MIRROR Policy statement
The Mirror provides a forum for individuals and organizations to express their views freely, and within
legal constraints. There are several principles and objectives which guide this policy. The Mirror opens its columns to all shades of public opinion: political, religious social etc. It supports
the policies of the government which are deemed to be in the best interest o
f our people and country. Likewise, it will criticize constructively, those policies and programmes that are deemed to be inimical to
the national interest. The mirror will discharge its responsibilities in news reporting, editing and presentation in an accurate
and professional manner and with regard for truth, fairness, objectivity and impartiality. Wherever
necessary, The Mirror will take the lead and present information to the public that will enable them to
arrive at informed decisions on matters of national importance. The Mirror will support the policies or actions of any political party or group which, in its opinion, serves
the national interest. Lucian Spirit” by bringing to the attention of the
public, the activities and achievements of outstanding nationals (individuals as well as organizations),
and indentifying role models for younger generations. The arrival of The Mirror coincided with a period of moral and social decline in St. Consequently,
we feel that we have a responsibility to play a part in seeking to reverse that trend. As a result, The
Mirror will not accept for publication any material which seeks to promote the use of substances that
cause addiction (especially alcohol and ci******es), or material that is considered lewd or obscene in any
way. The Mirror will campaign for a return of moral and ethical values at all levels of the community. It will
seek to promote the development of a dynamic work ethic among St. Lucians and will support the rule
of law and maintenance of public order. The Mirror recognizes the efforts of Government, business and labour in the development of St. Lucia
to be equally important and will cooperate with them to initiate and implement constructive polices for
national advancement. The Mirror supports the system of a mixed economy as being suited to the advancement of a small
developing country. The Mirror believes that the development of St. Lucia must be based on the initiative, creativity and
energy of its people and the extent to which they can come together to achieve national objectives. Consequently, it will seek to mobilize St. Lucians to formulate a national consensus on crucial issues that
affect our country. The Mirror's Agenda
QUESTIONS usually fly when a new newspaper is about to hit the streets. For starters, people want to know what sort of newspaper it will be. In our case, there was also another pertinent question: Is there room for another newspaper in St.Lucia at this time ? Our response to the second question is that we believe that in every society there will always be room for a new good product. And we do promise a good product. As to what sort of newspaper THE MIRROR will be, we say from the outset that we cannot be anything but a serious newspaper, one that will be commited to the practising and maintenance of the highest ideals and principles of good solid journalism. A look at our policy statement published elsewhere in this inaugural issue will acquaint readers with what THE MIRROR stands for. We have taken some unique and bold stands. We pledge to live by them. It is our hope that the public -- both readers and advertisers -- will appreciate where we are coming from and not attempt to dissuade us from the path we have chosen by making unfair demands. THE MIRROR has no intention of engaging in triviality and controversy, but we pledge to carry out our functions fearlessly. We realise that we are arriving on the scene at a time when questions are being asked about the media in St. Lucia and the behaviour of some of its practitioners. We believe that we should say very early that we will strive for truth, accuracy, balance and fairness in all our reporting and will demand that those in our employ conduct themselves in a business-like and professional manner at all times. We have no axes to grind with anyone. THE MIRROR also promises to be a different sort of newspaper. By virtue of the fact that we are starting off as a weekly, we do not see ourselves covering much of the day-to-day news that is now being published and aired elsewhere. Our concentration in news reporting will be the very latest developments taking place locally, regionally and internationally. Most of our space,however, will be devoted to features, and more indepth and analytical articles. One of the main challenges of THE MIRROR will be its pledge to work towards the restoration of those basic social and moral values that are quickly disappearing from our island. We recognise that this will not be an easy assignment considering the fact that it is mostly what is wrong with society today that is perceived as popular, desirable and the way to go. But we will press on regardless. We believe that it is time St.Lucians must rally to save their country from the bottomless pit of decadence into which it is heading. We should all accept this responsibility and attempt to return to the basics of discipline, civility and good manners that in the past helped produce so many outstanding sons and daughters. In the end, we hope that THE MIRROR will be the sort of newspaper that our people will look into and see themselves -- a proud, hard working and disciplined people in a model nation.