The Eurasian Post

The Eurasian Post The Radical Outlook is an online news web portal created by geopolitical analyst Shahzada Rahim aka


Russia-Africa Summit 2023


NATO Summit 2023 at Vilnius

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Guys don't forget to follow me on Twitter. I really appreciate your support on Fb. Now please do follow me on twitter by clicking on the link below.

Author, Literary Critic, and Geopolitical Analyst Views expressed are my own! Proud Naphtian One would have to be verbal dandy

Rest in Peace Daria

Rest in Peace Daria

The Eurasian Post and The Radical Outlook shares its condolences with Dugin's Family."I don't have words to express my s...

The Eurasian Post and The Radical Outlook shares its condolences with Dugin's Family.

"I don't have words to express my sadness and it is absolutely shocking to hear that Daria Dougina, the daughter our teacher Professor Alexander Dugin is no more with us. My hearts stopped beating when I heard the news of our sister's sudden demise. Today is a black day for all Eurasianists because we have lost the legacy of our great teacher. I share my deepest condolences with Professor Alexandr Dugin and the whole family. May God give us patience. Rest in Peace Comrade, friend and our sister. You will be in our hearts and memories forever."

Shahzada Rahim
Editor in Chief, The Eurasian Post


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By German Gorriaz Lopez © The Radical Outlook By chaos we understand something unpredictable and that escapes the myopic...

By German Gorriaz Lopez © The Radical Outlook By chaos we understand something unpredictable and that escapes the myopic vision that our eyes can only sketch in the face of events that are beyond known parameters, since our mind is capable of sequencing only fragments of the total sequence of the immense genome of chaos, with which inevitably we resort to the term "butterfly effect" to try to explain the vertiginous conjunction of centripetal and centrifugal forces that will end up configuring the disjointed puzzle of ordered chaos that is taking shape....

Editor's Pick Europe In Focus The New Multipolar Order May 6, 2022May 5, 2022 0 0 5 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:4 Minute, 6 Second By German Gorriaz Lopez© The Radical Outlook By chaos we understand something unpredictable and that escapes the myopic vision that our eyes can only ske...


By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook Shakespeare, through the mouth of a frightened Henry IV, expresses the fear and impotence of man due to the lack of certainty in the face of the chaos of moving: “My God, if we had the option of reading in the book of destiny and seeing of time the revolutions, to see how the occasion mocks and how the change fills the cup of Mudanza with different colors”....

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The late Franco regime would have the National High Court as the executing...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The late Franco regime would have the National High Court as the executing arm and the Supreme Court as a containment dam for popular resources against the parasitic and corrupt political class established in any segment of power through the status of appraised (read cases Rato and Cifuentes), to Judges Lamela and Llarena as its most prominent pawns and Judge Marchena as High Priest of some courts that would be controlled by the so-called "clan of politicians" in the words of the former President of the Court of Justice, Ramón Trillo, standing out the President of the Criminal Chamber of the National Court, Concepción Espejel, decorated in its day by the President of the PP of Castilla la Mancha, María Dolores de Cospedal)....

Editor's Pick Europe In Focus Is espionage possible in Spanish democracy? April 27, 2022April 27, 2022 0 0 6 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:5 Minute, 3 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The late Franco regime would have the National High Court as the executing arm and ...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The signs of Biden's senility, the Afghanistan fiasco and the lack of parl...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The signs of Biden's senility, the Afghanistan fiasco and the lack of parliamentary agreements to approve his New Deal program with investments valued at trillions of dollars, coupled with runaway inflation and the possible recession of the economy next year could lead to the Republican victory in the 2022 midterm elections that would anticipate a triumphant return of Trump in the 2024 Presidential elections....

Editor's Pick In Focus Is a peace agreement between Putin and Zelensky close? April 21, 2022April 21, 2022 0 0 5 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:4 Minute, 13 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The signs of Biden’s senility, the Afghanistan fiasco and the lack of parlia...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The successive Jewish military offensives against Gaza and the West Bank h...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The successive Jewish military offensives against Gaza and the West Bank have always been protected by the "spiral of silence" of the main world mass media controlled by the transnational Jewish lobby, a theory formulated by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in her book " The spiral of silence. Public opinion: our social skin” (197…...

Editor's Pick In Focus Israel, Biden and the 2022 midterms April 20, 2022April 20, 2022 0 0 8 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:7 Minute, 28 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The successive Jewish military offensives against Gaza and the West Bank have always been protect...

Carl Schmitt 1933 By Jannat Wazir © The Radical Outlook Firstly, let me very condidly admit, that parliamentarianism (th...

Carl Schmitt 1933 By Jannat Wazir © The Radical Outlook Firstly, let me very condidly admit, that parliamentarianism (the art of governing) remains a meaningless farce due to the absence of parliamentary debates,openness, discussion and deliberations. Discussion and openness is the essence of parliamentarianism and it is due to the recognition in liberal politics as a means of reason and liberty....

Editor's Pick In Focus Parliamentarianism: The political Class Struggle April 18, 2022April 18, 2022 0 0 7 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:6 Minute, 35 Second Carl Schmitt 1933 By Jannat Wazir© The Radical Outlook Firstly, let me very condidly admit, that parliamentarianism (the art of g...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The father of the Argentine Constitution, Juan Bautista Alberdi in his boo...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The father of the Argentine Constitution, Juan Bautista Alberdi in his book "The Crime of War" written in 1872 states that "wars will be rarer as the responsibility for their effects is felt by all those who promote them and they incite”, which anticipates by almost a century the end of the nuclear escalation that had its turning point in the Cuban Missile Crisis and that culminated in the signing by Kennedy and Khrushchev of the Nuclear Test Suspension Agreement ( 1962) and the implementation of the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence....

Editor's Pick In Focus Will Biden's Myopia Cause a New Missile Crisis? April 14, 2022 0 0 6 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:5 Minute, 47 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The father of the Argentine Constitution, Juan Bautista Alberdi in his book “The Crime of War” ...


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By Esmatullah Abdali © The Radical Outlook After the Maidan, or rather, the coup d'état in Ukraine, troops were sent to ...

By Esmatullah Abdali © The Radical Outlook After the Maidan, or rather, the coup d'état in Ukraine, troops were sent to the regions to establish new power and suppress dissent. The most difficult was the war with its inhabitants in the Donbass - in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions. During these eight years of bloody battles, Ukrainian troops regularly shelled the territory of cities and villages with mortars, heavy artillery, and also destroyed infrastructure with the help of air raids. ...

Editor's Pick In Focus Crimes of the national battalions and the Armed Forces of Ukraine April 8, 2022 0 0 5 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:4 Minute, 23 Second By Esmatullah Abdali© The Radical Outlook After the Maidan, or rather, the coup d’état in Ukraine, troops were sent to the r...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook Wright Mills in his book "The Power Elite" (1956), indicates that the key ...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook Wright Mills in his book "The Power Elite" (1956), indicates that the key to understanding North American restlessness would be found in the over-organization of its society. Thus, establishment would be "the elite group formed by the union of the political, military, economic, university and mass media sub-elites of the United States", pressure lobbies that would be interconnected through a restless alliance based on their community of interests and directed by military metaphysics....

Editor's Pick In Focus Biden and Soros on the hunt for the Russian white whale? April 7, 2022April 7, 2022 0 0 6 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:5 Minute, 4 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook Wright Mills in his book “The Power Elite” (1956), indicates that the key t...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The Chinese dominant system would use the invisible dictatorship of compul...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The Chinese dominant system would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material goods to annul the ideals of the primitive individual and transform him into an uncritical, fearful and conformist being who will inevitably join the ranks of a homogeneous, uniform and easily manipulated society through techniques. of mass manipulation by the Chinese Politburo....

Editor's Pick In Focus Is a May '68 brewing in China? April 1, 2022April 1, 2022 0 0 5 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:4 Minute, 13 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The Chinese dominant system would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material g...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The Ukrainian crisis will mean the end of the Unipolarity of the United St...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The Ukrainian crisis will mean the end of the Unipolarity of the United States and its role as world policeman and its replacement by the new doctrine of Multipolarity or Peer-to-Peer Geopolitics, formed by the US, China and Russia Troika (G3), which It will mean the beginning of the dismemberment of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), leaving the EU, Japan, India and Brazil as stone guests in the new geopolitical scenario....

Editor's Pick In Focus Is the US trying to destabilize China too? April 1, 2022 0 0 6 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:5 Minute, 50 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The Ukrainian crisis will mean the end of the Unipolarity of the United States and its role as world po...

By Alexander Dugin © The Radical Outlook The global scale of the Ukrainian problem The fate of the world order is being ...

By Alexander Dugin © The Radical Outlook The global scale of the Ukrainian problem The fate of the world order is being decided in Ukraine. This is not a local conflict between two powers that have not divided something between them. It is a fundamental watershed in history. There is common practice to separate the interests and the values…...

Alexander Dugin Editor's Pick In Focus Russia vs. Anti-Russia: Interests and Values March 26, 2022 0 0 18 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:17 Minute, 52 Second By Alexander Dugin© The Radical Outlook The global scale of the Ukrainian problem The fate of the world order is being decided in...

By Esmatullah Abdali © The Radical Outlook The Special Military Operation in the Donbass began on 24.02.2022. The whole ...

By Esmatullah Abdali © The Radical Outlook The Special Military Operation in the Donbass began on 24.02.2022. The whole reservoir of contradictions accumulated between Russia and the collective West. Without going into the details of their historical retrospectives, we may surely say that the model of interaction with Russia, which was chosen by European countries, as well as the United States and other allies, is sufficiently tough, even if not even say hostile Numerous packages of sanctions directed against Russia and Belarus, like a trump card from a shower cards of the Shulera, were thrown into a card of global geopolitics....

Editor's Pick In Focus World Economy and the "Special Military operation in Ukraine" March 22, 2022March 22, 2022 0 0 7 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:6 Minute, 4 Second By Esmatullah Abdali© The Radical Outlook The Special Military Operation in the Donbass began on 24.02.2022. The whol...

By Jubori Thaer © The Radical Outlook Iraq abstained from voting against Russia at the UN in favor of a resolution conde...

By Jubori Thaer © The Radical Outlook Iraq abstained from voting against Russia at the UN in favor of a resolution condemning the special operation, raising questions in New York about Baghdad's position, which was a major surprise for the administration of US President Joe Biden, which was considered an ally of Iraq. Iraq's representative to the United Nations said after the vote that his country's abstention in favor of the draft resolution “is due to the historical past that Iraq has gone through and the ongoing suffering of the Iraqi people; Iraq's position is firm and supports the peaceful resolution of all crises, without taking one side at the expense of the other."...

Editor's Pick In Focus Iraq is neutral at the UN and puts up photos of President Putin in Baghdad March 18, 2022March 18, 2022 0 0 5 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:3 Minute, 57 Second By Jubori Thaer © The Radical Outlook Iraq abstained from voting against Russia at the UN in favor of a...

The War in Ukraine By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The US will take advantage of the Ukrainian crisis to t...

The War in Ukraine By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The US will take advantage of the Ukrainian crisis to try to replace Russia's European energy dependence (40% of the gas that the EU imports comes from Russia) with fracking dependence, flooding the European market with LNG, but it will not be able to avoid the twinning of Russian-Chinese interests that will be the containment dam of the US imperialist dreams and that could lead in the near future to a global war (World War III)....

Editor's Pick In Focus Is the US Provoking World War III? March 18, 2022March 17, 2022 0 0 6 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:5 Minute, 4 Second The War in Ukraine By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The US will take advantage of the Ukrainian crisis to try to replace Russia’s ...

By Samiullah Safi and Tanzila Aslam © The Radical Outlook Military thinkers dating back to Thucydides in the 5th century...

By Samiullah Safi and Tanzila Aslam © The Radical Outlook Military thinkers dating back to Thucydides in the 5th century B.C. have theorized on why countries form security alliances. According to Thucydides, Nations band together to dissuade or go to war because of "honour, fear, and interest." Tatsuya Nishida, an expert in International Relations and Alliance Politics, theorized that in general, the existence of danger or hostile power is an essential prerequisite for creating a security alliance....

Editor's Pick Europe In Focus If Warsaw Pact is dead, then why NATO is Alive? March 14, 2022March 13, 2022 0 0 6 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:5 Minute, 50 Second By Samiullah Safi and Tanzila Aslam© The Radical Outlook Military thinkers dating back to Thucydides in the 5th century B.C...

By The Radical Outlook Copyright © The Radical Outlook

By The Radical Outlook Copyright © The Radical Outlook

In Focus Watch US Alexander Dugin on Ukraine March 12, 2022March 12, 2022 0 0 1 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:4 Second By The Radical Outlook Copyright © The Radical Outlook Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn About Post Author The Radical Outlook The Radical Outlook is an online...


By German Gorriaz Lopez © The Radical Outlook According to Edgar Ocampo, every year, the world engulfs half of the reserves of a major oil country (Mexico) and given that alternative energies still need huge subsidies to be viable in developing countries, the practice of fracking ( kind of a universal panacea that will solve Humanity's energy problems) is still incipient and raises environmental concerns and the inertia of oil assets will not allow large companies to abandon their current equipment and infrastructure, it follows that the world economy will continue to weigh on the dependence on oil in the next decade....

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The Ukrainian crisis could cause a change in the US strategy as the Biden ...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook The Ukrainian crisis could cause a change in the US strategy as the Biden Administration would be studying implementing the carrot tactic in Venezuela. which would include the relaxation of the restrictions currently in force on Venezuelan oil to revitalize the driving force of the Venezuelan economy as well as annulling Trump's ban on importing the diesel necessary to maintain the chain of transport of goods and medical supplies....

Editor's Pick In Focus Latin America Is it Venezuela time? March 10, 2022March 9, 2022 0 0 4 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:3 Minute, 38 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook The Ukrainian crisis could cause a change in the US strategy as the Biden Administration would be ...

By Alexander Dugin © The Radical Outlook Last thing. It is important to understand that Russia, which claims that it is ...

By Alexander Dugin © The Radical Outlook Last thing. It is important to understand that Russia, which claims that it is fighting Na**sm in Ukraine and insisting on denazification, is, in fact, acting from the position of the Fourth Political Theory. It is obvious that Moscow does not rely on liberal globalism, with which, on the contrary, it has entered into a deadly confrontation....

Alexander Dugin Editor's Pick In Focus The Ideology of New Russia March 9, 2022 0 0 3 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:2 Minute, 26 Second By Alexander Dugin© The Radical Outlook Last thing. It is important to understand that Russia, which claims that it is fighting Na**sm in Ukraine and ...

Ukraine By John Duke © The Radical Outlook When politicians drive themselves into a corner with their rash actions, thei...

Ukraine By John Duke © The Radical Outlook When politicians drive themselves into a corner with their rash actions, their reaction to what is happening often becomes inadequate. Some break out in cold sweat, others begin to tremble hands and other parts of the body, some people chew ties, but before distributing weapons to everyone and releasing prisoners from prisons also armed them, rarely anyone could think of such a thing, but here is the President of Ukraine and his entourage thought of it....

Editor's Pick In Focus President Zelensky distributes weapons to criminals and psychos March 6, 2022March 5, 2022 0 0 4 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:3 Minute, 28 Second Ukraine By John Duke© The Radical Outlook When politicians drive themselves into a corner with their rash actions, t...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook In his first term as President, Putin achieved the defenestration of the p...

By German Gorraiz Lopez © The Radical Outlook In his first term as President, Putin achieved the defenestration of the primitive ruling class from the time of Yeltsin (oligarchs), a corrupt mafia clique equivalent to a mini-state within the Russian State (36% of the great fortunes would concentrate in their hands the equivalent to 25% of GDP, proceeding to its replacement by subjects of proven loyalty to their person, without political whims and with the sole desire for quick profit....

Editor's Pick In Focus Is the US preparing a coup against Putin? March 3, 2022March 3, 2022 0 0 5 min read The Radical Outlook 0 0 Read Time:4 Minute, 5 Second By German Gorraiz Lopez© The Radical Outlook In his first term as President, Putin achieved the defenestration of the primitive ruling clas...




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