The Oak Project Kenya

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The Oak Project Kenya Rest in the shelter of The Almighty...


Join me for little teté a teté as I set myself up for a quiet evening. Today I am thinking about the prison of secrets we lock ourselves in...


Looking back at 2023 and what its been, what to keep, what to dump and what to build


Jesus said, "come to me you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest."

For a number of years I have observed the growing conversation around the LGBTq community while trying to find my own gr...

For a number of years I have observed the growing conversation around the LGBTq community while trying to find my own ground in the discourse. I do not agree with those arguing for the normalization of it and neither do I agree with those opposed to the LGBTq. Often I have asked, where Gods heart is in the matter. It is Jesus who says, ‘come to me all you who are heavy laden’… and I have seen the weight that those that have come out to me carry. The self-hate, the self-erasure the insecurity… they have been fighting so hard just to exist within themselves, I have no heart to add the weight of shallow prejudice on their backs. Truth be told, I want to hug and hide you in places where nothing can come at you anymore, where maybe, Jesus can do what he intended to do when he invited us who carry heavy burdens to come to him. Yes I include myself in this story because I also carry the kind of identity shattering brokenness, it’s just that these things show up in different ways and we really aren’t that different. I believe strongly that God will move in big ways within this and many other marginalized communities because, that’s who He is.

Many years ago I came across a report from several countries from both the global North and south that drew a correlation in the 90th percentile between non normative sexual attractions and trauma experienced within the 1st 5 years of life. I have deliberately used the words I have used because I know the sensitivity around what I am saying. The long and the short of it is that when a critical population is identifying itself based on sexual preferences, perhaps they are not the problem but the larger mass that blame children for being victims of aggressive abuse in their formative years. In my own person, I will not hate or minimize the agency of any human being to live free from oppression and abuse. I think it’s very foolish to engage in any conversation regarding identity politics without an understanding of the contributing factors.

When God gave Israel the law before they came into their promised land, He made it clear that they should not take up the practices of the people He was routing off of the land and among the most abhorrent to god was child sacrifice in all its forms…. The actual murder and offering of their children to other gods or even practices that symbolically offered these living children to these gods (one name is molech… there are many). Before Israel was broken into 2 and eventually taken into captivity, a key charge over them was that they had made it a thing to offer their children to gods and idols as sacrifices. We are not different from them.

Generation after generation we have been quiet as our children and siblings were being preyed on by fathers, brothers, cousins, uncles and even people of the ‘cloth’. Some children were chased away from home when the abuse bore them pregnancies, other children were blamed for being abused, and others have nowhere to go as we turn our eyes away from the commercial use of church funded orphanages. So when we start blustering on about how we cannot allow alphabet minorities…. It holds no water, because we were complicit in seeding into the identity crisis. So what do we do as western nations start to incentivize inclusion and gay rights?

If the church should hear the sound of the father’s heart, she would humble herself before him and repent, turning her eyes into herself and exorcizing everything that allowed such abuses of the children. She would rise up and protect the children with everything she has and she would seek the Holy Spirit on how to love the broken back to a semblance of wholeness. Church, hate and violence is not the way to engage with this one. The love of Christ Jesus is… and HE set a precedent in John 8:1-11.

I have copied from v. 3

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Now replace adulterous woman with whatever alphabet situation. The principle remains the same.

If we cannot deal with the root of sin, we will spend our days beating leaves that only multiply as they grow again, very much like the hands of a hydra. The root of the alphabet situation is the abuse of children in their formative years, usually by family members, let’s have the courage to start dealing with the issue there.

What is it about time?Today one song on an album released 14 years ago... took me back to a place and time where I thoug...

What is it about time?

Today one song on an album released 14 years ago... took me back to a place and time where I thought my problem was a time problem... little did I know what the years would expose and teach me... take a dive into the deep with me!

In this episode I take you down memory lane with me through the hook of a song, into some murky depths and eventually to someplace where perhaps a coherence begins to form. I get a little naked and a lot into the deep. Take a deep breathe and come along. Also, I reference the following: Creed (the b...


But why do you despise your inheritance so much?



Deconstruction can mean a lot of different things depending on who you ask.2016 was a year the shook a lot of us. I was caught in this too. It made me questi...

Today I realize that the motivating factor in my search of the knowledge of God is a question or rather a cluster of que...

Today I realize that the motivating factor in my search of the knowledge of God is a question or rather a cluster of questions. These prevailing questions that fuel my immersion s into the word of God are, 'who I'm I? Who are we? And why?'

I believe that healing and restoration is found where the answers to these questions are. See Jesus says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and all shall be added into you. From this I understand that the search for all things is anchored and centered of searching out this Kingdom and it's King. And the 'treasure map' or instruction manual to this whole thing is the bible.

I admit that for me, knowing that I am saved by Jesus Christ is not enough to see me through the trials that colour and clothe my experience of living. I want to know the what, the why and the how. I want to understand why me? Why you? And so what now?... All that is hidden in the pursuit to fill the gap between who I see in the mirror and who God says I am. That's my prevailing question, that's the vehicle of my pursuit of the Kingdom of God.

And oh my, the adventures that have been had this far! And those that are yet to come... You'll have to see it to believe it and even then, you will have to recommit yourself to the journey every day.

What's your motivation?


Hi you! Let me reintroduce The Oak Project to you, in the fullness of personality that I can convey.

Recently as we read the Bible with the children, I believe we read about the first instance of tax recorded in the bible...

Recently as we read the Bible with the children, I believe we read about the first instance of tax recorded in the bible! And it's in Genesis 47. And it's left me with hope.

See, Joseph was the man in charge, subject only to the pharaoh and he got this position after he interpreted a dream that had disturbed the pharaoh which eventually carried the formula that would preserve Egypt in a time of famine.

Now, deep into the famine, all of Egypt had used up all their money/currency to buy food. They simply had no more money. So they pleaded with Joseph, asking that he accept payment for food in land… so Joseph agreed. This all the land in Egypt became the Pharaohs land. Then when there was no more land to sell for food, the people pleaded with Joseph again asking that he accept them as slaves in exchange for food. They effectively offered to sell themselves to the pharaoh to save their lives. (This is a whole study by itself by the way which can show us how we got to this uncomfortable place as a nation).

So Joseph came up with an idea that would keep the people from selling themselves and still profit the Pharaohs coffers (I think it helps that he knew the time of famine was almost up). He refused to take the people as slaves and instead offered to give them food and seed to plant on the land they lived on which was now the pharaohs, so that when they harvested, a fifth of their harvest would go to the kings coffers.

Fam, this was, I believe where the ideas of land leases and rent and taxes from your profit came from. It's not a tool from the devile to make you suffer. It's a tool to save you from enslaving yourself. Let's expand that.

The price of our freedom and sovereignty is the taxes we pay to government. Whether the government be like angels who can do no wrong, or it be like the commanders of hell itself. It's still holds true that the price of our sovereignty is the taxes we pay. Now, we have to take a moment and recognize that as a country, we have not managed ourselves well. We are a greedy people driven by money and very easily throw each other under the bus for some money. Now, this thing about who we are, is biting us hard and so then the cost of our sovereignty has increased, we don't really have much choice in the matter. It is what it is. I find some comfort in seeing the hand of God in the burden. So perhaps we should pray for grace to bear the weight as we deliberately repent and change our ways towards a nation that works together for the prosperity of the generations we can't see yet.


The What, The Why, The How...

I think this is a very misunderstood, misused and abused concept. I took a walk through the book of Malachi and decided to share some highlights that really blew my mind.

It's also interesting to note that Malachi was speaking into some of the same things that Isaiah was calling out almost 300 years earlier.

We really don't change much because more than 2500 years later... We still have the same issue... 🤔

💯 see


The What, The Why, The How...

I think this is a very misunderstood, misused and abused concept. I took a walk through the book of Malachi and decided to share some highlights that really blew my mind.

It's also interesting to note that Malachi was speaking into some of the same things that Isaiah was calling out almost 300 years earlier.

We really don't change much because more than 2500 years later... We still have the same issue... 🤔


If there is a person in the bible I identify and resonate with, its Elijah. Many people see Elijah the bold man who conf...

If there is a person in the bible I identify and resonate with, its Elijah. Many people see Elijah the bold man who confronted the king and queen of the land, led a showdown on a mountain between the powers of baal and God, the one by whose sound heaven shut its waters until he spoke to release rain on the land… oooh big things! Me… I see the man who found himself in the midst of injustice his spirit could not bear, I see a man whose spirit could not contain the anger at how the name of God was held with such little regard, A man who feared God and could not understand how men could be so callous about the God he feared. I see a man whose passions drove him into places where his courage was often catching up. I see a man who wore himself out in the name of the God he revered. I see a man on whom God looked kindly upon in his weakened state. A man whose God who heard the cry of a man who just could not anymore, A man whom God himself made personal arrangement to remove him from the injustices that consumed him in his cry for justice and righteousness.

Today I particularly resonate with Elijah, because like him, I am in a cave, licking my wounds, spent and looking to the only hand that can feed me what I need to gather my strength to get up again. I haven’t gotten to the place where I am asking God to take me… (been there, done that, He clearly has more for me so I am still here) Because I can see His hand around me and that has to be okay. I know today I am not alone… there’s another 7000 gathering themselves as they heal. Maybe you are one of them, rest, let Him hum over you as you recoup yourself…

People are flawed. I am flawed. You are flawed. The danger of raising men on pedestals… living or otherwise is that when...

People are flawed. I am flawed. You are flawed. The danger of raising men on pedestals… living or otherwise is that when their flawed nature comes out. We forget that before they were heroes, they were men… and after their heroic acts… they are/were still men. So as we remember the heroes today… remember they are and they were still mere men, and be gentle with their memories and be gentle with you.


Join me as I make my coffee today and get into a few of the things that are heavy on my heart today.

See... God's heart is for his children. God's heart for us is one of a Father towards children who cannot seem to find their way to Him... Because our world today has broken that connection and put so many barriers that the word father is often laced with some foreboding.

Anyway, listen in and pick what is yours and run with it.


This was last week’s conversation. What's fascinating is the number of global voices saying the exact same thing! So, I know God is speaking with the sound of a thousand waters. It's in His heart that we stop treading the wheel, ask some hard questions and find our way back to His heart... listen in and in the comments, I will share some of the other voices saying the exact same thing albeit in a different way... as always,
Love Ti


Jesus Christ is not a laundry...

Stop using his name to cleanse your image or to cover up for the things you have done in secret that you know are not of the God who called you by name.

Matthew 7:22,23

Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Drive out demons in your name? And perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them, 'away from me, you evil doers.'

Is there anything more to be said about the matter?


Have you watched part 1 of this week’s Deconstructing Christianity? Susan landed the bomb about the relationship between a father and a name. So many days later, I am still mulling on the same and the consequences of living a life of shadows. See a name isn’t just an identifying sound. A name carries in it, function, purpose, a person’s place in the world, identity. So what then is it to live ones days in a shadow of vacuous-ness…? Anyway, here is part 2… about going back to the heart of the Father, the source of all things, including a name and all that appertains to it. Enjoy the conversation.


These last few weeks have been heavy and it’s been difficult to put into words, what the weight has been. In this week’s conversation around deconstructing Christianity, Susan and I tried to put words to the weight in our hearts… really the weight of The Father towards us.

Wueh! Some hard things were spoken out today regarding honour, idolization of men and the continued desecration of the face of The Father, of fatherhood and all associated.

Due to some technical issues, we spilt the conversation into 2 part. Here is part 1


Dear church, remember your groom Jesus Christ. Many have come and devoured you in your innocence, others have presented themselves as false grooms... you have been reduced to a begging slave, running for one anointing after the other, wooing different graces...

Yet Jesus who saved you from this slavery, the Christ that claims you as His own, is only asking that you get to know him again so that when he is at the door in that hour, you shall surely know Him...

Church, your groom is waiting for you... do you want him still?


Dear Church, remember your groom Jesus Christ. Many have come and devoured you in your innocence, others have presented themselves as false grooms... you have been reduced to a begging slave, running for one anointing after the other, wooing different graces... Yet Jesus who saved you from this slavery, the Christ that claims you as His own, is only asking that you get to know him again so that when he is at the door in that hour, you shall surely know Him...

Church, your groom is waiting for you... do you want him still?


Did you know that it's the responsibility of 'father's'; parents, authority figures... to set their tables and get the ball rolling if indeed reconciliation is what they want?

Do not expect that the broken ones come crawling for for 'forgiveness' unless of course, you in authority insist of keeping the door open to abuse... the thing is, sooner or later, the young ones will stop crawling back and focus on rebuilding themselves away from your need for validation.

This is not a conversation that any parent wants to hear... but perhaps you need to. This is a conversation that many of my peers will hear and weep at what they relate to in secret, because they haven't shaken off the stigma and shame enough to get here... but listen in and catch that one thing that you didn't know you needed.


Did you know that the word nice comes from the latin word nescius which means - ignorant, unaware, a rather literal word for the state of "not-knowing”. When it grew up a little into the French version of it before it landed on the English meaning, it loosely described the state of being foolish, ignorant, frivolous, senseless and it just goes downhill from there.

Why is this important in regards to today’s conversation? Because niceness is the chain that keeps us in systems that venerate and propagate abuse thinly veiled in church culture.

Yes, today we got into to it regarding the abuse of authority in church. Its raw, uncomfortable, cathartic and eye opening. Do listen in and share with us your feedback on IG and or on Facebook where you see this video shared. This is Deconstructing Christianity with Tindi & Sue


Started from the table now I'm here! I think I scratched the surface of the statement: to live is to die.

So why are we so afraid at the notion of death?

The weight got me down there...

Listen in, like, share, comment, DM


Worship: To BE or to DO?

Today’s session started with the tech balking at the fire that was to flow through the channels because, today, we got into ‘worship’.

Worship as a state of BEING rather than a reward from DOING in a world that rewards DOING and resents BEING. So we broke down worship while running in and out of forest fires such as idolatry in church, divination, the ways of God over the hand of God and many such fires. Do listen in and catch a fire for yourself today…


If God be who He is, and if God calls you son. Are you who you are, in the pattern set by your Father? Do you reflect who your Father has called you to be in the pattern He has set for you?

? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Wow! Episode 3 of the conversations you are afraid to have, deconstructing christianity...
With .

The fire today ripped through our conversation.

Fire. Fire. Fire.

Real hard stuff that we are still working and processing through.
What does it mean to come out of Babylon? What is the cost?
What is the face and hand of God in this?
Where is the church?

Wueh 😅 I know this one has lit many fires. But... It is what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️.


Coffee and Conversation today was a little allover the place but the central premise is on the matter of protecting your heart.


Today and I have conversated around the dissonance of how we pray vis a vis what God wants of us as we pray.

I dare say we've tried to deconstruct the basics of prayer and separate that which sits firmly within the ways of men and that which looks more like the ways of God... As they are not the same...

Listen in, be challenged, comment or DM, your thoughts on the conversation to any of us and see you again next week Monday at 2PM, on Instagram Live ( or ) or catch the replay on our Facebook timelines


Deconstructing Christianity Season 1 Episode 2: Today and I have conversated around the dissonance of how we pray Vis a vis what God wants of us as we pray. I dare say we've tried to deconstruct the basics of prayer and separate that which sits firmly within the ways of men and that which looks more like the ways of God... As they are not the same...

Listen in, be challenged, comment, DM, your thoughts on the conversation and see you again next week Monday at 2PM


Today's conversation is a bit on the sombre side.

The reality is that many of us that identify as christian, actively despise the power of God... The realization of what Jesus meant when He said that were it not for the time being cut short... The very elect would be deceived...

What kind of deception would deceive those called by His name? 🤔

Fam, it's a good time to get off the hamster wheel and ask these questions...




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