It remains so to this day. Specializing in the medium of documentary, YATV has produced several magazine series, short-films and talk shows covering a range of social, political and developmental issues. As a result, YATV has an impressive archive that documents some of the most pivotal moments in Sri Lanka's recent history, such as the tsunami, the peace process, and the end of the war between th
e Government and the LTTE. It has also made programmes focusing on human rights, women's issues, youth, the environment and much more. To best describe its most recent work, YATV coined the phrase 'peace-casting' - which intimates its interest in conflict resolution and promoting peace and reconciliation amongst all communities in Sri Lanka, as well as its drive towards a rights-based approach to positive social change. YATV productions are aimed at promoting diversity and fostering greater communication and understanding amongst communities. As such, its programmes cater to Sinhala, Tamil and English audiences - both local and Diasporic - from a range of different backgrounds, and are designed to encourage constructive discussion and dialogue. YATV also undertakes commissioned work related to a variety of social issues. The organization has partnered with bilateral development institutions, UN agencies and INGOs to produce and broadcast advocacy programs on matters of relevance to their various fields of work. In keeping with its name - 'Young Asia' - YATV is also committed to young people, their concerns and aspirations. Not only are these issues often highlighted in several productions, YATV also makes it a practice to train young journalists in keeping with professional media standards - and experience that not only provides them with future career opportunities, but also instills in them a sense of purpose and a heightened awareness about important social, political and developmental issues. YATV is based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, as a fully-equipped production facility and multimedia organization with its own in-house studio.