Mama Zion

Mama Zion I help women & mothers reclaim time & financial freedom
🌍 Protect our future
💦 Kangen water

Love at first sight ❤️ Spiderman finally met Spidergirl 🕷️🕸️

Love at first sight ❤️ Spiderman finally met Spidergirl 🕷️🕸️

Sunday Church day 🙏🏼🌊🌀🦋🫶🏼🌎I chose faith over fear.What about you?! Which one will you go for?👇🏼                         ...

Sunday Church day 🙏🏼🌊🌀🦋🫶🏼🌎

I chose faith over fear.

What about you?! Which one will you go for?👇🏼

I didn’t come here not to love & enjoy my life…. What about you?!! 👇🏼You see what this journey I have been on has unveil...

I didn’t come here not to love & enjoy my life…. What about you?!! 👇🏼

You see what this journey I have been on has unveiled is that if you want to be HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL in life then you REALLY need to understand that YOU are the one that makes your life AMAZING.

Nobody is coming to save you, no husband, boyfriend, doctor, coach, trainer, healer or else.

So you’ve got to be prepared to step out of your comfort zone & do exactly what you are scared to do and forget about ALL those that tell you it’s impossible.

✨If I had listened to others and my own doubts, I would have never started my own business at the end of 2022 sharing the best water in the world & helping people heal. I would have been stuck in the same place, afraid to fail worried about others’ opinions.

✨I wouldn’t have begun the healing and mindset work I needed to do in order to grow. I would have never had the courage to leave my job, travel to another country with my son, and start crafting the life we truly deserve.

✨I would have never met all the incredible souls I have met on my journey nor all of the amazing supportive women on my team who every day inspire me, support me & push me to become a better version of myself.

I read somewhere that as you start walking on the path, the path appears.

You’d be surprised how quickly things can change once you decide that you are worth more. You’d be surprised how things always work out in your favour once you start to move in the right direction, the one in alignment with your soul. You’d be surprised how things always fall into place once you start believing, once you stop worrying about what might happen and instead start focusing on what you want to happen.

Imagine where you could you be in six months if you shifted your mindset today, trusted your intuition, took responsibility for your life, & took aligned action to take you where you would like to be.

Until YOU decide, nothing changes. But when you do… everything is possible!

If you want to embark on this journey with me, DM me SHIFT and I’ll help you learn more.💌

You can. You are magical. You are worth it. 🫶🏼

With love xoxo

The sky is the limit ☝🏼💙😎✌🏼I got tired of shrinking myself in order to match other people’s wrong expectations of me.You...

The sky is the limit ☝🏼💙😎✌🏼

I got tired of shrinking myself in order to match other people’s wrong expectations of me.

You see ‘some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen and others make it happen’ Michael Jordan

Nothing will hold you back more than always thinking about what might happen or about what others think but never doing.

Goals don’t get achieved through your mind but by ruthless action in reality.

Stop planning, start doing.

When I left the UK a year ago alone with my son, the only plan I had was to make it happen. I wanted to live under the sun, close to Nature, spend most of our time outdoors & mostly I wanted to provide Zion with a thriving & exciting environment for him to develop at his own pace.

So I took aligned action.

I am not yet exactly where I would like to be but am a few steps closer each day.

All I can tell you is that you are not crazy for wanting a more magical & beautiful life for yourself and your children.

You deserve it. They deserve it.

And it is completely possible.

❌ ‘I can’t afford that’
❌ ‘I can’t do that’
❌ ‘I don’t have the time’

All bullocks. 🤷🏻‍♀️

You have everything it takes to make it happen.

Shift your perspective & take action - That’s what is going to take you there.

There is no magic behind the scenes other than passion for the incredible life changing product that we share; the inspiration and dedication to becoming the best possible & most powerful version of ourselves as well as the committment we hold towards our vision.

I am ready to support you.

The things is are you ready to make a change?! 👇🏼

Jump in my DM’s for a chat on how I can help you put those dreams into reality 💌

xoxo 💋

And my heart is so FULL ❤️Zion had the most amazing birthday ever yet just 3 weeks ago I genuinely had no idea how I was...

And my heart is so FULL ❤️

Zion had the most amazing birthday ever yet just 3 weeks ago I genuinely had no idea how I was going to pull ANY of this together. But instead of worrying, I decided to trust that it was going to be ok. I chose to believe that it was going to be ok.

And somehow thanks to God, to the undivided support of my amazing children & .guy.marcel , to the love of good friends and mostly the absolutely incredible support of the fantastic community we have found here & are so grateful to be a part of, Zion had the BEST day ever & the one he truly deserved.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who wished him a wonderful birthday & to all those who helped make this day a truly memorable day 🙏🏼 ❤️

My gratitude to all & the entire Universe is beyond anything that I can possibly express with words.

May this serve as a reminder that there is never any need to worry… instead trust that it’s going to be ok & it will.

It’s really not your job to worry about the how, your job is to trust that it will happen exactly as you dream of.

Live the life you love 🌀Love the life you live 🦋Happy Friday my loves 💙I just wanted to remind you that the dream was pl...

Live the life you love 🌀Love the life you live 🦋

Happy Friday my loves 💙

I just wanted to remind you that the dream was planted in your heart for a reason.

What if it doesn’t work? What if I fail?!

And what if it turns out to be 10x more amazing than you could have imagined?! ✨

You’ve got to trust & let go.

It’s not your job to worry about how it’s doing to happen.

Your job is believing that it’s already yours.

I didn’t think it was possible until I made it possible.

I’d seen so many women successfully recreate themselves & their entire lives.

Why not me?!

Why not you? 👀

Maybe you don’t know where or how to start!? Maybe It feels overwhelming. I didn’t know either. And that’s why having a mentor, a life coach was such a critical component of my journey.

And now it has become my own mission to guide on this incredible journey of self discovery, transformation & self- realisation.

It’s my turn to create space for you, to share with you the tools & the knowledge that I have used & developed along my journey.

Its my mission to help you step into your most powerful version so you can finally start creating the life that you dream about & deserve.

What’s possible for me is possible for you too. The only thing stopping you is you.

But you are worth it. You deserve it. You are loved.

👉🏻 DM REBIRTH to book a 60 mins 1-1 call with me so we can get you started🫶🏼


Sunday Church day 🌊✨🌀☀️🦋💙They said NO don’t do it. It’s unrealistic. It’s impossible. You can’t design your own life. Yo...

Sunday Church day 🌊✨🌀☀️🦋💙

They said NO don’t do it.

It’s unrealistic. It’s impossible.

You can’t design your own life. You can’t build a life centred around your connection to Nature, your dreams & your child.

You have to fit in that box, you have no choice. Nobody survives outside the box. 📦 it’s just the way it is. They said it on the news!!

So just take that pill & that one too. Drink that poison. Eat that poison. Pass the kids. Work that job till you die, pay those bills, and you need this and also that to be happy, sit still in front of the TV & please just stay quiet & miserable. 😳

Mmmmm…. 🤔

So do you know what?! I didn’t listen. 😎

But just imagine for a split second if I allowed the fear, the doubts and all the what if’s take over. If I had allowed other peoples opinion of who I am and how I chose to live my life direct my own.

Where would I be now?!

I came here with a mission, I wanted to show you that it was possible. Yes you can become the magnificent & powerful woman you were meant to become, the present mother you really want to be for your children, yes you can create a beautiful life!

You are worthy of ALL of it.

Be the change you want to see in the world and then watch how the world around you changes… 🌍

Sister, are you finally ready to rewrite the story?

Jump in my DM’s 👆🏼


Are you living an intentional life? 👇🏼Because everything is a CHOICE. ✨You get to choose how you are going to feel when ...

Are you living an intentional life? 👇🏼

Because everything is a CHOICE. ✨

You get to choose how you are going to feel when you wake up.

You get to choose what you are going to do with your time.

You choose the direction of your thoughts.

You get to choose your words.

You choose where & how you want to invest your money.

You decide where & what to focus your energy on.

And for each of those, ask yourself ‘Does it FEEL good?!’

You set the intention from within.

You are the powerful creator.

Feel, think, speak and act accordingly.

Sending love & light ✨🦋🌀💗


Following a number of DM’s, I thought I would do a little post to say HELLO, YES we are still alive & kicking! 🫶🏼As we s...

Following a number of DM’s, I thought I would do a little post to say HELLO, YES we are still alive & kicking! 🫶🏼

As we slowly entered the corridor between the lunar 🌖 and the solar 🌞 eclipse, it suddenly felt as my whole life was falling apart.

We moved into our home & as everything had been unfolding thus far so perfectly as per my vision, I felt completely swept away by an intense & powerful energy through which I feel my old self dying. Relationships I had been holding on to started falling apart as people’s true colours showed up, old patterns started resurfacing & I came back to the realisation that I simply had to let go of it all as none of it was supporting my path moving forward.

So this feels like a fresh start, a reset - a REBIRTH. I have been tuning in again with my intentions, my vision & clearing out the path for a new beginning.

For those asking:

💧Yes I am still doing Kangen because it is the absolute best water on the planet & it has changed my life in so many miraculous ways. Watch out for those water posts coming up. I am so grateful for this magnificent gift of life & if you are not yet working with me & my team, then I dont know what you are waiting for. Hit me up & let’s start talking about the importance of clean & healthy water in your life and of creating in these times, your own online business.

✨ If you didn’t know already, I started opening up my calendar for 1-1 manifestation calls to help you move forward into your dream life. I have been working with a number of clients online as well as face to face here in Portugal. Keep an eye an out in my stories as I will soon be sharing my current offers as well as some of the beautiful testimonials from my clients.

I have been taking the time that I needed & will keep moving at the pace that feels right for me whilst I birth this new version of myself.

I am here, more powerful than ever, ready to serve you & help you create the life that you have always been dreaming about by stepping into your most authentic & aligned version. If you have been curious & wanting to work with me & as we shift into this new momentum, this is a good time to jump into my inbox. 👆🏼💌

Love 🌀🦋

Those who said it could not be done, should not interrupt those of us who are doing it.Because the only thing that will ...

Those who said it could not be done, should not interrupt those of us who are doing it.

Because the only thing that will ever stop you from achieving your dreams is continuing to believe you are not worthy of them or that it only happens to other people.

That dream was planted in your heart for a reason & the universe has every intention for you to fulfil it.

If you don’t quite know where to start then I’d love to support you on this incredible journey & share with you what took me from being sat at home feeling miserable in a job I hated to creating the life I’d always been dreaming about, a life of freedom

Jump in my DM’s and I’ll share with you the exact way that will get you where you would like to be 👆🏼

🚨ALERT🚨‼️This is 3 days worth of collecting plastic trash & fishing waste on our local beach (around 300 kgs) with our f...

🚨ALERT🚨‼️This is 3 days worth of collecting plastic trash & fishing waste on our local beach (around 300 kgs) with our friend Jorge‼️just for a few hours each afternoon…

Jorge has been collecting plastic trash on beaches around the world for 30 years! We have had the privilege to join him these last 3 days, witnessing in person his selfless dedication & lifelong action towards helping Mama Earth. 🌍

I’d like you to take a moment to celebrate his absolutely incredible achievement & Zion for taking part ✌🏼

Swipe to see some of the things we found ➡️ (including a dead fish which Zion decided to bury) Check my stories to see him in action 👆🏼

We hope this inspires you to do your bit! 🫶🏼

Make sure to like this post to show your support! 💚💙🌊🦋🌊🪼🐟

Thank you! 🙏🏼

The Big Book of Blue 🌀💚🦋🌀🐬🌊And as we live by the Ocean… this book is one of our favourite companion 🌊Thank you          ...

The Big Book of Blue 🌀💚🦋🌀🐬🌊

And as we live by the Ocean… this book is one of our favourite companion 🌊

Thank you

Friday mantra 🫶🏼

Friday mantra 🫶🏼

Read that again ☝🏼It took me a lifetime to understand this. Let me save you some time. ⬇️It’s NEVER rejection. It’s ALWA...

Read that again ☝🏼

It took me a lifetime to understand this.

Let me save you some time. ⬇️

It’s NEVER rejection. It’s ALWAYS redirection.

Let me know if this resonates with you! ✨


“Do sharks complain about Mondays? No. They’re up early, biting stuff, chasing stuff, being scary!’Remind yourself you’r...

“Do sharks complain about Mondays?
They’re up early, biting stuff, chasing stuff, being scary!’

Remind yourself you’re a fu***ng shark! 🦈

Go for it! ✌🏼

Our beautiful village 💙Famous for its swordfish but also according to Zion for it’s ice cream. 😬🐟🍦➡️                    ...

Our beautiful village 💙

Famous for its swordfish but also according to Zion for it’s ice cream. 😬🐟🍦➡️

Sunday Church day ☀️🌊💙Swipe to see us smile 😬👉🏻                               🇵🇹

Sunday Church day ☀️🌊💙

Swipe to see us smile 😬👉🏻


C a r n i v a l 🎭

C a r n i v a l 🎭

Do it for your children because they deserve a mother who reaches for the stars…⭐️I still can’t believe that some people...

Do it for your children because they deserve a mother who reaches for the stars…⭐️

I still can’t believe that some people might still think that a young child would be better in between 4 walls sat at a desk rather than free to run around safely in Nature & explore the beauty of the world around with its own eyes, at its own pace… and to find within himself the passion & the curiosity to learn more, to connect more & to live more. 🫶🏼

But then I suppose there are also still people who think that v&6%4€s work, that tap water 💧is safe to drink, or that cows 🐄 are bad for you & that the planet 🌎 or that the system is rigged in your favour…


As a mum, it’s no longer my job to satisfy society or people’s expectations of me. In fact, it was never my job.

My job is to create the best possible life for my children and to lay the foundations for a fairer, healthier & more abundant future for them.

The world isn’t change by your opinion. It’s changed by your example.

Drop a 🫶🏼 if you’re in ⬇️

Just over a year ago, I was probably at one of my lowest point ever. I really thought my life was broken. I remember sit...

Just over a year ago, I was probably at one of my lowest point ever. I really thought my life was broken.

I remember sitting down in the kitchen terrifies thinking this is it. THIS IS IT. I was saying to myself “ Girl, if you don’t change something now, you will be in exactly the same place in 10 years - just 10 years older. I was reflecting on what kind of mum I wanted to be for my son growing up & the example I wanted to set for him. And I had absolutely no idea from which end to tackle it.

And at 45, it felt like it was about time to start taking things more seriously & to start working on my own dreams before time actually ran out.

But not more seriously in the way that most people do such as getting a mortgage, working longer hours for an organisation they don’t align with in order to secure their job for the long term or settling down for things that they don’t like or agree with at all.

I mean more seriously as in walking away from an environment in which I wasn’t thriving, tackling my bad habits & implementing new ones. I mean living in authenticity with who I really was & no longer in accordance with what others or society wanted me to be but instead to find my very own purpose. I took myself & my dreams more seriously. I said this is who I want to be so let me step into that person.

Oh boy little did I know that it wasn’t that easy actually. Growth, change is often painful.

I bought us tickets to Portugal for a completely random date with no real plan at all. I handed the keys of my lovely home, got rid of most of my life belongings. Walked away from my relationship & quit a job that made no sense for an organisation that made even less.

I am still not from where I want to be but I am certainly a lot closer to my dreams than I was 12 months ago. I went off to explore parts of myself & the world that I didn’t even know existed & I am going back for more. It was sure scary to jump at first.

I am here to remind you that if you are feeling stuck or unhappy about your life right now, it’s a signal. Stop waiting for January 1st to set out intentions you won’t follow through till the end of the year. Nothing changes if nothing changes. You actually need to make the decision to change & then commit to yourself. It’s never too late or too crazy to start something completely new or different.

I am by no means suggesting that everyone should leave their marriage, country or job! But you are allowed to change, to grow & decide who you really want to be. Start believing that you can make anything you want happen, even when no-one else does.

If you are looking for the place to start, drop DREAMS into my inbox 🫶🏼✨


Stop worrying about how it’s going to happen instead start trusting that it will 🫶🏼


I think the real flex in life is how many people’s lives you can positively impact ✌🏼

Who else agrees? ⬇️


Wednesday reminder ✌🏼

In order to live a happy & fulfilling life you need to avoid di*****ds.
Not carbohydrates


Life hack:
Use the week end to create the life you want instead of trying to escape the life you have 🫶🏼


Don’t spend another year doing the same sh*t.


Every minute you try and prove yourself to other people is a minute that could be spent appreciating the person you’ve already worked so hard to become.
Choose yourself 🫶🏼



Have you noticed that we often do not want to change?! We want to remain the same. 👀Because it’s quite a nasty, disturbi...

Have you noticed that we often do not want to change?! We want to remain the same. 👀

Because it’s quite a nasty, disturbing thing, change isn’t it?

Friends & family may be equally hesitant for us to change. They are worried we will not be the same.

And that’s ok.

None of this means we should resist change.

Or, that we should have it all figured out.

We must overcome the temptation to have all the answers.

I love this quote by Rumi ‘As you start walking on the way, the way appears’

Because the world is out there. Waiting for you to unfold your magic so it can take you on the most beautiful journey.

I am glad that I didn’t just sit and wait for the ‘right time’ because I believe that once your intention becomes clear, so does your path.

Trust God & the process over your intrusive thoughts and your fears (and the ones of others…)

Who’s excited?😂👀🎅🏽🎄

Who’s excited?😂👀🎅🏽🎄

Zion just wants to know where is the party?!🎄✨ For anyone that knows me, I am becoming closer to the Grinch year on year...

Zion just wants to know where is the party?!🎄✨

For anyone that knows me, I am becoming closer to the Grinch year on year & just like him, it’s not that I dislike Xmas. But it’s the people. The forced social commitments & interactions. In fact, I really do love the few days around Xmas, getting all together with my kids, as a family & spending time with each other.

However I really hate the madness around Xmas here in the UK & so many other places & the fact that all it seems to have become is a race to mindless & excessive consumption! Just another temporary distraction from ourselves & the rest of the world… once again by design.

Zion is well aware that there is no old white man with a beard going in the sky delivering toys to privileged children around the world whilst others die under bombs 🌎

But he is excited to be spending time with those he loves after several months abroad.

And I just wanted to remind you that this is what this time of the year should be about. To spend time with those you love, to move more slowly & peacefully & to self reflect.

It is still the middle of winter! Why on earth is everybody getting so excited??! Calm down! Nature continues to rest and so should you! Do not go and sit in places where you are not loved, valued and cared for. Or run around like a headless chicken just to please everyone. Just because it’s Xmas. Or at any other given time.

For many years, I felt obliged to please everybody & show up in places that I didn’t really want to be in just because apparently it was the right thing to do. And between the various family, work and social commitments I was always left with an empty feeling.

This year I am doing things differently. I am only showing up where I feel loved, at ease & at peace. I am only doing things that will make me and my son feel happy.

And instead of overcommitting myself at every levels, I will use this time as winter intended time - to rest & reflect.

Let me know if any of this resonates!❤️



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