🎙️Ep: The Blackest of Christmases
🎬 Clip: ‘Christmas with the Weinsteins’
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This Christmas season, Adrian and Dion return to the Winter Wonderland of Christmas trauma with the Black Christmas remakes: Black Christmas (2006) and Black Christmas (2019). Bob Clark’s 1974 film is a horror classic, so what could go wrong when these films remake it? Grab your eggnog, and get ready for plenty of Christmas decorations and confusing choices (cannibalism? message movie?). Adrian and Dion won’t be dreaming of a "Black Christmas," but, oh, the nightmares.
📽️ Black Christmas → Glen Morgan, 2006.
📽️ Black Christmas → Sophia Takal, 2019.
You can listen to today's episode of Cult Film School on our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts >>> find these links in our bio @cultfilmschool
Spotify > https://open.spotify.com/show/1c9XoWNzbOmH9JgErDazWH
Apple Podcasts > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cult-film-school/id1697351574
Website > https://cultfilmschool.libsyn.com/
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🎙️Ep: Musical Aliens
🎬 Clip: ‘A Season is Called Semester’
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In this episode of Cult Film School, Adrian and Dion circle back to the 1980s with alien invasions that burst into song: Musical Aliens! They look to the “everything-and-the-kitchen-sink” genre parody Voyage of the Rock Aliens (1984) and the bubblegum brightness of the SoCal musical alien sex comedy Earth Girls Are Easy (1988). They’ll discuss the excesses and oddities in both films, the music, the aliens, and some questionable choices, and the joys these musicals bring. Will Adrian and Dion survive these alien visitors? Maybe, but only if they could carry a tune.
📽️ Voyage of the Rock Aliens → James Fargo, 1984.
📽️ Earth Girls Are Easy → Julien Temple, 1988.
You can listen to today's episode of Cult Film School on our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts >>> find these links in our bio @cultfilmschool
Spotify > https://open.spotify.com/show/1c9XoWNzbOmH9JgErDazWH
Apple Podcasts > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cult-film-school/id1697351574
Website > https://cultfilmschool.libsyn.com/
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#musicalaliens 👽🛸
🎙️Ep: Bates, Norman Bates
🎬 Clip: ‘Bates Motels’
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In this episode of Cult Film School, Adrian and Dion overstay their welcome in Fairvale to soak in the ambience of the three Psycho sequels: Richard Franklin’s Psycho II (1983), Anthony Perkin’s Psycho III (1986), & Mick Garris’s Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990). They discuss the different attempts at returning to the 1960 film, and the different ways the sequels remake and reimagine it. They also consider the many incarnations of Norman Bates while attempting to answer the question, ‘How many film references can one sequel have?’ Spoiler: Probably enough to fill a bathtub.
📽️ Psycho II → Richard Franklin, 1983.
📽️ Psycho III → Anthony Perkins, 1986.
📽️ Psycho IV: The Beginning → Mick Garris, 1990.
You can listen to today's episode of Cult Film School on our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts >>> find these links in our bio @cultfilmschool
Spotify > https://open.spotify.com/show/1c9XoWNzbOmH9JgErDazWH
Apple Podcasts > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cult-film-school/id1697351574
Website > https://cultfilmschool.libsyn.com/
#cultfilmschool #cultfilmschoolpodcast #cultfilmpodcast #podcast #film #movie #filmschool #cultfilms #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #cultmoviepodcast #cinema #alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #psycho1960 #psycho1960film #psycho2 #psycho3 #psycho4 #psycho4thebeginning #anthonyperkins #richardfranklin #mickgarris #megtilly #oliviahussey #henrythomas #horror #horrormovies #slashermovies #psychomovie
🎙️Ep: Robin Wood and The American Nightmare
🎬 Clip: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’
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In this episode of Cult Film School, hosts Adrian and Dion reminisce on their relationships with film critic Robin Wood, and talk about his work on the horror film, culminating in the influential The American Nightmare film program (and book) in 1979. On its 45th anniversary, they discuss Robin Wood's contributions to the critical study of horror through two films he championed: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960) and Wes Craven's The Last House on the Left (1972). They discuss personal memories as well as themes and reactions to the films, and the critical perspectives Robin Wood brought to bear on the horror film genre.
📽️ Psycho → Alfred Hitchcock, 1960.
📽️ The Last House on the Left → Wes Craven, 1972.
You can listen to today's episode of Cult Film School on our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts >>> find these links in our bio @cultfilmschool
Spotify > https://open.spotify.com/show/1c9XoWNzbOmH9JgErDazWH
Apple Podcasts > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cult-film-school/id1697351574
Website > https://cultfilmschool.libsyn.com/
#cultfilmschool #cultfilmschoolpodcast #cultfilmpodcast #podcast #film #movie #filmschool #cultfilms #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #cultmoviepodcast #cinema #robinwood #filmcritic #filmcritics #filmcriticism #alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #psycho1960 #psycho1960film #thelasthouseontheleft #lasthouseontheleft1972 #wescraven #seancunningham #davidhess #horrormovies #slashermovie #slashermovies #slasherfilms #halloweenmovies🎃
🎙️Ep: David Gordon Green Kills Halloween
🎬 Clip: ‘13 Halloween Movies’
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In this episode of Cult Film School, hosts Adrian and Dion dissect David Gordon Green's Halloween trilogy. They discuss the successes and shortcomings of Halloween (2018), Halloween Kills (2021) and Halloween Ends (2022). The conversation spans the trilogy's themes, character arcs, and narrative choices, while also comparing the recent films to previous entries in the iconic Halloween franchise.
📽️ Halloween → David Gordon Green, 2018.
📽️ Halloween Kills → David Gordon Green, 2021.
📽️ Halloween Ends → David Gordon Green, 2022.
You can listen to today's episode of Cult Film School on our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts >>> find these links in our bio @cultfilmschool
Spotify > https://open.spotify.com/show/1c9XoWNzbOmH9JgErDazWH
Apple Podcasts > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cult-film-school/id1697351574
Website > https://cultfilmschool.libsyn.com/
#cultfilmschool #cultfilmschoolpodcast #cultfilmpodcast #podcast #film #movie #filmschool #cultfilms #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #cultmoviepodcast #cinema #therockyhorrorpictureshow #halloween #halloweenmovie2018 #halloweenkills #halloweenkills2021 #halloweenends #halloweenends2022 #halloweentrilogy #davidgordongreen #dannymcbride #johncarpenter #johncarpentershalloween #jamieleecurtis #jamieleecurtishalloween #michaelmyers #lauriestrode #halloweenmovies🎃
🎙️Ep: The Rocky Horror Treatment
🎬 Clip: ‘The Sequel That Could Have Been’
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In this episode of Cult Film School, hosts Adrian and Dion take listeners "on a strange journey" through two unique films: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) and its lesser-known follow-up, Shock Treatment (1981). They dive deep into the cultural impact, themes, and the differences between the original cult classic and its sequel that never quite captured the same magic.
📽️ The Rocky Horror Picture Show → Jim Sharman, 1975.
📽️ Shock Treatment → Jim Sharman, 1981.
You can listen to today's episode of Cult Film School on our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts >>> find these links in our bio @cultfilmschool
Spotify > https://open.spotify.com/show/1c9XoWNzbOmH9JgErDazWH
Apple Podcasts > https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cult-film-school/id1697351574
Website > https://cultfilmschool.libsyn.com/
#cultfilmschool #cultfilmschoolpodcast #cultfilmpodcast #podcast #film #movie #filmschool #cultfilms #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #cultmoviepodcast #cinema #therockyhorrorpictureshow #therockyhorrorshow #shocktreatment #shocktreatmentmovie #shocktreatment1981 #timycurry #timcurryforever #richardobrien #richardobriensrockyhorrorshow #susansarandon #littlenell #barrybostwick #meatloaf #jessicaharper #cliffdeyoung #patriciaquinn #jimsharman #halloweenmovies🎃