This Ramadan, Feed an Iftar meal to a family in Gaza
في هذا رمضان، حول عطائك إلى مصدر بركات تُنير دروبك ودروب الآخرين
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
This ramadan turn your giving into blessings
في هذا رمضان، حول عطائك إلى مصدر بركات تُنير دروبك ودروب الآخرين
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
This ramadan turn your giving into blessings
في هذا رمضان، حول عطائك إلى مصدر بركات تُنير دروبك ودروب الآخرين
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
لقاء الاحباء مع سماحة الشيخ هيثم التميم الفاضل
“Allah knows exactly what to give you to help you return to Him. The events in your life are purposeful, appropriate & non-random.”
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
#event #uk #charity #watan #gathering #palestine #humanity
#charityevents #followers #charityfundraiser #givingback #give
This ramadan turn your giving into blessings
في هذا رمضان، حول عطائك إلى مصدر بركات تُنير دروبك ودروب الآخرين
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
Charity work builds a better society
العمل الخيري يبني مجتمعاً أفضل
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
Small actions, big impact. Let’s build a better world together
أفعال صغيرة، تأثير كبير. لنُبْنِ عالماً أفضل معاً
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
Spread kindness, change lives—one good deed at a time
انشر اللطف، غيّر الحياة—عمل صالح واحد في كل مرة
#Palestine In Our Hearts
👉🏿 Donate now and make every donation count 🤲🏻
Our Donate Link ➡️
Each positive action plants a seed of hope, inspiring others to follow suit. It’s not about recognition or rewards but the satisfaction of knowing that our actions have the power to improve lives and make a difference.
For your Donation please follow our website:
“Palestine Rise Again”
#watan #watancharity #charity #palestine #donations #family #helpinghands #help #peace #charitylove #people #community #brotherandsister #brotherinlife #welovehelp
#war #feeding #feedafamily #giving #givingthanks #Children #foodrelief #donatenow #donatetoday #support #quran #MakeADifference #helpingothers #blessingsofgiving
Always do good
For your Donation please follow our website:
“Palestine Rise Again”
#watan #watancharity #charity #palestine #donations #family #helpinghands #help #peace #charitylove #people #community #brotherandsister #brotherinlife #welovehelp
#war #feeding #feedafamily #giving #givingthanks #Children #foodrelief #donatenow #donatetoday #support #quran #MakeADifference #helpingothers #blessingsofgiving
For your Donation please follow our website:
#watan #watancharity #charity #gaza #palestine #donations #family #helpinghands #help #peace #charitylove #people #community #brotherandsister #brotherinlife #welovehelp
#war #feeding #feedafamily #giving #givingthanks #Children #foodrelief #donatenow #donatetoday #support #quran #MakeADifference #helpingothers #BlessingsOfGiving
Gaza rise again
For your Donation please follow our website:
#watan #watancharity #charity #gaza #palestine #donations #family #helpinghands #help #peace #charitylove #people #community #brotherandsister #brotherinlife #welovehelp
#war #feeding #feedafamily #giving #givingthanks #Children #foodrelief #donatenow #donatetoday #support #quran #MakeADifference #helpingothers #BlessingsOfGiving