
29 Some progress
161 No progress or worsening
3 No data

🛑Low birth weight
15 On course
49 Some progress
82 No progress or worsening
48 No data

🛑Childhood overweight
105 On course
50 Off course
39 No data

🛑Exclusive breastfeeding
35 On course
28 Some progress
33 No progress or worsening
98 No data

🛑Childhood wasting
57 On course
20 Some progress
23 No progress or worsening
94 No data

🛑Sodium intake, women and men
184 Off course
10 No data

🛑Raised blood pressure, women
45 On course
145 Off course
4 No data

🛑Raised blood pressure, men
23 On course
167 Off course
4 No data

🛑Obesity, women
190 Off course

🛑Obesity, men
190 Off course

🛑Diabetes, women
19 On course
171 Off course

🛑Diabetes, men
8 On course
182 Off course


🛑இலங்கையர்களான நாம் இப்போது எதை நோக்கி நகர்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்?🛑

குறிப்பாக வடக்கு ,கிழக்கு மற்றும் மலையக மக்கள் எதை நோக்கி நகர்கின்றார்கள்?
அதிகரிக்கின்ற விலை வாசி உணவு ,கல்வி ,எரிபொருள்,சமையல் வாயு வாழ்க்கை செலவுகள் என அனைத்தையும் பாதித்திருக்க உடல் ரீதியாகவும் உள ரீதியாகவும் பல்வேறு பாதிப்புகளிற்கு முகம் கொடுத்து வருகின்றோம்.

முக்கியமாக உணவு மற்றும் போசாக்கு சார் இக்கட்டான இந்நிலை நிகழ்கால மற்றும் எதிர்கால ஆரோக்கியமான வாழ்வை சூறையாட காத்திருக்கின்றது. ஏற்கனவே போரினால் வலிமை இழந்த எம் சமூகம் தொடர்ச்சியான இப் பாரிய பொருளாதார சுமையால் ஆரோக்கியமற்றவர்களாக மாறுவதற்கான சந்தர்ப்பம் அதிகரித்துள்ளது .

உணவு மற்றும் போசாக்கு தொடர்பான பாதுகாப்பு நலிவடைந்து போய் இருக்கின்றது. அனைவருக்கும் தேவையான சரியான போசாக்கான பாதுகாப்பான உணவை எப்போதும் எந்நேரமும் உறுதி செய்வது உணவு பாதுகாப்பு ஆகும். ஆனால் இன்றைய நிலையில் ஒரு வேளை உணவை உறுதி செய்வதே கடினமாகி விட்டது. இந்நிலையில் எமது நாளாந்த போசாக்கு சார் நிலையை உறுதி செய்வது எப்படி? போசணை அதிகம் தேவைப்படும் சிறுவர்கள், இளம் பராயத்தினர், கர்ப்பிணிகள், பாலூட்டும் தாய்மார், நோய் உள்ளோர் ஆகியோரின் நிலை என்னவாகும்? சிந்தித்து பார்த்துள்ளீர்களா?

இந்நிலை தொடருமெனின் பசியும் ( Hunger) போசாக்கு சார் குறை நிலையும் ( Malnutrition) நிச்சயம் உண்டாகும் . முன்னரே உலக பசி நிலை சுட்டியிலும்( Global Hunger Index) உணவு பாதுகாப்பு சுட்டியிலும்( Global Food security index) முன் நின்ற இலங்கையின் நிலை இன்னும் முன்னாகும். இதனால் குறைபாட்டு நிலைகளையும் ஆரோக்கியமற்ற நோய் கொண்ட சமுகம் உருவாகும். அதனால் எம் சமுகத்தில்

1. தொடர்ச்சியான போசணை குறைபாடு ( Chronic Undernutrition)
2. நுண் போசணை குறைபாடு ( Micro nutrition deficiency)
3. குறை நிறை( under weight) , நிறைக்கேற்ற உயரம் அற்றவர்கள்( Stunting), வயதிற்கேற்ற நிறை உயரம் அற்றவர்கள் ( Wasting)
4. கருவில் வளர்ச்சி அற்ற சிசுக்கள் , வளர்ச்சி தடைப்பட்டு பிறக்கின்ற அசாதாரண குழந்தைகள், குறைபாட்டு குழந்தைகள்
5. அனிமீயா அதிகரித்த இள வயது பருவத்தினர், கல்சிய குறைபாடு உடையோர்
6. ஆரோக்கிய உணவு தவிர்த்து ஆரோக்கியமற்ற உணவுகளை உண்டு உடற்பருமன் அதிகரித்து தொற்றா நோய்களின் தாக்கம் கொண்டவர்கள் என

பல தரப்பட்ட ஆரோக்கியமற்றவர்களை கொண்ட சமுகம் உருவாக வாய்ப்புக்கள் அதிகமாக உள்ளது.
உண்மையில் இவற்றை தீர்க்க சரியான உற்பத்தி தொடர்பான கொள்கை,போசாக்கு தொடர்பான கொள்கை மற்றும் வெவ்வேறு செயற்திட்டங்கள் என்பன அரசாங்க ரீதியாக செயற்படுத்த வேண்டிய போதிலும் அதற்குரிய நிலையில் எம் அரசாங்கத்தின் நிலை இல்லை. ஆகவே மக்களே தம்மால் இயன்றவரை தங்கள் ஆரோக்கியத்தை உறுதிப்படுத்த வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் உள்ளது.

இதிலே முக்கியமாக வடக்கு, கிழக்கு வாழ் மக்கள் அதிக கவனம் கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

வளங்களின் சரியான புத்தியான பயன்பாடும் உற்பத்தி அதிகரிப்பும் இதற்கான வழி முறைகளாகும். இவை தொடர்பில் தொடரும் பதிவில் பார்க்கலாம்.


healthy with mathu


இனிய புதுவருட தின நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்
மலர்ந்த இவ் வருடம் மகிழ்வையும் சௌபாக்கியத்தையும் அளிக்கட்டும் 🙏❤️🎉
இவ்விருடத்தில் எமக்கு இருக்கும் சவால் என்ன?
சிந்திப்போம் 🤔
செயற்படுவோம் 🤗


இன்றைய காலகட்டத்தில் இளம் பெண்களிடம் அதிகரித்து வரும் PCOS ( Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) தொடர்பான விளக்கமும் அதை உணவு மூலம் முகாமைத்துவம் செய்து கொள்ளும் முறையும்

ஆரோக்கியமான உணவு மூலம் ஆரோக்கிய வாழ்வு

Stay healthy with Mathu


அதிகம் நார் பொருட்கள் உள்ள உணவுகளை உண்பதனால் ஏற்படும் நன்மைகள் என்ன?

இயற்கையின் பரிசு நார்கள், அவை பற்றி அறிந்து கொள்வோம்

தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்
அதிகம் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்


மாதவிடாய்க்கு முன்னரான அசௌகரியங்களை உணவு மூலம் முகாமைத்துவம் செய்வது எப்படி?

தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் பிறருக்கும் தெரியப்படுத்துங்கள்

healthy with Mathu


மாதவிலக்குக்கு முன்னரான (Premenstrual syndrome) அசௌகரியங்களை உணவு மூலம் குணப்படுத்துவது எப்படி? அதிகம் அறிந்துகொள்ள இணைந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் ........😊 நாளை மாலை 6.00 மணி

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ஆரோக்கியமான முறையில் உணவுப்பொருட்களை தெரிவு செய்வது எப்படி?



IS IT HEALTHY TO EAT PAPAYA DURING PREGNANCY?WHAT IS TRUE? As you all know Papaya is a rich source of Vitamin A , C ,E a...



As you all know Papaya is a rich source of Vitamin A , C ,E and folate. It is packed with dietary fibers, calcium and potassium. It is very low in calories, low in saturated fats and zero in cholesterol too.

🔷 Health Benefits :

👉 Papaya improves constipation and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

👉 They can help with chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis and asthma.

👉 Papaya is also a good source of Vitamin A and C which is important vitamin for a healthy and functional immune system.

👉 Helps in weight loss

👉 Improves digestion

👉 Increases you metabolism

👉 Good for eye sight

👉 Papaya makes your skin look radiant, toned and youthful.

Is it safe to eat papaya during pregnancy?

🔷 Yes, it is safe to eat papaya during pregnancy, as long as it is ripe..

🔷 However, an unripe (green) or semi-ripe papaya isn’t safe for pregnant women. That's because an unripe papaya is rich in a substance called latex. Studies show that this concentrated form of latex may trigger uterine contractions and early labor

Jamun or Black plum is known for its medical and health benefits. It is considered to be the best remedy for diabetes. I...

Jamun or Black plum is known for its medical and health benefits. It is considered to be the best remedy for diabetes. It contains dietary fiber, fats, proteins, various vitamins and minerals. It slows down the rate of sugar released into the blood and also increases the insulin levels in the body. It not only treats diabetes, it has other benefits too.

👉 Improves hemoglobin count
👉 Improves health of skin and eye
👉 Keeps your heart healthy
👉 Strengthens your gums and teeth
👉 Stimulates digestion

🔷 As Jamun or Black plum is an incredibly healthy fruit and its seeds don't lag behind. Those tiny seeds of Jamun are equally beneficial for health. Jamun seeds are having anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic content and thus are very effective and beneficial for health.

About high blood pressure 🛑🛑🛑

About high blood pressure 🛑🛑🛑

🛑A silent killer that should not be ignored - High Blood Pressure😳🤔

🟢Hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries persists for a long period of time.

🟢Our blood pressure can be expressed in two ways:
They are the systolic blood pressure (pressure in the arteries during contraction of the heart muscle) and the diastolic blood pressure (when the heart muscle is at rest pressure in the arteries at the time).

🟢Normal systolic blood pressure in a healthy adult should be between 80-120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure should be between 60-80 mm Hg.

🟢But these values ​​can vary depending on various factors (age, physical activity, gender, environmental temperature).

🛑Why is high blood pressure called a silent killer?

🟢In many cases, people with high blood pressure are unaware of it. This is because high blood pressure does not show any obvious symptoms.

🛑The danger here is that you may unknowingly develop various complications in your body organs as well as increase your risk of death.

😕Morning headaches
😕Bleeding from the nose
😕Irregular heartbeat
😕Abnormal vision
😕Presence of blood in the urine
😕Chest pain are some of the few symptoms, but they are more likely to be caused by prevailing high blood pressure conditions.

🟢Therefore, the only way to accurately diagnose high blood pressure is to have a systematic measurement of blood pressure.

🟢Blood pressure is very easy to measure. It is also quick and painless.

Using a digital blood pressure monitor, you can even measure your own blood pressure.

🟢However, it is essential to have a qualified doctor measure your blood pressure, as it is important to identify the risks associated with high blood pressure in advance and seek medical advice.

🛑Are you aware of the various factors that contribute to high blood pressure?

🟢There are many different factors that contribute to high blood pressure. We can divide these risk factors into two main categories. They are irreversible factors and changeable factors.

🟢Irreversible factors are:
🔸Age (Generally over 55 years)
🔸Gender (Higher risk for males than females)
🔸Genetic factors
🔸Ethnicity (Common in people of African descent)
🔸Family history of blood pressure

🟢Also, if we consider the changeable factors:
🔸Excessive alcohol use and smoking
🔸Unhealthy eating patterns

🛑Who are the most at risk for high blood pressure?

🔸People from families with a history of high blood pressure
🔸Older people
🔸Men have more risk than women
🔸People with kidney diseases
🔸People who are less active
🔸People with an unhealthy diet
🔸People who are overweight or obese
🔸People who drink alcohol excessively
🔸People with high blood cholesterol levels
🔸People with diabetes
🔸People who smoke
🔸People with stress conditions

🛑If you belong to one of these groups, you need to be extra careful.

🛑What are the risk conditions that can occur if the high blood pressure is not managed properly😨
⭕Heart attack
High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack by 4-5 times.
⭕Heart failure
⭕Vision loss
⭕Kidney failure
Are major conditions, and these can even lead to fatality.

🟢Once you have high blood pressure, you cannot completely cure it. But it can be controlled.

🟢However, if you have reached high levels, you can avoid high blood pressure by making certain lifestyle changes.
✅Regular blood pressure check
✅Controlling blood pressure
✅Changing lifestyle and eating habits
are needed because pre-risk preparedness is very important.

🟢So now let’s check some dietary habits and lifestyle practices that can help you reduce high blood pressure conditions👇

✅By limiting sodium (salt) rich food (marmite, salted snacks, sausages). Therefore salt consumption should be limited to one teaspoon per day (when buying processed food, refer to the food label to get an idea about the salt content).

✅Limit excessive consumption of instant food (noodles, doughnuts, pizza), and also you should think about the amount and the number of times you consume them.

✅Consume non-refined rice, whole wheat flour and oats like grains instead of refined rice and refined wheat flour.

✅Have more nonstarchy vegetables such as snake gourd, drumstick, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage and green leaves like gotukola, mukunuwenna, kankun, sarana and spinach.

✅Add fruits like mango, banana, guava and papaw.

✅As fruits and vegetables contain more potassium, eat them in at least 5 varieties per day. Spinach, sweet potato, banana and avocado contain high amounts of potassium.

✅Also, it is good to eat legumes like mung bean, chickpea, cowpea and soya bean.

✅Have omega 3 containing food like salmon, herring and sprats.

✅Consume 1% fat-containing milk (without full cream milk), yogurt and other Ca-rich food.

✅Limit saturated fat-containing food (coconut oil-rich food, beef, pork, cheese, butter) For deep frying, use coconut oil and avoid vegetable oil. Also, avoid the use of the same frying oil again and again.

🟢Not only dietary habits but also it is very important to have proper lifestyle practices.

✅By engaging, adequate physical activities of at least 30 minutes per day or 30-45 minutes for 3/4 days per week.
It helps to maintain a proper weight and very important to prevent high blood pressure.

✅Also, to be physically active you can engage with activities like jogging, walking and aerobic exercises.

✅Also, you should avoid smoking and should limit your alcohol consumption.

✅Try to maintain your stress levels properly.
You can engage in activities such as listening to music, meditation or any other hobby that makes you relaxed.

So, try to maintain a healthy life without high blood pressure by following these proper dietary habits and lifestyle practices ❤️

Nutrition Society - Wayamba University of Sri Lank


Immunity boosting 💊

Today is world food dayFood is seen as basic human right, yet one in nine people globally experience chronic hunger, As ...

Today is world food day

Food is seen as basic human right, yet one in nine people globally experience chronic hunger, As far back as 1945 the United Nations recognised food as not a privilege, but a right, thats why world food day created, It is a day of observance to draw attention to the plight of the hunger, so today, join our hands to eradicate hunger. The theme of this year is "food safety, everyone's business "

How to observe world food day?

1. Give to a local food bank
2. Support small scale farms
3. Identify the challenges in food production sector and innovate new technologies and methods as well as tools to overcome them
4. Improve both crop and animal production for the sustainability
5.Raise money to end hunger
6.Ensure food security
7. Improve the distribution system and food supply chains
8. Improve the quality of food by following healthy and safe methods in processing, storing and serving the foods

Important aspects in food day
1.Hunger strikes
2. Organise marathon to highlight the importance of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle
3. Food exhibitions to exhibit variety of cuisines and eating cultures of different societies.
4. Organising cultural events to showcase different food cultures
5. Food contests, recipe competitions and innovations.

Poverty and malnutrition are most common problems that our earth is facing these days.

Governments should tie up with citizen volunteers and strive to remove hunger without a trace.

Let's celebrate food day!!! 🍲


Cardiovasucular diseases and food habits

Pay attention 🛑🛑🛑

Did you know that Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) has become the main reason for most of the deaths in the world? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2017 22.54% of people have died due to CVD (22 854 deaths). But by changing your food habits and dietary patterns you may prevent this risk.

🛑This condition occurs mainly due to the blocking of blood vessels, named coronary arteries which supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart through the blood. If these coronary arteries get blocked there may be abeyance of blood flow to the heart and a reduction of oxygen and nutrients supply to the heart. This blocking may happen only in one part of the heart. As a result, severe pain may occur associated with the chest area. This situation is named "Angina". That is a warning for an aggravating heart attack. Occurring of this forthwith blocking is a heart attack.

🛑How a heart-attack occur?

Deposition of lipid in the walls of blood vessels which supply blood to the heart is the main reason for this. As a result, space for the blood flow reduces and the elasticity of these blood vessels may also reduce. This condition is called atherosclerosis. The possibility of blood vessels being blocked by blood clots also becomes high in this case. Damage can cause to the heart when the blood flow is not normal.

🛑 Do you know risk factors related to heart attacks??

-🚬Tobacco usage
- 🥯Unhealthy food patterns
- 🥱Lack of physical activity
- 👨🏻‍🦳Age more than 40 years (With increasing age, fat deposition also gets increased)
- 👫🏻Gender (women have more risk of heart attack than men )
- Obesity (BMI >25)
- High blood pressure (Hypertension)
- High blood glucose level (Diabetes)
- High blood cholesterol or triglyceride level (Hyperlipidemia)
- Ethnic background (Asians are at a higher risk of getting a heart attack)

❤️ But do you know that a healthy diet pattern may contribute to a reduced risk of heart diseases ❓

▶️🍚 For an average adult; Eat 2-3 cups of cooked rice per meal. 5-10 string hoppers, 1-2 pieces of pittu, or 2-4 hoppers can be taken as a main meal as an alternative to rice.

▶️🌽Mix flour from pulses/legumes (Ulundu, Soya, Mung, Kadala) or millets (Kurakkan) with wheat flour when preparing food which will improve the nutritional value.
Use atta flour or mix it with wheat flour for the preparation of food like chapathi, rotti.

▶️🥦🥬 As fiber-rich food, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is better for health.

▶️🍲 Eat at least 9 tablespoons of cooked vegetables or 3 cups of raw vegetable salads a day.

▶️ When eating fruits,
- 🥭🍌🍊 1-2 medium-size fruits (Banana, Orange, Mango)
- 🍹1- 1 1/2 cups of cut fruit/fruit salad
- 4-6 teaspoons of dried fruits a day

▶️🐟 Eating fatty fish that contains omega-3 such as Hurulla, Salaya, Salmon at least 2-3 times per week is good to reduce the risk of heart diseases.

▶️🥟 Reducing the amount of salt used in dried fish preparation is healthier.

▶️🐮🐷🥩 Consumption of meat types like beef, pork, and mutton should be reduced as they contain more saturated fatty acids which increase the risk of heart diseases. But if you want to eat meat,
🐔🍗 you can consume poultry in moderate amounts. Discard the skin of the chicken and remove the visible fat in the meat before cooking. (3-4 medium size pieces)

▶️ 🥚Although egg yolk contains more cholesterol, it may not be harmful to healthy people. And also, those who suffer from heart diseases or have a high risk of heart diseases can consume 1 egg or 1-2 egg whites per day.
▶️🍰🍩 Limit the consumption of cakes, biscuits, short-eats, fried snacks as they contain a high amount of trans fats.

▶️🍙 Limit the sugar consumption to 2 teaspoons per day

▶️🧂 Limit the salt consumption to 1 teaspoon per day

▶️🌭🍔 Limit the consumption of processed meat like sausages, meatballs, ham, bacon as they contain trans fat which is harmful to the heart.
🧈 The bulk margarine which you buy contains more trans fat, you should limit the consumption of them. Use trans fat removed margarine alternative to bulk margarine.

▶️🍳 Minimize deep frying as it is unhealthy and use shallow frying instead when preparing food. Shallow frying needs a little amount of oil than deep frying.

▶️⚱️ Use coconut oil which contains more saturated fatty acids for deep frying & uses vegetable oils that contain less saturated fatty acids for shallow frying. Do not re-use oil once used for food preparations because trans fats may be produced while frying.

▶️🥥 Use more secondly extracted milk than the first milk in coconut milk usage.

▶️ Use cold water for the extraction of coconut milk instead of hot water to reduce the fat amount. And also use hand or manual method in extracting coconut milk than using blenders to reduce the possibility of adding fat to meals.

▶️🥛🍦 When choosing milk or dairy products, you should concern about the following.
👉 The full cream milk contains high amounts of saturated fatty acids
👉 But skimmed milk products have nearly all the fat removed
👉 Low-fat milk contains fat less than half of the fat of full cream milk.

▶️🥛Nonfat milk is preferable to adults, obese children & especially for those with cardiovascular diseases as animal fat aggravates cholesterol deposition in blood vessels and that may lead to the risk of heart diseases.

▶️ When consuming fermented milk products, curd made from buffalo milk is better than curd made from cow’s milk because buffalo milk contains less fat.

▶️🧀 Most cheese contains high amounts of saturated fat. So it is important to eat full-fat cheese occasionally and in small portions.

▶️ Plant foods with antioxidants and bioactive compounds help in the prevention of heart diseases. So eating plenty of fruits & vegetables rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E & beta carotene which act as bioactive compounds is good for better health.
🍊 Fruits - Oranges, Apples, Plums, Berries
🍅 Vegetables - Tomato, Spinach, Beetroot
🌰 Dry fruits - Prunes, Dates
🥐 Some spices - Cloves, Ginger
⚱️ Oil types - Olive
🥜 Fatty nuts - Peanuts

▶️ Some B vitamins (Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folate) are healthy as they contribute to reducing the risk of heart diseases by lowering the Homocysteine amino acid level in blood.
🥚🥔 Vitamin B6 - Meat, Eggs, Milk, Soya, Potatoes
🦈🧀 Vitamin B12 - Animal foods like Meat, Fish, Milk & Cheese
🥬🥦 Folate - Green vegetables like Cabbage, Spinach, Chickpea, Liver, Cauliflower

▶️🚬 Avoid smoking

▶️🍻 Limit alcohol consumption

▶️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Do exercises 3-4 times per week for about 45 minutes for a day.

🤗 Let's avoid the risk of heart diseases by following the proper nutritional advice.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digestFiber comes in two varieties, both beneficial to health:Solubl...

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest

Fiber comes in two varieties, both beneficial to health:
Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, can help lower glucose levels as well as help lower blood cholesterol. Foods with soluble fiber include oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, apples and blueberries.
Insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, can help food move through your digestive system, promoting regularity and helping prevent constipation. Foods with insoluble fibers include wheat, whole wheat bread, whole grain couscous, brown rice, legumes, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.
The best sources of fiber are whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and nuts.

Some tips for increasing fiber intake:

Eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices.
Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole grain products.
For breakfast, choose cereals that have a whole grain as their first ingredient.
Snack on raw vegetables instead of chips, crackers, or chocolate bars.
Substitute beans or legumes for meat two to three times per week in chili and soups.
Fiber and disease
Fiber appears to reduce the risk of developing various conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease, and constipation. Despite these benefits, fiber probably has little, if any, effect on colon cancer risk.

Heart disease
High intake of dietary fiber has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease in a number of large studies that followed people for many years. In a Harvard study of over 40,000 male health professionals, researchers found that a high total dietary fiber intake was linked to a 40 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease. A related Harvard study of female nurses produced quite similar findings.

Higher fiber intake has also been linked to a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, a combination of factors that increases the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. These factors include high blood pressure, high insulin levels, excess weight (especially around the abdomen), high levels of triglycerides, and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Several studies suggest that higher intake of fiber may offer protective benefits from this syndrome.

Type 2 diabetes
Diets low in fiber and high in foods that cause sudden increases in blood sugar may increase the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes. Both Harvard studies—of female nurses and of male health professionals—found that this type of diet more than doubled the risk of type 2 diabetes when compared to a diet high in cereal fiber and low in high-glycemic-index foods. A diet high in cereal fiber was linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

Other studies, such as the Black Women’s Health Study and the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition–Potsdam, have shown similar results.

Read about what you can do to help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Diverticular disease
Diverticulitis, an inflammation of the intestine, is one of the most common age-related disorders of the colon in Western society. Among male health professionals in a long-term follow-up study, eating dietary fiber, particularly insoluble fiber, was associated with about a 40 percent lower risk of diverticular disease.

Fiber and constipation
Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint in the United States, and consumption of fiber seems to relieve and prevent constipation.

The fiber in wheat bran and oat bran is considered more effective than fiber from fruits and vegetables. Experts recommend increasing fiber intake gradually rather than suddenly, and because fiber absorbs water, beverage intake should be increased as fiber intake increases.

Colon cancer
Studies have largely failed to show a link between fiber and colon cancer. One of these—a Harvard study that followed over 80,000 female nurses for 16 years—found that dietary fiber was not strongly associated with a reduced risk for either colon cancer or polyps (a precursor to colon cancer).

Following the Scientific Trail: The Story on Fiber and Colon Cancer
Breast cancer
A large-scale 2016 study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health showed findings that higher fiber intake reduces breast cancer risk, suggesting that fiber intake during adolescence and early adulthood may be particularly important.

Women who eat more high-fiber foods during adolescence and young adulthood, including vegetables and fruit, may have significantly lower breast cancer risk than those who eat less dietary fiber when young.

Dehydration is  a common problem that we face in these days because of excessive loss of water than intake. Because of d...

Dehydration is a common problem that we face in these days because of excessive loss of water than intake. Because of dehydration our body doesn’t work effectively or to carry out normal biological functions, therefore it is very important to take more water or fluids to replace the loss. Dehydration is very common among young children and older people. Diarrhea,vomiting,fever,excessive sweating,increased urination are the other causes of dehydration. During this sunny times people are commonly effect by dehydration due to the heat and more sweating.

Dehydration can lead to serious complications such as heat injuries, urinary kidney problems,electrolyte imbalance and low blood volume shock.

According to the researches based on dehydration,nutritionists recommend some highly rehydrating natural fluids for dehydration problems.

1. Water
Water is the best choice, as it doesn’t contain any sweetener and it has high rehydrating ability. Natural water contains electrolytes which are very important for bodily functions. Drinking plenty of water helps to boost yourself from hot conditions. Our body gets lots of benefits from water.

2. Hydrating drinks
Hydrating drinks are well known fluids for re energies your body.naturally hydrating drinks are very beneficial as it doesn’t have any artificial ingredients and sweeteners.
1. Lemon water
It is very good drink , nutritionists highly recommend this fluid because of its hydrating ability. It gives antioxidants and essential vitamins. It rehydrates your body all day.

2. Milk and milk related drinks
Milk contains good carbs,proteins, vitamins and minerals. Milk related shakes and smoothies also rehydrate the body .

3. Coconut water
Coconut water is natural rehydrating fluid. It is rich in electrolytes such as potassium and low in calories. Therefore it enhances the electrolyte balance. Energize the body against hot.

4. Vegetable juices
Vegetable juice are much better than the fruit juices because of low sugar content,and it’s rehydrating ability also very high. Beetroot juice, cucumber juices highly contain water.

5. Herbal teas
Hibiscus tea, rose tea are the examples of these, they highly refresh your body. These are contain high amount of antioxidants.

6. Fruit infused water
Fruit infused water has less sugar content than fruit juices. Therefore it increases hydrating power . Blue berries, strawberries, apple can
Infused in water .

7. Chia water
It gives you the coolness and very effective in summer days

8. Aloe Vera
Contains antioxidant. Has much regenerating property , aloe Vera plays significant role in beauty therapy for radiant and glowing skin.

From this rehydration fluids are very important to hydrate your body against increasing temperature.


Are you experiencing following symptoms frequently on these summer days ?
1. Feeling thirsty
2. Feeling dizzy
3. Dark colored strong smelled urine
4. Dry mouth,lips,eyes
5. Headache
6. Dry skin
7. Constipation
8. Amount of urine output is low in a day




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