You’ve tried everything and all the approach’s, but things still just don’t convert?
I 100% get it! Because this has been me the last 12 months 🫠
But I’ve realised something, that I believe is the KEY to breaking this cycle…
It’s one thing to follow the strategy but the real challenge is being yourself!
Just because something worked for someone else, doesn’t mean that it will work the same way for you. This doesn’t mean it won’t ever work, it just means you have to find the right way yourself.
The past 12 months I’ve learnt so much about myself and I am so grateful that I followed my instincts.
Trust yourself and lean into your inner knowing, you already hold the key to your success ❤️ #onlinebusiness #stayathomemom #sahmlife #workingmum
You don’t want it enough ⬇️
I was recently admiring my mother’s determination lately for striving to eat cleaner and lose some weight. She is so dam COMMITTED…unweaving!
It got me thinking… 🤔
You’ve honestly got to want something so badly that you’re willing to do the hard work and play the long game, if you wanna succeed.
I’d love to tone up and shred some weight too, but I don’t want it enough…I love food too much 🤣
On the other hand ⬇️
With every ounce of my body, I know that I want to create a legacy for my family. To break free of generational scarcity and create a new life filled with abundance.
I’m willing to do the hard work, long hours and play for those long term goals. Success is inevitable if you never give up 👊🏻
What do you want so badly in life and what are you willing to do to get it? 💁🏻♀️
Refining my aim & Recalibrating…
Let’s get transparent for a moment…as I approach my one year anniversary in my business with Enagic, I’m still yet to welcome my first soul teammate ❤️
I’ve had hundreds of conversations and had many incredible people eager, it hasn’t been the right time for them or they become challenged with hurdles.
I know that my soul aligned team are worth the wait and success in this business is worth the wait too.
I joined when I was pregnant with my second son and at only 24 years old. To think of where I will be in 10 years over fills me with so much joy.
I’m glad I’ve found Enagic because not only has changing our water, changed our lives. The amount of personal growth has been honestly priceless 🥹
It’s one thing to filter your water but your water still requires ionisation to have the benefits of therapeutic water and to be hydrated on a cellular level. Reach out for more information guys ❤️
No BS Intro To Building Abundance Online-LIVE Tonight at 7pm AEST. Comment below or message for the link, REPLAY available for online 72 hours ✨ INCREDIBLE GIVEAWAYS ALSO AVAILABLE!!!
Not goodbye, just a see you later 🥹
Was such an emotional afternoon seeing my baby sister off on her new adventure!
A lot can happen in 5 months and we will miss having you home 😢
But we all know that you’re going to have an incredible time ❤️
6 HOURS LEFT!! Comment below for the Breakthrough Is Coming Masterclass ✨
Thank you for your on going support and love everyone 🥰
How did I miss it! 🤔
The answer to my problem was inside me all along, how many of you have had this before?
Where you search for the answers in life, yet you held the key to your problem all along 🤦🏻♀️
I’ve been working through the motions of establishing a new business online as many of you will know that have been following my journey.
And starting new businesses is much like having a baby or studying something new, where you have no idea or some kind of knowledge of what you’re doing.
But you have to learn everything along the way, you make mistakes and learn from them. Before you’re up crawling and running more smoothly.
Yet along this journey I’ve missed one key component that I wish I had accepted soon…
Mindset ✨
I had been avoiding it like a plaque 🙈 my ego was in the dam way and I didn’t see it as a priority.
But what I’ve realised is that when your business is an extension of you, you have to be sure that you are looking after yourself first in order for that extension of you to thrive and grow.
Since putting myself first and working on my mindset, my belief, breaking down blocks of self doubt and worth. Reconnecting and strengthening my spiritual relationship with God. The MAGIC has been unfolding in life! ✨
I kick myself for not listening and prioritising this work sooner. As it has held me back in a lot of ways in the past 8 months. I am so thankful that I have surrendered to myself and leant in to Gods plans.
Are you filling your birth pool with tap water 🫣
Are you bathing your baby and kids in town water?
Our skin absorbs water and our lungs also absorb the nasty toxins through the steam.
So whats in the water...
Well Australia has one of the highest levels of chlorine in it’s water globally. In parts of Australia underwater sources (bore water), contain high levels of arsenic and other contaminants. We also have aging infrastructure so our pipes are rusting and exposing us to levels of lead and other heavy metals in our drinking water and shower water.
In rural Australia, agricultural run-off can contribute to high levels of pesticides and other chemicals. And if you have hard water it can contribute to dryness and irritation of the skin and hair too. Not to mention in the warmer parts of Australia, our rain water tanks can be exposed to bacteria in the water, increasing the risk of exposure to harmful pathogens.
Are you health conscious and always open to improving your health, then reach out! I’d love to share with you more information on Enagic world leading products and therapeutic water 🙌🏼 #homebirth #waterbirth #healthconscious #filterwater #birth #homebirthingmama #homebirthing #motherhood
TIME…it’s our biggest assets in life!
Why because you can’t buy time back, once it’s gone it’s gone. Now we all don’t know how long we have and I think there are times that we sweep a lot of things under the carpet because we just don’t have time right? 💁🏻♀️
What if I told you that you could work off of statistics the approximate amount of time left…
Keeping in mind these are just statistics and things are VERY individualised, let alone these numbers are easily influenced by our environment, nutrient etc etc.
The average men lives to 79 and the average woman lives to 81. Thats pretty decent and generous in my opinion with the health crisis.
NOW time to do some maths guys 👇🏼
81 minus your current age = ✨
X by 365 =
X by 0.68 =
= total number of awake days left.
I took a step further and divided by 7 which gave me the amount of Sundays left with my family (has some days we only get one day a week together)
**MEN SAME EQUATION JUST REPLACE with 79 as starting number minus current age from there.
Let me know what you get and if it puts things into perspective for you ✨✨
Back to school tomorrow and ANOTHER day at work for many 😮💨
The late seven o’clock news recently shared a report that…
The retirement age has EXTENDED for the first time since the 70s! 🫢 with the average woman retiring around 65-67yrs old and men 68-70yrs old.
Is anyone else a little concerned about that or do you all love working that much 🙊😅
I know that I don’t enjoy working my butt off to just pay the bills and not live life, let alone do it on repeat until I’m 65+ years old 🤦🏻♀️
Tell me what your thoughts are? 👇🏼 #sahm #motherhood #mumlife #realityofmotherhood #mumhacks #onlinebusiness #sidehustleformums #sidehustle #sidehustleforbeginners #workingmum #workingmumlife #workingmumhacks
Maybe it’s not for you… 🙊
Maybe your spending too much time investing into this… 🙈
I’ve been sitting with this one and have come to the conclusion that…
But I know deep down that this is my path to creating the life I dream of and desire. And I know that others will feel and see that too.
Is it going to take time?
No business jumps straight into running, instead it’s like a baby. It takes time to learn how to crawl, walk and run.
And though I might invest a few hours a days to it…I’m not spending 30-40 hours a week towards building someone else vision.
You’ve got to BELIEVE first before you begin to see anything!
Just like planting a seed you must be patient before you can begin the harvest ❤️
I’ve seen some beautiful posts today of joyful moments, whilst I’ve also seen some sad moments where people are in such hardship that they just wanna give up 🥺
It breaks my heart!
This year… Josh has worked for Easter. So we have had quite the low key Easter ourselves.
And in all honesty it would have been nice if josh wasn’t working…but it’s just a season.
How did you spend your Easter 🥰
A lot can happen in a week!
In just a week Jesus endured crucifixion, and ROSE AGAIN on the 7th day 🤍🌿
I thought that this perspective in life & business is important to keep in mind.
We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow, but within a week I could and CAN! Hit my first leadership position 4A 🤭😍🙌🏼
In just 5-7 sales…
Earning me $10K to $13K…
That’s an EPIC week 😍
It would take me up to 7 weeks to make this kind of income as a midwife.
Imagine in a weeks time your taken the first step to changing your life and started your own business 💁🏻♀️
DM ‘info’ for more 😏
6A is so much more than a rank! 👇🏼
More than money or anything else…to me it’s abundance, freedom and flexibility.
It’s being able to share the abundance of wealth with my family and to have the time flexibility and freedom; to drop everything and be present with my loved ones.
Many of you may or may not be aware, both my nin and my mother in law have terminal cancer.
Hitting 6A will allow me to support and give back to my family. It’s going to allow me to take away the financial stress and create opportunities for both my Nin and mother in law to do bucket list experiences.
To say I’m hustling for this goal is an understatement!
Fear of failing has been something I’ve had to work through!
And you know what in honesty even if things don’t pan out, I’ve still gained so much.
I’ve learnt so much from incredible leaders and been blessed to be mentored by some of these leaders. I’ve gained a sisterhood, another family around the world 🥰 and the cherry on top…a life changing water ioniser that has low tox our home, and given us the best freaking water for our family and bodies 🙌🏼
So it’s a win win!! No losing here 😅
And along the way why wouldn’t you work towards becoming the next 1% top earning women 💁🏻♀️
Because you’re waiting for someone to come save you!
Your hoping things will change,
Your hoping a change in government will help,
Your waiting for it to ride out,
But as hard as it is to swallow that pill!
This is going to be hard to hear but things are not going to improve. The inflation isn’t getting better.
Majority of wages have not changed in the last 5 years and with all this inflation, you’ve practically had a 60% pay CUT! 🤯
Are you prepared if things triple?
Things have already doubled but can you afford to live if it tripled in the next 12-18months?
You’re doing yourself a disservice by staying complacent and settling for this simple life we’ve been taught.
No body started their online business because they had money. No they started because they needed it.
Message me ‘info’ ❤️ and I’ll show you how to make an additional income on the side.
Embracing the Rain 🌧️ Are you tried of the drought of living pay to pay? You want more abundance and more dancing in the rain moments. Check out today’s live session with @sarah.holroydhill ❤️ Be sure to comment #replay below.
Warning Explicit Words Used To Pump Every Mumma Up In The Morning ⚠️😅🙌🏼 Priceless! Save & Share with your mumma friends. #motherhood #therealityofmotherhood #realityofbeingamum #toddlers #bossbabe #onlinebusiness