Peter Glory

Peter Glory Supporting people to Thrive on All Levels! Health - Wealth - Freedom - Growth - Impact & Community! DM me to learn about it!

The Japanese have a word called Ikigai.It's the combination of doing something you love, that you're good at, that helps...

The Japanese have a word called Ikigai.

It's the combination of doing something you love, that you're good at, that helps others and that you can make money from. The complete circle would also include that it is sustainable!

I've only recently encountered this concept, yet I feel that my whole life I've instinctively gravitated towards embodying it.

I've found my Ikigai more than once.

It happens on and off with my art and music. Mostly its just hard to make a living as an artist.

It was definitely there with the years of beautiful retreats and healing work we did for almost a decade, until we chose another path.

And now I feel it so strongly again with sharing what I think of as the Living Water Abundance Path by supporting people to live a healthier, more hydrated and financially flexible lifestyle thru the business formula we share.

I feel so passionate about sharing this because I know how much it improves health, brain function, and overall well being, because I experience it daily. I love sharing a business that radically changes people's lives and gives them the hope and strategy to effectively rewrite their life story.

It took me a while to accurately see what this is. And it is different. But wouldn't you expect anything that has the power to create big changes to be different?

People can get triggered by this model because it's so different from the norm. Yet so many people remain content, if not stuck, in day to day jobs that probably undervalue them, limit their potential and confine them to performing tasks they aren't personally that passionate about. Often not providing true stability.

I've recently learned that japanese culture is centered around setting up the next generation. So not only can my daughter build her own empire here, she will also inheret everything we build in our lifetime.

I've found my Ikigai again here by aligning myself with a company that is a pioneer in the health and wellness industry and creates key products that enhance health, build wealth and protect the environment.

I'm happy to share more if you're interested in joining this journey!

I'm curious to see how many people I know lost work or income during the CVI9 situation? I know it hit a lot of industri...

I'm curious to see how many people I know lost work or income during the CVI9 situation? I know it hit a lot of industries in different ways.
And if so, did you bounce back?
Did you have a plan B?
And do you have one now?
For me personally, we had just moved countries and ran our first 2 retreats, which went super well. Everything was looking peachy and then WHAM! It completely froze our work! Our entire way of supporting ourselves was brought to it's knees overnight!
And it was completely out of our control!
That's the part that I hated the most!
Yes we adapted, rolled with the punches, pivoted, did what we had to do, as I'm sure a lot of you did too.
But ultimately we also relied on some support we were blessed to have available at the time.
I'm so grateful for that. And grateful in general. Because it was a wake up call that asked me some pretty important questions:
How robust is your income?
How reliant are you on others support?
How fragile is your industry?
And here's a big one: How far are you willing to go or able to be coerced in order to retain the work you are reliant upon?
How far will you go to hold onto it?
I'm happy to say we're building a super solid plan B.
One that is not only resilient, flexible and borderless. But is also generous, impactful and inspiring!
It's nice to have aligned with something that is deeply in service to the planet, peoples health and that offers financial stability beyond any other model I know of.
I'm taking action to create an amazing future!
I'd love to know what everyone is doing to hedge against the unknown and I'm happy to share more about what I'm doing, if it speaks to you?

There's 24 hours in a day ⏳️and most people sleep 8 😴 and work 8 💪would you be willing to invest 2 of the remaining 8 ho...

There's 24 hours in a day ⏳️

and most people sleep 8 😴 and work 8 💪

would you be willing to invest 2 of the remaining 8 hours each day towards building a secondary (or primary) stream of income?

One that would not only compound over time but is highly automated and gives you the ability to create legacy income (permanant passive income for the rest of your life)?

This is the best model I've seen for creating a total freedom life, and I'm on my way if you want to join me.

If you're interested to see how this is possible I can show you and with absolutely no obligation on your end.

But once you see this you can't unsee it!

Send me a message and let's see if this is something you wanna explore?


Planning to travel this year and definitely going to visit AUSTRALIA!!!
See ya'll in July!!!!


It's been so inspiring lately to refine the path I am taking to move forward and to temporarily redirect more of my focus onto myself and my own desire to create what makes me happy.

It's always a pleasure to be in service to others, don't get me wrong. Because so much of the positive energy, enthusiasm and trust that I share with others is always an extention of a gift from above, and within, that I have just learned how to cultivate and share with people, so they can remember their light and reembody it. 🌞

And so in the spirit of leading by example, I am striving to be a happier version of myself while continuing to share my heart and my journey with others to support their upliftment as well.

What this looks like for me right now is a consistent practice of self care, daily gratitude rituals, super inspiring audiobooks and creating a new way of bringing in greater abundance that will never burn me out! And one that paves the way for me to earn money even when I'm not working! Woot woot!

My wife and I are having so much fun expanding into this new way of supporting our family and are already celebrating the freedom we are creating for our future. ✨️🙏✨️

The work we were doing in the past could only be done from a small number of places in the world and traveling around to share it had become increasingly difficult on many fronts. The logistics alone and all of the variables were a constant juggling act. I'm actually not that surprised I got so burnt out!

So it's honestly a huge relief to me now to be creating something new that's still deeply in service to the planet and people's health but one that is so much simpler, more robust and just lighter allround!

Something that especially excites me about what we are building is that it allows us to work from anywhere in the world. So if we want to travel the world, relocate, take longer or more frequent holidays, we will be able to. That just feels so expansive right now! ✨️⚡️✨️

I'm grateful for the fact that this new venture becomes more rewarding the further we take it. I'm happy to put in the effort, its actually fun and mostly is just personal growth and mindset work, so its already aligned with what ive been doing happily for years to grow as an individual. This is just opening me up to new and even greater levels of it!

I'm also super grateful that we get to own this business, pass it on to our daughter in the future and it has no upper limit of income capacity. People are making big 💰 doing this! It's also cool because we are essentially working for ourselves, yet we are supported by high level mentors and are partnered with an integral company who has proven itself over decades. Plus so much of the mundane side of this business is all automated which leaves the fun part for us!

I'm also so grateful for what they offer the world and how nourished we feel because of it! Imagine you bought something you loved so much and naturally wanted to share it with everyone and the people who made it rewarded that in a way that can create uncapped wealth for you and future generations. Well that's what this is! And you can see it for yourself if you want to.

So a big part of what's shifting for us this year is sharing what we've found because we know this will be of service to a lot of people out there who are unsatisfied with how life is playing out. And part of our service in the coming years, aside from our existing energetic healing work, is sharing this with others so they know it's an option that exists that can radically transform them in a variety of incredible ways.
Yes. It's still about empowerment and helping others to lead happier and more fulfilling lives!

If you're looking for a way to escape the day to day grind of the matrix and you know you deserve a better, richer and more expansive life but havent found your road map yet! I don't know any better way than this to offer you! Look into it if this resonates with you. See for yourself what it truly is and how it can be a vehicle to unlock a better life for you as it has been for countless others already! I will share more testimonials in the future.

Join a community of positive, powerful and utterly inspiring entrepreneurs from around the world, and allow them to guide you onto this path in ways that will help you grow beyond your limitations and into your best self!

You will also be joining a movement to improve your personal health and the collective health of the planet!

Send me a message. I'll show you what this is so you can see if this feels right for you too!

Bless your incredible divine hearts people!
I'm sending you all so much love today and for this new year ahead 😊💖🙌

Good morning beautiful beings!I'm sending this out to people in my  network who are entrepreneurs, artists, creatives an...

Good morning beautiful beings!

I'm sending this out to people in my network who are entrepreneurs, artists, creatives and people who have a strong passion they are here to share with the world!!! Thank you for all the beauty you bring to the world 😊

As a father, a healer and musician I have always valued a life of creative expression, service and freedom. I've always been a bit of a rebel so paving my own way has always been what feels most aligned.

I never wanted to lean so heavily on my artistry for an income that I would compromise its purity in any way. The same way I never wanted to rely on healing work in a way that would push me to take on more than is healthy for me.

And even tho it may be possible to earn a living as an artist, that's some pretty hefty odds to face, let's be honest.

Changes to the music industry via digitization have made it increasingly difficult to earn a decent living there, let alone absolutely killing it! Being a starving artist gets less and less cool the older you get!

So is there anything out there that can be adopted that will set you free financially without taking all your time, without compromising your values, and without crushing your soul? And how secure is it in this day and age?

And if so, how long does it take to learn how to do it and how long does it take to set up and become viable? Most small businesses can take years to become profitable. And even tho you're your own boss, in many cases you're essentially just giving yourself a job or many jobs!

I'm curious, what is everyone doing these days to support their passions? And are you finding a healthy balance in life if you are?

Let me know what's working for you because this is such an important conversation to have! This life is so precious and there's so much we all desire to see and do!

In my moments of prayer I recently found something that has given me more faith than ever that a way forward beyond all previous expectations is not only possible but is standing right infront of me.

And I almost skipped right over it! Mostly because of assumptions rooted in my own conditioned way of seeing things that involve sales and marketing. Thinking that most things in those realms were kind of sleazy and pyramidy.

But lets be honest, we're all selling something! Whether it's a small business or even if its just your precious time and energy.

What's really important for me is that my energy goes towards something that feels aligned with my values and is not stressful. Something I can enjoy doing and feel genuinely proud to be part of because I know it helps people. On multiple levels.

I have recently encountered something new and inspiring. What I've found, pretty much anyone can do. You just have to be motivated, teachable, and able to step beyond your own limiting beliefs and generally get out of your own way.

This is a forward thinking business model, that's turn key and the benefits sound too good to be true, but they're real.

The list of pros are almost too numerous to list all of in one post without it sounding exaggerated, but here's some of the key aspects that have got me most excited about sharing this. And I do this in the hopes of supporting people out there who are seeking change, ready to expand and desire to live an even more abundant and healthy life!

What my wife and I are building together now is something you can do too.
And here are some of the things we love about it!!!

You get to be your own boss and do it in your own way and on your own terms. In your own time. Check ✅️

It can be done well in just 10-15 hours per week. So most of us can manage it even if we have other work commitments. As long as we put in the work in our spare time. ✅️

It can be done from anywhere in the world!!! With online platforms we can share this globally. It is leveraged by your social media, even if you don't have a prominent profile.✅️

It is done by being in service and attracting people, not selling to them.✅️

It may also be the best health choice you ever make! As the actual products are cutting edge, brilliant and life changing.✅️

But.... you don't even have to mention that part unless you want to, because it's the business model itself and all of the freedom it can give people that is actually being sharing!

There is no limit or cap in income and the unique and patented commission structure gives you between $350 to $5,000+ per sale. So once you've been at it for a while you can live off of 1 sale per month hypothetically. Not a hundred.✅️

All of the training is included to get you started and support you to huge levels of expansion and growth with training from industry experts who are actually heart centered people. This part is priceless as all of these skills can be applied to your other passions as well.✅️

There are no monthly quotas to fill and no deranking ever. So if you decide to take a year off you can still earn money and pick back up where you left off.✅️

You get to promote it by just being your most authentic self and sharing your inspirations and values with others.✅️

The company we partner with has already been around for 50 years and has a 500 year plan ahead of it. It creates incredible, premium health products that greatly help your body and the planet.✅️✅️

This is a company that expanded during 2020. AI is not going to replace you in this job either!✅️

I told you it's a big list of pros!

I am seeing people just like me and you making life changing wealth in this business. And they are building this for themselves and their families and no one can take that from them.

I am so happy to see all of these people doing so well and I am excited to be part of this growing wave of entrepreneurs!

The sky is the limit people! And now is the only time that exists!

Send me a message and I'll share a 30 minute video with you that will explain how this business works and can get you started if this is for you!

It's a journey that is changing lives!

Bless your beautiful hearts!!!
Keep creating and let's make this year the best ever!

I would just like to take a minute to share a bit more about this new path I'm stepping into and why it's got me so exci...

I would just like to take a minute to share a bit more about this new path I'm stepping into and why it's got me so excited for the future!

I'd also like to sincerely thank everyone who's reached out to connect about this for all of the conversations I got to have around so many important topics like personal growth, global health, the importance of community, making a positive impact in the world, as well as new kinds of integral and sustainable business models that truly reciprocate!

This has all got me feeling so inspired and grateful for having found something to dive into that ticks all of these major boxes. Things that are super inspiring for me like:

🌟 Living a life that feels free and expansive!

💡 Being my own boss who gets to choose my own hours, work from anywhere in the world, and doing it from my phone! 🌎

💖 Spending LOTS of time with my family!

💞 Joining a large community of other like-minded people who motivate and inspire me! 🌟

🔑 Aligning with other integral beings who's mission it is to help humanity to thrive!

💎 And most importantly, continuing to grow on my spiritual path and to be able to support others on theirs in a new and exciting way!

I have done my due diligence here and have found a road map that all of us can follow authentically, on our own terms, and by being our truest selves!

And to be honest, it's about time that a new model was created, an alternative to the existing ways of doing things! Humanity is capable of stepping into a new and wonderful paradigm of freedom and abundance. All the potential is there and this is the best model I've seen so far!

That's why I'm saying yes to this! And that's why I'm so inspired to share this with others who are ready for a massive and deeply empowering change in their lives too! To make people aware that there is an alternative way of living available to you!

Feel free to Dm me if you'd like more info!
Or drop "I'm ready" in the comments and I'll show you the tools that can unlock your own time, location, health and wealth freedom in amazing ways!!!

With so much love ✨️🌟♥️🌟✨️


This book!!!
A Happy Pocket full of Money is about so much more than just wealth creation!

It's one of the most on-point spiritual texts I've ever read! And it's helping me take infinitely greater accountability for my thoughts and internal limitations! Which also empowers me to create and manifest my life with much greater confidence!!!

Here's a l8nk to the YouTube audiobook!

I have worn many hats in this life and those who've known me longest have seen over and over again just how many times I...

I have worn many hats in this life and those who've known me longest have seen over and over again just how many times I've radically shifted from one version of myself to another, from one country to another. From graffiti artist to gallery curator, rapper to record label, plant medicine facilitator to healer, from husband to father. Australia, Peru and now Costa Rica! Always striving to find a way to live a life of purpose, creativity and authenticity that seeks to inspire others!

I find myself now at one of those junctures again! About to step into the next chapter of life! I'm deeply grateful for so many amazing things I already have in my life, and for how things continue to shift and realign themselves when I give them the freedom to change for the better. When I have the courage to let go of things that although they seemed aligned once, actually no longer are. Things that actually prevent me from being happy, light and joyful now.

I began dreaming of the old me again. The simple artist, musician, dreamer. Drawing on the depth of my own inquiry and expressing that through creativity in music and art. Which can still deeply impact and benefit people, but without me being on the very front-line of the healing work I was doing in ceremony.

Would I ever reconnect to him? I used to be so positive and hopeful but I wondered how I had lost so much of that optimism.

I believe that the world is limitless, that God, the Universe, Great Spirit is infinitely abundant, and that mastery of our God-Self can literally create any version of reality that we desire when we understand how to speak with it. That there is a dimension of perfection waiting for us to resonate ourselves into! I know we are that powerful! ✨️🌟✨️

So how do we manifest the life of our dreams from where we currently stand. How far from that reality do we find ourselves and how do we step closer to our fullest potential?

I am at a point now where it is time to truly integrate the depths of my personal work and spiritual growth into my everyday human existence. To take all of these higher insights and apply them to life in ways that enrich the world around and bring greater levels of joy, fulfilment, and abundance to myself, my family and others as well.

So in the midst of a big prayer, my incredible wife and besty Carolina and I (always a team!) were guided to connecting with an amazing woman, a mother living here in Costa Rica who has manifested an abundant life for her family by creating conscious wealth online. She has now welcomed us into the most joyful, thriving, inspired, and abundant community of people we've ever known!! All knowing their worth and doing the deep inner work necessary to manifest a life of true freedom for themselves and others.

They have created a unique way of doing this by partnering with a company that produces both environmentally and health conscious products with a reciprosity model that to me is deeply inspiring and revolutionary. And so generous that it consistently sets people up for life who are willing to put in the work to help share it's many benefits with the world. In fact the compensation plan commonly gives people a legacy income of monthly payments for the rest of their lives within 4-5 years of doing it, and can be willed to their children! And most typically work less than a few hours from home each day.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a bit of a journey to stretch myself and allow this possibility to open. I had to dig into this to overcome my own initial and natural scepticisms around different types of marketing that feel scammy or pushy. There are some horror stories out there for sure. But this model is unique and clearly different. Mostly I've had to overcome my own blocks and limitations around wealth and financial freedom and have seen just how small I think and how much I limit myself in my beliefs of whats possible. Which I'm really breaking out of now, and largely because of the confidence this opportunity is giving me.

Most of all, I am excited at the prospect of having the time and resources to focus more of my energy on sharing my gifts with the world.

🎶 New music!!! Yes!!!
✨️ ️Spiritual Audiobooks and Guided Meditations!!!
✨️✨️Even children's stories! Yes!!!
More art!!! Yes!!!
Maybe just a little more furniture too.... 🤣
A big fat yes to creating the freedom to truly live my passions and share my heart in new and uplifting ways while feeling abundant and supported by something aligned and exciting! I'm celebrating!!!! ✨️🥂✨️

Alignment is everything, we know it when we are in it, and we know it when we are not. I'm so excited to share this opportunity with people who are truly ready to light up their lives in a big way. To build a strong 💪 team of people feeling like I did, like something needs to change!

We have the power to make those choices. Whether it’s adding more abundance to what you already have going on or if you are ready for something completely new, I’d be happy for you to reach out. I will share with you what was shared with me and you decide for yourself if it feels aligned.

Send me a DM or drop a "freedom" in the comments if you want to connect!

Sending my heart and prayers out for all of you divine beings out there to live your best lives, to feel free and know how loved you are by the universe!!! ✨🌟💖🙌🌟✨️


Planting so many things in the garden of our dreams!



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