📕 예문으로 배우는 토픽 핵심단어 1000 (인도네시아어 편) 초급
1000 TOPIK keywords with example sentences (Indonesian) Basic
1000 Kata Kunci TOPIK Belajar dengan Contoh Kalimat Tingkat Dasar
This book was created to assist foreign residents who use Indonesian in their daily lives, in preparing for the TOPIK 2 (Intermediate) exam. The goal is to help them acquire the necessary vocabulary within 50 days.
The vocabulary selection is based on words that have appeared in TOPIK questions over several years. Each day, learners study 20 words along with example sentences. The book provides Indonesian translations and explanations to aid comprehension.
After daily vocabulary study, learners can assess their memorization through quizzes. Additionally, the book includes Korean idiomatic expressions to maintain learners’ interest. For an even more effective learning experience, it can be used in conjunction with the Nolja TOPIK app.
Author: 페비 엘피다, 박대건, 소기르 어뜨겅두
Publisher: 케이에스비퓨쳐 KSB Future (2024)